How I plan to promote my content writing business during the Coronavirus outbreak

Content writing in the times of the coronavirus

Content writing in the times of the coronavirus

After originating from China the Coronavirus has taken the entire world in its grip. Thousands of people have died. More than 200,000 are quarantined or being treated as I’m writing this. Businesses are being shut down. People are losing jobs.

During such a human and economic disaster, how do you take care of your business? My content writing queries are going down; what steps am I going to take to see me through this lean period?

Businesses depend on each other. I provide content writing services but I can provide my services only to those businesses who are in a position to spend money on marketing, branding and SEO. When they are grappling with the question of survival, they aren’t much worried about marketing.

Even the markets to which they need to market themselves aren’t responding, aren’t in a position to respond.

Nonetheless, a good thing about the Internet is that you can work from home, and you can provide your services to different parts of the world.

Although many countries are struggling with the pandemic, there are many other countries who haven’t been as affected as some countries have been. Till the world realigns itself, you need to continuously find opportunities, as little as they are.

Below I am listing a few things I’m going to do to promote my content writing business even during the Coronavirus outbreak. Maybe you can apply some of the things that I mention here to benefit your own business.

Don’t worry much

Worrying is a natural reaction. Whenever we are alarmed we worry. Worrying kept us safe when we were living in jungles and caves. Even at the slightest of sounds and movements in the bush, we simply bolted without spending a single second on second-guessing. Hesitation could get us killed.

We live in relatively safer times. Even when long months of recession gawk at us, worrying isn’t going to help much. It stunts our thinking. It even harms are immune system.

Find out ways to get rid of your worry. If you cannot do it yourself, talk with someone close to you.

Network with other business owners

You may not just get new business, you will also provide support to each other during hard times. Maybe you know something that the other person doesn’t know and the other person knows something that you don’t know. You can both help each other.

Also, you can refer a new business to each other – something that you may have ignored in the past.

Work on improving your online presence

Yes, it also involves publishing more content on your website. Remember that no matter how dire the situation becomes, there is someone out there always looking for you.

I’m still getting a lot of content writing queries from all over the place. Even from Europe and America. So, if on an average I’m getting 2 content writing queries, if I can improve my SEO and make it easier for people to find me, I can increase that number to 3, or 4, or 6.

I have been buried under lots of work. I’m still working for a few clients and I know I have plenty of work for the next two months,

I’m also going to get lots of free time to add extra content on my website and blog, which I have been ignoring in the recent months because of my work. I’m going to use this extra time as an opportunity to improve my search engine rankings and add more content to my website.

Explore untapped opportunities

Are there some opportunities you have been ignoring? What about your mailing list? Haven’t you always wanted to have your own mailing list? Maybe this is a time you can start focusing on building one.

What about LinkedIn? Personally I have always wanted to spend more time promoting myself on LinkedIn but there hasn’t been much motivation which, I’m sure, is going to manifest now.

Improve conversion rate

Although I’m constantly working at improving my conversion rate so that I get more content writing traffic that converts rather than bringing those people to my website who simply want to learn how to write better content (no harm in that, though), there is always scope for improvement.

You can use Google Analytics to take note of what type of traffic your website or blog is attracting from Google and how much of it brings you actual business. Study the keywords that convert and then generate more content around those keywords.

Decide to outsource

If you haven’t been outsourcing, this is a good opportunity to consider. To be frank, my entire business depends on people’s tendency to outsource their content writing needs.

Businesses and people don’t hire me full-time. They contact me whenever they need quality content to improve your conversion rate or SEO.

You can outsource many things. You can outsource content writing if you don’t want to spend time writing and creating content for your website or blog.

You can outsource graphic design or your web maintenance or your SEO. What about accounting and bookkeeping? I’m writing content for a website that does precisely that – take care of accounting for many businesses.

Outsourcing saves you time and money, and it also gives you greater choice. You are never stuck with a single employee. You can dip your feet in the global talent pool.

Audit your content

For a small business having 50-60 web pages and an equal number of blog posts, this shouldn’t be a tough job.

What does content auditing mean?

It means going through individual content pieces and improving them. Improvement may involve rewriting their titles and descriptions, improving content quality, making your content simpler and concise and pretty much, incorporating improvements that make your content better. Content auditing also improves your SEO.

In the end, I suggest, don’t worry about the sky falling unless the sky is actually falling. Use the time. It might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe the collective destiny of the world wants you to turn over a new leaf and start exploring opportunities that you have been ignoring so far.

What does voice search optimization mean and how to write for it

Optimizing content writing for voice search

Optimizing content writing for voice search

Voice search optimization means writing your content in a language that people use when speaking.

You write shorter sentences. You avoid using complicated words. You write in the form of questions and answers.

30% of all search is voice search these days. More than 60% of Amazon Echo and Google Home users don’t plan to go back to using keyboard for looking up for information.

2019 voice search statistics

2019 voice search statistics

Voice-enabled interfaces are increasingly being used, including Siri, Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant.

As the number and sophistication of voice-controlled and voice-enabled devices increase, it is becoming more important to take voice search optimization seriously.

What is voice search optimization?

Optimization for search engines still includes using the right language and the right keywords. Keyword optimization isn’t going anywhere.

Voice search means writing your content the way people talk, the way people use their voice to interact with their devices.

You must know that the way we talk and the way we write are different.

Normally, the words and phrases that you use when you’re writing, are quite different from the words and phrases that you use when speaking.

Write like people converse

Write like people converse

When you speak, you use more day-to-day words. You speak smaller sentences. You don’t use lots of conjunctions.

When you use voice search, you don’t use very stiff language. You use conversational queries. You talk as if someone is sitting in front of you.

Another very important thing is that you don’t use monosyllables or mere keywords to search. You use complete sentences or complete questions.

Remember longtail?

Suppose you have a mobile app development business and you are looking for a content writer for your website. When using voice search, you may say, “who is the best content writer for my web design business?” Or “find me the best content writing service for my web design website”.

Since it is easier and convenient to say instead of write, people tend to use very precise queries.

Hence, when you are optimizing your content for voice search, you keep two things in mind:

  1. You optimize for longer expressions, sometimes complete sentences.
  2. You use very simple language, and to the point, shorter sentences.

Include the most important information in the beginning itself because when people use voice search, their devices talk back to them based on the information they find on your web page or blog post.

Another big reason why the language that you use must be very simple and straightforward is because when people speak into their devices, they hear back from their devices.

So, for example, if someone uses the Google Assistant to search for information, and if Google finds your link, it is going to read the first paragraph to the searcher.

It will be easier for the searcher to understand what is being said if the sentences are shorter and straightforward and the words are easier to pronounce.

People use voice search because it is faster. Of course it helps that it is also becoming easier and more accurate. Even back in 2017 the Google Assistant was almost as efficient as humans when it comes to understanding and processing language.

Sometimes you don’t even have to pick up your phone. You can just trigger the voice enabled interface (“Hey Google”, for example) and search for information. Then through the speaker you will hear the result. You can go on doing whatever you are doing without having to physically interact with your device.

Devices are becoming more efficient in listening to what is being said and then finding the information accordingly. Which means, many people use voice search and voice commands just by default, without even realizing how the technology has advanced over the years.

Why optimize for voice search?

Because optimizing for voice search helps you whether people are using voice to search for you or typing using the keyboard. Voice optimization also helps you optimize your content organically.

Search engines like Google are preferring voice-optimized content over traditional content.

How to optimize for voice search when writing content

Many people fear that if they right very simple content it doesn’t sound professional.

This is not the case. You can see it on my website or blog. I don’t use very complicated or highfalutin words.

Nonetheless, you won’t say that my writing is unprofessional.

Simple writing doesn’t mean writing unprofessionally. If you have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes, then your writing is unprofessional.

If you have a very pedantic style of writing, even then you seem unprofessional because unnecessarily complicated writing means you lack confidence.

Here are some things you can do to optimize your content for voice search:

Write in the form of question and answer

Write if you are providing an answer to a question.

For example, do I provide content writing services to help you improve your search rankings for voice?


And then I explain how I achieve that for you.

Optimizing for search, or for that matter, even in the conventional sense, isn’t a matter of hurry.

Develop an understanding of how people talk, what words they use, when they talk about your business or the product or service you sell.

Then use that language to write your content.

Provide the answer in the beginning itself

It is understandable that you want to provide as much information as possible on your web page or blog post.

It is often advised that you should create very long blog posts – 3000+ words – for better search engine rankings. So, you must wonder, if you spill the beans in the beginning itself, what do you cover in the remaining copy?

In the beginning, provide the answer in a gist so that when the person hears it, he or she gets the needed answer for the question that has just been asked.

Then, in the remaining copy you can explain various steps.

Since longform content is better than “thin” content, I have observed that many writers needlessly inflate their writing with lots of information and stats. Especially in the beginning.

For example, if you want to learn how to optimize your content for voice search, is it really important for you to know how many people right now are using voice enabled devices?

You already know how important it is to optimize for voice search and this is why you’re looking for information.

Sure, stats are important. Graphs are important. Data analysis is important.

But you don’t have to cram everything in the beginning just to build a case for yourself.

Having said that, if you really want to pack lots of information, you can do that later, as an add-on.

Write simpler sentences

Again, simple language does not mean unprofessional writing. It simply means not beating around the bush.

When you are writing content, every sentence must solve a purpose. It must have a reason to exist. When you are writing a sentence, think whether it is adding value to your overall writing or not. If it is not adding any value and you are using it just to show off your writing skills, remove it.

The same goes for difficult words. When you’re writing professional content – content for a business website or blog – it is not an opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills.

You are writing so that more people convert. For that, without having to make lots of effort, they should be able to understand your copy and then decide whether they want to buy from the website or not.

Hence, be specific. Don’t try to capture multiple ideas in a single sentence. Use one sentence for one idea.

Make your content as relevant as possible

Remember that compared to conventional way of searching, voice search is very precise and at the same time, random.

In the conventional way of searching (using your fingers to type the query) you get to see multiple results in front of you. If you don’t find the first result satisfying, you can click the second or the third result or even the 10th result.

This is not the case with voice search. Google (or another voice assistant) simply starts reading what it thinks is the best result. There are no alternatives. There is only one top result. So, give your best.

Spend some time observing people. Don’t depend a lot on “keyword tools” because they create noise and stop you from thinking from the perspective of your users or visitors.

Talk to people if you can. Ask them what they would search for if they need to buy your product or service.

Maybe initially you won’t get the answers you’re looking for. Keep trying.

Make a list of keywords people actually use and then weave your content around these keywords.

Know what is the intention and then write accordingly

Billions of searches are done on Google alone with different intentions.

When optimizing your content for better rankings – whether for voice or for the usual text/typing – knowing the intention of the searcher is very important. Even small things can make a big difference.

Why do people look for the information they’re looking for?

Do they want to compared two gadgets to decide which one is the better to buy?

Do they want to educate themselves to make another, related decision?

Are they simply searching for the name of the company to find the URL and then go to the website?

Broadly, there are three types of search intents:

  1. Informational intent
  2. Navigational intent
  3. Transactional intent

In informational intent, you are simply seeking information, for example, “why were the pyramids of Giza built?”

or “which is the best historical tourist destination in South India?”

or “how to optimize my writing for voice search?”

These are instances of searching for information. You don’t intend to buy something, at least not right now.

Optimizing for informational intent brings you exposure even if does not bring you customers and clients with a desire to buy something immediately. It is good for branding and visibility.

In navigational intent, people simply want to go to the website but either don’t want to type the URL or don’t know what’s the URL.

You may search for “credible content” to go to

You may search for “Twitter advanced search” to find the section on Twitter that allows you to do advanced search.

“Knitters club website in Wisconsin” to find a website of some knitters club.

Transactional intent is for buying. It may not be immediate buying, but the person carrying out a transactional search is about to buy. He or she is just looking for the right thing or the right information. For example “MacBook Pro rates in Washington”.

Hence, for voice search optimization, you may first decide which searcher’s intent you want to target and then write content accordingly.

You can target any intent because they all have their uses.


Finally, all boils down to relevance and ease of use. This is something that cannot be stressed enough.

Be highly useful so that your content comes up in search results for voice. And explain your point as clearly as possible so that people can understand it when the device is narrating your information.

Are you committing these writing mistakes when writing content?

Common writing mistakes committed by content writers

Common writing mistakes committed by content writers

A client sent me a website link to check out. The moment I loaded the link I could see at least three grammatical errors without even having to read a single paragraph.

Some writing mistakes are glaring, some are subtle and some are just a part of our habit.

Sometimes my writing also has mistakes and it is very embarrassing when they are pointed out by the client.

Fortunately, even when the client points out the errors, he or she knows that it is either an oversight on my part or it is just a part of my writing style. That’s a saving grace.

This blog post has some nice writing tips listing mistakes that even established writers and authors commit.

Some of these include

Wrongly using commas

Just because you are pausing doesn’t mean you have to use a comma. Use them sparingly.

I have this tendency to use commas, sometimes even before an and.

Long complicated sentences

Divide complex thoughts into smaller, simpler sentences. This is more important because most of your visitors will be accessing your website on their mobile phone.

Shorter sentences are easier to comprehend. They are easier to read. They make a stronger impact because every sentence carries a single thought.

Run-on sentences

I have never studied grammar properly. Hence, I needed to check what a run-on sentence is.

By definition, a run-on sentence is when two or more independent clauses (that can be termed as complete sentences) are included in a single sentence without a logical connection.

For example, “I love eating oranges I eat an apple everyday.”

These are two complete sentences in themselves. Either you write them separately or you use a conjunction, something like, “I love eating oranges but I eat an apple everyday,” or “Although I love eating oranges I eat an apple everyday.”

Passive voice

Using passive voice isn’t always bad but avoid it whenever you can.

For example, instead of writing “Passive voice should be avoided,” you can write “Avoid passive voice,” or “You should avoid passive voice.”

One drawback of using passive voice that I can see is that it unnecessarily injects extra words and phrases into a sentence.

Since it is “passive” it creates a disconnect. But when you use an active voice, you’re talking to your readers.

Lack of parallel structure when creating bullet points

When you’re creating bullet points, follow one grammatical structure.

For example, I can help you

  • Write better content for your website.
  • Improve your SEO
  • Improve your conversion rate.


I can help you with

  • Writing better content for your website.
  • Improving your SEO.
  • Improving your conversion rate.

Avoid using this

I can help you with

  • Writing better content for your website.
  • Improving your SEO
  • Better conversion rate (<– this one)

Wrong word choice

Actually, for many years, I have not made such mistakes. But many people do. For example, using “loose” when you actually mean “lose”. Also, mixing “its” and “it’s” or “there” and “their”.

Sentence fragments

I sometimes use very small, fragmented sentences for an impact. You may also use fragmented sentences in poetry, but don’t overdo them.

For example: Through content writing. I can help you with many things. Improve your SEO. Better content for your website. Better conversion rate.

Although, structurally, there is nothing wrong in these sentences, some of them are not sentences but phrases.

Again, use them to create an effect, but don’t fill your entire write-up with such sentences. Fragmented sentences look good as bullet points though.

Vague pronoun references

In the above-linked blog post, the writer has given a good example: “When Jack found his cat, he was very happy.”

Although, you can assume that Jack was happy to find his cat, the sentence itself doesn’t make it clear whether it was Jack who was happy or the cat. I would rewrite the sentence like this, “Jack was very happy when he found his cat.” or “Jack was very happy to find his cat.”

Overused ellipses and em dashes

Elipses are the three dots – … – that you often use when you want to leave something midway.

Something like, “I would have completed your document today but I was…anyway, I will try to complete it tomorrow early morning.”

You use em dashes to put extra information in a sentence. Something like, “He wiped his feet vigourously before entering – he knew that in the afternoon his wife swept the floor – and as a result, he had twisted his ankle.”

There are uses of elipses and em dashed – that’s why they are there – but don’t overuse them otherwise they end up distracting the reader.

Improperly formatted quotations

Quotation marks have a meaning. Writers use them to write dialogues between different characters. They are also used when you don’t mean to use a word in the sense that it is often used.

For example, David often likes to call himself a “writer” but no one knows exactly what he writes.

Another example: He is the “champion of the poor” – it means, I don’t actually mean to call him the champion of the poor.

If you want to highlight a word or a phrase, use bold font instead.

Actually, off late I have been committing this mistake, especially when I’m linking to other blog posts; I enclose the title within quotations. I will avoid doing that now.

Do I use any special technique or process to proof read?

No, I don’t. In fact these days I’m not even using a proper word processor. I’m writing this using iA Writer and then straight away I will export the HTML into WordPress.

This doesn’t mean I’m careless about my writing. It’s just that, I have reached a stage when I can write without worrying about committing grammar mistakes. And the browser has a very decent spell checker.

I do give the write-up a thorough reading before sending the document to the client.

How to get relevant traffic with SEO copywriting

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant search engine traffic

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant search engine traffic

Anybody can get traffic from search engines. Very few can get relevant traffic.

Well thought of SEO copywriting can help you get more relevant traffic from search engines, as rightly suggested by this Copyblogger blog post.

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting means writing content on your website or blog with the intention of improving your search engine rankings but at the same time, maintaining the quality and the engagement level of your writing.

Read: 15 SEO copywriting tips that will certainly improve your search engine rankings

Copywriting is all about convincing your visitors into performing the action that you want them to perform once they are on your website or blog.

Although, you are mostly writing content for your website or blog, many people prefer to call this form of writing as copywriting because you are constantly selling something whether it is the idea of downloading your e-book or further exploring your web pages or submitting your contact form or subscribing to your email updates.

When you also add the aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) it means using words, phrases and expressions that give Google and other search engines the exact idea of what you are communicating or what information you are providing to your visitors when they visit that particular link.

Read: Importance of keyword research before writing content

It then helps the search engines rank your content for those particular words and expressions (what you call keywords).

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant traffic

As mentioned above, relevant traffic means getting traffic that converts. Relevant traffic should increase your sales.

There are many ways you can use SEO copywriting to get relevant traffic to your website or blog.

Use highly focused content for better SEO

The above Copyblogger post suggests that you aim for a “minimum viable audience”. This immediately rings a bell.

Just today I was explaining to a client (mobile app development) that one single blog post shouldn’t try to contain all possible keywords and search terms for better SEO copywriting.

Instead, focus on solving one single problem and then provide a solution.

I know, in the times of longform content it is often suggested that comprehensive blog posts must be created that cover every possible topic related to the main, big topic.

Though, there is nothing wrong in doing that, but as much as possible, don’t dilute your content.

According to recent Google updates, it is not the length of your content that improves your SEO, but the relevance, the value that you provide.

Also, it is not possible for everyone to create 3000+ word blog posts with regularity.

Instead, focus on as narrow a niche as possible.

Don’t overlook location-based SEO copywriting

Suppose you provide accounting services in London. It’s no use optimizing your copywriting for keywords like “accounting services”, “bookkeeping services” and “accountant services” because these are highly competitive terms.

You have a better chance of ranking well if you concentrate on writing content for terms like “accounting services in London” and “bookkeeping services in London”.

Want to narrow down more?

Suppose you mostly serve clients in Notting Hill. Then why not focus on “accounting services in Notting Hill”?

If you can create lots of web pages and blog posts on how well received your accounting services are in Notting Hill, you will surely get relevant traffic and generate more local business.

Aim for less competitive keywords

A bit old advice, but still relevant.

High-competition keywords can take you ages especially when scores of websites and blogs are already ranking well for them. They must have toiled for months and even years to reach that position and you will need to do the same (or wait for a stroke of luck).

On the other hand, make a list of less competitive keywords, what they call “low hanging fruits”.

You may think that you will get less traffic for those less competitive keywords, but at least there will be some traffic in the foreseeable future. It is better than having no traffic.

Follow time-tested SEO conventions during copywriting

An increasing number of Google updates focus less on the language that you use and more on the intent with which you write and publish content. Nonetheless, the words that you use still matter.

Hence, use your main keyword within the first 100 words of your write-up. The logic is that sometimes the search engine crawler leaves your website without reading further. This is why, it is very important to hit upon the main topic as early as possible so that the crawler doesn’t miss the main point.

Aside from this, use your main keyword in the title of your web page or blog post and if possible, let your keyword appear in your URL.

It is understandable that you get a high when Google Analytics shows a rising graph of your search engine traffic. But unless that traffic increases your business, it is of no use.

This is why, when SEO copywriting, don’t focus on generating traffic, focus on getting relevant traffic.

Optimizing your content writing for the BERT algorithm update

How is Google BERT update going to affect your content writing?

How is Google BERT update going to affect your content writing?

BERT is a Google ranking algorithm update that was released by the search engine giant somewhere in October 2019.

It is being touted as one of the most significant updates to be rolled out in the past 5 years.

What is the BERT update and how does it impact your process of content writing, and consequently, your rankings?

BERT is an abbreviation for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. This is a neural network-based technique for natural language processing (NLP).

How does BERT interpret a search query?

The new language processing technique processes words in relation to all the other words in the search query being used, rather than analyzing them one-by-one, as it used to happen previously.

It tries to understand the full context of the query.

Basically, rather than simply interpreting the meaning of the search query, it tries to find out the intent of the search user. Why someone is trying to find what he or she is trying to find?

In this traditional form of search query interpretation, Google used to understand your queries in terms of the ordered sequence of words (left-to-right, right-to-left or combining both).

It mostly meant finding you all the pages not just carrying individual words used in the query, but different parts of the query and even the entire query.

BERT on the other hand helps the search engine algorithm understand the word context based on surrounding words.

This is a Google update that explains the concept of understanding the context rather than plain words:

Let’s look at another query: “do estheticians stand a lot at work.” Previously, our systems were taking an approach of matching keywords, matching the term “stand-alone” in the result with the word “stand” in the query. But that isn’t the right use of the word “stand” in context. Our BERT models, on the other hand, understand that “stand” is related to the concept of the physical demands of a job, and displays a more useful response.

Here is another great example to understand how BERT is going to affect search results.

Google can make out that the person asking the question, “Can you get medicine for someone pharmacy” wants to know if medicine can be delivered from the pharmacy.

As Google explains, “for someone” is an important part of the query and the query isn’t mainly about “medicine” and “pharmacy” as it used to happen previously.

Although keywords are still going to matter for a few years, what matters more is how you use those keywords to provide real value to your visitors. Give them the information they’re looking for rather than the information you think they should get.

To understand why Google keeps on rolling out these updates, you need to understand why Google exists as a search company.

Finding out information for people is not a hobby project at Google. It is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise.

Hence the company leaves no stone unturned to make sure that people find information they need instead of being fed with information webmasters and bloggers want to push.

Does the BERT algorithm update affect the way you write content for your website or blog?

There is no particular way of writing content specifically for the BERT algorithm update as such.

Whenever you write content and publish, just make sure that it provides value.

“Providing value” is not a lofty expression – it means publishing information people are looking for.

Don’t trick them into visiting your website.

When people come to your website and ask “what’s your point?” or “what are you trying to say exactly?” this is going to have a negative impact on your search engine rankings.

Conversely, when people come to your website and say, “Yes, this is exactly the information I was looking for and now I have found it,” your search engine rankings are going to improve.

Don’t worry too much about keywords and search phrases when writing content.

Though, use them contextually, wherever the easily fit.

Also, try to structure your ideas. This will help you when you’re trying to optimize for Google Snippets.

Read: Google’s Featured Snippets: How to rank at #1 with strategic content writing

If the Google ranking algorithm thinks that a particular chunk of content on your website conveys exactly what the search query is asking for, it will showcase it as a snippet.

In most of the cases, if you experience a decrease in traffic after the BERT algorithm update roll-out (assuming you have high-quality content already) you were getting the traffic unnecessarily and it was not adding any value to you as well as your visitors.

Nonetheless, if you want to improve your content quality you may focus on the following:

  • Understand the searcher’s intent and then write on a topic.
  • Provide answers to people’s questions.
  • Don’t unnecessarily stuff keywords and search terms unless they are a part of your narrative.
  • Don’t use complex sentences.
  • Divide longer sentences into shorter ones.
  • Organize various subtopics under headings and subheadings to make it easier for Google to understand your content.
  • Write on topics that are important, yet, are not covered by many – be unique.
  • Make sure you provide value – when people go back, they must take something with them.
  • Write conversational content – a greater number of people are using voice search and when they use voice search, they form their queries as they speak.
  • Make your content mobile friendly – it must be easier to read and grasp on a mobile phone.

Again, when thinking of how the BERT ranking algorithm affects your content writing, more than keeping the algorithm in mind when writing content, keep in your mind the need of your visitors.

Constantly think, what they are going to get out of what you’re writing. Provide them what they need, and you enjoy higher search engine rankings.

Other than this, you also need to learn to trust Google. It is not trying to create its algorithms in favor of certain websites.

If your content meets the needs of its users, it is going to find and rank it automatically. Else, you are not writing content for the right audience.

In fact, this is a blessing in disguise. When you holistically try to improve your search engine rankings, you get the sort of traffic your website deserves and when this happens, it is good for your business.