Tag Archives: business copywriting

Does your content address the pain points?

I just now received a flyer from a prospective client. The client is wondering why neither there is a response from the fliers he is sending nor from his website. I have gone through the flyer again and again and I have also gone through the website and still I have no idea what he is trying to sell. All he does is mention the name of the products and the companies he represents. Of course I have got nothing to do with the field he might be working in (sensors, industrial compressors, etc.) but nowhere does he mention what sort of problems he can solve.

When we’re hiring a service or buying a product we do it for the solution it provides, unless of course we are not spending money on a fad like the iPhone or the iPad. Even if it is a niche market we need to be specifically told what exactly is the benefit of going for that particular product or service.

Every organization has some pain points that it needs addressed. If your content does not address those pain points it is not going to sell no matter how narrow your market is. Tell your reader how he or she is going to benefit from choosing you rather than somebody else. Even if you’re providing sensors and industrial compressors do not forget to mention in what way they can help the reader (and consequently the prospect).