How to get your content indexed by Google faster after writing and publishing it?

The image shows the Google homepage, a crawler in the form of a spider and some random graphics

Get your content crawled and indexed faster by Google after writing and publishing it

You publish content on your website for multiple reasons but one of the main reasons is getting found on Google. To get found on Google, you need to rank. To rank, you need to first get indexed.

Based on the age of your website, the amount of content you have been publishing and the number of back links you have, indexing of a particular piece of content can take anywhere between two seconds to 2 weeks, and sometimes, even more.

When you have written and published new piece of content you naturally want it to be indexed by Google as fast as possible so that you can start getting traffic due to it. Although, whether you can generate traffic depends on your rankings but then again, rankings come into picture only when your content is indexed.

My new content usually gets indexed in a few seconds, but this is because I have been regularly publishing content for many years and the Google crawlers are constantly checking my website for new content (at least, I like to believe so).

Google is content hungry. It wants to index as much content as possible. When it is not indexing your content, it is only because it hasn’t yet been able to access it.

It is in the Google can access your content only when it visits your website. It can also access your content, crawl it and then index it when it comes across it somewhere else. All you need to do is, great right conditions for Google to be able to find your content.

Listed below are a few things you can do to make it easier for Google to find your new content.

Google Search Console URL inspector

Although the purpose of this tool is to inspect whether Google can access your link or not (sometimes the link might be blocking the crawlers due to some server problem or bad setting in robots.txt) you can also use it to request Google to index your link.

To be able to use the service, you must first set up your Google Search Console account and add your website as one of the properties that you plan to manage through it.

Google search console page crawling status

In the older Google Search Console version, it was a bit difficult to find the section that allows you to submit your URL, but the new version is quite friendly in this regard. At the top there is a text box that prompts you to inspect your URL using Google Search Console.

Depending on whether you link is already indexed or not, the Google Search Console interface allows you to request indexing. If you “Request Indexing”, your link is scheduled to get indexed faster.

Share your content on your social media and social networking profiles

Basically, what you want to do is, you want to create channels that will lead the Google crawler to your content. Wherever the Google crawler comes across your link, it is going to crawl it. So, the more you share your links/content, the greater is the chance of it being found by the Google crawler. Use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora and other such websites to cast as wide a net as possible.

Request other publishers to link to your latest content

Other bloggers and influencers won’t link to your content unless you add value to their websites or social networking profiles. Hence, it is necessary that when you publish content, when you are writing content, keep in mind whether people would like to link to it or not.

Publish content on websites like LinkedIn and Medium and from there, link to your content

Websites like LinkedIn and Medium are already well-indexed websites with most of their new content being indexed within microseconds. When you publish your posts there they are crawled and indexed almost immediately and when your posts are crawled and indexed over there, if the crawlers find the link to your website, they also crawl and index the content on your website.

Write content and publish as frequently as possible

You must convey to Google that you publish frequently, otherwise its crawlers don’t show much interest in your domain. Once its algorithms and the background artificial intelligence have learned that you are a frequent publisher, they start crawling your website frequently.

I have seen this with multiple websites. I was able to build traffic without approaching other publishers simply by pushing lots of content on my own websites. Eventually Google learned to crawl and index my content very fast.

These are some very quick ways of getting your content indexed fast by Google.

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