Tag Archives: headline analyzer

The headline analyzer tool that I’m using these days

Using a headline analyzer tool

Using a headline analyzer tool

Does a headline analyzer tool really help?

I’m a slacker when it comes to using writing tools.

I have never used text analyzer tools.

The headline analyzer tool that I recently started using was sent to me by one of my clients and she insisted that I use the tool to come up with better headlines.

I’m not used to analyzing headlines because either most of the topics are sent to me by the clients (which ultimately become the headlines), or the clients simply love the headline suggestions that I send them.

This particular client recommended a headline analyzer tool and insisted that I run every headline that I create for her through this tool.

Headline analyzer screenshot

Headline analyzer screenshot

The above screenshot shows the headline analyzer analyzing one of my recent blog posts.

It gives the overall headline score.

Then it gives the sub-scores for readability, SEO, and sentiment.

As recommended by the headline tool, the headline must be easily readable.

It must appeal to a wider audience and hence, words should be chosen accordingly.

It also uses the Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score to tell you how easy it is to read your headline.

The higher the score is, the easier it is.

After the readability score it gives you the SEO score.

I personally believe there is no sure shot way of coming up with the best SEO headline.

I believe in using your main keywords and a catchy language so that it prompts people to click your link when it appears in search results.

The more people click your link, the better become your rankings.

The headline analyzer counts the number of words, the number of characters, and some other random factors to calculate the SEO score.

Then it shows you the sentiment.

It counts the number of positive words and negative words and then counts the sentiment accordingly.

Should you use a headline analyzer tool?

It depends.

I often find analyzer tools constraining.

Once I had an SEO analyzer tool.

Most of the time I was more interested in seeing the “green” signal than focusing on what I wanted to write.

The same happens with a headline analyzer tool.

If you think that a headline analyzer tool is a needless distraction, don’t use it.

Use an analyzer only when you don’t want to rely on your own judgement.

This also goes with grammar analyzers and text analyzers.

Sometimes they are so interfering that it becomes almost impossible to write.