Tag Archives: Content Marketing Mistakes

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes?

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes

Content marketing allows you to promote your business without aggressively promoting it.

You offer useful, entertaining, or engaging information to your audience in the form of blog posts, web pages, videos and social media posts.

Through your content you become a day-to-day part of their lives.

They begin to associate you with positivity and value.

Finally, when it comes to doing business, they choose you over your competitors who is not regularly engaging them.

In content marketing, instead of constantly pitching your products and services, you publish relevant and useful content that helps people solve their problems, or in some manner, makes them happy and feel good about themselves.

Why is content marketing called “marketing” when all you seem to be doing is publishing useful content?

Just like any other marketing campaign, content marketing requires strategy.

You need to promote your content using free and paid channels.

You need to aggressively put your content in front of your target audience.

You need to analyze the performance of individual pieces of content.

Based on their performance, you either revise your existing content, or make changes to your future pieces of content.

How is content marketing different from conventional marketing?

Many businesses use conventional marketing, and it works for them.

Unlike many content marketers, I don’t downplay the importance of conventional marketing.

As long as there are conventional channels like TV and print media, conventional marketing is going to exist.

A big problem with conventional marketing is that it is one way.

You are constantly telling your target customers and clients to buy your product without establishing a lasting relationship with them.

Content marketing doesn’t focus on direct selling – although in some cases businesses do aggressively promote their products and services.

Content marketing goes through different customer journey stages, such as

Awareness stage in content marketing

This is one of the first stages of the customer journey when the customer becomes aware of your existence.

Content at the awareness stage must be educational and helpful.

Selling comes at a later stage.

At the awareness stage you can publish blog posts, videos, e-books and newsletters.

Here are some examples:

  • An amusing video by a restaurant on how to choose the right dress for a dinner outing.
  • A blog post on what all to pack on a bike trip by a biking tour company.
  • An e-book by kitchen chimney installation company advising people how to buy the best kitchen chimney and how to take care of it (I recently revised an e-book on the same topic).

During the awareness stage people become aware of the existence of your business and off your expertise and knowledge.

They are repeatedly exposed to useful information in the form of social media updates, videos and blog posts from you.

For example, there are many people who don’t even know that they need kitchen chimneys.

The book helps them become aware of the need.

It not only helps them become aware, it also helps them to choose the right kitchen chimney for different kitchens and after that, how to maintain them so that they can use the piece for a long time.

Through the awareness-related content marketing material, your prospective customers and clients not only become proactively aware of the benefits of using your product or service, they also have a choice when finally they are ready.

Consideration stage in content marketing

In this stage your prospective customers and clients are ready to buy your product or service.

You just need to provide them more information.

This information can be a mix of awareness and technical specifications about your product or service.

Some examples would be:

  • You explain your content writing and copywriting process through a detailed blog post or web page, or an infographic.
  • A case study describing how your SEO copywriting services helped a company improve its search engine rankings in just 6 months.
  • A legal consulting service publishing testimonials from its clients where they describe how the consulting service helped them solve complicated legal problems and saved them a ton of money.

Closing stage in content marketing

The closing stage is quite critical.

Do you know that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is almost 69.57% (source)?

You put so much hard work and money into bringing people to your e-commerce website, and when you see almost 69 people out of 100 abandoning the shopping cart, it can be quite heartbreaking and crushing.

People may decide to not to do business with you just in the nick of time.

Your content marketing effort in this stage can help you remain with your prospective customers and clients till the last step – making the payment.

People abandon the last step due to many reasons including:

  • Getting distracted
  • Developing doubts at the last moment
  • Getting confused
  • Not being able to follow exactly how to do business with you
  • Postponing so that they can spend some more time taking the right decision (right decision according to them)

You can use the following content marketing material to remain with your prospective customers and clients during the closing stage:

  • As an architecture firm, you can produce a quality video showcasing a portfolio of work you have done so far.
  • As a virtual reality company, you can show a high-profile virtual reality environment people can roam around.
  • A research report by your consulting company explaining people how your strategic approach has helped many businesses grow in leaps and bounds.

Although content marketing has arrived late in the game (compared to other forms of marketing) there are many companies like Coca-Cola who have completely eliminated their conventional marketing budgets and are now focusing entirely on content marketing.

Content marketing is effective compared to traditional marketing, but some mistakes can be costly in terms of money and time.

In case you are committing these 5 content marketing mistakes, I hope after reading this blog post you will be able to take corrective measures and enjoy the full benefit of content marketing.

Here they are

Not being regular with content publishing

This is the first mistake I have observed my content writing and copywriting clients committing when they implement their content marketing strategy.

They think that publishing 5 blog posts that they can then display in the footer is enough.

Content marketing is an ongoing process because you need to remain in front of your target audience.

There are multiple reasons for that.

There is too much information on the Internet.

If you are not consistent with your content marketing (in the form of consistently publishing content) your competitors definitely are.

You see, content marketing is not the magical wand.

You can’t publish a few blog posts and case studies whenever you have budget or inclination and then expect content marketing to work for you.

Even highly successful businesses who choose to depend on content marketing, publish high-quality blog posts, podcasts, and infographics on regular basis.

You need to remain in front of your audience constantly.

Even if you are absent for a few days, they lose track.

You must have seen advertisements from famous brands on TV.

Why do they need to promote themselves when their brands are already well-known?

Because the competition is constantly round the corner.

People’s memories are short.

They easily get swayed.

Someone can always out-inform you.

When you are implementing your content marketing strategy, consider the expense of publishing and promoting content as an essential business expense.

Not focusing on the target audience for content marketing

If you’re not focusing on the target audience, you are not going to generate target response.

Whom are you planning to attract to your business?

Of course, your customers and clients – a simple answer would be.

But what happens with your content might be completely different than what you want it to do.

This is especially true if you want to attract search engine traffic to your content.

Remember that how well your content is received doesn’t depend on your desire – it depends on how useful your audience finds your content.

Therefore, choose your topics carefully.

All your topics might be able to deliver value to your readers, viewers, and prospective customers and clients.

By mistake, sometimes you may also end up targeting people who are just looking for free content and they will never turn paying customers and clients.

For this, you need to publish content for all stages of customer journey, as mentioned above.

These days I’m publishing content that attracts traffic from people who are looking for

  • Useful information to spruce up their content strategy.
  • Useful blog posts to link to (consequently, improving my SEO).
  • A blog where they can pitch their own guest posts.
  • Businesses looking for platforms to publish sponsored content.

What about work-related content?

I have already published enough content that tells people how I can help them with their content writing and content strategy.

Through this blog, I’m also helping my main website content improve its search engine rankings.

Not promoting the content you are publishing

There is a reason it is called content marketing.

You don’t just publish content, you also need to market it to make sure it reaches the right audience.

Where is your audience?

Your audience may be on Google.

Your audience may be on social media websites like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Your audience may prefer receiving email updates.

But it isn’t as simple as it is often made out to be by digital marketing experts.

Even if you want to use these platforms to promote your content, you first need to build an audience on these platform by constantly engaging people over there.

The same holds true for Google.

You need to improve your search engine rankings and help your content appear in search results before people can find you for relevant content queries.

For creating a presence on various platforms, you need a consistent effort.

Simply posting your links on LinkedIn, for example, doesn’t help you much, if not many people click the link.

If you don’t have a mailing list, how can you publish your email updates?

Hence, you need to follow a multipronged approach.

That is, not just, regularly, publish high-quality content, but also build different platforms where you can promote your content.

I know, it seems overwhelming, but most of the businesses who want to leverage content marketing, follow this multipronged approach.

Not repurposing existing content

There is massive potential in content repurposing.

You may like to read: Should you delete or re-purpose your existing content?

What does content repurposing mean?

It means either creating multiple blog posts from a single blog post that you have already published, or creating social media feeds, videos, content mashups and infographics from already published content.

I regularly go through my existing blog posts to get new blog post ideas.

Sometimes, from a single heading or subheading, I can create a completely new blog post.

You can also extract sentences and paragraphs from your existing posts and publish them as updates on social media websites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

You can create small email marketing campaigns by taking content from your existing posts and web pages.

If you have published videos, you can create small clippings that can be viewed on their own and then publish them on social networking websites.

Benefits of content repurposing include

  • Saving time and money because you already have the content you need.
  • Getting diversified audience for the same piece of content.
  • Making your content available to people who prefer to receive it in another format.
  • Getting more exposure to less successful content.
  • Reaching your audience.
  • Expanding your reach to a diversified audience.
  • Improving your discoverability by making it easier for people to find your content.

Having a short-term content marketing goal

Content marketing pays big time, but it takes time.

It is not something that will suddenly improve your search engine rankings in 2-3 months or build you a loyal audience in a few months.

People who benefit from content marketing have been using it for years.

It is a rewarding, but a slow process.

Even for small traces of success, give it around six months to one year.

One of the biggest reasons why content marketing fails is that people have very short-term goals for it.

Content marketing has to work against many odds before it can give you some results.

You need to create your own presence.

You need to develop channels so that you can promote your content.

You need to be regularly in front of people you want to influence.

Search engine rankings in themselves take a lot of time because search engine crawlers are crawling and indexing millions of pieces of content practically every hour.

You need to have faith – only if you have faith, you can spend an appropriate amount of time.


Content marketing mistakes: are you still committing them in 2019?

You must avoid these content marketing mistakes if you are still committing them in 2019.

You will be surprised to know the sort of mistakes businesses and entrepreneurs commit while implementing their content marketing strategy even in 2019.

This blog post lists a few content marketing mistakes people are still committing.

Main content marketing mistakes to avoid

  • Not targeting the right audience
  • Not having the right content strategy
  • Not leveraging analytics
  • Not putting the consumer first
  • Using too many buzzwords
  • Mixing up content marketing and SEO

Let’s quickly explore these common content marketing mistakes that even my own clients commit, or are on the verge of committing…

Content marketing mistake #1: Not targeting the right audience

The problem is, when you ask someone whom you are trying to target, the person is going to say, duh! my customers and clients.

This makes sense in the broader sense because ultimately, we all want new and sustaining customers and clients, but if you don’t know who really your customers and clients are, your content marketing strategy is going to go waste.

You need to segment your audience:

  • Those who don’t know that they need you.
  • Those who need you but don’t know that you exist.
  • Those who need you, also know you but aren’t sure about you.
  • Those who need you, know about you, want to do business with you, but just need more convincing, or maybe more education.

These are different audiences and you need to create content targeting them.

Content marketing mistake #2: Not having the right content strategy

If you’re simply publishing content thinking that it will improve your search engine rankings, you don’t really have a content marketing strategy in place. You are simply throwing mud on the wall hoping that some of it will stick.

Having the right content strategy means knowing why you are publishing particular content, whom you are targeting, and what is the intended result.


Content marketing mistake #3: Not leveraging analytics

Web analytics can be scary in the beginning, but they hold a wealth of information. Whether you’re using Google Analytics or an email marketing software like MailChimp, keeping a tab on your analytics can help you steer your content marketing in the right direction.

Without analytics, it is all guesswork.

Content marketing mistake #4: Not putting the consumer first

People do this because in most of the cases, they put SEO first, which turns out to be self-defeating.

If you put SEO first, neither your search engine rankings improve, nor you get more business.

Just today I was explaining to one of my clients: put people first. Write, create and publish content that is useful and relevant to your customers and you will automatically improve your search engine rankings.

Content marketing mistake #5: Using too many buzzwords

I’m not averse to the idea of using buzzwords as long as they are relevant, but don’t overdo.

It depends on your audience actually. Fashion industry has its own language. Technology has its own.

What you need to keep in mind is, if it is difficult to speak, it is difficult to understand.

Content marketing mistake #6: Mixing up content marketing and SEO

This I have touched upon in mistake #4.

Many people find content marketing attractive because they think it is going to improve their SEO.

Content marketing is not SEO, although, most of the major SEO companies and organizations have turned to content marketing because content marketing leads to better SEO.

Google has been changing its algorithm in such a manner that its entire ranking system is based on the sort of content you have and the way people react to your content. This cannot be achieved without consistent and well-directed content marketing.

Avoid these 10 content writing and content marketing mistakes

Content marketing mistakes to avoid

Content marketing mistakes to avoid

Content writing and content marketing seem very easy, don’t they?

It seems as if it is just about writing and publishing blog posts and web pages on different topics (of course, on your business or topics that are relevant to your business), and you’re good to go.

Guess what. Thousands of entrepreneurs think on the same lines.

Some publish good content, and some publish mediocre content, and some even publish horrible content, but the more content there is on the web, harder it is to find your content.

In the contemporary times, content marketing is the strongest marketing tool. Never before has a marketing and promotional tool been available on such a democratic scale.

89 percent B2B small businesses use content marketing

89 percent B2B small businesses use content marketing


Why content marketing is so powerful no matter what size your business is?

It is due to its scalability.

If IBM can use content marketing so can a local computer repair shop.

All one needs to know is, choose an audience and then publish and disseminate appropriate content.

People love to do business with you if you

  • Offer them something valuable on an ongoing basis.
  • Provide useful information that they can use immediately for their benefit.
  • Solve problems for them.
  • Regularly engage them in meaningful conversations.
  • Become a pleasant part of their lives.
6 Benefits of Content Marketing

Benefits of Content Marketing

This is easily achievable, isn’t it?

Provided that you know who your audience is, you can write and publish highly targeted content, and you will get a better response.

Why content marketing fails despite being almost failsafe?

Why does content marketing fail?

Why does content marketing fail?

No clarity. Impatience. Erroneous targeting. Haphazard content publishing.

Just like everything else in the world, content marketing can either be strategic and consequently, result-oriented, or it can be random, giving you random results, and you all know what happens when you depend on random results.

For your content marketing to succeed, two attributes are very important, most critical:

  • Clearly knowing what you want to achieve.
  • Publishing/writing content that helps you achieve that.

Take for example my content writing and content marketing business.

It’s a given that I want more leads, more queries, and eventually, more clients who pay me.

But, in a world replete with “content writers” who are ready to write $ 5-articles and blog posts, and in a world replete with clients who actually believe that they can ride the wave of content marketing with such articles, how do I convince them into investing in quality content?

Therefore, through my regular content writing, content publishing and content marketing, I need to not only reach out to clients who understand how important content writing is for the growth of their business, I also need to convince them that I’m the content writer they need.

Read 5 Reasons Why Content Writing Is Important for SEO

What do I do?

Well, this blog post is not about this topic, it is about the content writing and content marketing mistakes that we commit that make even a failsafe marketing opportunity, fail. Are you committing these mistakes?

1. Not having a long-term plan for your content marketing strategy

Have a long-term content marketing plan

Have a long-term content marketing plan

Content marketing is never a rush job. Although you can say that in 2 weeks you want to launch your website and before that you want to implement a content marketing strategy, it is not going to help you much. Better rely on conventional advertising for that.

For your content marketing to succeed, you need to have a long-term vision.

Content marketing is like a fruit tree. If you want to have your own fruit tree, you need to grow it. You need to get a sapling or you need to sow a seed. You water it. You take care of it. Eventually when it grows into a tree, it begins to bear fruits.

In the same manner, your content marketing bears results when it has blossomed into a considerable presence. When people begin to recognize you for the quality of your content. When you have enough good quality content.

Takes time. Takes patience. Takes perseverance.

2. Not having a content writing and a content marketing strategy

Build a content marketing strategy

Build a content marketing strategy

I mention content writing because I provide content writing services. Writing content is a big part of providing content marketing services for my business.

Anyway, most of the content marketing strategies fail because there is no strategy.

Every successful content marketing campaign is backed by solid strategy

Every successful content marketing campaign is backed by solid strategy

Strategy vis-à-vis content marketing means

  1. Knowing what your core audience is looking for.
  2. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve through your content writing and content marketing.
  3. Strictly defining your KPIs.
  4. Writing content strictly within the framework of 1., 2. and 3. above.
  5. Distributing your content through the most appropriate channels.
  6. Analyzing data and drawing intelligence.
  7. Making changes in your content marketing according to data.
  8. Creating a sustainable cycle of 1.-7. steps.

Why is it important to have a content writing and content marketing strategy?

Strategy gives you a direction. It tells you what you need to do and what you need to avoid.

Read How your typical content marketing evolves

You may have the following goals and KPIs for your content marketing:

  • Brand awareness
  • Lead generation
  • SEO
  • Customer acquisition
  • Customer retention and customer loyalty
  • Thought leadership
  • More website traffic
  • Better engagement

For example, if this year you want to increase your newsletter subscribers from 1000 to 10,000, you will need to observe what sort of content gets you more subscribers, and then publish that content more often.

If there is some type of content that does not get you lots of newsletter subscribers, then maybe you shouldn’t spend too much time on that content.

This is, assuming that your sole purpose is to increase your number of subscribers from 1000 to 10,000. Of course, you may have different key performance indicators.

In the absence of a content writing and content marketing strategy, you go on publishing content, without ever finding out whether the content is helping you OR not and then, mistakenly, you are disenchanted with your content marketing.

3. Not promoting your content aggressively

Promote your content

Promote your content

Even when you are publishing high-quality content unless you promote your content it is going to be difficult for your core audience to find it simply because there is too much content on the Internet.

People may never come to your website directly unless they need to purchase something from you or do business with you or get something that is only available on your website and nowhere else.

With so many channels available these days (sometimes I get clients directly from LinkedIn and they never even visit my website), even when doing business with you they may never visit your website.

This is why, it is important that you make your content available through the channels they use.

If most of your audience is on Instagram, then you need to promote your content on Instagram.

If your audience is on Facebook, then you need to promote your content on Facebook.

Build your audience, and promote your content.

4. Not focusing on SEO

content marketing improves SEO

Content marketing to boost your SEO

Searching on search engines is a big part of trying to find something. If you want to find some information before you make a purchase, you go to Google and not to Facebook.

If my clients want to find a competent and professional content writer, they are going to use Google and not Facebook although, they may find my content on Facebook.

This is why it is very important that they are able to find my content on Google and other search engines.

Now, ideally, we all want better search engine rankings for our target keywords and search terms.

Some people overdo it and hence, get penalized.

Some people completely ignore it, living in denial that they don’t need it.

Some get it and reap the benefits.

It is very important for you to get found on search engines because one, it is a never-ending free supply of leads and sales, and two, it brings you exposure that further improves your SEO.

If your product or service is of such type that people need to do some research, they need to acquaint themselves with the nitty-gritty of your product or service, when they need to read reviews and opinions, they’re going to use Google or Bing.

Optimizing your content writing for search engines isn’t as difficult as it seems. It becomes difficult when people are in a rush and want to push their way into the top 10 results. This doesn’t work if you face competition.

Provide value. Write in a language people use.

Check out Professional SEO content writing services.

5. Ignoring mobile audience for your content writing and content marketing strategy

Write and publish content for mobile audience

Write and publish content for mobile audience

Mobile-friendly content writing means writing very short sentences and organizing the sentences in short paragraphs.

Usually, you must have noticed these days, people write a single sentence in one paragraph.

It may seem odd, but it looks good on mobile phones.

Using simple words.

If you go on and on and on, writing a very big sentence and then you have multiple sentences in a single paragraph, your readers are going to end up distracted.

On mobile phones, they want to be able to read quickly. Write accordingly.

Read How to do content writing for the mobile-first experience

6. Not working with an experienced content writer

Work with an experienced content writer

Work with an experienced content writer

Now, you may think that I’m writing this because I provide content writing services, and in a way, I won’t blame you if you think that way.

Content marketing, and consequently, writing content, is an ongoing job.

You need someone who can write good content regularly, without compromising on quality.

Quality is of paramount importance.

Without quality there is no engagement. There is no value addition. Very bad search engine rankings.

Can write well yourself? Good.

Can write well, regularly? Marvelous.

No? Then you need a content writer. Don’t waste time.

7. Not building a dedicated content writing and content marketing team

Build a dedicated content marketing team

Build a dedicated content marketing team

The need to build a content writing and content marketing team may differ from business to business. Some businesses need lots of content and lots of marketing, some don’t.

But if you think that lack of manpower is stopping you from moving on to the next level, then you need to build a dedicated content writing and content marketing team. Without it, your entire strategy crumbles.

As your content marketing scales and matures, you will need people with diverse talents including

  • Content writing & copywriting
  • Graphic design
  • Video and animation skills
  • Social media marketing
  • Data analytics
  • Strategy
  • SEO
  • Web design

Putting off the decision to build a dedicated content writing and content marketing team, especially when your business is on the path of growing, is going to cost you dearly.

8. Ignoring email marketing

Email marketing is an integral part of content marketing

Email marketing is an integral part of content marketing

86% business professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes, according to Hubspopt.

According to a Radicati report, by 2020, 3 billion people will be using emails (just in case, this is December-end, 2018, when I’m writing this). The report also says that 205 billion emails are sent every day these days, and by the end of 2019, the count will be 246 billion.

Anyway, these are big numbers, but the point is, people still use emails.

It is the best way of making it possible for them to discover your new content and re-appreciate your existing content.

How does your email marketing help boost your content marketing effort? It’s a self-serving relationship.

  • Email marketing is only effective if you build your own mailing list.
  • You build your own mailing list only when people subscribe to your updates on their own.
  • They will subscribe to your updates only when they think that they are going to receive something valuable.
  • They think that they will receive something valuable only when they find valuable content on your website and hence, are driven to subscribe to your email updates.
  • You will need to publish valuable content on your website.
  • You will need to make it possible for them to discover your valuable content.
  • You will need to publish content they don’t want to miss.
  • Hence, you will be continuously publishing high-quality content.
  • This will boost your content marketing.

Frankly, there is no meaning to content marketing without email marketing.

Read Importance of segmentation in email marketing

9. Thinking that publishing blog posts is content marketing

Simply blogging doesn't mean content marketing

Simply blogging doesn’t mean content marketing

Although blogging is my favorite form of content marketing, it isn’t the only way you disseminate your content.

Content marketing also means publishing

  • White papers
  • FAQs
  • Press releases
  • Case studies
  • Infographics
  • Social media posts
  • Long and short videos
  • Memes
  • GIFs
  • Podcasts
  • Graphics and images
  • Animations
  • PDFs
  • Slides

and a horde of other things.

I’m not suggesting that you put your energies and budget into all forms of content listed above. You will have to find what interests your audience the most.

White papers are preferred by those who want to access substantive content that educates and informs. This is a good way of showing how deep you have gone in your profession.

Case studies tell how your product or service solves problems and benefits businesses and individuals.

Memes allow you to participate in ongoing trends.

You will have to know how your audience reacts to different formats and then once you have found that out, you need to focus there.

10. Thinking that content marketing is a one-time affair or it is a single campaign

Content marketing is an ongoing commitment new

Content marketing is an ongoing commitment

Content writing and content marketing is an ongoing affair.

The simple reason is, if you are publishing blog posts and articles and then disseminating them using various channels, so is your competition. So are numerous other businesses that may not be directly your competitors, but have content that can compete with your content.

Take the example of traditional advertising. Do you see Johnson & Johnson’s ads on TV? Do you see Intel ads? McDonald’s? Pepsi? The iPhone?

If these are renowned brands, why do they still need to advertise constantly?

Because there are scores of, if not hundreds of, alternatives on the market. It just takes a couple of seconds for the customer to get distracted and end up purchasing another product and then switching to that product for ever.

Similarly, in content marketing, thousands of blog posts, web pages, articles, press releases and social media updates are being crawled and indexed by the search engines on a daily basis.

You need to maintain a presence. You have to convey to the search engines and your prospective customers and clients that you are still in the game.

Of course, you’re not a publishing company and like my business, you are also not into content writing and content marketing. So, you don’t have to publish every day.

Still, you need to have a schedule. And this schedule should continue and then scale according to the growth of your business.

Conclusion – what makes content writing and content marketing work for your business?

Persistence. Clarity. Persistence.

Over the years I have seen many content marketing efforts fail because they’re not persistent.

They had the clarity. They had the vision. They also had the needed enthusiasm in the beginning.

Then they lost steam.

As I have written above, the benefits of content marketing manifest like the benefits of growing a fruit tree.

In the beginning you need to invest before you can see results.

It’s like, to be able to use your office to do business, you first need to build the office, or purchase the office and then set up the paraphernalia. Until these basic steps are done, you cannot start doing your business.

Similarly, content marketing means creating a presence through high-quality content. You cannot build a presence with 5-10 blog posts and web pages and then spreading them across your social media profiles.

Strategy doesn’t happen in a week or a couple of months. And there’s a reason why it is called content marketing strategy.

Are you committing these 6 content marketing mistakes?


Content marketing, fortunately, has gone mainstream. This means even very small and mid-size businesses are using content marketing instead of conventional in-your-face advertising. It also means there is a greater possibility of committing mistakes that can make content marketing counter-productive.

With every passing year marketers are getting more clarity on how to use content marketing for their businesses. This Content Marketing Institute graphic shows that more people are finding success with content marketing compared to previous years:


Marketers are also realizing that focusing on high-quality content to simply unavoidable:


Consequently, most of the content marketing mistakes are committed in the realms of creating or writing content.

Why is it important to avoid committing these grave content marketing mistakes?

The problem with content marketing is, especially when you’re doing it on your own, you don’t even realize that you are committing grave mistakes until it’s too late. Even when irreparable damage is being caused to business, instead of analyzing their mistakes, people end up blaming either their own business model or the entire content marketing process.

Listed below are 6 content marketing mistakes that you should avoid committing:

1. Opting for low-quality, cheap content


I provide content writing services to businesses and I get multiple queries every week for very cheap content. Many believe that if they fill up their website or blog with lots of cheaply-available content it will get them better search engine rankings. They believe that once the rankings improve people will come to their website and do business with them just because they can find their website.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Cheap content achieves nothing. Even if somehow your link begins to appear on the first page of Google, very quickly due to its inferior quality, the link is removed from there. This is because Google these days allocates rankings based on user behavior.

Read Do You Know How Google Actually Ranks Your Content?

This means if people find your link and come to your website and then if they leave immediately because they don’t find what they’re looking for, you get negative ranking marks from the Google algorithm.

In fact, the loss is doubled by the fact that you have low conversion rate due to low-quality content.

So, what are you achieving by publishing low-quality, cheap content?

Possibly, better search engine rankings for a few days.

What are you losing by publishing low-quality, cheap content?

Lots of money. Lots of effort. Business growth that you could have experienced by publishing high-quality content. Search engine rankings. Conversion rate.

Basically, you achieve nothing.

2. Focusing on a narrow list of keywords


Although when you talk of keywords you immediately think of SEO, keywords also help you streamline your content marketing. They tell you what to talk about.

Focusing on a narrow list of keywords is a very self-constraining content marketing mistake. Fewer keywords means fewer topics for your content ideas. You will be constantly writing and creating new content around just a few keywords. This gives you inferior-quality content, and also attracts penalties from Google.

Instead, focus on a broader category of keywords. I don’t mean you dilute your keywords, but you should also focus on longtail keywords.

Remember that whether it is social media or search engines, people these days don’t use exact keywords. When they are trying to find you (your product or service) they use sentences and various combinations of your keywords and their lingual peculiarities.

3. Ignoring the conversion aspect of your content


By the end of the day, it’s all about your conversion rate. Whether you are writing content for your landing page, for your website or for your blog, its success is based on how people respond to it.

If the number of your subscribers doesn’t increase, if people don’t stay on your website or blog longer, if they don’t share your content on social media, if they don’t link to your content, if they don’t buy from you, your content is solving no purpose.

How does your content solve purpose?

For that you need to write content that is purposeful, useful, relevant, and actually provides information people are looking for, in a friendly language.

4. Not “marketing” your content


There is a reason it is called “content marketing”. Once you have published your content, you need to market it.

Marketing here doesn’t mean you use advertising to promote your content. It means making sure that maximum number of people can access it.

Marketing means spreading your content using your social media and social networking channels. It means encouraging others to spread around your links. It means building your own platforms like your mailing lists and social networks so that you can broadcast your content.

Marketing also means making sure that your content is search engine optimized. Despite Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, search engines still remain the biggest source of traffic for websites and blogs.

According to this Smart Insights post, there are more than 6.5 billion searches worldwide every day.

For individual search engines this is how the graph looks:


To make sure that your content reaches its target audience you will need to market your content using the following channels:

  • Search engines
  • Social media and social networking
  • Mailing list (email newsletter)
  • Back links from quality websites and blogs

5. Not repurposing your existing content


Content on the Internet exists in different formats because it needs to cater to different audience preferences. The Twitter audience may consume your content totally differently from your Facebook audience. The Instagram audience prefers images and videos. Facebook prefers images, videos as well as text. Facebook also prefers longer chunks of text. Twitter prefers shorter updates that are concise and to the point.

Not just social networking platforms, even on your own blog some people may prefer infographics, some may prefer slides and some may prefer PDFs.

Repurposing your existing content helps you create your existing content for different mediums in different formats. You can even create a complete blog post out of the subheading of an existing blog post. For example, How to repurpose old content.

Maybe a particular webpage contains lots of data that can be represented graphically. You can create multiple charts using the data.

Some of the blog posts for some of the concepts explained on your website can be visually explained by making a video and uploading it on YouTube.

Repurposing your existing content also gives you a chance to audit all review your content to improve it further.

6. Not publishing content frequently and not following a routine


Content marketing is not about publishing 5-10 blog posts and then thinking that your content marketing is done. It is an ongoing process. Why is it so?

Because millions of blog posts and websites are being published every minute on the Internet. 500 minutes of video is uploaded on YouTube every minute. 3.3 million Facebook posts appear on the Internet every minute. 448,800 updates are posted on Twitter every minute. 1440 WordPress blog posts are published every minute. – Source.

These are just a few publishing platforms on the Internet. There are thousands of more.

All this content is continuously published by various publishers and platforms and then indexed by search engines. This is one thing.

Another thing is, your competitors are constantly watching what you are publishing and how your content is performing on search engines and social media. They constantly try to outperform you.

Therefore, if you begin to rank well for a particular keyword, they immediately start publishing content to outperform you.

By the time you have published 5 blog posts, your competitors publish 10 blog posts, or 20 blog posts, or even 50 blog posts.

In terms of quantity there is no sense in competing. But you need to constantly update your website and blog to have something relevant for your audience and to give them a reason to visit your website or blog regularly.

To leverage content marketing, you need to publish regularly. You need to follow a routine.

Slow and steady wins the race. As mentioned above, if your competitor is publishing 50 blog posts in a week, there is no use competing if you cannot match in terms of effort, human resources and money.

The best bet for you would be to continuously publish unique content that originates only from your website or blog. This is the only way you can compete on an ongoing basis.


Listed above are a few content marketing mistakes that people often commit while implementing their content marketing strategy. Most of these mistakes originate from a lack of understanding of the state of affairs.

It’s a reality that people are using content marketing to dominate narrative – they have dominated narrative like this for centuries.

Content marketing is not some quick fix. It’s also not a one-time affair. Just like you need to continuously advertise, you continuously need to publish content.

Google, through its various algorithmic updates, ensures that only those websites and blogs rank higher that publish quality content.

Hence, if you want to carry on a successful content marketing, make sure you avoid committing the following content marketing mistakes:

  1. Opting for low-quality, cheap content
  2. Focusing on a narrow list of keywords
  3. Not paying much attention to your conversion rate
  4. Not marketing your content using available channels
  5. Not repurposing your existing content
  6. Not publishing content frequently and not following a routine

Are you committing these 7 content marketing mistakes?

Content marketing is a great way to promote your business online but very few people actually use it the way it should be used. Encouraging thing is more and more businesses – small, medium-sized and large – are adopting content marketing as their main marketing tool. Discouraging thing is, very few businesses actually know how to carry it out.

This blog post lists 7 content marketing mistakes that you should avoid in order to reap the maximum benefit. These content marketing mistakes are:

  1. Working without a documented content marketing strategy
  2. Not having an editorial calendar
  3. Not being able to strike a balance between optimizing content for humans as well as search engine algorithms
  4. Not having a clear call to action
  5. Undermining the importance of using images and video to further stress upon a particular point
  6. Assuming content marketing means just publishing content on your own website or blog
  7. Not actually “marketing” your content

Visit the link to go through the points in detail.