Tag Archives: existing customers

Don’t stop your content marketing once your customers have bought from you

Content marketing to existing customers

Content marketing to existing customers

In its truest essence, content marketing is all about building relationships and when you build relationships, you don’t put a stop to your relationships once some basic job is done.

The purpose of content marketing is to positively engage your prospective customers and clients so that they feel aware enough and consequently, feel motivated enough to prefer you for their next purchase, over your competitor.

According to this study, 50% of small and medium-size businesses have revealed that half of their revenue comes from repeat customers. Other studies have shown that loyal customers are worth 10x as much as first-time customers. A 5% increase in customer retention can increase your profitability by 75% (source).

Hence, this blog post rightly suggests that you shouldn’t stop your content marketing targeting them once your customers have purchased from you.

In fact, since they have purchased from you, they have a positive perception about your business. They are familiar with you or your business name.

Through spending money on your business, they have shown their confidence in your ability to deliver. They trust you. They are more receptive to your messages and communication.

How do you engage your existing customers through content marketing?

Almost all of your customers share their email ids when they buy from you for the first time.

After getting their permission, you can add their email addresses to a mailing list through which you can keep in touch with them regularly.

But they wouldn’t like to hear from you for your chitter chatter. They will appreciate communication from you if you have something valuable to offer.

This is what I would suggest you can do to constantly keep in touch with your existing customers:

  • Send them a nice thank you email once they have purchased for the first time.
  • After a couple of days, you can send another email asking them if they have faced any problem using your product or service.
  • After a week, send an email asking for their feedback. You can use a custom online form to allow them to leave your feedback as easily as possible.
  • After another week, give them an opportunity to connect with you using a social networking apps or platform.
  • In between, if you have come across an interesting article or blog post, or if you yourself have published an insightful article or blog post on your own website, you can share the link with them hoping that they find it useful.
  • Send them an offer if you have got something similar to what they purchased from you.

Outside of email, maintained an updated FAQs section in case they have some questions regarding their purchase.

You can also publish tutorials on how they can benefit the most out of their purchase from you.

You can go on publishing content targeting your existing customers.