Tag Archives: MasterCard Content Marketing

70% of Internet content will be video?

I found this interesting visual on this link:

70% content on the Internet will be video content

Being a content writing doesn’t worry me that people will be accessing with your content more than textual content? It doesn’t. Writing will always be needed. Yes, more people are consuming with your content because one, more video content is available and two, connectivity is improving all over the world. Even in Indian villages people are accessing YouTube videos and sharing them with each other and posting them on Facebook.

But that doesn’t mean people don’t need written content.

Well, I don’t have much to delve into this topic. It’s just that for a very long time I haven’t published anything on this blog and I wanted to make a beginning somewhere and when I came across this visual, I thought I should post it on my blog.

The actual link though is quite interesting. It talks about how MasterCard used content marketing to expand its brand presence by creating videos that emotionally touch people rather than thrusting their marketing pitch upon them.