Tag Archives: Business Blogging

How to go from 0 to 100,000 monthly blog visitors in 1 year

Every blogger’s dream is to get a ton of traffic as soon as possible, but the problem with blogging is, unless you have got lots of time and money at hand, it takes a prolonged effort to grow a decent flow of traffic. Most people abandon blogging because although they start with great ideas and lots of energy, gradually they start running out of ideas and the energy begins to ebb. If you go through the history of every successful blog there is one common trait you will easily find: persistence. I don’t know whether this is true or not, once I read somewhere that Seth Godin publishes a blog post everyday, without missing even a single day, even on Christmas Day. Many bloggers claim that the moment they decrease the number of blog posts they publish per week or per month, their traffic declines and so do their business queries.

How do you grow traffic to your blog? This Business 2 Community blog post explains how you can generate a monthly traffic of 100,000 visitors to your blog. Of course conditions apply. You need to stick to the following:

  • Write great headlines to increase traffic directly as well as from search engines. Remember that whenever people come across your link, it’s not the URL that they see, it’s the headline or the title that you have created. Search engines use your page title to display your listing as a hyperlink text. Even when people post your link on Facebook or Twitter, it’s your headline or title that is automatically extracted and displayed within the update preview. So spend ample amount of time coming up with a compelling, highly attractive headline or webpage titles.
  • Write lots of content on trending topics if possible. Well, this advise is not always applicable to your business, but it definitely helps if you write content on trending topics because people are already looking for such content. But do keep in mind that you need to give a unique twist to your blog posts because if it is a trending topic then you can safely assume that hundreds of thousands of people must be writing about it and there is going to be a tough competition on search engines as well as social networking websites. Create a unique title or topic and then write your blog post centered around the trending topic.
  • Always solve problems. Visitors will come to your blog in droves if you solve their problems through your blog posts.
  • Write in conversational tone. Remember that when you’re writing blog posts you are not trying to prove your literary credentials – you’re simply trying to hold conversations with your visitors. Write in a friendly manner. Write as if you’re talking to someone sitting in front of you.
  • Promote your blog posts. Simply writing blog posts all the time doesn’t help much, although sooner or later you will start getting search engine traffic. Start pitching your blog posts on various forums. Share your links on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other such platforms.

Are you ignoring blogging and losing business in the process?

Business blogging gets you more business

Yes, the good old topic of blogging and how it impacts the growth of your business. Here is a nice infographic on blogging and not blogging affects your bottom line.

If you’re not much interested in infographics I’m going to write down a few figures that have been discussed in the infographic. Here they are:

  • 57% of companies that blog have one way or another acquired customers from their blog. This is actually true. Whenever I am regularly blogging – although the nature of my business is such that blogging perfectly fits the bill because it is mostly about writing and content marketing – my targeted traffic increases which in return generates more queries.
  • You may have been underestimating blogging for business. Do you know that 77% of Internet users in the USA have read blogs? Here are some more figures:
    • 61% of US customers and clients have made purchases after reading blog posts
    • 81% of American customers trust advice and information published on business blogs
    • 82% customers claim that they enjoy reading relevant and topical information from various brands
    • 70% of customers and clients learn about the companies they do business with through blog posts and articles rather than ads
  • If you publish blog posts relevant to your business 16-20 times in a month you traffic doubles
  • If you blog regularly the count of new visits to your website increases by 80%
  • If your business blog contains more than 200 blog articles you may get 4.6 times more traffic than those that have just 200 blog posts or articles
  • Small businesses that publish a blog regularly get 126% more leads compared to those that don’t
  • In a 30-day period if you blog 16-20 times the number of leads you get will increase 3 times
  • B2B businesses that blog regularly get 67% more leads than those that don’t

Why blogging sometimes doesn’t work for some businesses?

The main problem is quality content of course. You need to provide value to your visitors by providing exceptional content. This is also important because there is lots of noise on the Internet and you need to stand out.

Regularity is another aspect that you strictly need to keep in mind. There is no use creating high-quality content if you are not publishing your content on an ongoing basis. Spurts of publishing doesn’t help much and in fact it also wastes the time that you spend during those spurts. Regularity is a must. In fact regularity is so important that the blogs that publish daily have 5 times more traffic than those that post weekly or less.

Another problem is lack of exposure. How do people know that you’re publishing great content on your business blog? You need to promote your business blog content using appropriate channels including industry-specific forums, social networking websites, LinkedIn groups and Quora.

What is the greatest benefit of blogging even if it doesn’t fetch you direct business?

  • Your search engine rankings improve
  • Your content is shared on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, on a regular basis
  • The blog posts that you create will always exist in the search engine databases
  • Over the time the search engine rankings of your existing blog posts keep on increasing, getting you new traffic for a long time

Image source

How to come up with relevant blog topics for your audience

Relevancy is essential for meaningful engagement. If people don’t find your blog posts relevant to their needs they are neither going to read them nor promote them.

A successful business blog requires regular posting. Your publishing schedule shouldn’t be intermittent – it should follow a consistent schedule. The problem with following a schedule is you constantly have to come up with relevant, interesting and well-written blog posts.

Many of my clients require me to send them a blog post every day and fortunately, most of them send me their own topics because they want to improve their search engine rankings (of course there are many others who pay me extra to come up with topics on my own). When they are not able to come up with topics they send me a basic idea of the wording and the keywords they would like to feature within the topics and then accordingly I create them.

You should constantly keep this in mind that whatever you publish on your blog it should help the readers. After reading every blog post they should go back enriched in one way or another. They shouldn’t feel like they wasted the time they spent reading your blog post.

How do you come up with relevant blog topics?

One way is to keep track of conversations going on on social networking websites like Twitter and LinkedIn, but mostly Twitter. I have created a separate column in Hootsuite for tracking conversations on all the niches on which I need to write regularly (content marketing, content writing, blog writing, etc., for instance, for writing on my own blog).

This Moz blog post titled 3 Steps to Identify Blog Topics That are Relevant to Your Audience suggests that you can also take ideas from popular blog posts on your own blog, but then of course for that you have to be publishing for a long time and you have to be having some popular blog posts. This is a good way of knowing for what people come to your website and what sort of blog posts they find useful.

Another suggestion is to take hints from your competitors’ websites. Although the Moz blog post advises you to use one of their own tools in order to track the performance of individual websites and links, you can also do this by manually visiting websites and going through the comments section. Normally popular blog posts attract way more comments compared to those that are not very popular. You can also gauge the popularity of a particular blog post if the publisher happens to use some social networking plug-in that shows how many times that link has been shared and recommended.

My favourite way of coming up with relevant blog topics for my audience is to maintain an ideas list. This list comes handy when you need to publish every day. You need to develop a habit of quickly jotting down ideas as soon as they come to your mind. You can use Evernote or any of the note-taking applications freely available. You can also use the voice recorder of your phone to quickly capture your thoughts.

11 essential ingredients for creating great blog posts

The objective of every blog post that you write and publish should be to get maximum exposure from your targeted audience, and not just exposure, but also sharing love. Maximum number of people should share your blog post link using their social networking and social media profiles.

There are some key performance indicators (KPI’s) that help you decide whether a blog post that you have published is successful or not. It’s not necessary that you fret over every blog post because there are some blog posts that you publish simply for the heck of the pleasure that you derive out of the process and the sort of interaction you have with your visitors, but if you’re publishing a business blog, then it’s very important that you know exactly what you’re doing on your blog and how you define success. A blog post would be successful if

  • It creates enough buzz to attract new customers and clients to your website
  • It makes more people click ads if that’s how you make money off your blog
  • More people subscribe to your newsletter if that was the intention
  • It helps you get more search engine traffic for your targeted keywords
  • It increases your longtail keyword traffic
  • It gets greater attention on social media and social networking resulting in the outcomes mentioned above

There are some fundamental ingredients that you can use in order to make your blog post successful. 11 such essential ingredients are published in this Copyblogger blog post in the form of an infographic, but below is the bulleted compilation of these ingredients:

  1. Create a killer headline that draws people from search engines and other websites to your website. Your headline should present to your audience the central message of your blog post in a most compelling and attractive manner.
  2. Make a great opening. Your headline should be followed by an impressive opening that prompts people to read further. Otherwise all the advantage gained by the headline will be lost.
  3. Use persuasive words. Such words not just give an adrenaline rush they also instil a sense of purpose in the process of writing as well as reading.
  4. Be authentic. It will help you stand out.
  5. Take every sentence seriously. Write good sentences.
  6. Use bullet points to highlight main points of your blog post.
  7. Divide your blog post under various subheadings giving a clear idea of what awaits.
  8. Use the art of storytelling to keep your readers hooked.
  9. Don’t reveal all your cards at the same time. Withhold your information and keep revealing small bits every couple of paragraphs.
  10. Use attractive images to give more meaning to your blog posts.
  11. Make a convincing conclusion so that people are not left clueless.

How to write a quick, in-depth blog post even when you don’t have time

Writing a blog post when in a rush

If you are publishing a business blog one of the greatest hurdles you’re going to come across is publishing blog posts regularly, on an ongoing basis. Otherwise your blog, no matter how well-written, well-maintained it is, is going to lose steam. People will lose interest. Since they will not be aware of your publishing schedule their visits to your blog will be erratic at the best. In order to draw people on a regular basis, you need to publish blog posts regularly and there needs to be a set pattern. But as a busy entrepreneur how do you manage that?

Of course, being a professional content writer my advice would be to hire yourself someone like yours truly, but if you don’t want to do that and you would rather write on your own, here is how you can manage to produce in-depth blog posts on a regular basis even if you are running short of time.

  • Maintain an ideas file: If you know what you want to write, you can write it quickly. A big problem is when you have time, you don’t know what to write. This problem can be solved if you have an ideas file or a section where you can store your ideas. I use Evernote for that. Whenever I get a new idea that will require lots of research, I create a new note and then as I come across various bits of information while surfing the net, I keep copy/pasting that information in that particular note so that by the time I get down to actually writing the blog post, I have everything ready.
  • Create an outline: You don’t necessarily have to complete a blog post in one go. Remember your purpose is not to complete and somehow publish the blog post in a couple of hours, your purpose is writing and publishing quality content on your business blog. Don’t compromise on that, so don’t be in a hurry. Even if you have time to jot down just a single line, do that and then stop worrying about the blog post. You may initially feel that you aren’t doing much, but when you are maintaining multiple blogging ideas you will very soon come across a situation when you have lots of material at hand on an ongoing basis.
  • Use a mind mapping tool:
    These days I find myself using Free Mind quite often. It is a Java-based mind mapping tool. Mind mapping tools are a great way to organise complex ideas. If you’re not used to the interface you may find it off-putting initially but once you get used to it, it will be an invaluable productivity tool in your kitty.
  • Install a blogging app on your mobile phone:
    You may get an idea while travelling and unless you have some system to quickly store it, it may be lost for ever. I have the WordPress app installed on my mobile phone and whenever I need to collect my thoughts on a blog I create the entry and save it as a draft. Then, as and when I come across ideas and information, I just use my phone to update the draft. Finally, when I sit in front of my computer I give the finishing touches to the draft and then publish the blog post.
  • Don’t get bogged down by the size of the blog post: Although here I’m talking about writing in-depth blog posts you don’t need to begin every blog post with the same purpose. Just focus on the single sentence and you will be amazed how the floodgates to new ideas are suddenly opened. Even if that doesn’t happen, there is no problem with posting just a single paragraph if you think you are running behind your blogging schedule. Later on you can always update a blog post that you have already published – there is no rule against that.
  • Crowd source your content:
    You can create a simple blog post and then ask your visitors to drop in ideas in the comments section on how a particular blog post can be improved. You can also seek opinion on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.