Importance of content in your social media marketing strategy

Social media marketing is all about using the right words or using enough words to communicate your message to as many people as possible. Communication is at the core of your social media marketing success. There are two ways your content can work for you:

  • Promote your message
  • Promote your brand

Aside from your friends and colleagues you are known on the Internet for what you have on the Internet. This can be textual content, video and images. Since I mostly deal with textual content I will write in that context.

Successful content conveys the right message at the right time in the right language. It needs to be appealing, it needs to be relevant and people should be able to relate to it; only then they will pass it on to their friends and colleagues. Suppose you create a new webpage with lots of useful information and links and then you share that link through your FaceBook profile. Let us say you have 500 friends in FaceBook and at least 10 forward your link to some of their friends in FaceBook, Twitter, or other social bookmarking and networking websites. The possibilities are limitless. Who knows, your link may end up on the home page of Digg without you even knowing it (and you wouldn’t know what actually hit your website).

Good content is the most potent tool in your social media marketing tool kit. Without content you can only socialize, you cannot do serious business, because for serious business you have to show people what you have really got and this can only be achieved through content that can really communicate.

If you are simply promoting the links that you stumble upon while randomly searching the Internet nobody is going to take you seriously after a while and people will think you are there just to share interesting links that you keep on finding. On the other hand when you share with them the links from your own website you can attract lots of targeted traffic to your website or blog.

So if you really think that social media marketing can make a great impact on your business you have to take your content seriously.

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