Tag Archives: writing tips

What Writing Skills Do You Need to Develop to Become a Successful Copywriter?

10 unique writing skills you need to become a successful copywriter

10 unique writing skills you need to become a successful copywriter

Imagine this: You come across a captivating advertisement that instantly grabs your attention.

The words flow effortlessly. It strongly conveys the essence of the brand. Taking action becomes irresistible.

You are compelled to buy the product, visit the website, or engage with the brand, depending on the CTA.

What’s the secret behind such a powerful messaging?

It’s the skillful art of copywriting. At the core of skillful copywriting are the fundamental writing skills.

Writing skills are the backbone of effective copywriting. With your writing skills, you can transform ordinary words into persuasive, engaging, and memorable messages.

Attention spans are fleeting, and competition is fierce in the world of advertising and marketing. The importance of writing skills for the purpose of grabbing attention cannot be overstated.

Whether it’s a catchy headline, a compelling product description, or a persuasive call to action, every word counts.

With your strong writing skills, you can craft messages that resonate with your target audience, spark emotions, and drive desired actions.

As a persuasive copywriter, you should be able to choose the right words, structure sentences effectively, and weave storytelling into the copy. Together, they create a powerful connection between brands and consumers.

Skilled copywriters understand the psychology of persuasion and employ persuasive techniques to influence readers and elicit a response.

Well-developed writing skills are the cornerstone of success in copywriting. They are the keys that unlock the door to engage a, persuasive, and memorable brand messaging.

As a successful copywriter, you should be able to craft compelling headlines that grab attention. You must be able to write persuasively and engagingly to make a connection with your target audience. You should be able to tell captivating stories that resonate with readers and spark emotions. Also, you should have a knack for writing concise and impactful copy that gets the message across effectively.

Adapting your writing style to different mediums and platforms is one of the key skills as a copywriter.

Listed below are 7 writing skills you need to develop to become a successful copywriter.

1. Master language and grammar to become a successful and skilled copywriter

  1. Clear and concise writing
  2. Proper grammar and punctuation
  3. Effective sentence structure

For skillful copywriting, having a strong command of language and grammar is crucial. These skills form the foundation of effective communication and enable you to craft compelling copy that captures attention and rights action.

Here are some copywriting tips to help you master language and grammar for impactful writing.

Clear and concise writing

  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and focused to maintain clarity.
  • Use simple and straightforward language that is easy for your target audience to understand.
  • Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex terminology that may confuse or alienate your readers.
  • Eliminate any redundant or repetitive words to make your copy more concise and impactful.

Proper grammar and punctuation

  • Ensure that your writing adheres to the rules of grammar, including correct verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and consistent pronoun usage.
  • Use punctuation marks correctly to enhance the flow and readability of your copy.
  • Proofread your work thoroughly to catch any grammatical errors or typos before finalizing your copy.

Effective sentence structure

  • Vary your sentence structure to create rhythm and maintain reader engagement.
  • Use a mix of short and long sentences to add variety and impact to your writing.
  • Start sentences with strong verbs and compelling adjectives to grab attention.
  • Pay attention to parallelism in your sentences, ensuring that similar ideas are expressed in a consistent manner.

Good copywriting is not just about creativity and persuasion; it also requires a solid foundation of language and grammar skills. By mastering language and grammar in your copywriting, you can effectively convey your message and connect with your audience.

By continuously improving your writing abilities, you can become a proficient copywriter capable of delivering impactful and compelling messages that resonate with your target audience.

2. Nurture creativity and originality to become a successful copywriter

  1. Ability to generate unique and compelling ideas.
  2. Innovative approaches to messaging and storytelling.
  3. Thinking outside the box to capture audience attention.

For being a proficient copywriter, creativity and originality are vital to capturing the attention of your audience and standing out in a crowded marketplace. To create compelling and engaging copy, consider the following copywriting tips that highlight the importance of creativity and originality in your work:

Ability to generate unique and compelling ideas

  • Embrace brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas and concepts.
  • Research your target audience to understand their interests, needs, and preferences.
  • Find unique angles and perspectives that differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • Incorporate innovative elements that resonate with your audience and align with your brand identity.

Innovative approaches to messaging and storytelling

  • Experiment with different storytelling techniques to make your copy more memorable.
  • Use creative metaphors, analogies, or vivid descriptions to evoke emotions.
  • Integrate storytelling elements that connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Tailor your messaging to address specific pain points or aspirations of your target audience.

Thinking outside the box to capture audience attention

  • Challenge conventional thinking and explore unconventional ideas to grab attention.
  • Take risks and be bold with your messaging to create a lasting impact.
  • Use unexpected or provocative headlines to pique curiosity.
  • Incorporate humor, surprise, or intrigue to make your copy more engaging.

In the world of copywriting, creativity and imagination are your secret weapons. They allow you to break through the noise and captivate your audience’s attention.

Unleash your creative powers to be original. Let your copy shine with creativity and originality.

3. Persuasive writing techniques that can make you a successful copywriter

  1. Understanding the target audience and their motivations.
  2. Utilising persuasive language and rhetoric.
  3. Creating persuasive arguments and call-to-action.

Persuasive writing is a type of writing that is designed to convince the reader to take a certain action believe a certain thing. Persuasive writing is often used in advertising, marketing, and politics.

Some quick persuasive writing tips

  • Use strong verbs.
  • Avoid passive voice.
  • Use specific examples to illustrate your points.
  • Keep your sentences short and to the point.
  • Proofread your work carefully before submitting it.

Delving deeper…

Understanding the target audience and their motivations

  • Know your audience: Dive deep into understanding your target audience. Research their demographics, preferences, and pain points. Uncover what motivates them and drives their decision-making process.
  • Empathy is key: Put yourself in your audiences shoes. Understand their desires, fears, and aspirations. Address directly to their needs and show that you generally understand and care about their concerns.
  • Tailor your message: Craft your writing to resonate with your specific audience. Use language, tone, and examples that are relatable and meaningful to them. Make them feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

Utilising persuasive language and rhetoric

  • Use power words: Choose impactful and emotionally-charged words that evoke a response. Words like “exclusive”, “irresistible”, or “transformative” create a sense of urgency and desire.
  • Create vivid imagery: Paint a picture with your words. Use descriptive language that engages the senses and sparks imagination. Help your audience visualize the benefits and outcomes they can experience.
  • Appeal to emotions: Connect with your audience on an emotional level. Tap into their desires, dreams, and pain points. Craft compelling stories and narratives that resonate with their emotions and create a sense of urgency.

Creating persuasive arguments and calls to action

  • Provide social proof: Highlight testimonials, case studies, or success stories to demonstrate the credibility and effectiveness of your product or service. Show that others have experienced positive results, building trust and confidence.
  • Present strong evidence: Support your claims with facts, statistics, or research findings. This adds credibility and authority to your arguments, making them more persuasive.
  • Anticipate objections: Address potential concerns or objections your audience may have. Provocatively provide counterarguments and solutions to alleviate their doubts and build trust.
  • Craft a compelling call to action: Clearly state what you want your audience to do next. Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency. Make it easy for them to take the desired action by providing clear instructions.

4. Research and Analysis: The blueprint for copywriting success

  1. Conducting thorough research on products/services and target market.
  2. Analyzing competitors and industry trends.
  3. Incorporating data and insights into copywriting strategy.

By conducting thorough research, analyzing competitors, and incorporating data and insights into your copywriting strategy, you position yourself for success.

The more you understand your product, target market, competitors, and industry trends, the more persuasive and impactful your copy will be. Invest time in research and analysis, and watch your copy captivate your audience and drive desired actions.

Become a copywriting expert by mastering the art of research and turning insights into compelling copy.

Conducting thorough research on products/services and target market

  • Dive deep into product knowledge: Understand the features, benefits, and unique selling points of the product or service you’re writing about. This enables you to highlight its value and address customer pain points effectively.
  • Know your target market: Research the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience. Identify their needs, desires, and challenges. This knowledge forms the foundation for persuasive copy that resonates with them.
  • Gather customer insights: Conduct surveys, interviews, or analyze customer feedback to gain valuable insights. Understand their motivations, objections, and aspirations. Use these insights to create copy that speaks directly to their needs.

Analyzing competitors and industry trends

  • Study your competition: Analyze the messaging and strategies of your competitors. Identify their unique selling propositions and areas where you can differentiate. This helps you position your product or service effectively.
  • Stay updated with industry trends: Keep a finger on the pulse of your industry. Follow industry publications, blogs, and attend conferences to stay informed about the latest trends, innovations, and customer preferences. This knowledge allows you to create timely and relevant copy.

Incorporating data and insights into copywriting strategy

  • Use data to inform decisions: Utilize data analytics and market research to guide your copywriting strategy. Identify key performance metrics, analyze customer behavior, and optimize your copy based on data-driven insights.
  • Personalize the copy: Tailor your messaging to different segments of your target audience. Use data to create customer personas and develop copy that speaks directly to their specific needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Highlight unique selling points: Identify the unique features or benefits that set your product or service apart from the competition. Use this information to craft compelling copy that showcases its distinct advantages.
  • Leverage social proof: Incorporate testimonials, reviews, and case studies into your copy to build trust and credibility. People are more likely to make a purchasing decision when they see evidence of others benefiting from the product or service.

5. Adaptability and Versatility for masterful copywriting

  1. Adapting writing style to various platforms and mediums.
  2. Tailoring messaging for different target audiences.
  3. Flexibility to work within different industries and niches

Copywriting thrives on adaptability and versatility. Embrace these qualities to create impactful copy. Customize your writing style for different platforms, target distinct audiences, and navigate diverse industries. Let your copy captivate, persuade, and achieve results. Become an expert in the adaptable and versatile art of copywriting.

Adapting writing style to various platforms and mediums

  • Match the tone and style: Understand the nuances of each platform and adapt your writing style accordingly. Whether it’s social media, blogs, or landing pages, align your tone with the platform to resonate with the audience.
  • Craft attention-grabbing headlines: Tailor your headlines to suit the platform and capture attention in an instant. Use powerful and compelling language to entice readers and make them curious to explore further.
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords strategically to improve search engine rankings. Balance keyword usage with natural and engaging writing to ensure a seamless reading experience.

Tailoring messaging for different target audiences

  • Create customer personas: Develop detailed profiles of your target audience, including demographics, interests, and pain points. Customize your messaging to address their specific needs and motivations.
  • Speak their language: Use the right tone, vocabulary, and cultural references that resonate with your target audience. Mirror their communication style to establish a connection and build trust.
  • Highlight benefits that matter: Understand the unique value propositions that your product or service offers to different segments of your audience. Emphasize the benefits that are most relevant and meaningful to each group.

Flexibility to work within different industries and niches

  • Immerse yourself in the industry: Research and familiarize yourself with the key concepts, trends, and terminology of the industry you’re writing for. Understand the pain points and aspirations of the target audience within that niche.
  • Adapt your voice: Modify your writing style to align with the industry you’re working in. Whether it’s finance, technology, or fashion, adjust your tone to match the expectations and preferences of the audience in that field.
  • Showcase your expertise: Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the industry through well-researched and insightful copy. Position yourself as an authority and build credibility within the niche.

6. Collaboration and communication are the keys to exceptional copywriting

  1. Working effectively with clients, designers, and marketing teams.
  2. Active listening and understanding client requirements.
  3. Communicating ideas and feedback clearly and professionally

When copywriters collaborate and communicate effectively, they can achieve amazing results. It’s all about working together smoothly with clients, designers, and marketing teams. Listening carefully and understanding what the clients need is crucial, as well as expressing ideas and giving feedback in a clear and professional way.

Collaboration and communication are like superpowers for copywriters. They can transform your work and take it to the next level. So, make sure you embrace these tools and see the incredible impact they have on your copywriting. By mastering the art of collaboration and effective communication, you’ll elevate your copywriting skills to new heights.

Working effectively with clients, designers, and marketing teams

  • Foster strong relationships: Build trust and rapport with your clients, designers, and marketing teams. Establish open lines of communication and a collaborative mindset.
  • Understand project goals: Clearly grasp the objectives and expectations of the project. Collaborate with designers and marketing teams to align your copy with their creative vision and overall marketing strategy.
  • Maintain a cooperative spirit: Work in synergy with other team members, respecting their expertise and contributions. Embrace a collaborative approach that leads to the best possible outcome for the project.

Active listening and understanding client requirements

  • Engage in active listening: Pay close attention to your clients’ needs and requirements. Ask clarifying questions to ensure a clear understanding of their expectations.
  • Capture client’s brand voice: Immerse yourself in the client’s brand. Understand their values, tone, and unique selling propositions. Craft copy that reflects their brand voice and resonates with their target audience.
  • Seek feedback and clarification: Regularly check in with clients to receive feedback and clarify any uncertainties. Adapt your copy based on their input to meet their specific vision.

Communicating ideas and feedback clearly and professionally

  • Present ideas effectively: Clearly articulate your ideas, ensuring they align with the client’s objectives. Use persuasive language to convey the value and impact of your copy.
  • Provide constructive feedback: Offer feedback to designers and marketing teams in a respectful and constructive manner. Focus on improvements and offer suggestions to enhance the overall project.
  • Meet deadlines and be responsive: Prioritize timely communication and deliver on agreed-upon deadlines. Respond promptly to inquiries, ensuring a smooth workflow and maintaining professional relationships.

If you aspire to become a successful copywriter, developing your writing skills is essential. Here are some practical tips to help you on your journey:

  1. Read widely: Immerse yourself in different genres and styles of writing. Explore various publications and books to expand your vocabulary and gain inspiration.
  2. Write regularly: Practice makes perfect. Set aside dedicated time each day to write. Whether it’s journaling, creating mock advertisements, or crafting blog posts, consistency is key.
  3. Embrace feedback: Seek feedback from others to improve your writing. Join writing communities or share your work with trusted friends or mentors. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth.
  4. Master storytelling: Great copywriters are skilled storytellers. Develop your ability to engage readers by weaving narratives that resonate with their emotions and experiences.
  5. Be concise and impactful: Copywriting thrives on brevity. Use short, powerful sentences to grab attention and convey your message succinctly.
  6. Understand your audience: Tailor your writing to the specific audience you’re targeting. Understand their needs, desires, and pain points to create copy that speaks directly to them.
  7. Stay updated with trends: Keep up with the latest marketing and advertising trends. Understand the evolving landscape to create relevant and compelling copy that resonates with the current market.
  8. Edit and revise: Writing is a process. Take time to review and refine your work. Eliminate unnecessary words, improve clarity, and ensure your copy flows smoothly.
  9. Develop a unique voice: Find your own voice and style of writing that sets you apart. Let your personality shine through your copy.
  10. Never stop learning: The writing journey is continuous. Stay curious, seek new knowledge, and refine your skills. Attend workshops, read industry blogs, and explore new techniques.

Remember, developing your writing skills takes time and dedication. Embrace the process, be persistent, and keep honing your craft. With practice and a passion for writing, you can become a successful copywriter.

8 ways you can make your writing less sucky

How to make your writing suck less

How to make your writing suck less

What does sucky writing mean? How can you make your writing less sucky?

Sucking at your writing doesn’t mean you are a bad writer in terms of spelling and grammar.

You may craft perfect sentences. You may give the Queen’s English a complex.

As a copywriter you need to make an impact. You should be able to hook people to what you are saying. If they don’t pay attention to you, they won’t act upon your call-to-action.

Therefore, the dynamics of copywriting or professional content writing are different from usual writing. Here are 8 things you can do to make your writing suck less.

1. Vary sentence length

I’m a big fan of writing short sentences. If you have been following my blog posts, you will notice that I avoid writing big sentences. Not that I cannot write them, it’s just that, sometimes they become too complicated for readers to follow.

Short sentences are also good for your search engine rankings. Search engine algorithms are software bots. They can interpret words,  but it is still hard for them to interpret nuances.

Therefore, when copywriting, keep your writing straightforward. Don’t hint at things. Algorithms don’t understand “wink wink nudge nudge”.

For example, if I want to tell the search engine algorithms that I provide copywriting and content writing services, then I actually need to say, “I provide copywriting and content writing services”.

Coming back to the topic, just because I like short sentences doesn’t mean I always stick with short sentences.

There needs to be a rhythm. Keep it and 80-20 ratio: 80% short sentences and 20% long sentences.

Here is an example of mixing short and long sentences:

Your first sentence can be short. Your second sentence can be short too. Let them be 5-6 words. Then write a longer sentence with 1-2 conjunctions to pack a bit more information in a single sentence to change the rhythm. Then write another short sentence.

Writing is like dancing. Sometimes there are simple movements. Some movements are complex. Simple and complex movements are interspersed to create a narrative.

Don’t make your writing monotonous.

2. Avoid adjectives and adverbs

In terms of grammar and adding modifiers to your nouns and verbs, there is nothing wrong in using adjectives and adverbs. But sometimes they needlessly make your sentences convoluted and pompous.

Instead of saying, “He is always on time.” you can say, “He was punctual.”

Instead of saying, “She was very angry.” you can say, “She was furious.”

3. Be concise

Concise writing grabs your reader’s attention. It helps them focus on the main point. If you ramble on and on with long sentences and unusual words, your readers get distracted.

Concise writing means using fewer words. You convey your ideas clearly.

Concise writing is useful when you’re sending text messages, emails or posting social media updates.


It has been brought to our notice that the project will be undertaken by our in-house team of programmers.

This can be written as

Our in-house team of programmers will work on the project.

4. Write with conviction

Get rid of expressions like “perhaps”, “we think that”, “it may be so”, and so on.

You can rewrite

This plan may be able to help you in your business.

in such a manner

This plan will help your business.

You can write

Sometimes it so happens that people buy these tickets.

in such a manner

People buy these tickets.

5. Write in the singular

I know when you are writing for a business website, especially on the homepage or the services page, using “I” may look odd because you are representing the entire organization and not just specifically “you”.

Nonetheless, during communications, and if possible, even when you are blogging, use “you” and “I” whenever possible.

You can write

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the campaign.

in this way

Thank you for contributing to the campaign.

You can write

We all know how important it is to complete the project within the deadline.

in this way

You know how important it is to complete the project within the deadline.

6. Be specific

For example, you can write

Very few people have attempted this so far.

in this manner

Just 3 people have attempted this so far.

You can write

Success is more about hard work and less about inspiration.

in this manner

Success is 99% hard work and 1% inspiration.

Clearly mentioned facts are more effective and give people a precise idea of what you’re conveying.

7. Avoid using big words

Ours is a revolutionary product that is going to transform the way you leverage contemporary technologies.

This can be simply written as

Our new product will help you use contemporary technologies better.

8. Use active voice

It has been scientifically proven that writing in passive voice tires people out and bores them (yes, the sentence is in passive voice).

It has been said that familiarity breeds contempt.

Can be written as

Familiarity breeds contempt.

The coding will be done by our team in-house.

Can be written as

Our team will do the coding in-house.

Extra remarks

Writing rules are not written in stone. Sometimes it makes sense to break them. You can do totally the opposite of what I have just suggested. That’s what makes you a unique writer.

Nonetheless, the suggestions can help you write engagingly and make it easier for your readers to feel connected with you.


How to write like the best writers in your field?

How to be the best writer in your field

How to be the best writer in your field

Writing these days is all pervasive. You are writing blog posts. You are writing social media updates. You are writing text messages and emails. You are writing proposals if you do business.

There are many people who cock a snook at the concept of writing well, writing well still matters. It can tarnish your reputation if there are too many typos, spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes in your writing. But, when we talk of writing like the best writers in your field, I assume you already write without typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar mistakes.

What do writers due to be the best in their field?

There is one common trait that I have found in the writers who are the best in their field: they are consistent. They are constantly writing and publishing.

“Show up every time and don’t wait for your muse to show up,” advise many established writers.

They always have great ideas to write about. Other than this, here are some traits that you can develop to become the best writer in your field.

Have a unique style

Among us there is always this tendency to write like our favorite authors. I used to write like Charles Dickens, and then Salman Rushdie. Even when I wrote content, I emulated my favorite authors. This drew applause from some clients, but most were disenchanted and wanted me to write something simpler for the audience.

Gradually I discarded the styles of other writers and started writing in my own style. I can’t claim to have a style that makes people recognize my writing without reading my name, but at least I write the way I want to write rather than following someone else’s style.

Understand your audience

You become the best in your field when you gain recognition, and you gain recognition only when you deliver what people want.

Before writing a blog post or web page carefully consider what your audience wants.

For example, my content writing and copywriting blog attracts two types of audience: people who want to improve their writing and potential clients who want to feel reassured that I know my stuff. Therefore, I’m constantly writing for these two categories.

Use simple language when writing

Simple writing doesn’t mean you write unimaginatively. Juggle with words. Get creative with sentences. But not at the cost of making it difficult for your readers to follow you.

The best writers write smaller sentences. Write smaller paragraphs. They don’t use very big words.

Somewhere I read a very nice writing advice, “If it sounds like writing, rewrite it.” What it means is, you should write in a manner as if you are talking to people. Be a conversationalist. Write as if you are sitting and talking to someone.

Use active voice as much as possible. “This is done” instead of “This has been done”.

Read and learn constantly

Writing is a skill that you need to hone continuously. Your writing muscles get atrophied if you don’t stretch them regularly. Read other authors but don’t let them rub onto you. Learn how they express themselves.

If possible, read books on writing. There are many blogs dedicated to the art of writing.

Not just writing, also become a thought leader in your field. Go deeper into your topic.

As a professional content writer, I’m constantly learning about how to write effectively. I’m regularly learning what to do and what not to do when writing. Similarly, if you are an architect, then then read on architecture. Expand your knowledge. Then share your knowledge with your readers.

5 Strategies That Anyone Can Use to Improve Their Writing Skills

5 strategies to improve your writing skills

5 strategies to improve your writing skills.

It’s often assumed that only certain people are able to have quality writing skills; this assumption is far from the truth. We all can progress overtime by working on our weaknesses. There are plenty of useful strategies that can be used to improve your writing skills. By using these 5 strategies, you will start to progress as a writer.

1. Reading

Dedicating time to read each day is a great first step. Even taking just five to ten minutes to read daily can be highly beneficial.

Those who regularly read tend to have stronger writing skills.

This is because they are interacting with new vocabulary, writing styles, and content.

Before trying to make reading a part of your routine, choose a book, magazine, or another piece of writing that interests you.

A main reason why many people don’t enjoy reading is because they haven’t found a genre of writing they love.

If you are interested in becoming a regular reader, go on a trip to your local bookstore/library and take your time to explore the options.

2. Practice

It may be obvious, but to improve your writing skills, you have to practice.

Writing practice doesn’t have to be specific. All you need to do is write as much as possible.

You’ll be able to improve at a quick pace as a writer if you practice frequently.

One day you may just want to journal, and on other days you may want to try out worksheets with instructions on what to write.

Setting aside time each day to write is a useful habit to build.

3. Editing

Perfecting and fixing errors in pieces of writing is what is known as editing.

Many individuals make the mistake of not taking editing seriously.

Editing is one of the best strategies you can implement in order to improve your writing skills.

Sometimes editing takes hours depending on the writing length.

Think of all the time that goes into editing as an investment. Becoming acquainted with editing strengthens one’s writing skills. This is because editing includes close analysis and dissection of your individual writing style/skills.

While we edit our writing pieces, we can discover what errors we repeatedly make.

Those who neglect thorough editing will struggle to catch their writing flaws.

Once you know what mistakes you make while writing, you can work on fixing and understanding those errors.

4. Inspiration

It’s likely that most people have experienced a lack of inspiration when it comes to writing.

Individuals who write for a living usually encounter the phenomenon “writer’s block” at some point in their career.

Casual writers also can face writer’s block; the chance of this issue occurring increases when people are just getting into writing.

If you are struggling to have a writing inspiration, there are sources you can access to help you overcome writer’s block.

Reflect on what inspires you in other aspects of your life. What music do you listen to? Do you have strong opinions on certain topics?

Accessing emotions and thoughts on passions, hobbies or interests is a great way to seek inspiration.

If this strategy doesn’t work for you, it’s time to find authors you like. Authors have inspired and helped new writers for centuries. When you find a book or series you love, take some inspiration from that author.

Don’t copy their work of course, but use their content to push you to create your own.

For example, maybe you like an author’s use of dark settings. You can try to incorporate darker settings into your writing as well.

Remember, inspiration shouldn’t be forced, but these two strategies can help you overcome creation struggles.

5. Learn From Others

Each day all of us learn something new.

Learning helps people grow and develop during all life stages.

If you want to become a better writer, don’t be afraid to ask others for help.

Taking writing classes and workshops are two ways you can learn from others.

If you decide to select one of these options, engage as much as possible with your teachers to optimize your learning.

If writing classes don’t appeal to you, try learning from the strong writers that you already know personally.

If you have a friend, relative, or partner who is a skilled writer, ask them if they can give you advice.

By showing interest in learning from others, you do yourself a huge favor.

Testing Out These Strategies

These strategies are great for beginner writers, and the individuals who want to sharpen their skills. Some of these strategies may work for some and fail to help the others. The best thing to do is to try one strategy you believe will best benefit you in your journey to improve your writing skills.

Know the why of your writing

Simon Sinek wrote a complete book  exhorting businesses to find the “why” of their existence. The same holds true for individuals. Why do you do what you do? Why do you work as an engineer? Why do you work as a graphic designer? Why are you in politics?

And the same holds true when you are writing. Know the why of your writing. I’m not talking about the larger picture, I’m talking about a particular blog post or a particular article or even a particular social media update that you’re going to write: why are you writing it?

We all have a general answer. You want to improve your search engine rankings. You want to “engage” your customers or clients. You want to publish fresh content on your website. You want to maintain visibility on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. You want to regularly reach the inbox of your email subscribers.

These are larger whys. Important, but vague, and cannot be achieved unless you know why you are writing this particular blog post or social media update.

So, the next time you sit down to write something or you take out your mobile phone to write a quick update, think of the why.

What impact do you want to make? What is new you’re going to add? How is it going to help your readers or your followers? How do you want to portray yourself through this piece of writing or this update?

Write as many whys  as possible. The more whys  you can figure out, the more impactful will be your writing.