What makes your web content successful?

Content marketing no longer remains at the fringes. There was a time when people thought content marketing merely meant stocking up your website (or, later on, blog) with lots of keyword-centric content to cover all possible keywords. Terms like “SEO content” and “search engine friendly content” were highly sort after. There was a complete, dedicated branch of SEO content writers who specifically created content for search engines (I am using the past tense just for the sake of writing, such writers still do brisk business).

Do such tactics work? In many cases, yes. Google and other search engines still show lots of preference for keyword-centric content. Actually, there is nothing fundamentally wrong in creating keyword-centric content. After all, what are keywords? They are the terms and expressions you use when you talk about your business. They are also terms and expressions your present and prospective customers and clients use when they talk about your products or services, or when they are trying to search for your products and services on search engines and social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.

The problem is, most SEO experts and website owners focus on just creating keyword-centric content. This may get you lots of traffic, but very little business. When you are doing business online, traffic isn’t everything, although it is a big part of your online marketing effort. More than traffic, what you need is a good conversion rate. When you have good conversion rate, your web content can be called successful.

Well-written web content achieves the following for your online business:

  • Get qualified search engine traffic for the right keywords and search terms
  • Provide timely information that assists your customers and clients complete the buying cycle
  • Constantly engage your visitors so that they develop a sense of familiarity with you or your brand

These are the basic traits that make your web content successful.

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