Applying segmentation to content marketing

Segmentation in content marketing may be creating and publishing content that is very narrowly focused on a particular audience and on a particular topic. You can market content to a wider audience or a narrower audience and sometimes the problem is, you don’t even realize that.

This Content Marketing Institute blog post gives some examples of how you can do content marketing for narrower segments rather than simply publishing and marketing content for a very wide audience. Take an example of a sports channel. A sports channel telecast’s programs on multiple sports such as basketball, soccer, skating and every other sport under the sun (as long as its coverage is available and there is an audience).

In this sports channel there are also segmented programs. For example, how about a monthly recap of the best home runs across the country? Or the biggest sixers in all the cricket ODIs of the past week? Or the biggest sports upsets of the fortnight? Or what about the main highlights of particular soccer matches?

Whenever such segmented content is produced and broadcast, a particular type of audience is kept in mind. Take for example, the highlights of particular soccer matches – the audience for such a program doesn’t have time to sit through the entire matches. But they don’t want to miss out on the great stuff happening on the field, whatever may be the reason. So they would like to have a quick run through. Here is an audience that is interested in sports but does not have time to see the matches.

Segmentation in content marketing can bring focusing to your writing and even conversion rate. Highly focused groups can be converted easily compared to those who just have a generic interest in your subject.

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