Tag Archives: copywriting how-to

4 SEO Copywriting Tips And Tools For Improving Rankings

SEO copywriting tools

SEO copywriting tools

To improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), copywriting is a crucial component.

The words on your website significantly affect how well your site ranks in search results.

SEO copywriting is essential to any website’s search engine optimization efforts.

By following the tips below and using the mentioned tools, you can write copy that will help improve your website’s ranking in search results.

Here are four tips and tools for better SEO copywriting:

1. Write for your audience first

Knowing your target audience and what they’re looking for is essential.

What kind of language do they use?

What are their pain points?

Considering and answering these questions will help you write copy that resonates with your audience and enables you to rank for the right keywords.

2. Use keyword-rich phrases

To rank for specific keywords, you need to use them in your copy.

But beware of keyword stuffing, which is when you cram too many keywords into your content to manipulate search results.

It will not only irritate your readers, but it will also get you penalized by Google.

Instead, focus on using keywords throughout your copy in a natural way.

Mention them in your headline, in your meta tags, and the body of your text. But don’t go overboard – strategically scattered mentions should be enough to get the point across.

3. Keep it short and sweet

Less is often more when it comes to SEO copywriting.

Long-winded paragraphs and large blocks of text are difficult to read and understand, leading to a higher bounce rate.

Instead, focus on writing short, concise sentences that get your point across quickly.

Breaking up your text with headlines and bullet points can also help make it more scannable and easier to read.

4. Use tools to help you out

Various tools can help you with your SEO copywriting, from keyword research tools to grammar checkers are available.

Using these tools will help you write copy optimized for search engines, easy to read, and free of errors.

Following are the four practical tools that you can use to write the best copy for your business

1. Google Keyword Planner:

Google keyword planner is a tool that allows you to research and find the right keywords for your website.

You’ll need to create a Google Ads account to use Google Keyword Planner.

Once you’re signed in, you can access the tool from the “Tools and Analysis” drop-down menu.

Once you’re in Google Keyword Planner, you can either search for new keywords or get ideas for existing ones.

To search for new keywords, enter a seed keyword into the “Your products or services” field and click “Get ideas.”

2. SEMrush:

SEMrush is a paid tool that offers a free trial.

It’s a great way to find out what your competitors are doing regarding their SEO copywriting.

You can also find new keywords, SEO analysis, and PPC campaign management and get ideas for your website.

With its wide variety of features and functions, SEMrush is an essential tool for any business professional looking to gain a competitive edge in search marketing.

3. Yoast SEO

This is a WordPress plugin that is free to download.

It helps you to optimize your website for the search engines by providing you with a checklist of things to do, such as adding keywords and phrases and making sure your website is easy to navigate.

It allows you to control your website’s title and meta tags, as well as the description and keywords.

Yoast SEO also allows you to control the robots.txt file, essential for maintaining what search engines can and cannot index on your website.

Yoast SEO is a potent tool that can help you improve your website’s visibility in search engines.

4. KWFinder:

It is a paid tool that offers a free trial.

It’s similar to SEMrush because it allows you to research your competition and find new keywords.

However, it also has a great feature that will enable you to check the keyword difficulty of a particular term before you start using it.

It can save you time and effort in the long run.

These are just a few tips and tools to help you improve your website’s SEO rankings.

For more help, consider working with an SEO agency.

They can provide expert guidance and services to help you reach your goals.


13 copywriting rules I use when writing copy for my clients

My copywriting rules when I'm writing copy for my clients

My copywriting rules when I’m writing copy for my clients.

The copywriting rules listed in this blog post help my clients generate more leads and get more business. What are these rules? Or what are these copywriting laws? Read on.

First, here is a quick list of the copywriting rules that I try to stick to as much as possible:

  1. Thoroughly understand the product or the service.
  2. Get a clear idea of whom you’re writing for.
  3. Use the language of the audience.
  4. Spend ample amount of time on the main headline.
  5. Avoid using big words and jargon.
  6. Use simpler sentences – mostly one thought in one sentence.
  7. Use call-to-action strategically.
  8. Create a sense of urgency (but don’t overdo it).
  9. Use positive language instead of negative.
  10. Focus more on benefits and less on features.
  11. Leverage storytelling.
  12. Stick to the point.
  13. Be your customer’s advocate.

Copywriting is a tricky undertaking. When I’m talking to my new clients, I always tell them that you cannot immediately get results from a landing page or an email marketing campaign.

You may not find these copywriting rules on other blogs not because they are unique, but because I implement them and hence, talk about them, in my own unique way.

Do I follow all these rules or laws? Not at all. In the end I will explain why. In fact, I used to believe that as long as you write well, there is no need to follow any particular copywriting laws.

Customer behavior is quite scientific these days. Ample amount of research is available that reveals to you what works and what doesn’t when you are writing copy. There are even certain words and expressions that, although mean the same, have different impact on your copy and through your copy, on your customers and clients.

4-5 landing pages or email marketing campaigns are needed before we can find out what works and what doesn’t.

No matter how experienced a copywriter is, experimentation is needed. A problem with freelance copywriters is that when a client approaches, she wants to know exactly how much a particular piece of writing is going to cost and how much is going to be delivered. Hence, there isn’t much scope to try out various rules or laws, especially when you want to evolve using your own copywriting techniques.

A copy is not about the number of words. It is about making an impact.

Due to this faulty, and yet inescapable approach, there is very little scope for experimentation, analytics, and learning.

Most of the clients move on after the first campaign. Some have access to analytics, and some don’t. They see that not much business was generated, and they think that may be there is something wrong in the copy.

I’m gradually shifting away from that model – quoting for the number of words – and instead, I focus on the result and quote accordingly, sometimes not even telling the client why I’m charging what I’m charging. Though, that’s a different topic.

Although results cannot be guaranteed with every campaign, there are some fundamental copywriting rules that can be followed when writing copy. Every audience is unique. Every set of customers and clients is unique. Nonetheless, certain steps that you take when writing copy always leave a positive impact.

Below I’m listing some rules that I follow when writing copy for my clients.

1. Understand the product or the service as clearly as possible

David Ogilvy in his book “Ogilvy on Advertising” says that before beginning to work on a copy, he did so much research that he would know more than the business owner. Of course, most of the clients don’t have that much budget, but whatever you can learn about the product or the service, try to learn it.

How can you write about something you don’t know of? Knowing about a product or service doesn’t just mean knowing what it does. It means how a product or a service helps customers and clients.

This is always my primary focus. What would draw people to this particular product or service? What overwhelming problem does the product or the service solve?

2. Define the target audience

In the content writing parlance, it is also called “defining the persona”.

Although I don’t psychoanalyze the audience such that it takes me hours to understand the people – obviously the client isn’t paying that much – I try to gather as much information as possible.

3. Adapt my writing to the language of the audience

What kind of language does the audience prefer? What language does the audience use when talking about similar products and services? You don’t want to alienate people by using a language that they don’t use.

Someone recently suggested that if you want to learn what type of language people use when talking about the product or the service that you are writing copy for (similar) visit other e-commerce websites and read the reviews and comments left by their users.

For example, if you’re describing the features of a mobile phone, visit a website like Amazon.com and go through various mobile phone listings, especially the reviews section.

4. Brainstorm on the main headline

I’m again going to quote David Ogilvy, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar.”

Some professional copywriters claim that out of the entire time, they spend 50% of the time on defining the headline. Sometimes they experiment with multiple headlines.

Although I won’t say that I spend 50% of my time coming up with the headline, I take my headline seriously. The headline must capture the essence of what is being written in the copy. The person who reads the headline should be immediately able to understand what the copy is about.

I make sure that the headline doesn’t confuse the reader. It must be straightforward. It must represent the biggest benefit or address the biggest problem.

But at the same time, I don’t believe in hyperbolic headlines. I try to create as realistic headlines as I can.

5. Avoid “big words”

By big words I mean, use “get” instead of “obtain” or “best” instead of “superior” or “help” instead of “facilitate”, and so on.

This also makes it easier to use conversational tone which makes your readers comfortable.

Of course, being a writer sometimes I get in the flow and use the words I shouldn’t be using but this normally happens in the first draft. By the time I’m through with revisions, I get rid of lengthier words if shorter versions are available.

6. Use simple sentences

This needs to be strategic. Too many simple sentences can sound like monosyllables or uninspiring. But, whenever I can, I express just one idea in one sentence and avoid using compound or complex sentences.

It makes it easier for the reader to read and understand what you are writing. In compound or complex sentences, one needs to process multiple thoughts at the same time, and this may end up confusing or distracting the reader.

7. Use call-to-action strategically

CTA or call-to-action is a big part of copywriting. The entire copy revolves around your CTA. The aim of your copy is to make the reader perform an action. This can be buying something, or replying, or downloading a brochure or giving a call, or registering for a workshop.

You can use call-to-action multiple times within the copy. It isn’t necessary that call to action must be used at the end. Whenever you express something compelling and you feel that the reader may be motivated to perform an action, you can insert a call-to-action.

But don’t overdo it; this makes you sound desperate.

8. Create a sense of urgency

I don’t believe in creating a sense of urgency just for the heck of it. I want to build trust among my readers. I create a sense of urgency when there is actual need.

For example, a client is organizing a workshop next week and he is making an offer to the first 25 attendees who register within the next two days.

In such cases, I use something like “This offer expires in two days and there is a mad scramble!”

9. Use positive prompts

It is something like instead of “Don’t spend your day in pain”, I write “Spend a painless day”. Another example would be, instead of “Don’t miss the opportunity”, I write “Grab the opportunity”.

10. Highlight benefits instead of features

I know, this is clichéd advice but even after coming across this advice for more than 273 times, I still see many copywriters getting obsessed with the features of a product or a service.

So, instead of giving more stress on the fact that your mobile phone has more than 300 GB of storage space, tell your prospective buyers that they can store 10,000 videos.

Instead of saying that your jeans is stretchable, you can tell your buyers that the same jeans can be worn by people of different sizes.

I’m not saying avoid features altogether. Features are important. I mean, 300 GB of storage space does sound appealing to a tech savvy person like me. Hence, don’t skip this part, but also don’t skip the part that the phone can save 10,000 videos.

11. Use storytelling

People relate to stories better. You have a great SaaS product with awesome features, but if you talk about some John who couldn’t afford expensive hardware and software and how he was able to grow his business using your SaaS product through a cheap, second-hand laptop, it can make a great impact.

12. Stick to the point

I don’t use fluff. I don’t beat around the bush. Of course, when you’re telling a story you need to build a narrative, but keep your audience focused. Even small distractions can make your readers lose track and go somewhere else.

13. Be the champion of the customer

I write copy as if I’m talking on behalf of my customers and clients. How are they going to benefit from the product or service I’m writing about? How is it going to change their lives?

Honestly, sometimes I feel insincere because how can I champion the cause of the customers for whom I’m writing, if I myself haven’t been using that product or service? I’m not an evangelist who has been using this product or service for years and have benefited immensely.

Take for example construction materials: these days I’m writing a series of marketing emails for a company that supplies construction materials and equipment to construction companies. I don’t have a construction company. I don’t use construction material. Still, I’m trying to convince those construction companies that they are going to get the best deal on the best materials from the company I’m writing about.

Well, this is something I need to reconcile with quite often.

Do I follow or implement all the copywriting rules I have mentioned above? Not necessarily. I pick and choose. Sometimes I use even random copywriting rules that I may have not listed above. I prefer to go with the flow. But these rules combine into a basic structure that keeps me on the right path. Even if you follow 50% of these rules, you are good to go.


What is a cliffhanger in copywriting?

What is a cliffhanger in copywriting?

What is a cliffhanger in copywriting?

A cliffhanger in copywriting is also called the “curiosity gap”.

You want your readers to read your entire copy, right?

Making them read the entire copy is important for call-to-action and conversion.

You want to keep them hooked.

You need to pique their interest.

They should quickly want to read what comes next.

What makes reading gripping? What do you call a page turner?

When the writer always keeps you on the edge.

Something is always just about to happen.

You must have seen cliffhangers in many Netflix series: the current episode ends at a drastic juncture, and you desperately want to know what happens next.

So, you watch the next episode instantly.

You can use cliffhangers similarly for writing copy that you want people to read till the end.

Why is it important for your readers to read your copy till the end?

You are building a narrative.

You want to inform, educate and motivate them enough so that they convert.

Your entire narrative builds towards your call-to-action.

If they lose interest midway, they will never respond to your call-to-action. They will never be motivated enough.

Therefore, it is important that you keep your readers hooked with the help of cliffhangers.

Build the suspense. Tantalize them. Hook them with incomplete sentences and opportune questions.

Here are some examples:

“He wasn’t sure if he could afford it, but then…”

“Just when he thought he had seen whatever could have been seen, something totally unexpected unfolded.”

“This app doesn’t just help you manage your tasks, it does much more than that. Want to know what?”

Don’t overdo, though. Use cliffhangers in copywriting strategically for maximum benefit.