Tag Archives: voice search SEO

Are you writing content for voice search?

content writing for voice search

According to eMarketers, at least 40% people in the United States use some sort of voice assistance while surfing the web, once a month. This is 2019, and 111.8 million people (just in the US). By 2021 the figure is expected to increase to 122.7 million people using voice search. Are you writing content targeting these people?

200 billion voice searches will be done by 2020

200 billion voice searches will be done by 2020

[Image source]

I have written multiple times on writing content for voice search, including How to optimize content writing for voice search and How to write content for voice-activated devices.

If you recently said, “Okay Google, find me this information”, then you will understand what I’m trying to say.

There are certain businesses that are very straightforward. For example, if you’re looking for a content writing service for your business, you will probably tell Google to “find a content writing service for my flower delivery business”, or something like that. Or you can search for “why does my business need a professional content writer?”

But, if you have scores of products and services, you need to write content in such a manner that no matter what people say into their “smart” devices, using voice search, they are able to find your website in such a manner that they understand that you are in the business of providing what they need.

Writing content for traditional search is not very different from writing content for voice search as long as you are addressing the core issue and you write your content in a conversational manner. After all, people use voice search as if they are having a conversation with someone.

When we are talking to someone in a conversational tone, we don’t use stiff language. We use words that we don’t normally write.

Our school and college train us to use different tones when we are speaking and when we are writing. Even when you don’t write the way you wrote essays in school and college, you may use monosyllables or simply the service names when using your fingers to type.

On the other hand, when you are speaking into your voice assistant, you will speak complete sentences, and sometimes even slightly complex sentences with unrelated phrases.

A big reason why we tend to speak longer phrases for voice search is that it’s easy to speak than write, especially on mobile phones and especially on devices like Amazon Echo where there is no system of writing.

Writing existing content for voice search

If you already have lots of content written for your website or blog (or both) the idea of rewriting existing content for voice search may seem overwhelming, but actually it is not.

In fact, if you already have lots of content, you have an advantage. You just need to make some structural changes and add some phrases at strategic places to make it friendly for voice search rankings.

For example, make a list of phrases people would use when using voice search. Then use these phrases in the headlines and sub headlines. Insert sentences carrying these phrases whenever they sound logical and relevant.

Add a couple of extra paragraphs using those phrases.

You can also create or write additional webpages and blog posts specifically targeting phrases for voice search. Just make sure you don’t end up duplicating your content.

Writing new content for voice search

Of course, being a professional content writer, I would suggest that if you need quality content writing for voice search, you should work with a trained content writer. But, if you’re not in the mood of hiring one, or if you don’t have the budget, you can first record your voice before writing.

You may like to read 20 benefits of hiring professional content writing services.

Whatever you want to write, first, have a conversation about it with one of your colleagues or your friends and record the conversation.

Don’t worry about grammar and wrong usage of words. Simply have a conversation.

Then, when writing content, listen to that conversation and try to use as many words you hear in the conversation as possible. I have found that this is one of the best ways of content writing for voice search.