Tag Archives: content writing how to

How to Create the Content Your Audience Desires?

Create content your audience desires

Create content your audience desires

How many times have you found yourself without inspiration and feeling unsure whether the content you want to create is going to attract your audience? Everyone has moments when we run out of ideas. Moreover, you may already publish content constantly and still feel that you don’t have the results you expected. One explanation might be that you create your content based on your assumptions and not on clear research.

This article is going to help you make your audience “hungry” for your content. It doesn’t matter if you own a small or medium business. These strategies work in any scenario. You just need to listen to your audience and you will see how easy it is to create “craveable” content. So, let’s get started!

Create Content Your Audience Craves For

Do you know how to use your analytics?

Analytics are the best tools to tell you what your audience likes best and how they react to different posts. Social media analytics will tell you exactly what type of content was preferred the most by your audience. For instance, it is very easy to check which were the most appreciated posts on Facebook. Just go to the Insights feature and you will immediately see which posts had the highest engagement rates. If you want to become viral on Instagram, then you should consider creating a business account. Once you have set up your account, the analytics icon will tell you which were the top posts that were sorted on different criteria like impressions, engagement, reach, and so on.

What should you do next once you identify your top posts? Of course, you cannot copy them and post them again. Your audience will become disappointed if you do so, discovering that you lack inspiration and you have nothing new to tell them. Therefore, if you want to follow the positive pattern, you should ask yourself the following questions before you create the next posts:

  • What is the common topic among your top-rated posts?
  • What is the source of your top content? Is it coming from your blog or from a specific publication?
  • Is there a particular type of content performing much better than the others? For example, do the photos have bigger engagement rates than the videos?
  • Which were the most interesting comments your followers left on the popular posts?

Find what your audience thinks!

Your analytics tools might be great, but they don’t tell you everything. So, what better source there is to tell you how to create content your audience desires if you don’t ask them directly? There are many ways you can find your audience’s opinion. For example, you can publish a poll on your social media profile and ask your audience to vote the type of content they like the most. Based on the results, you can adjust your content strategy.

On the other hand, you can also ask open questions. These questions will give you a lot of ideas for new topics you can address in your next posts. Furthermore, you can email your subscribers periodically and ask them about the type of content they liked the most on your website. This is how you will show your audience how important they are for you and how much you value their opinion.

Learn from your competitors!

If you don’t have enough time to use analytics tools and create an entire content strategy for success, then you can have a look at what your competition is doing. You did it when you created your products, so why not do it also when it comes to your content? Your competition already puts a lot of efforts into creating shareable content for their products. So, who says that you cannot have a look as well? There are plenty of tools you can find online to help you have a sneak peek on your competition’s most engaging posts.

On the other hand, you can learn from other companies even if they are not your competition. You most probably have your idols. You can learn from their success stories and discover what is their strategy to keep their audience engaged. You can have a look at general ideas and patterns and then adapt them to your brand specifics.

The sky is no longer the limit

The internet is full of mediocre content. Your competition is also producing average content which doesn’t make their audience vibrate with every word they read. So, you need to do something more than them and adopt the skyscraper technique. You should try to get out of the ordinary and become known on the market with amazing content. How do you do it? It’s not that complicated!

First, you should find which is the most popular content. Once you have identified it, use that content to create a better version of it. If you know which is the topic that attracts your audience, then you can enhance your content with relevant keywords. Therefore, you increase your content’s visibility. Keywords will also help you identify even more popular content which you can then enhance and surprise your audience with useful and informative content.

Create marketing personas

Creating a marketing persona will help you identify exactly what your audience wants to receive from your side. You already know what type of products your audience wants to buy from you. So, now you need to find out how to make them follow your page and come back for more products and information. Without a marketing persona, you will only guess what your audience expects from you in terms of content. This might affect your inspiration as you might be creating content around the topics that you know best. A marketing persona, on the other hand, will help you get out of your comfort zone and create content that wows your audience.

If you really want to have success with your content, you need to separate yourself from the competition. They might be doing an excellent job. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything new to say. On the contrary, their ideas can be an excellent source of inspiration for you. Your content is an excellent tool which you can use to express your personality, humor, and ideas.

14 ways to make positive impact with your content writing

Making a positive impact with your content writing

Making a positive impact with your content writing

Every piece of content writing that you publish on your website or blog (or elsewhere) needs to make a positive impact.

Of course, whenever people think of publishing content their primary concern is improving their search engine rankings. Nothing wrong in that, but that shouldn’t be the only concern.

Remember that ultimately, people need to decide whether they want to do business with you are not.

How do they decide that?

When you can convince them.

To convince them, you need to make an impact.

Just because they are on your website doesn’t mean they’re going to buy from you. You have to address their concerns. You have to give them the right information.

When they read the information on your website, they should think, “Yes, these are the guys I want to work with, or buy from.”

The short-term approach is, you throw mud at the wall hoping that some of it will stick, and some of it does.

So, you indiscriminately publish content that gets you search engine traffic and then you hope some of the traffic will convert. Some of it converts. The majority of it doesn’t.

The long-term approach, which is more sustainable and more profitable, is to build an audience.

You build an audience when you make an emotional connection. People want to then come to your website regularly. They want to read or view what you publish. They want to share your content. They even want to save your content. They become loyal to your brand. When they need to buy what you sell, they buy it from you.

This is how you make a positive impact.

But how do you make this positive impact so that people become your regular readers, and begin to trust you, and begin to pay attention to what you have to say?

You can do these 14 things:

1. Always keep the interest of your readers in mind

Nobody wants to read your personal journal, unless they derive something out of it (inspiration, or some insight, or an example). People want to read something useful. Something that can help them. Something that can make their life better than it was before they started reading your blog post or article.

If you want to make a positive impact with your content writing, always write what interests your readers. Try to find what they want to know, and then tell them. This will keep them coming back to your website or blog.

2. Craft the title of your web page or blog post with care

This is a technical aspect of writing and publishing impactful content. Title is something that draws people to your link.

When they come across your web page or blog post title on search engines or on their social media timelines, they should immediately be able to know what you are offering. This means, your title should never be ambiguous.

For example, the title of this blog post tells you 14 ways to make a positive impact with your content writing. So, if you’ve been looking for something like this, you want to check it out immediately.

People have different opinions on how long your title should be, but it depends on exactly what you are trying to say. Two things are important when you are creating a title for your blog post or web page:

  • For SEO purpose, your title must be 50-65 characters, including spaces. This is because these are the number of characters (maximum 70) that Google shows when it shows your listing on search result pages and the rest it truncates.
  • People should be able to understand your title within a single glance. If they need to make an effort to make sense of your title, they’re going to get distracted and they may not read the rest of your blog post or web page.

3. Make your writing mobile friendly

Write shorter sentences. Divide complex sentences into smaller, multiple sentences.

It makes it easier to read and grasp on mobile screens.

The same holds for paragraphs. Write short paragraphs. Not more than two sentences per paragraph.

Again, this is less about the quality of your content writing and more about paying attention to technicalities, but you cannot hope to make a positive impact if people find it difficult to read your content and consequently, leave without reading it.

4. Organize text under headings

Headings make your writing scannable. One can understand the gist of your web page or blog post by simply running through the headings.

Headings are also good for SEO. Use your long tail keywords when writing your headings.

5. Write for people who have a shorter attention span

Don’t take it negatively. Life these days is full of distractions. As I’ve written above, lots of people access your content on their mobile phones.

While reading your content, they will get constant notifications. They might be traveling. They might be in the midst of a conversation. They might be waiting for their doctor’s appointment.

The thing is, the amount of attention is limited these days whether people read your content on their computers and laptops, or on their mobile devices.

Make this assumption when you are writing content.

You don’t have to lower your writing quality. There is no need to dumbify your text.

As mentioned above, use simpler sentences. Use direct language. Stick to the point.

6. Convey your important point as soon as possible

Since the attention span is limited these days, there is no use beating around the bush. You don’t need to build up a narrative unless you are creating an interesting story.

By the time people are through with your first paragraph, they should know what you’re trying to communicate through your content writing and what they are going to achieve after they have read your blog post or article.

In terms of a business website, suppose you want to sell an e-book. As soon as people come to your website, people should know what information is contained in the e-book and you are selling it, and not offering it for free. These points must be made clear in the beginning preferably, in the first sentence itself.

7. Do keyword research to use the right language

When I say keyword research I don’t mean you need to stuff your writing with your keywords to improve your SEO.

Yes, you need to use your keywords strategically, but if you know the right keywords to focus on, it improves your language and the way you convey what you need to convey.

8. Back up your claim with data from credible sources

Data is very reassuring. If you tell someone that 72% B2C content marketers attribute their marketing success to the quality of their content, your readers will find it easier to believe you if you let them know that you have taken this statistic from Content Marketing Institute.

If you mention in your blog post that by 2021 content marketing will be a $400 billion industry it’s better to let your readers know that you are getting this number from Forbes.

9. Don’t underestimate the visual aspect of writing content for business marketing

Just because I am writing about content writing, it doesn’t mean we should overlook the importance of incorporating visuals into your overall message. Visuals are highly effective.

Visuals not only help you present your ideas attractively (if you are using graphs and pie charts), they also provide a brief relief to people. When they are reading text, and suddenly they come across a visual, it distracts them for a few seconds and they need to refocus. This helps them focus better.

Make sure that the images and graphics that you use are relevant to your current topic.

10. Write in a conversational style

This may sound like a clichéd (oft repeated) piece of advice, but it is very easy to end up ignoring it when you are in the thick of your creative things.

Write the way you talk.

It doesn’t mean if you talk in monosyllables you also write in monosyllables, but make your writing conversational. Whenever possible, use first person.

When you’re writing for a business, especially when you are writing for your business blog, try to use “you” and “I” instead of “you” and “we” unless there is reason to use “we”.

A good thing about writing in a conversational style is that you will avoid using big sentences and bigger paragraphs. Usually when we talk, we use precise sentences. Also, we don’t use complicated words when we talk.

This makes your writing easier to read and instills in it an easy flow.

11. Empathize with your readers when writing content

Convey it to your readers that you can understand or you can relate to what problems and issues they are going through.

Suppose you’re writing a blog post about an SEO tool you have just developed.

Talk about the problems people may have faced while using other SEO tools. Tell them that you understand the importance of improving their SEO and how their business depends on better search engine rankings. Concur with them that they face tough competition and they need a convincing tool to improve their SEO.

12. Know your readers properly

It is also called defining an ideal persona. This will tell you whom you are writing your content for.

13. Clearly define the propose of your current blog post or article

Of course the long term propose is that you want to engage, and then consequently, build a loyal following of readers/visitors who repeatedly visit your website or blog and takes your word seriously.

The short term propose could be a mix of

  • Educating your readers about a particular topic concerning your business.
  • Publishing content people would like to share.
  • Increase information wealth of your website or blog.
  • Getting more subscribers for your newsletter.
  • Improving your search engine rankings for a particular search term.

14. Use real-world examples

Want to show how your SEO tool actually helps entrepreneurs improve their search engine rankings?

Talk about a real-world example. Tell about a real business. Capture screenshots of current rankings of that business and publish them. If possible, mention the link of the website. Try to get a quote from the owner, or the person who used your SEO tool to improve the SEO of the website.

Why it is important to make a positive impact with your content writing?

Sustainable business is all about building relationships. It is not about tricking people into coming to your website and then leaving it up to them whether they want to do business with you or not.

It is very easy to trick people into coming to your website. If you can remember, they used to have banner ads with a monkey running left and right and you were asked to click the moving monkey with precision, making you believe that it was some sort of game. All it did was, take you to the advertiser’s website. On the website, something totally unrelated was being sold and whatever was being sold had nothing to do with a moving monkey or not even with a game.

Although these days most of the businesses don’t go to that extreme, still, one way or the other, they’re playing the monkey trick on the visitors by tricking them into visiting the website.

It’s all about numbers. If you have lots of money to publish tons of junk content just to draw traffic from search engines and social media websites, some of the traffic may convert. If one visitor converts out of every 1000 visitors, then maybe bringing 1,000,000 visitors to your website can get you 1000 customers. This is the logic used by spammers.

Can you really get 1,000,000 visitors to your website? On an ongoing basis?

On the other hand, if you publish impactful content, out of those 1000 visitors, maybe 50 or 100 people will convert, or even more. This is a much better conversion rate. Also, more sustainable and repeatedly doable.

This is because when people find quality content on your website they trust you.

Writing that is meant to make a positive impact also draws targeted, focused traffic to your website or blog. For example, people who come to my website or my blog either need a content writer or they want to read about content writing.

Although video marketing is also content marketing, since I’m a writer and I don’t provide video marketing services (at least not a dedicated service), I don’t aim to draw traffic for this keyword (or any other that does not involve content writing vis-à-vis content marketing). This saves me lots of effort, lots of time, it also improves my conversion rate. People know what they are getting when they come to my website or blog.

So, to make an impact with your content writing, focus on your core topics, focus on the needs of your readers, and even if you publish fewer blog posts and articles, only publish relevant, meaningful and useful content.

How to improve your content writing by properly understanding your customers

improve-your-content-writing-by-understanding-your-customersFrom your business perspective, what is the objective of content writing? Why is it important to understand your customers to write effective, compelling content?

When you are writing content for your website or blog, you are communicating with your visitors – in the case of a business website, you are communicating with your present and prospective customers and clients.

Why do you communicate? Just for the heck of it? Just to keep them on your website? Just to improve your search engine rankings? Just to make them share your links on their social networking profiles?

These things are important, not the “heck of it” part, but the other parts like engaging people, improving search engine rankings, and encouraging people to share your links.

Ultimately, you want people to become your customers and clients. You want them to use your product or service. You want them to pay you, spend money on you. Why would they?

A good thing about the Internet from your point of view is, setting up business is very easy. Just like it is easy for you to set a business, it is also easier for others.

On the negative side, this gives rise to tough competition. In the mid-2000s I was among the very few content writers and I faced very low competition. For some years I got busy with something else and by the time I got my senses back, there were literally thousands of content writers and content writing companies competing with my business.

A good thing about the Internet from your customer’s point of view is, he or she has immediate access to tens, or even hundreds of businesses like you. He or she can compare you with others. He or she can also ask around their friends on Facebook.

When your competitors vie for the attention of your customers, when thousands of distractions keep your customers distracted, it is your content writing (or your content writer) that comes to your rescue.

5 Content Writing Tips to Win Over Your Customers

But content writing cannot deliver in vacuum.

Effective content writing requires you to properly understand your customers. Only then you will be able to create content people will relate to.

Unless they relate to your content, they are not going to do business with you.


This is a reality that you can accept now, at this very moment, or, you realize it later, when you have lost much business and your competitors are much ahead of you.

For your content writing to work, why is it important to understand your customers?

Whether you want to write engaging content to improve your conversion rate on your website or you want to improve your SEO, at the core of your content writing exists your understanding of your customers’ needs.

What does “understanding your customers’ needs” mean?

It means understanding what they are looking for, and then providing it through content writing.

People are looking for answers. Before they buy something, they want to go through as much information as possible. They want to read reviews. They want to get opinions from their friends. 81% shoppers do online research before buying.

Research means, they go from link to link, reading about the product or service they are about to purchase, as much as possible.

How much content does your customer need to read before doing business with you


What if all the information they are looking for is present on your website or blog? You can easily publish that information. This way, they won’t have to go anywhere else. When they find what they are looking for on your website, when they finally decide to go ahead with the purchase, they will purchase from your website.

How do you know what they’re looking for? How do you know what sort of questions they have in mind before buying your product or service? Do you have a list of questions they may search for? Do you know what are their concerns?

Do you know how to answer their “whys”, “hows”, “whens” and “whats”?

This, is why it is very important to understand your customers. You have to look at your business from their perspective. Don’t get swept away by the greatness of your product or service. Try to understand what your customers want.

What are the problems they are going through? How can your business solve their problem? How do you communicate to them that your business can solve their problem better than your competitors?

Before writing content, how to know what the customer is looking for?

Content writing is an ongoing process. It is not possible to know everything about your customers from the beginning itself. In fact, your content can help you in this regard.

But here are a few observations you can make to understand your customers better:

  • Talk to people outside of your business: Talk to people who have nothing to do with your business. They don’t know anything about your product or service. But it would help if your product or service could help them in some way. Ask them what would stop them from doing business with you or what would encourage them to do business with you? What would be their concerns?
  • Closely follow other blogs and websites in your niche: Lots of good content is published in almost every niche, almost every day. If possible, even join members-only communities (for which you may have to pay) to get the insights of people who have already created lots of content in your niche.
  • Do keyword research, especially suggestions by Google: Search for keywords on Google. When you search on Google, in the end of the search results, you see other suggestions from Google. These are the search terms being used by people and you can use them to create content for your blog or website.
  • Use Google Analytics: The Google Analytics data will be available to you after a few months of continuous content writing. The Analytics dashboard will be able to tell you what search terms are people using to find content on your website. By studying this data you can know whether your content writing approach is right or wrong.
  • Get feedback: Getting feedback directly from your customers and clients is very easy these days. You can interact with your customers and clients on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and thousands of other platforms available these days. You can also encourage people to leave comments on your own website or blog.
  • Create a comprehensive FAQs section: Creating an FAQs section is the best way of writing targeted content. Using your common sense, try to figure out what questions your customers and clients may have before deciding to do business with you. Address all these questions in your FAQ section.

Credible Content can help you understand your customers and clients and then write targeted content

As a team of professional content writers at Credible Content we can write content your audience is looking for. Randomly writing content to cover all your keywords and search terms doesn’t do you much good. Of course, optimizing your content is necessary, but you can do it even while creating targeted, well-meaning content that improves your conversion rate.

Our content writing service will help you get higher search engine rankings and improve your conversion rate.
