Tag Archives: content writing ideas

How to constantly get new content writing ideas?

Constantly get new content writing ideas

Constantly get new content writing ideas

Are you constantly running out of content writing and blogging ideas? Then we are on the same boat.

I write for my own blog. I also write for many clients. Most of the clients send me topics but there are some who insist that I provide topics to them.

Therefore, I don’t just need to come up with new content writing ideas for my own blog, but also for blogs and websites of my clients. How do I do that?

Some of the ideation happens on autopilot and some happens with lots of research, reading and constant looking around.

Why is there a problem in getting new content writing ideas?

To maintain your visibility, you need to publish regularly. How regular you are depends on your content marketing strategy. I try to publish every day for my blog although I must confess, I’m not as regular as I should have been. I’m trying to be now.

Most of the clients cannot afford to publish every day. So, they publish either once a week or twice a week. No matter what your frequency is, you eventually run out of content writing ideas. In the beginning it’s quite exciting because you are bubbling with ideas but as you write regularly (provided you are consistent) you run out of things to say.

It is like a conversation between two individuals. There are only finite things you can talk about and eventually, you run not of topics. The same happens when you are writing content for your website. After a while, you run out of topics.

Then how come there are so many blogs that have been publishing awesome content for years? And they publish almost daily.

Listed below are a few ways you can have an ongoing stream of content writing ideas for your website and blog

Subscribe to the feeds of different blogs

You can use a tool like Feedly to subscribe to the feeds of your favorite 20-50 blogs. These blogs, preferably big names in your niche, publish almost every day. Even if not every day, 10-15 blogs out of these will have new content. Don’t copy their ideas but you can use their content for inspiration.

Another good thing about established blogs is that they publish lots of useful information that you can use (after citing them) for your own content writing efforts.

So, in the morning whenever you need new content writing ideas, just go through your Feedly feeds and start writing.

Maintain a journal of content writing ideas

This can be a notebook. You can use OneNote. You can use Google Keep. You can also use an Excel sheet. Whenever you come up with a new blogging idea you jot it down at a safe place that you can easily find. I prefer to keep all my content writing and blogging ideas using OneNote because I find it easiest to maintain intricate hierarchies of information.

Some people also use Pinterest to simply pin blog posts from other sources so that they can visit their dashboards whenever they cannot come up with some great content writing or blogging ideas.

Keep an eye on social media feeds

Do you like to spend time on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn? There also you can follow your favorite publications. These publications post links on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn whenever they publish new content. You will be instantly notified.

You also find a wealth of information on social networking platforms that can stimulate completely unique content writing and blogging ideas.

Accept guest blog posts

Even if sometimes you cannot come up with great content writing and blogging ideas some guest bloggers can. Guest bloggers won’t approach you unless you have crossed a threshold – your page rank has improved or your search engine rankings are better and they can easily find your content and get impressed.

But once you reach a stage where people begin to approach you for guest blogging opportunities, don’t refuse them. There comes a time when so many people will approach you for guest blog posts that you won’t have to constantly think of content writing and blogging ideas for yourself. Make sure you maintain quality standards.

Get content writing ideas from your own blog

Again, you must have published for a few months. When writing a blog post or a web page you often divide your various ideas into headings and subheadings. Sometimes these headings and subheadings can be expanded into complete blog posts.

For example, I wrote a blog post on What is search intent and in this blog post, there is a subheading called Informational search intent. There are other subheadings such as navigational search intent, commercial search intent, or transactional search intent. Don’t you think individual blog posts can be written on these search intents? Surely they can be.

You can also re-purpose your existing content by curating themed blog posts and web pages. For example, I can curate all my copywriting blog posts into a single blog post.

Write a series of blog posts on a single topic

A hit movie often has a sequel. A TV series that does well has seasons. Similarly, if there is a blog post that generates lots of traffic, you can write a sequel or a prequel. A sequel means, ever since you have written that blog post, you must have learnt something new that you can add. Or you can present a completely different take on the same topic to intrigue your readers.

This you can do with even those blog posts that didn’t do well but you feel that they have the potential to generate lots of traffic for you. Without duplicating content, write their variations. Rewrite them from a different perspective. You can contradict yourself in a certain blog post by writing completely opposite of what you said previously, but in such a convincing manner that people don’t doubt your judgement.

Link to other blog posts and articles

Although most of your content must be original, ideally, should come from you, you can also link to other blog posts and articles to keep your content writing and blogging idea engine smoothly functioning.

Suppose, you come across a blog post you really like. Although right now you cannot come up with a similar, complete blog post by yourself, you have some pointers to share with your readers regarding the contents of the blog post. You can quickly write a couple of paragraphs and then you can link to the original blog post. This way you can write lots of content for your website.

But ultimately, if you write most of your web pages and blog posts like this, Google may think that you are publishing thin content. So do that with discretion. I do it occasionally.

Continuously coming with great content writing and blogging ideas can be a challenge but if you really get involved in writing and publishing content, you will be surprised to know that most of the ideas begin to come to you on your own. Something or the other keeps happening, and you keep stumbling upon great writing ideas.

How to come up with great content writing ideas every day

How to get great content writing ideas every day

How to get great content writing ideas every day

Content writing is an everyday activity.

No matter what is your content publishing schedule, if you continuously want to engage visitors on your website or blog and you also want to improve and maintain your search engine rankings, regular content writing and content publishing are some activities that you cannot avoid or brushed under the carpet.

The biggest problem faced by people who want to use quality content to improve their presence on the web is a lack of great content writing ideas.

What to write?

To understand this, you first must understand why quality content matters.

What do you want to publish content?

Of course, instinctively, you’re going to say, to improve your SEO.

This is understandable, and easy to relate to, but if you simply focus on SEO, or even simply on your business, you are not going to get anywhere.

You want to publish content to help people.

You want to write content because you want to offer something valuable, something people are looking for, and can use to solve problems and enrich themselves.

Even if you don’t want to make this world a better place through your writing, trying to help people is a self-serving activity, especially on the Internet.

The thing is, both your SEO and conversion rate depend on how people react to your content.

Both your SEO and conversion rate depend on how people interact with your content, how much time they spend going through it, how they share it, and how they engage with it.

Hence, if your content is not appealing, nobody is going to care.

You may say, who cares, as long as my SEO improves?

Well, Google cares.

If people don’t find your content valuable, Google is spending millions of dollars in research precisely to find whether people find your content valuable or not and if not, how to make sure that less people are able to find your content on the search engine.

They are a search company.

The most important thing Google wants to achieve is, find the information for its users that is valuable and useful.

So, yes, write and publish lousy content and bid goodbye to your hopes of improving your SEO.

Here is another interesting bit of information I found while researching for this blog post: the amount of data produced in the year 2017 was more than the data produced by the whole of humanity in the past 5000 years.

According to this Neil Patel blog post, only Huffington Post, in 2013, was publishing 16,000-2000 articles per day.

Just imagine how much content it must be posting now.

You can very well imagine how much data Google is processing on daily basis.

Amidst this deluge, you need to make your own presence felt.

I’m not telling you this to scare. Despite this humongous amount of data, businesses that publish quality content on an ongoing basis do manage to create a presence for themselves and increase their visibility on search engines.

Why getting good content writing ideas on regular basis is important?

Publish content regularly

Publish content regularly

Do you know Google has a “Query Deserves Freshness” algorithm?

According to this algorithm, publishing fresh content can improve your search engine rankings.

When a user conducts a query, when finding information based on the query, aside from quality and relevance, the Google algorithm also considers the freshness of your content.

This doesn’t mean freshness takes precedence over quality and relevance, it’s just that, if there are two blog posts of similar quality, the fresh blog post will be ranked higher than the older blog post.

As mentioned above, every time you publish something, you need to make sure that it is valuable.

Hence, you constantly need to come up with great content writing ideas that people will find useful.

Actually, when I say “regular basis” I don’t exactly mean every day.

Even if you don’t publish every day, this is fine.

But at least publish 10-15 times in a month.

How frequently you should publish depends on your competition.

It also depends on the status of your current rankings.

My advice to my clients is, in the beginning when your search engine presence is meager, publish as frequently as you can.

There are multiple reasons for that:

  • You cover all possible topics in your realm.
  • You write and publish authoritative content, increasing your authority in the process.
  • You send signals to Google that you have got quality content that can be crawled, indexed and ranked.
  • The greater is the frequency, the more Google bot visits your website or blog and consequently, your newer content will be crawled, indexed and ranked faster.

Once you have improved your search visibility, maybe you can focus on fewer, high-quality blog posts and articles.

But until that happens, you need to have some great content writing ideas.

Here is what you can do…

Use Google Alerts to monitor new content being published in your field

Google Alerts is a great tool.

Google is constantly crawling every possible piece of content and adding it to its database.

No tool can inform you of the latest content in your field faster than Google.

You can set Google Alerts to send you an email the moment someone publishes a blog post or an article or a web page on a topic concerning your business.

Google will send your way news alerts, blog post alerts, user forum updates alerts and sometimes even social media alerts.

Use Twitter hashtags to monitor conversations

Twitter hashtags are a great way of monitoring subject-specific conversations.

Suppose I want to know what people are talking about in the field of content marketing.

I can monitor the hashtag #contentmarketing.

Even if you’re not crazy about hashtags, you can simply search on Twitter about your field and the website will throw up lots of useful conversations.

Join LinkedIn Groups

The professional networking platform has many niche groups where professionals and experts are constantly exchanging useful information and insights with each other.

People ask questions and either moderators or other group members provide answers.

You can get many content writing ideas simply by going through the questions.

Use Quora to find useful topics

Quora is another great place where you will find great content writing ideas in the form of questions and answers.

In fact, Google prefers content in the form of questions and answers because most of the search engine users post questions.

Monitor content syndication and curation services

I regularly use Flipboard.

Sometimes I also use Feedly.

Then of course, I save lots of good ideas in my Getpocket account.

Even on Medium you can find very good content writing ideas.

Develop a system to maintain content writing ideas

No amount of research, hashtag tracking and communicating on various online forums is going to help you unless you have a system of preserving your content writing ideas.

I bounce from one app to another, or one system to another.

For a few years I used Evernote.

The Evernote plug-in allows you to save blog posts and articles from the browser itself.

Even if you don’t want to save complete blog posts, you can simply save the URLs. Or the text versions.

Then for a year I used OneNote but it proved to be a bit clunky and bulky.

I used Google Keep notes. I still use them.

These days I use Trello.

Use whatever works for you.

The more you think about a topic, the more content writing ideas you get.

How do I get regular content writing ideas for my clients?

Many of my clients like to do the job of finding new content writing ideas on their own because assigning me the task costs more.

Regularly coming up with great content writing ideas is sometimes difficult than writing complete blog posts on these ideas.

Nonetheless, when my clients want me to come up with great writing topics, aside from the methods mentioned above, I also study the client and customer persona and make a list of what all questions and queries they may have.

My entire focus is on giving them reasons to visit my client’s website or blog as regularly as possible.

For that, I try to come up with relevant and high quality blog post and web page ideas.

Content Creation Inspiration for When You’re Stuck

content creation inspiration for when you are stuck

As I’m sure you know by now, a consistent content creation schedule is essential to a successful website. Unfortunately, as is bound to happen from time to time, you may find yourself with no idea what to write about. Idea generation can be a real challenge — coming up with new and interesting content ideas that both capture readers’ attention and engage them isn’t always the easiest of tasks.

Luckily, there is a solution!

If you feel like you’re all out of ideas, consider diving into the following rabbit holes to find inspiration for your next great article.

Blog Comments

Get content writing ideas from blog comments

Get content writing ideas from blog comments

Have you ever noticed your blog posts leaving your readers with more questions? While this isn’t unusual — you can’t stuff every bit of information into one article about a particular subject —  it is a fantastic way to come up with content ideas for future pieces.

It’s important to regularly scroll through your comments (even in older articles) to see what questions pop up. Anything that can’t be answered in a sentence or two would make a great subject for your next post. This is especially true if you find yourself answering the same question time and again, as that’s a pretty clear-cut sign you need to clarify some things.

Q&A Sites

Content writing ideas from Q & A websites

Content writing ideas from Q & A websites

If you can’t find anything in your blog comments, it’s time to check out question-and-answer sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora. These sites give you an inside look at what people are interested in reading about related to your industry, as well as their most burning questions. If there’s a large number of questions and answers surrounding the same topic, an article written about it will be sure to find a large audience.

Social Media

Content writing ideas from social media websites

Content writing ideas from social media websites

There are two lists you should create on Twitter and Facebook. The first is a list of your ideal readers (these can include your best customers). As you follow them, keep an eye on what content they share and reply to. These are the topics you should be covering on your website.

Your second list is industry influencers. Watch how other users interact with them and what questions they ask. Often, influencers too busy to respond to every question — that’s where you can step in and save the day.

Hashtags are another great way to find ideas for content. Search and follow the most popular hashtags in your industry. Be on the lookout for buzzwords, questions, and articles with a lot of engagement.

Finally, look into Reddit if you already haven’t — it’s a content idea goldmine. Industry subreddits will be chock-full of questions, popular articles, and boisterous discussions surrounding just about everything. You’re sure to come away with an entire list of subject to cover in your writing.

Industry Publications

Content writing ideas from industry publications

Content writing ideas from industry publications

No matter what your industry, there are bound to be at least a handful (if not hundreds) of sites that publish news, trends, and other pertinent bits of information to do with your trade. Browse through these sites on a weekly basis and watch for the articles with the most engagement. Once you have an idea of what the hot topics are, you can create content that either expands on what’s been discussed or has a different viewpoint entirely.

Another place to look for industry news is the library. Yes, you read that right, the library. Contrary to what you might believe, if you haven’t been to one in a while, libraries aren’t dying out. Public libraries still see 1.5 billion visits every year — that’s roughly four million visitors each day! Chat with the reference librarian at your local library and ask where you can find resources targeted at your specific business. You never know what nuggets of helpful information may be hidden somewhere in those shelves!

Your Competition

Content writing ideas from business competitors

Content writing ideas from business competitors

You should never be afraid to look to your competition for new content ideas. By no means should you plagiarize their work, but finding inspiration from them is completely acceptable. You can use their content as a jumping-off point by touching on points they didn’t, offering a different perspective, or just flat out disagreeing with them. Whatever you do, just be sure to keep things original.


Content writing ideas through brainstorming

Content writing ideas through brainstorming

When all else fails, there is always a good old-fashioned brainstorming session to hopefully spark your creativity! Whether you use a whiteboard or a piece of paper, writing things down by hand is the key. You’ll remember your ideas better if you write them out by hand rather than using a word processor.

The good news if you’re flying solo is that brainstorming doesn’t have to be a group project. Start by writing a main theme in the middle of your surface. Then, chart related themes, ideas, or questions around the central idea. Next to these smaller themes, outline even more related topics. Connect the ideas with lines.

If you’re stumped on what might be relevant to your main theme, do a little word association. When you look at your central idea (or subtopics), jot down a few words that you immediately associate with the said theme. No matter how silly these words might seem, they may be just the thing to spark an idea or two!


In order to stay competitive in today’s market, it’s imperative you have to stay on top of content creation. But quantity is only half of the equation. You also have to address newsworthy and interesting topics in a way that grabs your readers’ attention. When you’re constantly churning out article after article, it can be easy to run out of ideas. However, a quick glimpse into industry publications, trending topics on social media, or even your own comments section, will be sure to break your writer’s block and get you back on track to creating fabulous content.

How I generate content writing ideas for different clients

Getting content writing ideas for clients

Getting content writing ideas for clients

It is difficult to come up with content writing ideas, especially on an ongoing basis. This is why when sometimes clients ask me to come up with my own content writing ideas, I charge them extra. Often, writing is easier, but coming up with writing ideas is very difficult and time-consuming.

I normally help my clients with writing topics when I’m working on their content marketing strategy rather than simply providing content.

A successful content marketing strategy cannot be implemented without a comprehensive list of content writing ideas surrounding a particular niche. Before you start writing content you need to know

  • Why you are writing that content?
  • Whom are you targeting (your customer or client persona)?
  • What reaction do you want to elicit from your target audience?
  • What is your long-term content marketing goal?

It is very important to know these points because otherwise, though content marketing is very promising, you will be simply wasting money and effort if you randomly publish web pages, blog posts, articles and email updates.

What is your purpose of writing content?

Different reasons for writing content

Different reasons for writing content

Different content marketing needs may have different reasons for writing/publishing content, and these may include:

  • Attract more people to your website or blog
    • You aim at making your content go viral
    • You aim for increasing brand awareness on other websites, blogs and social media platforms
  • Educate people
    • You want to establish yourself as an authority and an expert in your field or industry
    • You want to help your customers and clients by providing them information they can use to improve the way they work
    • You want to educate your prospective customers and clients so that they are in a better position to use your product or service
  • Encourage call-to-action
    • You want people to click on advertisements published on your website
    • You want to build your mailing list and hence want to encourage people to subscribe
    • You want people to buy your product or use your service
  • Increase your general visibility
    • You want more people to link to you
    • You want people to share your content on their social media profiles
    • You want to attract large number of people to your own website or blog
    • You want to increase your search engine rankings

Every business can use a strategic mix of all these reasons to publish and write content. If you have a clear idea of these reasons, you can easily come up with lots of topics that can see you through over many weeks and months.

Aside from these, you can also decide whether your content should fulfil a need, should cater to a desire or a want, or simply provide enjoyment.

What keywords do you want to target?

Importance of keywords in SEO content writing

Importance of keywords in SEO content writing

Your keywords – both your primary keywords and related keywords – have a significant bearing on your content writing ideas.

If you have a list of your keywords, then you naturally want to cover them through your content. Only when you write on these keywords search engines like Google will be able to make out what core topic you are trying to cover.

Taking my own example, for my business I have two primary keywords: content writing services and content marketing services.

One way or the other, all my content – web pages, blog posts, graphics, videos – hover around these two primary keywords.

What sort of content can be published on a business website or blog?

On a typical website you can publish

  • Educational and informative blog posts and articles
  • Web pages describing your products and services and encouraging people to buy your products and services
  • Case studies and white papers
  • Email marketing content
  • Curated content – useful, helpful, and relevant content gathered from other websites
  • Testimonials from your customers and clients
  • Straightforward promotional content
  • Landing pages
  • Industry News updates
  • Your internal corporate updates (hired a new CEO, installed a new enterprise solution, started a new department, released an updated version of your software)

Using the information gathered to generate content writing ideas for a long time

Frankly, you cannot ensure an ever-lasting supply of content writing ideas.

Publishing content for content marketing is a journey and many unpredictable events can happen during your journey, and these events will generate further writing ideas.

But the information presented above can easily give you 40-50 writing ideas for your website.

When I start on a new content writing or content marketing project I try to get as much information as possible from the new client.

The basic purpose is, understanding what the client wants to achieve.

He or she must have a clear idea because if he or she doesn’t have an idea, it will be very difficult for him or her to make it clear to me what sort of content I should write and what sort of audience I should target.

Initially I begin with trying to understand what sort of questions and apprehensions people may have regarding my client.

What would stop them from doing business with my client and what information should be provided to them to allay their fears.

Together with the client, I prepare a long list of topics (preferably using the exact language used by the client’s target customers and clients) that should be of interest to my client’s prospective customers and clients.

If the client already has some existing content I go through it and make a list of strengths and weaknesses of that existing content. Sometimes new content writing ideas can come from existing content.

Also, existing content can be repurposed, and new content can be generated out of it.

Sometimes, same content can be regenerated using different formats, for example, an old blog post can be easily turned into a slide or an animated GIF, or even a YouTube video.

You may also like to read 15 ways you never run out of blogging ideas.

For an ongoing content marketing assignment, I also use Google alerts to get alerts on the latest content being written on my client’s profession. I also use content curation tools like Flipboard, Twitter feeds and Feedly.

Google search too is a great way of finding new content topics. When you search on Google, it gives you some suggestions that people have used to find similar information. When I searched for “content writing tips”, in addition to bringing up the results for my search string, it also gave me the following suggestions:

  • How to write content writing samples
  • Content writing samples PDF
  • Content writing tips for beginners
  • Content writing tips examples
  • How to write content for project

There are more examples. Even when you click one of these suggestions Google gives you more suggestions.

You don’t need to generate topics out of every Google search suggestion, but they give you a very good idea of what people are looking for.

Checking Google trends is also a good way of knowing whether a particular content writing idea is worth trying for or not.

Google Trends for content marketing and content writing

Google Trends for content marketing and content writing

Closely observing Google Trends will also let you know that the topics that you want to cover are used mostly in which region. For example, if you compare “content marketing” with “content writing” in Google Trends, you will notice that not many people are looking for content writing outside of India. Very few people are looking for content marketing in India.

For every client I have an “Ideas” file where I keep collecting all the good ideas I come across on my own and from different sources. The list in this ideas file is not definite; it keeps changing. I keep modifying existing ideas and adding new ideas as long as they conform to

  • The keywords that need to be used
  • The messaging that needs to be conveyed
  • The end result

I also arrange content writing ideas in an Excel sheet in different columns: Long blog posts, short blog posts, long web pages, short web pages and social media updates.

Sometimes my clients help too. For example, if they have multiple employees some of their employees come up with great content writing ideas because they directly dealing with their customers and clients, constantly.

Is it easier to come up with content writing ideas for one’s clients?

Compared to those who don’t write content regularly, and professionally?

Obviously. When your write content for a living you get into the habit of finding content writing opportunities everywhere.

If you hire me and I know you are going to pay me $35 for every piece of content I give you, my brain is constantly on an alert, even when I’m not aware of it.

Running out of content writing ideas? 5 ways to never run out of them

How to never run out of great content writing ideas

Coming up with quality content writing ideas is one of the biggest challenges faced by content marketers.

Content marketing in the contemporary world is unavoidable. Either publish quality content on your website or blog, or you make way for your competitors. There is no other way.

Whether you are writing content on your own or you have hired a content writer (or a team of content writers), you have to come up with exciting and engaging and most importantly, useful content writing ideas.

There is no use publishing content regularly if your target audience doesn’t find the content useful and engaging.

Every piece of content must be useful. It must solve some purpose.

Different Google ranking algorithms have made sure that if you simply focus on algorithms, you don’t get much headway if you want to improve your search engine rankings.

Your search engine rankings can only improve if actual human beings respond to your content, and they respond only if they find your content interesting and useful.

So, it is very important that there is a steady stream of content writing ideas.

But where do interesting content writing ideas come from?

Topics for content writing and come up from anywhere, yes, anywhere.

How to find all those elusive content writing ideas non-stop?

Finding great content writing ideas

In the beginning, usually everything is very easy and hunky-dory. You are bubbling with ideas and you feel as if you’re going to conquer the content marketing world and become its King or Queen.

Then, after having published 10-15 blog posts or articles, you suddenly begin to panic. You can no longer come up with great content writing ideas.

Even if you have hired a content writer, he or she cannot, on his own come up with great content writing ideas. There has to be a mechanism for a continuous supply.

What do other content marketers do? How come other publishers never run out of content writing ideas? How come they are always coming up with great ideas? Are they a bunch of exceptional geniuses?

Not necessarily.

They have a system in place that gives them a never-ending supply of great content writing ideas.

And the beauty of this system is, everyone has access to it, everyone can develop it.

Listed below are 5 ways you never run out of great content writing ideas.

1. Read and enhance your expertise

Writing about your topic on an ongoing basis means you need to develop some sort of expertise. If you have noticed, people who develop expertise in their field, write often.

Blog post after blog post, article after article, book after book, lecture after lecture, nothing seems to stop them.

A big reason why they never run out of interesting ideas is because they’re constantly acquiring in-depth knowledge about their field.

Even small topics and subtopics can be converted into highly engaging articles and blog posts.

There can be umpteen topics in every subject matter.

Even if you are a plumber you can write exciting series of blog posts on your experiences handling various plumbing jobs.

Reading is an essential part of writing. It is like, what goes in comes out. If you don’t feed your intellect with information and ideas, your intellect won’t be able to process new ideas.

Reading is like the seeds that you scatter over the productive land of your mind.

There is nothing wrong in first acquiring knowledge from the others and then creating your own take on what you have understood.

As Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

You can build new knowledge only when you have acquired existing knowledge.

Invest in books on your field. Read blogs dedicated to your profession. Follow people on Twitter and Facebook who constantly write about your field of expertise.

This can be time consuming.

But content marketing isn’t a week-long, or a month-long activity.

It is an ongoing process.

2. Be open to taking risks

People who always play it safe rarely succeed. In business very often you have to take risks.

How do you take risks trying to write interesting content for your business?

Swim against the tide – not for the heck of it, but because you really have something contrary to say.

Suppose there is a popular belief in your profession and it is considered a gospel truth. Maybe you think differently but you don’t want to annoy people and hence you keep quiet.

Make a thorough assessment of your opinion. Gather as much information as possible. Spend ample amount of time presenting your case. And then write a “controversial” post.

Even a single controversial post can present you with many blog writing opportunities with at least 10 more topics.

3. Constantly communicate with influencers in your field

If you continuously interact with influencers in your field you constantly get new content writing ideas.

This is because you are constantly exchanging opinions and ideas with like-minded people. There might be many issues you could have missed that can be brought up in various discussions.

Some people may have more experience than you. Some people may have different opinions. Some may come from different backgrounds serving different audience though the same business as yours.

A good way of keeping in touch with influencers in your profession is by remaining active on social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. For your specific domain you will have to find out on your own which is the best platform.

If you feel you are not the talking types you can just track the ongoing conversations. Even reading through various threads will give you many content writing ideas.

4. Maintain a list of ideas

This is an oft-repeated suggestion. Content writing ideas can come to you anytime. They can even come to you when you are not ready to write.

So that you don’t lose great ideas, maintain a list of them. You can maintain a Google Keep note.

You can use a web clipper browser extension from Evernote or OneNote.

You can use a simple Word file or text file.

You can use a voice recording app.

You can simply send yourself an email whenever you get a new idea.

You can use an Excel sheet.

You can use an editorial calendar plug-in if you prefer WordPress for maintaining ideas.

I use Trello these days.

The point is, you must have a place where you can store the ideas and then you can quickly refer to it when you need a new idea.

5. Repurpose your existing content

You may not realize it, but there might be a cornucopia of great content writing ideas within your existing content.

You should anyway keep on updating your existing content to keep it relevant, fresh and topical.

While updating your existing content you can draw many content writing ideas from it.

Sometimes even a headline or a subheadline or a bullet point can trigger a complete blog post or a complete article.

For example, I could write a complete blog post on how to repurpose your existing content. In fact, you can go ahead and read How to repurpose old content.

Sometimes, while reviewing my existing content I come across an expression or a phrase that needs further explanation.

In the context of this blog post, you may wonder, what exactly is “an interesting content writing idea”? In a completely different blog post I can discuss what might be interesting and not interesting depending on a particular business.

Continuously coming up with content writing ideas is very critical for the success of not just your search engine rankings but your entire content marketing exercise. If you think you are all set, good for you.

If you think you may run out of quality content writing ideas in near future, or even after a few months, you should better start preparing a mechanism that allows you to save and track great ideas.