Tag Archives: SEO content outsourcing

Why it is fine to outsource your content writing job for SEO

Should you outsource SEO content writing

Should you outsource SEO content writing?

I was just reading this blog post on why not to outsource certain SEO services, including content writing.

Although I’m not sure about other SEO services such as link building and on page optimization, I believe there is no hard-and-fast rule (as is mentioned in the post) that works for everyone.

But I know why for many, outsourcing content writing for SEO doesn’t work, or hasn’t work.

People don’t hire good content writers because then they need to pay them more.

All the money that can be saved, businesses want to save on content writers. Yes, it is becoming my pet peeve.

I complain about this because so much can be achieved and then not achieved simply because professional content writers are undervalued and consequently, underpaid.

I even have an image to explain what befalls upon you if you base your SEO strategy on cheap content.

Cheap content harms your business

Recently I wrote in one of my blog posts that high-quality content is the pillar upon which your entire content marketing and digital marketing strategy rests.

What sort of experience you have with the service depends on lots of factors.

Whether it is web design, programming, content writing and copywriting or SEO, it is a matter of chance how well everything is going to turn up.

How to hire the best SEO content writer to improve your rankings.

This is also true for your employees – people that you hire in-house.

You never know how they are going to deliver, no matter how great the interview goes.

It isn’t necessary that the content writer that you hire in-house is going to perform better than the content writer to whom you may have outsourced your SEO content writing requirement.

I have personally worked with many clients who had a very bad experience with the content writer they had hired initially.

After burning their fingers, they contacted me.

In most of the cases, I have observed over the years that when businesses and entrepreneurs get lousy writing, this is mostly because they have hired a cheap content writer to save money.

They have this well-entrenched perception that writing is cheap.

It is not. Good writing definitely not.

Hence, find a good SEO content writer, acknowledge the fact that you’re going to have to pay him or her just the way you pay for any other service, and you will get good, quality content to improve your rankings.