Tag Archives: ChatGPT

Do you still need a content writer or a copywriter in the era of ChatGPT?

Can ChatGPT completely replace content writers

Can ChatGPT completely replace content writers?

Clients are increasingly asking whether I use ChatGPT to write articles and blog posts. It shows that they are aware that lots of content and copy are being written using ChatGPT.

Of course, the clients who think that ChatGPT is good enough for them, don’t contact me.

Those who contact me despite the fact that they know what ChatGPT can do, fall into two categories:

  1. They cannot figure out how to use ChatGPT to get content they’re looking for.
  2. They think that machine-written content cannot equal human written content in terms of quality, personal touch, styling, and relevance.

Some clients don’t care whether I use ChatGPT to write their content or do it myself as long as they get high quality content for their websites and blogs.

Some want me to use online tools like GPTZero that claim to recognize ChatGPT-written content.

Online content writers and copywriters like me have always had to face certain challenges.

Even before the arrival of ChatGPT, there was competition from writers who charge extremely low. They can’t deliver quality content, but those who don’t want to pay for quality content, are not looking for quality content.

The problem is, although most clients know that there is no escaping from publishing high quality content for desired results, they cannot distinguish between quality content and mediocre content unless they have worked with multiple content writers and copywriters to compare.

The same is happening with ChatGPT. Media articles are claiming that tools like ChatGPT may replace millions of jobs in a matter of months.

Washington Post recently published an article ChatGPT took their jobs. Now they walk dogs and fix air-conditioners. The article references many companies, including media agencies, that fired their content writers and copywriters because now they can use ChatGPT to quickly generate content and copy.

The article discusses how ChatGPT is taking over high-paid writing jobs and forcing people to switch carriers. It features the stories of former writers who have lost their jobs to ChatGPT and now working as dog walkers and plumbers.

Does ChatGPT actually write better content?

Does ChatGPT write better content than a content writer

Does ChatGPT write better content than a content writer?

Better than most content writers? Yes. Better than better content writers? Depends. Better than exceptional content writers? No.

When you ask ChatGPT to write a blog post, there are no spelling and grammar mistakes.

If you’re looking for straightforward content and copy, you can depend on ChatGPT for your regular content needs. The writing is straightforward, but it is a lot better than most content writers.

It even emulates the way humans write. It can write in conversational style. It can use action and power words. It can write compelling headlines. It can divide your content into various sections, subsections and bullet points.

It doesn’t write like an individual.

As is the case with the tools like GPTZero, one can make out if the text has been generated by ChatGPT.

There is nothing wrong in that. As long as the information is being presented in a manner that people can understand, you can write complete blog posts and articles using ChatGPT and your readers may not even realize that.

Before Google launched its own AI tool Bard, which it had to rush because of ChatGPT, the search engine was quite cynical about machine-generated text. Reluctantly, Google may have decided not to penalise text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard.

But it is not confirmed. Google is known to penalise machine-generated content, and this is one of the biggest reasons why many clients are shying away from solely using ChatGPT to generate content.

Also, ChatGPT is biased. It’s opinions, if at all it has some, are based on the biased data being fed into the system by its programmers. Therefore, if you want to write something that goes against what has been fed into ChatGPT, you won’t be able to write it.

Coming back to the quality of content written by ChatGPT.

It doesn’t write like “me”, but it writes fairly well. The sort of content I have seen content writers writing, they can no way match ChatGPT.

Fortunately for content writers like me, content isn’t just about information, because, every average content writer can compile information.

Content is about engagement. Engagement comes from the way you write.

Every writer has his or her own unique style. ChatGPT cannot emulate Charles Dickens or Salman Rushdie, or a copywriter like David Ogilvy.

It can write like a teacher. It can write like a school student or a college student. It can write like a journalist. But it struggles when it comes to writing like a copywriter.

Whether it can establish an emotional connection, depends on what you call emotional connection.

My clients hire me because they love my writing style, and they want the same type of writing for their websites and blogs.

As a content writer, if they think that ChatGPT can replace me, then perhaps, I’m not writing the sort of content I’m supposed to be writing.

Does ChatGPT worry me?

If I’m lazy, yes, it worries me.

If I provide something unique that cannot be provided by ChatGPT, then I’m not worried.

How is a human content writer different from ChatGPT?

How is a human content writer different from AI

How is a human content writer different from AI?

Remember that ChatGPT cannot give you what it doesn’t have.

For example, if you want ChatGPT to write something about what’s happening in 2023, it tells you that it can give you information based on what it knows up till 2021.

Although it can present information, it cannot form opinions.

It cannot be creative. It cannot be original. It can only deal with information and data that it has.

Again, although it can dig up information among terabytes of data, it cannot do in-depth research. It cannot draw inferences. It cannot understand the context for different pieces of information.

It cannot adapt to different writing styles. If you want to write content for different target audiences, it is difficult to achieve that through ChatGPT.

Another thing that I have noticed in ChatGPT is that after a while, it keeps repeating the same phrases, expressions, and words. A human content writer doesn’t do that.

How I’m using ChatGPT to write content faster for my clients

ChatGPT enables me to work faster

ChatGPT enables me to work faster.

Do I use ChatGPT?

Yes, I do.

I use ChatGPT to quickly create outlines.

Here is an example:

I needed to write a blog post titled “10 ways the latest GPS technologies are helping logistics companies”.

Up till recently I needed to spend lots of time gathering all the important points. Now, the basic information is provided to me by ChatGPT.

For example, it creates a bulleted list of 10 different ways the GPS technologies are being used by logistic companies.

I don’t need to accept all the suggestions. In fact, if I don’t like some of the suggestions in the outline, I can ask ChatGPT to generate 10 more ways the GPS technologies are helping logistics companies.

I use ChatGPT as a quick text generator. I create an outline. Within a few minutes I have an idea of what I’m going to write about. I can generate all the points. After that, I need to expand upon those points.

Then I write the content in my own words.

I also use ChatGPT to extract important points from links.

Take for example, I want to know the main takeaway is from the above-mentioned Washington Post article.

I can use the following prompt on ChatGPT: “Create a 100-word summary of the article on this link [mention the link]” and it quickly creates a summary for me and then I can decide whether I want to read the article further or not.

As mentioned above, I use ChatGPT as a content writer to create an outline and even to create a rough draft. So, 50% of my job is done within five minutes.

With all the right information available to me, I start rewriting the stuff in my own language, with my own discretion, in my own style.

I shorten the sentences. I simplify the language (which, ChatGPT often seems unable to do). I rearrange the information according to the required flow. I research and add new information. I make sure that the information is easily readable to the target audience.

I let ChatGPT do the grunt work. It gives me ample time to use my creativity and writing experience to write better content.

The same applies to copywriting. It can quicky generate copy, but the real impact can only be made by a human copywriter.

Can you use ChatGPT for content writing?

Using ChatGPT for writing content

Using ChatGPT for writing content

The simple answer is, yes you can. Can you really? It depends.

First, what is ChatGPT? It is a simple online AI chatbot created by OpenAI. It answers the questions you ask. It is an AI language model. It generates human-like text based on the prompt that you give to it. It can generate responses to questions, write stories and poems, and generate Twitter threads. It can be used with conversational AI applications to simulate human-like interactions.

I have used ChatGPT for a few weeks to write content for my clients. Does it mean my clients can fire me and start using ChatGPT themselves to generate blog posts, web pages and email messages? Sure, if they want to.

The problem is, although ChatGPT digs up good information and can also communicate in a language that is free of spelling and grammar mistakes, it is yet far away from being as good as an average writer. Why is it so?

Content writing must be convincing

Content writing must be convincing

There is no individuality in the writing in ChatGPT. It simply presents the information. Writing is less about writing and more about expressing, especially when you want to convince people.

For presenting information, yes, it is fine. For example, if I ask ChatGPT, “What is SEO content writing?” it gives a very well-written answer:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content writing is the process of creating website content that is optimized to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves incorporating targeted keywords, phrases, and other optimization techniques into the content to make it more visible to search engines like Google.

The primary goal of SEO content writing is to create content that not only meets the needs of the target audience but also meets the requirements of search engines. This can involve writing content that includes relevant keywords and phrases, optimizing headlines and subheadings, using meta descriptions and tags, and incorporating internal and external links.

SEO content writing is a critical component of digital marketing and can help businesses to increase their online visibility and drive more traffic to their website. However, it’s important to note that creating content solely for search engines can negatively impact the user experience, and therefore a balance between optimization and creating valuable, engaging content for the reader must be struck.

Even if you want to publish this explanation of “What is a SEO content writing?”, suppose 10 people ask the same question to ChatGPT and they all publish the same answer?

Even if they change the wording, the explanation remains more or less the same and this will be detected by Google. There was a time when Google looked down upon machine generated content, but with the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, Google says as long as the content is of quality, original, and helpful, it doesn’t matter whether it is written by humans or machines.

As a content writer, my recommendation for using ChatGPT is, use it for grunt work, and then use your own magic.

How to use ChatGPT to write high-quality content

Quality content writing with ChatGPT

Quality content writing with ChatGPT

You can use ChatGPT to create an outline and find useful information. In fact, when it comes to finding some research data, ChatGPT is better than Google, but the only problem is that when you are searching on Google, you have an option of looking at multiple sources. ChatGPT on the other hand, just gives you the information. Whether you want to trust this information or not, is completely up to you.

I find it useful to generate lists of options. For example, if you give this prompt to ChatGPT: “List the 5 most important items to carry when going to watch a cricket match in a stadium,” it gives you a list of items along with small explanation of why you may need those items. You can use this information then to write a complete blog post.

The key is using the right prompt.

Remember that ChatGPT is a language model. You should be as detailed as possible. I have seen some people writing a complete paragraph, using even bulleted points, to generate a prompt.

Here is a typical prompt you can use:

Act as an expert copywriter. Write a 500-word blog post on the benefit of using humor in copywriting. Cover at least five points. Use bulleted points to sum up main points. Include two real-world examples. Write in casual language. Write short sentences. Write in active voice.

As you can see, you need to tell ChatGPT what persona it should adopt while writing. You must also tell it the format in which you want the content to be written. In some prompts, you can also tell ChatGPT what information to exclude.

Until a few months ago many content writers and copywriters were claiming that AI writing tools will never be able to replace writers. Even I had written a few sentences discounting the fears of software like ChatGPT replacing writers. Things have changed a bit. Especially with the advent of ChatGPT.

Such tools will be able to help bulk writers write lots of content. If you “regenerate response” you may be able to generate variations of the same content, but I believe that soon, the more people start using it, the more similar-sounding the content will become.

When will ChatGPT replace you as a writer?

Will ChatGPT replace writers?

Will ChatGPT replace writers?

ChatGPT cannot do thinking for you. If you simply write SEO articles and blog posts, then ChatGPT has already begun to replace you. It is just a matter of your clients finding it out.

To make sure that you are not replaced by ChatGPT, you need to be more creative. You must have a voice that helps your content stand out.

Actually, this advice was applicable even when ChatGPT was not there. Copywriters and content writers are available on the Internet a dime a dozen, and to be frank, there are very few clients who can distinguish a great content writer from an ordinary content writer. Most of the clients are just interested in filling up their web pages and blog posts to somehow improve their search engine rankings. So, this sort of competition better copywriters and content writers have always faced.

But it’s a blessing in disguise. Copywriters and content writers who can compellingly express their ideas will be in greater demand because mediocre writers will be replaced by software options like ChatGPT.

How can you compete?

Improve your writing skills. Communicate instead of merely writing. Polish your creativity. Develop a unique voice. Focus on quality over quantity.

Remember that ChatGPT is a general language model. It may not be able to write content for a particular audience. It cannot understand the undetectable nuances. This is where you can beat ChatGPT as a content writer.