Writing content for your local market

 Content Writing for Local Market

Wondering how to write content for your local market? If you’re mostly serving customers and clients within your city and you face lots of tough competition you need to strategically create content so that you can be easily found on the web.

While writing content for your local market you need to take care of the following:

  • You need to focus on the name of your city or all the surrounding cities you provide your product or service in
  • Focus on local landmarks. Landmarks are normally exclusive to particular cities. For instance, the statue of liberty is unique to the city of New York, if I’m not mistaken.
  • Focus on the local topics people can really relate to

While creating content for your local market you don’t always have to worry about your marketing pitch. Yes, of course people recognise you and your content by the business you represent, but in order to optimize your content for your local market and generate targeted traffic you need to write content (or get it written by a content writer) that talks about local issues either exclusively or in the context of your business.

Take for instance a fundraising marathon taking place in your area and one of the participants representing your business. You can publish a series of blog posts chronicling all the activities happening around the event, including how the person who will be representing your business is preparing for the big day. You can have video interviews. You can have photographs. You can compile a list of similar events organized in your city over the past 10 years, and so on. This will make you a part of the hubbub going on around you.

But you will have to make sure somewhere or the other your brand or your business is an integral part of your localised content marketing. Recently I came across a website that offers content writing services and it primarily concentrates on those clients who are specifically looking for content writers from India. In order to get content for almost everything related to India they have created a huge repository of articles and blog posts covering hundreds of topics. Although this might be getting tons of traffic to their website I’m not sure how much of this traffic actually converts. I am not against this strategy because if nothing else, thousands of people coming to your website everyday at least raises awareness. It’s just that you need lots of time and money to generate so much content.

Since content marketing can cost you money, you should focus on material that pushes your business interests forward instead of simply creating traffic. You can cover local events, local landmarks and other local news but make sure somehow they are related to your business.

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