Author Archives: Amrit Hallan

About Amrit Hallan

Amrit Hallan is a professional content writer who helps businesses improve their conversion rate through credible and compelling content writing. His main strength lies in writing search engine optimized content without compromizing quality and meaningfulness.

Should You Take A Strong Political Stand As A Business?

Should you take a strong political stand as a business

Should you take a strong political stand as a business?

If you go through different social media timelines of people from the USA, it is not just about politics (due to the impending presidential elections), it seems like the clash of the belief systems.

One of the people I have been following for more than a decade was exhorting other companies not to do business with the Republican party.

People in his timeline accused him of acting like a fascist and trying to curb democracy.

I remember even in the previous elections, famous investor Peter Thiel openly supported the candidacy of Donald Trump and earned the wrath of his “liberal peers”.

Anyway, they have published a podcast on the Content Marketing Institute titled Should your brand enter controversial conversations?

Although, in the podcast they don’t necessarily talk about political and ideological controversies and they’re mostly talking about taking a divergent stand from established norms, this brings to my mind, as a business, should you openly voice your political opinions and openly declare that you are not going to deal with people and businesses to display a contrarian bent of mind, politically and ideologically?

Here is a Twitter thread I recently posted:

Depending on which side of the spectrum you stand, you will have your own opinion on who was being controversial – me, who had just expressed my opinion a couple of years ago and then moved on or the prospective client who insisted that he would only do business with me if I agreed with him.

I lost money and he lost a chance to work with a good content writer.

The point is, he took a stand and I took a stand. We wanted to conduct a business but because of our respective stands, we, or rather he, chose not to conduct it.

I often say that social media is the traditional “chaupal”.

In Indian villages, they used to have a “chaupal”, a place where people from the village would gather every evening to talk about various issues.

Through social media we have created global chaupals.

Since we don’t have to move from our chairs (or wherever we are sitting or standing) and we are not physically confronting the other person, we can be more reckless and direct compared to the real world.

For example, you can abuse a politician without running the risk of being roughed up by his or her security guards or even by his or her acolytes.

But the topic here is, should you, as a business, participate in controversial or politically and ideologically charged up topics?

I would suggest, use your judgement and evaluate how it is going to affect your business in the short-term and long-term.

Again, the main discussion of the above podcast is not about taking a loud stand on a political and ideological issue but expressing a counter opinion, for example, Google starting a new university-level course that aims to replace the conventional university courses that people have been doing for a couple of centuries.

Coming back to taking a strong stand on political and ideological issues.

If you think that it is worth taking the risk, go ahead.

Otherwise, focus on your business. Even within your business, there are thousands of issues you can deal with.

I will give you practical advice.

In the current political scenario, the world is heavily polarized between the side that likes to call itself “liberal” or “left-liberal” and the other side that is opposed to this particular notion of being “liberal”.

One side is certainly better organized, better networked and works like a swarm. It is more powerful and has the ability to cause irreparable damage to your business.

It controls most of the business and corporate world.

The other side is not strongly networked, and it doesn’t act like a swarm. It can be loud and sometimes it can even be crass, but its actions are more random and less strategic.

This other side cannot provide you the sort of support that the first side can provide to its followers and supporters.

Another thing I have observed about taking a stand is that you cannot take a partial stand.

Once you take the plunge it is normally very difficult to turn back.

This is not true for the first category that I have mentioned above. Since they are better organized, they also know how important it is to support each other, a characteristic that is missing in the other side.

Hence, carefully weigh your options before deciding to take a strong political or ideological stand especially when you need to deal with different people in the industry.

Take care of your business first.

You can take a stand only from a position of strength.

Very simple content writing strategy for startups

Simple content writing strategy for startups

Simple content writing strategy for startups.

During the Covid-19 times, lots of on-demand services startups have approached me for my content writing services.

They understand that only through-high quality, informative content, they can increase their visibility in this crowded space.

Understandably, most of the startups don’t have the budget for getting lots of content written and published.

As a result, either they end up choosing inferior content, doing more harm than good, or they abandon their project (as was my experience recently with one of the startups).

When it comes to startups, I try to be as accommodating as possible, but I must confess that during the times of the pandemic, I need to maximize my time on moneymaking projects.

Previously I could squeeze some time for less paying assignments but right now, it is becoming increasingly difficult.

Of course, there are some startups that are backed by big businesses and consequently, they have enough financial resources for high quality content writing but most of the startups are hard pressed.

This becomes a vicious cycle. How do you break the cycle?

Typical problems faced by startups and how they can be solved it quality content writing

Some problems faced by startups include

Fierce competition

Startups are big into hot markets.

As I mentioned above, due to Covid-19, there is lots of demand for home delivery apps.

Since there is lots of demand in this sector, everyone who can build an app or who has some idea of how to deliver optimally, is considering a startup, or in the process of starting up.

This gives rise to lots of competition.

For innovation, competition is good.

Competition is also good for customers because they have a greater choice.

But, it creates lots of problems for new entrepreneurs.

Big ideas are slaughtered at the altar of relentless competition.

How can content writing help you withstand competition?

Develop a unique voice.

Write in a manner (or get written in a manner) so that you stand out.

Write content about topics that are relevant to your startup idea but not many people are writing about them.

Offer a different perspective on a highly debated topic.

Take a stand.

I know, for a business, especially for a startup, taking a stand can be a risky proposition, but it can also pay you dividends if it works in your favor.

Communicate to your core audience daily through your blog and social media.

As I recently wrote, don’t worry about how long your blog posts should be.

It hardly matters.

Focus on something meaningful.

Center all your postings around an idea.

Believe me, there are so few people or businesses posting regularly, that even if you do this one single thing, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors.

A race against time

Time to market is very critical for every startup.

Although, how fast your programmers and developers can build a mobile app or a software application depends on your team, you can maintain a buzz, as advised above, by publishing regularly.

Don’t wait till your app is ready to download.

Perhaps, that will be too late.

Remember that it is not a mobile app or a cloud-based service you are excited about.

You are excited about the idea.

When you are excited about the idea, you can start sharing your idea without having to wait for the product.

One of your team members can closely coordinate with a content writer to publish daily.

I have learned one thing over the years.

As a content writer I need to charge less for writing and more for ideation.

Lots of time is spent on research and coming up with material to write about.

But, if someone from within your startup can prepare an outline in such a manner that this outline can be quickly turned into a quick blog post, it doesn’t take much time.

Saves you money. Saves you time.

Cash crunch

Frankly, every business, every organization has a “cash crunch” when it comes to paying for content writing.

Anyway, some cash crunch situations are real, especially when a couple of innovators are trying to launch a new startup on their own and they haven’t gotten any funding.

How do you deal with your cash crunch and still write and publish high-quality content?

The biggest problem entrepreneurs face is that they are too much concerned with writing and publishing something outstanding.

A few years ago, I worked with a startup entrepreneur and he was always so hellbent upon writing something “outstanding” that most of the time you are not writing anything.

This is called policy paralysis.

Of course, you must be outstanding in your approach but at the most basic level, people want their questions answered.

This is the easiest thing to achieve when you want to start writing content for your blog.

Since you know a lot about your startup idea you can answer pretty much every question about it.

Make a list of about 20 questions.

Every alternative day, write and publish a small answer to individual question.

This will give you lots of topics to cover.

As you write or as you get your content written from a content writer, new ideas begin to emerge on their own.

I have been writing for my blog for more than 15 years now and I still face this problem of coming up with ideas.

But the problem only surfaces when I have written for my blog for a few months (yes, undesirable, but happens) and when I restart, I can’t think of anything to write on.

Though, when I am in the midst of a few blog posts, the idea generating process is on autopilot.

If you want to use content marketing to promote your startup idea, writing high quality content is inescapable, indispensable.

It is like wanting to have a website without registering a domain name.

The good thing is, with little bit of innovation, cooperation and creativity, you can regularly publish high-quality content for your startup.

Is there a benefit of posting small blog posts?

Should you publish smaller blog posts

Should you publish smaller blog posts?

I have always believed in the concept of “something is always better than nothing”.

If there is a choice between posting a small blog post and posting nothing at all, I recommend that you post a small blog post.

What am I talking about?

Search engine experts and, to an extent, even Google, recommend that you should avoid thin content.

What is thin content?

Thin content is blog posts and web pages posted just for the heck of it with little content on them.

This Yoast post describes in detail what is thin content.

Over the past two decades, I have maintained multiple blogs.

I had one technology blog. I actively posted content on the blog for two years and it had some decent traffic.

I’m not discussing here why I abandoned the blog, but I would like to focus on what I learned.

Beyond a point, the length or the number of words in your blog post or web page hardly matter.

What matters is the information that you provide to your visitors.

I used to publish quick blog posts on the technology blog randomly, but regularly.

Someday, when I had time, I published 3-4 blog posts. Someday, I published just one. Sometimes, none.

But, in a week, on an average I was publishing 10 blog posts.

Not very big. Never more than 400 words.

It started getting good traffic, if I remember correctly, within four months.

Ever since then, a lot has changed. Even the Google algorithm has gone through multiple transformations.

Now we live in the times of longform content.

At least the concept is promoted by most of the reputed SEO and content marketing companies.

Publish 3000-4000 words, they recommend. Even 6000.

Don’t publish blog posts; publish guides.

A complete guide to this and a complete guide to that.

There is a logic, and I do understand the logic.

When you are writing about a topic, cover the topic from multiple angles under different sections.

This way, when the visitor comes to your link, she finds everything she needs to know about the topic she has just searched on Google.

I do agree: if written well, longer blog posts mean the person spends more time reading these blog posts and this lowers your bounce rate.

A lower bounce rate is good for your SEO.

It is also good for your conversion rate.

Hence, it makes sense to publish blog posts and web pages that extensively cover your topic.

But, you can’t be writing long blog posts all the time.

If you have the budget, if you have the time, sure, you can have a content calendar and you can publish 3-4 4000-word blog posts every month.

What if you neither have the budget not the time?

If that is the case, there is no harm in publishing smaller blog posts.

As I said in the beginning, something is better than nothing.

Make sure you provide value, though. That’s most important.

If you’re simply publishing rubbish, it is going to do more harm than good.

Check out Seth Godin’s blog if you haven’t already done so.

He hardly publishes 100 words.

But, he publishes everyday.

I have been observing his blog for more than 10 years now.

One of the best-known blogs on creating businesses that stand out.

Tiny blog posts.

Of course, he’s not bothered with search engine rankings.

He is a brand in himself.

He has published multiple books.

He constantly has speaking gigs.

Even when he hadn’t authored multiple books, he followed the same format – very small blog posts.

Just a single thought.

The point that I’m trying to make is, focus on delivering value.

Then what about your keywords?

What about covering longtail keywords?

I’m not saying that you always publish small blog posts.

You publish them when you don’t have time.

For example, right now I’m publishing this blog post.

I didn’t have time. But I didn’t want to miss posting an update.

What are the benefits of writing content for informational search intent?

The benefits of writing content for informational search intent

The benefits of writing content for informational search intent.

Most of the people on the Internet are searching for information. This is their search intent.

Broadly, there are four categories of user intent or searcher intent, namely

  1. Informational search intent
  2. Navigational search intent
  3. Commercial search intent
  4. Transactional search intent

To better understand these categories of searcher intent or search intent, you may like to read How effective content writing and searcher intent are interrelated.

But the focus of this blog post is informational search intent.

There are benefits of content writing for all Google searcher intent in varying degrees, but you will be surprised to know that 50-80% of the search that happens in Google originates from informational search intent.

As explained in this detailed Moz post on the “People Also Ask” section on Google, most of the suggested queries in this section are from informational search intent.

These queries are normally in the form of

  • What is content writing?
  • Why is SEO content writing important for search engine rankings?
  • How to improve your copywriting skills?
  • How can I hire the best content writer for my business?
  • A guide to creating the perfect content publishing calendar for your content marketing campaign.
  • Tutorial on copywriting best practices.

and so on.

Of course, I have given you these examples from my business, but you can apply the same on your business, for example:

  • Which is the best project management tool online?
  • What are the mobile app development trends during the Covid-19 pandemic?

You can easily make out that these searches are to gain some information. They are longer. They are also precise.

These are longtail keywords in their purest definition.

Does content writing for informational keyword intent translate into more sales

Does content writing for informational search intent increase sales

Does content writing for informational search intent increase sales?

Indirectly, yes. Directly, maybe not. I will explain.

It is like your sales funnel. Your customers and clients are often at different stages of your sales funnel.

You don’t want to just target people who are ready to buy from you. In most of the cases they don’t need targeting. They are already about to buy from you.

To generate more leads, to get more customers and clients, you want to target people who may want to purchase from you.

There are clients who immediately need my content writing services.

Then there are clients who know that an efficient content writing service can help them, but they haven’t yet made up their minds.

Then, there are clients who are struggling with all the difficulties that businesses normally have due to the lack of quality content, but they don’t know why they are having these difficulties.

They need to be educated.

They need to be enlightened.

For example, if someone is unable to improve his search engine rankings, he may search for “How can I improve my search engine rankings?”

When he uses this query on Google, if he comes across What is the importance of content writing in SEO?, this will be a revelation for him.

He learns that it is the lack of good content that is holding him back.

Whether he decides to hire my content writing services or goes with another service, is another matter, but I have educated him.

There is a great chance that he is going to hire my content writing services.

This is informational content that he found. This was informational search intent.

Nonetheless, it ends of generating business for me.

For every business it is very important to give the right information to customers and clients.

These days I’m writing for an accounting service that wants to help people reduce their taxable income.

They need to target people who are looking for such a service, and they are also targeting people who yet don’t know that their taxable income can be reduced through legal accounting and other procedures.

Hence, a searcher intent query such as, “How can I reduce my taxable income?” can bring such people to the website of this accounting service and this can result in more clients.

The SEO benefits of writing content for Google query intent

SEO benefits of writing content for informational search intent

SEO benefits of writing content for informational search intent.

This is a very, very, very old post from Search Engine Land that says that 80% of searches are informational searches on Google.

Even if in the past decade this number has changed, there is a great possibility that it hasn’t changed much, although, another website claims that in 2018, 37% searches were informational searches. I’m not citing the source because I couldn’t find one.

The point is, Google gives preference to question-based queries rather than business type queries.

It is easier to get higher search engine rankings for informational search intent content rather than commercial or transactional search intent content.

It is also easier to write content with informational search intent.

You know the question. Once you know the question, you can write the answer.

Since, in your answer, both the question and the answer get covered, you get highly optimized content.

This content gets higher search engine rankings.

Since most probably, this content may also contain links to your main website content, the higher search engine rankings of this content also have a positive impact on your main website content.

You develop readership.

You educate and inform your visitors.

This tells Google that your content is worth ranking higher.

Your overall SEO gets better.

The brand building benefits of publishing educational and informative content

Content writing for informational search intent helps you build your brand

Content writing for informational search intent helps you build your brand.

To build your brand you need authoritative, informative content.

Brand building includes recognition, presence, and authority. All these attributes can be generated when you publish lots of informational content.

High-quality, informational content gives you

  1. Audience retention: More people come to your website and stay longer to educate themselves and be more informed.
  2. Better social media traction: Your social visibility is important for brand building. Social visibility isn’t just about Facebook and Twitter. Most of your clients are on LinkedIn.
  3. Trust among your audience: It is very difficult to distrust a coach who shares lots of insights and good information with his or her visitors.
  4. Higher conversion rate: People who are familiar to your presence are more likely to hire you as their business coach.
  5. More leads: Even if right now they don’t want to hire you as their business coach, they would like to keep in touch with you and hence, leave their email ID or phone number with you.

Suppose you are looking for a business coach. You come across two websites.

One simply states the name of the business coach, his qualifications and what sort of coaching he can provide you.

There is a contact form in case you want to contact him.

The other has lots of information about not just the coach, but also other aspects of business coaching.

She’s continuously writing and publishing useful business coaching tips.

You want to closely follow her blog for the great advice she is giving on it.

This is an incentive for you to visit her website regularly and retain the maximum amount of information about her.

She publishes a newsletter through which she broadcasts highly valuable information people can use.

She also has some e-books for you that you can download and apply the advice to immediately experience improvements in the way you do your business.

People share her content on their social media timelines. They discuss her methods and unique ways of providing business coaching.

For many search queries related to business coaching her name comes up on Google.

You begin to relate good advice and good content with her name.

This is brand building through writing content for informational search intent.

Who are you going to hire as your business coach if you really want to hire one?

Obviously the one who publishes lots of information on her website.

How can you write content for informational search intent?

Now we come to the meatier part. What sort of content writing qualifies as informational content?

As described above, the informational search intent is for gathering information, education and insight.

In fact, this is my favorite form of content writing. It is based on solving particular problems.

When writing content for informational search intent you need to keep in mind that you are providing valuable information to your visitors.

Don’t mislead them.

Don’t write content just to get them to your website.

People are way too smart for such shenanigans.

This is a sure shot way of sending them away and helping them remember never to come back to your website.

Even the Google search algorithm can make out if you are tricking people into visiting your website.

When people don’t find valuable information on your website or blog but nonetheless, they find your content on the SERPs, they immediately leave your website, indicating to Google that your content doesn’t deserve the rankings it is currently having.

Anyway, the best way of writing content for informational search intent for your industry is build a long list of questions that people may have about your industry.

I will give you my own examples to start with:

  • How much does content writing cost?
  • In what different ways content writing improves search engine rankings?
  • Why does Google prefer high quality content?
  • What is the difference between SEO copywriting and normal copywriting?

See the pattern? This sound like the FAQs section. In fact, your FAQs section is a good example of informational search intent content.


You cannot do without high quality content on your website or blog.

Whether you realize it today, tomorrow or after having spent lots of money and many months, ultimately, your online presence depends on high quality content.

But, beginning to publish high-quality content, in the beginning, can be puzzling, even intimidating.

The best way forward is, begin with informational search intent.

Start publishing content for people looking for information.

Once you have made a presence for yourself you can start pitching your products and services.

Why I charge what I charge as a content writer

Why I charge what I charge for my content writing services

Why I charge what I charge for my content writing services.

The clients often tell me, “We are a small business, we have a tight budget, so we cannot spend much. But we need good content that is well researched.”

Just imagine, saying the same thing in a restaurant or when you are buying a fridge or a TV.

Anyway, I’m writing this to quickly explain why one shouldn’t hesitate from paying a good writer, especially when you want someone hard-working writer creating content for your website or blog.

Let’s first lay it on the table what you want and what you don’t want.

You want

  • Well-written content to impress, influence and engage your visitors.
  • You want your visitors to get convinced after reading your content so that they become your paying customers and clients.
  • You want authoritative information and data from trusted sources with the links to those sources.
  • You want completely unique content – no copying from other websites and blogs.
  • You want your content to boost your search engine rankings so that your traffic increases and consequently, your business.
  • Delivery based on a schedule.

You don’t want

  • Content written in a sloppy manner.
  • Unoriginal content that is simply a rehashing of content existing on other blogs and websites.
  • Big claims not backed up by authoritative sources.
  • Writing that is full of spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Google penalizing you for overusing the keywords.

I’m not saying these are unjustified expectations, but just to make it clear, you should know that what you want, what you are paying for, and what you don’t want when you are hiring a content writer.

Now, to get some perspective, kindly perform the following activities:

  1. Start a timer.
  2. Open your email and go to the message/messages where you have explained your content writing requirement.
  3. If there have been multiple communications between you and your content writer, go through the thread.
  4. Open a Word document or go to Google Docs and open a Google Docs document.
  5. Go to Google and do a search on the first search term that comes to your mind in order to find information about what needs to be written.
  6. Open the links in a few tabs.
  7. Start going through the links and make note of things you can use and things you can ignore.
  8. Remember that even to find out what is useful and what is not useful, you must read the whole thing.
  9. Based on all the information you have compiled, start preparing the outline.
  10. Stop the timer.

Please keep in mind that you are in this industry.

For example, if you want me to write content on real estate, you are from real estate and it can be safely assumed that for you, researching information related to your field must be easier.

Also, you can make out what is useful and what is not useful faster compared to a content writer who is not into real estate.

How much time does it take going through email messages, opening a blank document, beginning to research, going to individual links, finding out what to use and what to ignore, compiling the information and creating an outline?

This is assuming you want well-written professional content for your website or blog.

20 minutes? 30 minutes? Even more?

If it has taken you 20 minutes to just go through email messages and preparing the outline based on the links you can quickly find on Google, you can multiply the time by at 3 to get an idea of how much time it is going to take to prepare the first draft of roughly 1000 words.

80 minutes. And this is the minimum amount of time I’m assuming.

So, even if I work very fast, without factoring in revisions and exchanges with the client, on an average, 1000 words take 80 minutes to write.

I’m not factoring in the inherent value that a talented and experienced content writer delivers. It is conveniently assumed to be present. Try working with different writers.

For good writing you need a flow. You cannot be watching the clock all the time. To write well, you must get into the zone.

Clients who have burned their fingers with other writers, who know the value of good content, can understand what I’m saying. Those who haven’t worked with many content writers, won’t understand easily.

As a professional content writer, when I’m delivering you 1000 words, it is not just those 1000 words.

A lot goes into those 1000 words.

If it was just about those 1000 words, any content writer would have delivered them. Many can even deliver them for free.

What is included in these 1000 words?

  1. Years of experience writing for the web as well as search engines.
  2. The talent of a writer who knows how to express and communicate with words.
  3. The ability to write flawlessly.
  4. The ability to organize thoughts in a logical flow – from a beginning to a conclusion.
  5. The ability to write 100% unique content that is optimized for search engines.
  6. Overall, written content your business deserves and you can use to get more business.

Whether you want to accept it or not, it is your written content that gives you a noticeable presence on the web.

Your written content is your voice. It represents you when people visit your website or blog. It convinces people. It tells them why it is worth doing business with you.

They are not just 1000 words.

They are not a mere commodity.

They are the foundation of your business.

This is what you are paying for.

Do you really want me to do a patch-up job?