Tag Archives: sales writing

The importance of call to action

“Call to action” means telling your visitors in plain words what they should do, now that they are on your page, as nicely explained in this blog post at Copyblogger. It can be like, “Contact me now”, or “Go to this page to know more”, or “Subscribe to my newsletter” or even “Buy it now!” and so on. It may seam very simple, but it actually increases your click-through rate.

An average visitor to your blog or website is highly distracted due to hundreds of things competing for his or her attention. So while creating copy we shouldn’t assume that he or she will understand what you want him or her to do on your website. If you want to make a sale, display your “Buy now” link or graphic as soon as possible. If you want someone to subscribe to your newsletter or RSS feeds, tell them to subscribe. People like to be told what to do, and sometimes they just do it when they see a call to action word. This is a tried-and-tested fact. Our mind is trained to follow instructions.