Recently I unfollowed some content publishers who were (of course they were not aware of my annoyance) crowding my timeline and preventing me from seeing updates from other content publishers.
Normally when I tweet something or write an update for LinkedIn, I am either linking to my latest blog post or video, or I have something to share with my followers.
I thought those content publishers are publishing lots of content and hence, they are constantly tweeting about it. That was not the case. Some of the links that they posted were published back in 2016-17.
This is a good practice, in fact. I have nothing against that. I was just wondering that they were publishing lots of content.
This made me wonder further: as a service provider, how much content is too much content for your blog?
Recent studies have shown that on an average a business must publish around 16 blog posts. This Hubspot recommendation says that you should publish 3-4 new blog posts every week. This comes out to be one blog post every alternative day.
But, what about if someone publishes 3-4 blog posts every day?
Some people do it to improve their search engine rankings.
Is it a good thing to do?
I’m neither against it nor for it.
I mean, if I’m constantly publishing content, when do I get time to work on client assignments?
Of course, if I am a multi-employee business and if I have dedicated writers to keep on writing blog posts for my blog, I have no problem with that.
As long as content is of good quality, your search engine rankings definitely improve.
When you publish content multiple times in a day, Google crawls your website/blog multiple times in a day, sometimes, every 10-15 minutes.
This is good. It means your latest content begins to appear in search results quickly.
Is too much content beneficial for your business? Only if you are a publishing platform.
For example, instead of providing content writing and copywriting services, if I am simply publishing educational content on content writing and copywriting, it makes sense to publish as much content as possible.
On the other hand, as a one-person business, publishing lots of content can be counterintuitive.
Maybe in the beginning it makes sense to publish multiple blog posts every day. But once your search engine rankings have improved, you should slow down.
One blog post every day is a perfect way of maintaining your blog, I think.