Is publishing less content good for your content marketing?

Is publishing less content better for your content marketing

Is publishing less content better for your content marketing?with the funeral me

This Forbes update says yes. Gary Vaynerchuck, on the other hand, says you should publish as much content as you can possibly publish because ultimately, who decides the quantity?

I am often approached by clients who, although want to benefit from publishing high-quality content on their websites and blogs, don’t have much budget.

Consequently, they want to pay less for my content writing services. I politely refuse their work.

I agree with the Forbes article, and I also agree with Gary.

Mindlessly publishing content isn’t profitable, especially when you have limited budget, but you should publish as much as you can and there is no clear definition of what’s more and what’s less.

If you have a website or a business blog, you may publish 1-3-4 updates every week, or even less. For an average business website or blog, this is a good number.

But if you publish an online news magazine or newspaper, you publish 30-40 updates in a day.

So, how much content you must publish depends on your business and your capacity.

Gary in the above link says that don’t worry about the quality and keep on publishing. His logic is, unless you regularly publish, you are not going to improve your quality. Again, I agree.

But this is applicable when you are not paying. For example, he seems to be creating most of his content on his own and even if he is not creating a big part of content on his own, he must have enough money to pay good content creators.

Even for my own content writing blog, I don’t have to worry about the quality of every post. Sometimes, I just want to publish something random and I do that. This is because I’m not paying anyone. It hardly takes me 10-15 minutes to write a quick blog post, like this one.

If you’re paying for every piece of content, you need to be mindful of its quality.

Therefore, if the client has a smaller budget, I advise him or her not to go for a certain number of updates on the website and the blog. Instead, just focus on very few updates, but very good and very relevant updates.

This is what the Forbes article suggests. Instead of trying to publish every possible content idea and trying to cover every possible publishing platform, pick and choose your battles and then stick to them.

The article rightly says:

Whether you’re a small business owner who is doing the work yourself or a large brand with a dedicated marketing team, this approach on a social network can be overwhelming in resource drain without garnering much of a return.

My suggestion is like this:

  • Have a target for your blog or website: Maybe 20 webpages for your main website and then 150 posts on your blog every year.
  • Once your target is met and if you have more budget, then focus on other publishing platforms.

Initial thrust is definitely needed. It’s no use publishing highly remarkable blog posts on which you spend a couple of weeks on research in the very beginning unless you have a good marketing budget.

In the beginning, you can also publish less than remarkable blog posts that give you some organic exposure on search engines and then you can reduce the quantity and start focusing on quality.

Content Writing Update – December 28, 2019

Due to the ongoing CAA (Citizen Amendment Act) protests by the Muslim community in India the Internet was blocked in our city, so nothing much happened yesterday.

Today I have been working on a speech for a multilevel marketing company owner in Punjab.

The speech is to be written in Hindi or rather, a mix of Hindi and English.

Yesterday I sent him a sample and he liked it, though, he said, his audience wouldn’t be able to understand pure Hindi, so some English words are to be added too.

Other than that, I’m also working on the website copy of a life coaching website but this work is not direct.

It has been outsourced to me by a web design company.

They haven’t paid yet, so, I have sent them a small sample.

These days I insist on getting some payment upfront.

Sometimes, clients give the work and then get busy in something else, or lose interest.

For them, since there has been no stake, sometimes even a follow-up is unnecessary.

I keep writing and they don’t respond.

This doesn’t happen with every client who changes his or her mind, but it has happened many times.

Advance payment shows that the client is serious about the work he or she is giving me.

In return, before he or she has to give an advance, I provide a 300-400-words sample which, I think, is fair enough.

I have also been optimizing my existing webpages.

Many of my main webpages are not optimized for search engines.

Although, I write SEO content by default, I hadn’t optimized the pages according to the SEOPressor criteria, the SEO WordPress plug-in that I use to analyze my webpages.

Have my rankings improved?

Well, I have hardly changed 5-6 webpages ever since I started on this project.

As I have mentioned in one of my blog posts, for almost 2 months I was bedridden and I was only focusing on client work, with no new content for my own website or blog.

This had a negative impact on my search engine rankings.

Hence, I’m also focusing on that.

SEO copywriting and SEO content writing: is there a difference?

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Should you hire an SEO copywriter or an SEO content writer? What is the difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing?

Whether there is a difference or there isn’t any difference, depends on whom you are dealing with and what sort of writing you need.

There is definitely a difference between a copywriter and a content writer.

You may like to read Difference between copywriting and content writing.

Copywriting is sales oriented. It is often used in advertising and wherever your writing needs to sell.

For example, on a landing page you require the services of a copywriter.

When you broadcast an email marketing campaign, you get it written by a copywriter.

Even the main webpages of your website including the homepage, the services page, the company profile page, all these pages are written by a copywriter, ideally, but most of the people get them written by a content writer.

Copywriter increases sales content writer increases visibility

Copywriter increases sales content writer increases visibility

You need a copywriter for your main website pages because people will be going through these webpages before deciding whether they want to buy from you or not.

This is where the difference is blurred.

A content writer writes to inform and educate, a copywriter writes to sell and generate leads. Though, in some manner, even a content writer helps you sell and generate leads.

Copywriters are age-old. They have been writing copies since time immemorial.

Content writers are a new breed. Writers who write for websites and blogs are called content writers.

What is the fundamental difference between copywriting and content writing?

The primary purpose of SEO content writing is to generate organic traffic, mostly by search engines.

You may like to read: 10 SEO content writing tips for your small business.

It is written to feed the search engines quality content so that the search engines rank your content well and consequently, send organic traffic your way.

Copywriting converts the traffic generated by content writing into leads and sales.

The language is different. In content writing the language is more laid-back. It informs, engages and entertains.

Copywriting convinces you to buy. It lays bare the greatest benefits of the product or the service the piece of copywriting is promoting in a highly convincing manner.

It generates a sense of urgency – as if you’re going to lose big time if you don’t purchase there and then.

Content writing on the other hand doesn’t generate a sense of urgency. It simply informs you.

For example, if I’m writing a review of a gadget, I’m not necessarily selling you that gadget. I’m just telling you about the features that it has and the features that it doesn’t have. Then I leave it up to you whether you want to buy that gadget or not.

In the process, I’m generating traffic for the website. People who are interested in that gadget may land on my website and in case they need to buy it, they may buy it from my website.

Copywriting tells me to buy it. Just like content writing, it also informs me about the best features, but it conveniently either ignores the bad features or portrays them as something of an advantage.

Is there a thing called “SEO copywriting”?

As I said above, whether you want to call a particular piece of writing “SEO copywriting” or “SEO content writing” depends on who is writing and how you want to view your writing.

From the perspective of an average client, it’s a bit difficult to differentiate between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing. An average client wants your writing to generate more business whether you are a copywriter or a content writer.

Some clients are aware of the difference. Recently I wanted to know how my content writing services are helping one of my clients for whom I have been writing blog posts for a few months now.

He wrote that right now he isn’t concerned about immediate gains. He understands, he said, the competition is very tough in his field and it will take a lot of time before his website experiences some major change in search engine traffic.

He doesn’t expect my writing to get him more customers. He wants my writing to improve his exposure for the related keywords on Google.

Coming back to the highlighted question: is there a thing called SEO copywriting?

There are many people who call themselves “SEO copywriters”. Many believe whenever you are writing for a website or a blog, the sole purpose of your writing is promoting a cause.

Hence, when you are promoting a cause, you are copywriting.

In that sense, even when you’re writing content, you are copywriting.

Even when you are writing for a blog, ultimately, you are canvassing for a business or an idea.

Referring to the above gadget reviews example. I’m actually writing gadget reviews for a client who sells on his website as an Amazon affiliate.

When people come to his website to read reviews, he expects them to click the links and then buy from Amazon, earning him commission in the process.

When I’m writing his reviews, I’m conscious of that. I know that people are supposed to purchase after reading the reviews.

Even when I’m writing seemingly impartial reviews, the reviews are written in such a manner that if people want to buy that gadget, the review is not going to deter them or discourage them in any manner.

When you’re writing for your business blog, aside from the fact that you are informing and educating your prospective customers and clients, you are also constantly representing your business – you are writing on behalf of your business.

For example, when I’m writing for my own Credible Content Blog, I’m also promoting my content writing and copywriting services.

This happens subtly, but it definitely happens.

Consequently, many writers, even writers of repute on the Internet, insist that every good content writer is fundamentally a copywriter.

Which brings us to the conclusion that there IS a concept called SEO copywriting.

Do people search for “SEO copywriting” and “SEO copywriter”?

Here is the Google trends graph. The blue information is SEO copywriting and the red information is SEO content writing. This data is for United States. You can see that more people search for “SEO copywriting”.

Google trends comparing SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Google trends comparing SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

The case is slightly different for the terms “SEO copywriter” and “SEO content writer”. Slightly more people in the US search for SEO content writer compared to SEO copywriter.

Google trends comparing SEO copywriter and SEO content writer

Google trends comparing SEO copywriter and SEO content writer

As I have explained above, when it comes to writing for the web, these terms are interchanged, and this is where there is confusion.

In the traditional sense, there is no confusion as people know who a copywriter is and who is a content writer, but when it comes to writing web content, these terms are often mixed up.

What exactly are people searching for when they’re searching for “SEO copywriter”?

If people get mixed up between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing and don’t know the difference, how do you find the searcher’s intent, especially as a writer?

For example, if I want to target someone looking for an SEO copywriter, how do I know if the person is actually looking for a copywriter to write marketing material or content writer simply to improve his or her search engine rankings? Because, I know the traditional definition of copywriting.

Is the intent of the person to find

  • Someone who can write blog posts?
  • Someone who can write web page copy?
  • Someone who can write a sales pitch for a landing page?
  • Someone who can write information articles?

Since there might be thousands of people looking for an SEO copywriter, as a content writer who is constantly coming across clients who have a blurred notion of what is the difference between the two, I need to optimize my website for both the terms: “SEO copywriter” and “SEO content writer”, even if personally, I know there isn’t much difference.

When is the right time to hire an SEO copywriter or someone who can provide SEO copywriting?

Frankly, any time you want to improve your SEO. Search engine optimization is the central topic here.

Ever since Google aggressively started updating its ranking algorithm, it has been focusing on featuring high-quality content that is written to inform and educate people rather than simply to improve search engine rankings.

The process of improving SEO is longwinded. How much time it takes you to improve your organic SEO depends on your competition (other things taken care of).

The right time to hire an SEO copywriter is

  • When you need high-quality content to improve your conversion rate and engagement levels.
  • When you want to publish high-quality content regularly.
  • When you want to publish content that is search engine friendly, optimized for your keywords, but at the same time, reader friendly.
  • When you are looking for a copywriter or a content writer who can write great content based on searcher’s intent.

You can use an SEO copywriter to get written

  • SEO friendly blog posts.
  • SEO articles.
  • Services pages that are optimized for search engine rankings.
  • PPC landing pages.
  • Authoritative blog posts and articles to be published on websites like LinkedIn and Medium.

The basic idea is striking the perfect balance between good quality and SEO. Whether you hire an SEO copywriter or an SEO content writer, ultimately, it all rests on how much exposure and consequently, how much business the writing can generate.

For the time being, for an average client, there isn’t much difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing. Both are great forms of writing as long as they convince and convert.

Writing content for emotional intelligence – understanding your customers

Content writing for emotional intelligence – understanding customers

Content writing for emotional intelligence – understanding customers

Every piece of content that you write for your blog or website should be based on thorough understanding of your customers. You must use emotional intelligence for content writing.

Here is a nice blog post on How to use emotional intelligence marketing to better understand your customers.

For meaningful content writing, it is very important to know what your customers are looking for.

You need to understand their emotional intelligence: figure out what moves them emotionally and then write content.

Remember that ultimately every buying decision is based on emotions and not logical thinking although, in the beginning, it may seem that you are acting logically.

Of course, it is understood that your target customers and clients must be looking for products and services that you offer.

For example, I know that my clients are looking for high-quality content writing to improve their conversion rate and SEO.

They are looking for a content writer they can depend on for ongoing content.

But, there are many content writing services on the web. How do I convince people to hire my services rather than someone else’s services?

For this, I need to understand what problems my clients face and how I can solve those problems.

Through my blog posts and webpages, I address those problems and explain how and why I have the solutions that my prospective clients need.

What are the problems faced by my prospective content writing clients?

Understanding problems being faced by my content writing clients

Understanding problems being faced by my content writing clients

This varies from client to client.

A non-English-speaking client needs someone who can write well without grammar and spelling mistakes.

I’m not saying this is the only problem faced by the non-English-speaking clients, but this is one of the major concerns.

What about people who know how to write well but are still looking for a content writer?

They are looking for quality.

They are looking for a web writer who can write convincingly, in a conversational manner, but still, maintaining a professional tone.

After quality, it is consistency and regularity people want the most.

Even when they can get good content writers from other content writing services, they can’t get consistency and regularity.

Through my blog I convey to my prospective clients that when they work with me, they will get quality content consistently and if I cannot deliver consistently, I won’t commit just for the sake of getting the project.

Many clients suffer from bad SEO and they know that SEO can be improved with better content writing.

They also understand that SEO content writing doesn’t mean simply using keywords.

Importance of content marketing in SEO

Importance of content marketing in SEO

Keywords are important, but what’s more important is the quality and relevance.

When they check out my website, they know that I can deliver SEO content without compromising on quality.

Why it is important to understand your customers when writing content?

Importance of understanding your customer before writing content

Importance of understanding your customer before writing content

Simply focusing on search engine rankings is of no use.

Even if you can improve your SEO in the beginning, it begins to deteriorate if your visitors don’t respond favorably to your content.

How do you know people are responding favorably to your content? The following traits help you know that:

  • Your visitors spend more time on your website or blog.
  • They don’t leave immediately after arriving through a particular blog post or webpage – they also check out other webpages and blog posts on your website.
  • Their search intent is satisfied when they find your link on Google and come to your website – they don’t come back to Google and then use the same search string.
  • They share your links on their own social media and social networking timelines.
  • Your content triggers conversations, even controversies and debates.

About conversations and controversies, it is better to rake up such states of affairs through your blog.

On your blog you can go on a different tangent and people will still read it, enjoy it and share it.

But, on your business website you need to be very focused on solving people’s problems.

You want to improve your SEO through SEO content writing? You should feel reassured when you visit my website.

You want to improve your conversion rate? You should feel convinced that I can help you with that with my content writing services.

How do I achieve that?

Instead of telling you how great a writer I am I should be able to explain to you how I can improve your search engine rankings.

This is where I need to use emotional intelligence to know my audience and then write my content accordingly.

In the same manner, before I write content for your business, I should use emotional intelligence to know YOUR audience and then I should write.

I often tell my clients that the primary focus of their content must be helping their prospective customers and clients.

The enthusiasm in the writing must jump out of the screen.

And this enthusiasm can only manifest if you truly understand customers and their problems and really believe that you can solve those problems.



Creating unique images for blog posts with image mashups

Creating unique images for blog posts with image mashups

Creating unique images for blog posts with image mashups

I really enjoy creating unique images for my blog posts. If you have noticed, I often create a mashup of different ages.

It is time consuming and sometimes even exhausting. But when I have created unique images for my blog posts, I feel good.

Of course, to be able to create unique images for my blog posts sometimes I have to use multiple image editing tools because I haven’t acquired mastery over one particular tool.

For example, I have been doing basic image editing in Photoshop for many years, but still, I haven’t learned its advanced features.

Nonetheless, it is a great tool for creating the sort of image mashups that I have been creating. For example, if I want to extract a portion of an image I have taken from the Internet, I can do that with Photoshop. I can also remove the background. Creating images with transparent backgrounds is also quite easy with Photoshop.

Along with Photoshop I also use PhotoScape to create additional effects. There is another image editing tool from Wondershare that I have been using.

The benefit of creating an image mashup is that you can create highly unique images for your blog posts without someone blaming you of stealing his or her images.

Not all of us have advanced hardware and software to create awesome images. Also, extensive training is required to be able to create professional graphics, especially with Photoshop. Unless you create graphics and images professionally, it doesn’t make sense to go very deep into Photoshop.

So, the next best option is, find a few images using image search on Google, select small portions of different images but make sure that they are logically connected, and create a mashup. You get a highly unique image for your blog post.