While writing content focus on the why part

“Why” is a very important part of your content writing and copywriting process because very often this is the first expression that crops up in your visitor’s mind as soon as you tell him or her to buy your product or service. When you focus on “why” you highlight the tangible benefits of your product or service and not superficial features.

Many of my clients, when they send their briefs for me to go through, they get so much embroiled with terminologies and rhetorical claims that sometimes I am not even able to make out exactly what they intend to offer to their customers or clients. This can be a big business killer. When you are not even able to tell your customers or clients what you’re selling how are you going to sell it? The end user is least interested in going through the nitty-gritty of your technology, he or she simply wants something that enables him or her do better in life and in business.

That is why in the page title and the first paragraph I focus on the problem and the solution my client’s business offers. It is not necessary to ponder over the name of the business or where it comes from or what a great team it has. I concentrate on, “Is this the problem you have? This is how we can solve it.” This is the “why” part.

This is the sure shot way of grabbing your visitor’s attention. Assuming that when people arrived at your website they are not fooling around and are looking for a solution it pays to straightaway come to the point and address the problem. If I am looking for an e-book reader I immediately want to know whether you have the one I’m looking for or not.

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