Improving you writing skills

If you make a living writing then it goes without saying that your writing skill needs to be as impeccable as possible.  Not everybody is perfect and there is no harm in being a bit less than perfect but as a writer you should always work towards improving you writing skill no matter what language you use to render the service.  I use English and therefore I found this article on improving you writing at Techrepublic quite engaging.  Although I didn’t learn something new it was a refreshing experience because I see such errors cropping up on various blogs almost on a daily basis. I wish the article had explained a few more things for those who really need some guidance.  For instance the writer says that all the items in a list should be parallel. A bad example of a list would be (taken from the article):

  • Backing up the registry
  • The Registry Editor is your friend
  • Using REG files
  • Use a GUI tool
  • Searching the registry
  • Take advantage of Favorites
  • Clean the registry

This should be rightly written as (you may not agree but this is just my take on it):

  • Backing up the registry
  • Making the registry editor your friend
  • Using REG files
  • Using a GUI tool
  • Searching the registry
  • Taking advantage of Favorites
  • Cleaning the registry

I don’t know the technical explanation but you can notice that every item begins with an “ing” word.  Another example would be (without the “ing” word):

  • Backup the registry
  • Make the registry editor your friend
  • Use REG files
  • Use a GUI tool
  • Search the registry
  • Take advantage of Favorites
  • Clean the registry

Another good explanation in the article is the agreement of verbs. The wrong usage is

  • Neither of the doctors are very smart
  • The dog, as well as the goat and chicken, are easy to parallel park
  • One-third of the company are color blind

I would rewrite the sentences as (somehow I’m not sure of the second sentence, please advise in the comment section)

  • Neither of the doctors is very smart
  • The dog, as well as the board and the chicken, is easy to parallel park
  • One-third of the company is color blind

How do you make sense of the verbs here? I use my commonsense and since I never learned the language  formerly I cannot explain it.  Please do so in the comment section.

This entry was posted in Thoughts On Writing by .

About Amrit Hallan

Amrit Hallan is a professional content writer who helps businesses improve their conversion rate through credible and compelling content writing. His main strength lies in writing search engine optimized content without compromizing quality and meaningfulness.

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