Tag Archives: Content Writing

Now that Diwali is over

Diwali is over

They often say there is a general sense of depression after every major festival like Diwali or Christmas. In my case it’s the opposite; I feel super charged-up after such festivals.

Yesterday was Diwali and we had a great time at our parents. Despite the doom-day-scenario-threat from environmentalists (all the power to the environmentalists!) my daughter and I busted crackers, and I also got a bit drunk trying to give my father company, who thinks every festivity is incomplete without good whiskey.

Anyway, by the time we came back this evening we were quite drained, but far away from being depressed. There are so many exciting things awaiting us.

For a few years I have been ignoring many important aspects of my website that I plan to take care of post-Diwali. These include:

  1. Streamlining existing content
  2. Adding more informative content to the blog
  3. Increasing targeted traffic to the website
  4. Regularly publishing newsletter and gaining more subscribers
  5. Networking with more industry-relevant people
  6. Regularly keeping in touch with my existing clients
  7. Improving the overall standard of the project assignments
  8. Uploading Case studies
  9. Completing a few e-books
  10. Creating content targeting specific industries

I need to add more things to this list.

Well, you must be wondering: aren’t these the most fundamental things every business must take care of? Yes, you are right. Especially when I do all these things, with great regularity, for my clients.

Since I have been getting decent amount of work from the way my website is right now, I’ve been ignoring it.

In order to take my business to the next level it’s necessary that I take care of all the things listed above. So pretty excited about all those. Hope to share more with you on this blog regarding my progress.

How do you define “Effective Content” for your business?

Effective Content

It is all well and good to repeatedly say that you should publish content on your website and you should take content marketing really seriously. I even wrote a lengthy blog post on “20 Reasons Why Your Business Website Needs Fresh Content“. But how do you decide what sort of content you should publish? After all, it’s not merely the targeted traffic that you seek, you seek targeted traffic that converts, that changes your visitors into your paying customers and clients.

The high-quality content that converts is “effective content” for your business and every business has its own definition of effective content.

Although every business may have its own unique definition of what sort of content works for it, there are some universal traits. Effective content has universal definitions that can be applied to any business. Listed below are the most important traits that can accurately help you define what’s “effective content” for your business.

It fills a need or solves a purpose

Why does your content exist? This existential question not just applies to our spiritual lives, it also applies to the content that we publish on our websites (and blogs). Why do you publish content? What is your ultimate motive? The above-linked blog post that gives you 20 reasons why you should publish content on your business website may help you to a great extent, but eventually you have to define the purpose. What purpose does your content solve? Do you simply want to help people who come to your website looking for some advice? Would you like them to buy your product or service someday or immediately? Do you want to establish a rapport with them? Is there a great need for the content that you are publishing?

It communicates on an ongoing basis

Effective content establishes a communication channel. You are communicating your messages, your ideas, your experiences to people who visit your website, and the people who visit your website, your readers, communicate their feedback and there needs to you. They may also communicate to each other if you have established such a platform (such as a comments section in a blog).

Effective content makes you use your unique voice with a human touch

Businesses are normally faceless. Customers and clients don’t get to see the human side of people who provide them products and services. Even at slightest pretext, they give rise to doubts and suspicions. On the other hand your content allows you to give a human voice to your business and talk to your current and prospective customers and clients in a friendly, familiar manner. This is the reason when you’re trying to create effective content for your website or blog, use the language used by your customers. Avoid using jargon unless it is unavoidable. Talk in the first person as much as possible.

Here is what you should do in order to talk with an individual voice: imagine that you’re talking to a single person sitting across you. Don’t worry about your content being read by one person, by 10 people, or even by 10,000 people. Just focus on that one particular individual and write as if you’re talking to him or her. This will give you a conversational style and you will appear friendlier and more approachable.

Effective content expresses a clearly defined, focused view

There should be no ambiguity when you are publishing content on your website. Don’t beat around the bush. Be clear about what you intend to say. Take for instance this blog post – you may think that I’m writing something about content writing, but I’m precisely talking about creating effective content particularly for your website. I have a clear idea of what I’m writing, and I have a clear idea of what you should get after reading this blog post. This sort of clarity must be there in every webpage and every blog post you publish.

Your effective content should be devoid of “sales speak”

When you try to sell, you impose your views on people, and nobody likes that. For instance, if you want to hire me as your content writer, it should be your decision. Although on my main pages you may find me trying to highlight my strengths and hence, trying to convince you into giving your content writing work to me, you will also find 100s of articles and blog posts that plainly talk about how to create direct content for your website. You can create a super effective content marketing strategy just by going through the articles and blog posts published on this website and you may never need to hire me for your business. I’m fine with that.

The quality of your content must be unmatched

This may not be always possible, but whenever you are publishing content on your website, give it your best shot. When I’m writing content for my own blog or website, I write it with same seriousness and dedication as I write for someone who pays me (after all sooner or later, the content that I publish helps me get more business, so in a sense, I’m being paid for this). So quantity is good, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of quality. Publish just one blog post every week, but it should be par excellence.

As a mentioned above, effective content may have different meanings for different businesses, it has a universal characteristic and the points contained within that characteristic are the ones I have listed above. What do you think about the best content for your business? Have some interesting points that you would like me to cover? Do let me know in the comments section.

20 reasons why your business website needs fresh content

There is no ambiguity about the fact that your business website constantly needs new content. Zillions of articles and blog posts have been written so far trying to explain marketers and business owners why they should have content publishing as one of the main marketing tools. You may already be focusing lots of effort on creating content for your website.

Reasons for fresh content on website

But do you really know why your business website needs fresh content on an ongoing basis? You may have a basic idea. Most of the people see fresh content as a doorway to better search engine rankings. Yes, sure, your rankings can tremendously improve if you go on publishing valuable and quality content on your website, but most confuse it with increasing the overall keyword density. With the latest Hummingbird update Google no longer just focuses on the keywords. It ranks your pages for the real meaning they contain, the real value they deliver. Keywords matter, but not that much. It is the essence of the content that you publish. So the conventional wisdom behind constantly publishing fresh content stands defeated to a great extent.

Listed below are 20 reasons why your business website needs fresh content.

  1. Give people a reason to visit your website repeatedly: People don’t do business with you on their first visit, especially when you are not a known brand or personality. You need to create a rapport and for that you need to encourage people to come to your website as frequently as possible. How do you achieve that? By constantly providing them the content they seek. May it be information, may it be humor, may it be useful tips and tricks, whatever, your fresh content should be able to draw them to your website again and again.
  2. Educate your visitors: Educating them doesn’t mean raising their literacy level, it means they should be able to learn as much as possible about products and services you are offering them so that they can make an educated decision. This way they feel empowered. They don’t want your marketing message thrust down upon their throats. They want to make their own decision. When they buy from you, it should be their decision, not your constant prompting. This can only happen if you properly educate them. After that, even if they are not happy with your product or service, they won’t hold a grudge against you.
  3. Keep your visitors informed: Fresh content on an ongoing basis keeps your visitors informed. They know when you are making changes to your offerings. When you launch new products or services, they instantly get to know about them. In case some new developments are happening within your organization and you would like to share them with your business, this can be a good content publishing opportunity.
  4. Generate content for your newsletter: You don’t need to separately create content for your newsletter – I hope you are publishing a regular newsletter for your business. Once you have built yourself a nice mailing list, you can always send the highlights – they can be weekly highlights or monthly highlights – with these highlights linking back to the actual webpages, articles and blog posts on your website.
  5. Establish your authority: What is authority, especially in the business world? It’s not just having the knowledge of your field, but also the ability to share your knowledge in such a manner that it is also useful to people who have access to that knowledge. They should be able to use that knowledge for the betterment of their business as well as personal lives. Only then they see you as an authority figure and once they begin to see you as an authority figure, they begin to trust you and when they begin to trust you, they don’t hesitate before doing business with you.
  6. Generate direct traffic from social media: Although you may decide to follow your own pattern, the conventional wisdom says that there should be a 70-30 ratio when you post content on social media and social networking websites. Of all the links that you post, 70% should come from other websites publishing valuable content that you would like to share with your friends and followers, and 30% should come from your own blog and website. There are many websites that get more traffic from Facebook and Twitter than from Google and other search engines.
  7. Create content targeting different devices: People may be accessing your content using their computers, laptops, LCD TVs, tablets and mobile phones. One way is to scale your existing content according to the screen being used at that particular moment. Another way is creating multiple versions (without duplicating) for different devices. You don’t need to create unique content for every device under the sun, but you can definitely create content for computers, laptops and TVs on one hand and tablets and phones on the other.
  8. Develop community around your brand: When people repeatedly come across your content – on your own website/blog or on other social media websites – a vibrant exchange of ideas takes place and when you share your opinions through your content, people too like to share their opinions regarding your content. When they regularly start talking about your content in general and your brand in particular a community begins to develop around your brand.
  9. Target different groups: Often it is not possible to target all prospective groups through a single page or blog post. For instance, as a content writer I would like to target as many niche businesses as possible because every business that wants to sell needs compelling content, which I can provide. So why not create pages and blog posts targeting web designers (who may need content for themselves as well as their own clients), SEO marketing experts who want to use content as an SEO tool, hospitality industry, lawyers and attorneys, accountants, interior decorators, and so on. They can all use my content writing services and I can create specialized pages for them. You can achieve the same for your business and different niche groups you cater to.
  10. Establish yourself as an expert: Would you like to do business with a novice or an expert? Of course if you are looking for professional services that really perform well for your business, you go for an expert. But how do you know if a person is an expert? When he or she repeatedly shares his or her knowledge and experience with you. As a professional content writer I should have lots of things to say about content writing, whether it’s about writing content for my clients or about writing on various topics and for various mediums. I should be able to tell you what sort of content performs well for my clients. Through my writings I should be able to differentiate between lousy content and quality content. The more I share with you, the more you appreciate my content and use it to improve your own content on your website and blog, the greater is my impact as an expert content writer. This can be applied to any field.
  11. Create link building opportunities: Although according to the latest grapevine your page rank may no longer depend on the number of quality links coming to your website, links still matter. They help search engines decide how valuable your content is. This is especially true in the times of social media where individual endorsements are preferred over algorithmic ratings. In fact this is a reason why more and more search engines are incorporating social media and social networking updates into their generic search result pages. Anyway, people are not going to link to you unless they find value in what you have published. You need to provide lots of quality content on an ongoing basis so that they have a greater choice.
  12. Encourage engagement on social networking websites: You can interact with people without posting content from your own website and blog but then you are always talking about other people. Engagement maybe there but this engagement may not lead people to anywhere. On the other hand, if you post content from your own website or blog and if people talk about your content and then you interact with them, the engagement level is totally different.
  13. Show your visitors that one thing or another is always happening at your business: You publish content on your business website primarily for two reasons: to educate your visitors about your products and services and to inform them of the latest developments happening at your end. Launching a new product or service? Opening a new branch in a different city or in a different country? Attending or hosting a business conference? Releasing an upgrade of your product? Doing some charity work? Just hired a great talent? Added a new section to your website? You can share all these things on your website so that people know that there is always something cooking up in your company or organization – in a positive manner.
  14. Get your employees involved: Encouraging your employees to create content and publish it regularly on your website or blog is a great way to keep them motivated and charged up. When they can articulate themselves they feel more a part of the entire process. It also shows your visitors that your workforce is communicative and full of ideas.
  15. Give search engines more content to crawl and index: The search engines love to crawl and index new content. The more you publish, with greater frequency they visit your website. The added benefit of this is, you set a pattern in such a manner that whenever you add something really useful that you think should be indexed and ranked as soon as possible, it is done. I have personally seen blog posts appearing in Google within a few minutes of their publishing. Publish fresh content on your website as much as possible to make search engine crawlers more and more greedy.
  16. Attract traffic for longtail keywords: The Hummingbird Google update has rendered targeted keyword optimization redundant. It is more about longtail keywords – complete sentences and phrases, just the way we speak, rather than just keywords. Create lots of content that provides answers to questions your prospective customers and clients have. For instance, if somebody searches for “where can I find a competent content writer for my web design company?” he or she should be able to find my website. This is the way people normally talk to each other.
  17. Give people a reason to spend more time on your website: The longer they stay, the greater is the chance of them doing business with you. You need to engage your visitors with interactive and useful content. This can be achieved by adhering to a uniform quality standard. If you like this blog post, and if you find it useful, then you will think, hey, this website may have more content that I can use and apply on my own website. What happens? You stay longer on the website. Some of you may even think, well, if this guy knows so much about content writing and content marketing, I might as well hire him for writing content for my own website.
  18. Cover every possible keyword in your niche, legitimately: Keywords of late may seem to be losing their sheen, especially after the Hummingbird update, they still do matter. There are many people who are still going to use your keywords. For instance, there are people who are still going to use terms like “content writer” and “web writer” to look for the services I provide. Continuously publishing fresh content gives you an opportunity to cover all the necessary keywords belonging to your niche.
  19. Create an ultimate information resource: Create an information resource for yourself as well as for your visitors. As you work on various projects you will go on learning new things and gaining experience, and in the hub of various activities, many things may slip out of your mind. Not if you record them on your blog or on your website. You can always keep coming back to your content and check out how you handled a particular situation a couple of years ago.
  20. Create material for your book: The guys at 37 Signals created a book out of their blog posts. Why not? You have already compiled so much information and you have already received feedback from your ardent followers, why not compile that information, based on all that positive feedback that you have obtained, into a book? Even if you don’t want to sell that book, you can offer it for free to your visitors. You can ask them to subscribe to your email updates in lieu of downloading your book.

These are some compelling reasons why your business website needs fresh content on an ongoing basis. Can you think of more reasons? Do share your opinion in the comments section.

A quick note for people who may have already read a blog post titled “15 Reasons Your Business Website Needs Fresh Content” – a scraper website had hijacked that blog post. So I deleted that blog post, rewrote, added five more reasons and published it again.

The Two Why’s of Publishing Content on Your Website

Why publish content

You are continuously publishing content on your website, right? You have read raving articles and blog posts about the power of content marketing and how it outshines conventional marketing and how it brings inbound traffic to your website without having to spam people. But you know what, content marketing isn’t just about creating and publishing content. You need to have a clear direction. One thing is indisputable: as a business you DO need to publish high-quality and highly valuable content on your website. But what purpose does that content solve? How does it help your business generate more leads and consequently, more business? How does it help your visitors make up their minds, preferably, in your favor?

In order to implement an effective content marketing strategy you need to figure out the two why’s publishing and promoting content:

  1. Why are you publishing content on your website?
  2. Why should your visitors care about your content?

If you are able to figure out these two why’s you have got something really good going on. Let’s go into some detail now if you are not in a great hurry.

Why are you publishing content on your website?

I assume you are savvy enough to know that you need to inform your visitors; you have to lay your cards on the table so that they are convinced you are not holding something up your sleeve. The great thing about having a website is that it is available to everybody 24 x 7 x 365. The bad thing, although it is not a bad thing and it depends on how you organize information, is that people are not able to talk to you. There is a more than 95% possibility that they are visiting your website for the first time. If you are a known brand, you have crossed a major hurdle already, but if you are not, people are not familiar with you. They doubt you. Even if they don’t doubt you, they need some more information about you, about your product, about your service, and about the way you do business. They might be impressed with your website design but when it comes to spending money, people are more cautious. They are interested in words. You need to convince them that you are a genuine business offering a genuine product or a genuine service. How do you do that?

  • Publish content that informs them without manipulating
  • Publish as much information as is needed in order to make a conscious decision
  • Organize your content in such a manner that it can be easily accessed as soon as it is needed
  • Share your knowledge and wisdom so that people trust you

This is one aspect. The above points take care of your business once visitors are already on your website. Your content should also be able to draw more visitors to your website. This can be achieved by creating compelling content that people want to talk about and even share on social media and social networking websites. Your content should also motivate them to sign up for your regular updates so that you can constantly keep in touch with them.

Try to define clear-cut goals for every blog post and article you publish on your website. There should be a well-defined measuring parameter so that you know you are in the right direction. The measuring parameter can be anything. Do people sign up for your newsletter after reading your articles and blog posts? Do you get mentions on Twitter? How many people favorite your article or blog post on Google+, Twitter or Facebook? How many people directly approach you after accessing your content.

These are just my assumptions. Every business has unique requirements so you can draw your measuring parameters according to your own goals and objectives.

Why should your visitors care about your content?

You may care about your content because, well, it is your content and you think it is going to have a positive impact on your business. But what about your visitors? Why should they care about your content? What do they get out of it? Are you offering them something that they cannot get from other websites? Are you creating an experience for them? Are you empowering them? Are you educating them and then letting them decide whether they want to do business with you or not?

Take for instance my website, or this blog. I provide professional content writing and content marketing services. Why should you read my blog posts and my other pages on the website? When I publish content on my website my primary purpose is to share what I know with you. Then after reading, whatever you have learned and absorbed, you can either apply on your website on your own, or you can hire me. I solve two purposes here: display my knowledge and give you a choice whether you want to use that knowledge on your own or you want me to pitch in.

For a successful content marketing strategy it is essential that you are able to define these two why’s before creating 100s of webpages and blog posts and then realizing they mean nothing.

Preparing your website content for Google’s Hummingbird algorithm

With voice-to-text going mainstream on mobile phones and tablet PCs, more and more people will be using longer search expressions – something like asking questions in natural language – rather than using smaller keywords and search terms. Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm takes care of this rapidly evolving search trend even for its primary web search engine. It’s the biggest algorithm update since 2009. This was the time when they introduced “Caffeine”. The recent update, according to Google, impacts around 90% of the searches.

Google Hummingbird Update

How does it affect your search engine rankings? How should you prepare your website content for this new ranking algorithm?

Isn’t it similar to what we have already been talking about, the longtail search traffic? To an extent, yes, but the Hummingbird algorithm uses the intelligence Google has been able to gather over all these years drawing inferences and conclusions according to the language used by its users. This Search Engine Land example illustrates it better []:

“What’s the closest place to buy the iPhone 5s to my home?” A traditional search engine might focus on finding matches for words — finding a page that says “buy” and “iPhone 5s,” for example.

Hummingbird should better focus on the meaning behind the words. It may better understand the actual location of your home, if you’ve shared that with Google. It might understand that “place” means you want a brick-and-mortar store. It might get that “iPhone 5s” is a particular type of electronic device carried by certain stores. Knowing all these meanings may help Google go beyond just finding pages with matching words.

In particular, Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole query — the whole sentence or conversation or meaning — is taken into account, rather than particular words. The goal is that pages matching the meaning do better, rather than pages matching just a few words.

Creating your content for Google’s Hummingbird algorithm

The best way of creating content for Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is not to create content for that and just focus on quality and the message that you want to deliver to your visitors. As you can read in the above quoted text, Google will no longer focus on keywords; taking care that it processes the entire meaning of the query or the long search expression that the user has used in a natural language. So if you search for, “Where can I find a content writer for my web design company around my area?” Google will try to find information exactly according to this question rather than simply throwing a page containing “content writer”, “web design company” and “my area”. This is because sometimes people randomly create articles and blog posts to cover different keywords without meaning to convey what actually needs to be conveyed. In order to find such information Google already has data about the user so “my area” is already known to Google and it throws up results accordingly.

To further stress the point – chucking the keyword business out – every search on Google will be secure now so the various analytics tools won’t be able to find out for which keywords you get your traffic.

So if you want to leverage Google’s Hummingbird algorithm prepare meaningful content that provides the right information to your prospective visitors. Don’t just create pages and blog posts for the sake of using your keywords. Here are a few things to focus on:

  • Concentrate on answering particular queries and questions: Provide answers in a human language without overtly worrying about keywords. Keywords are important, after all they are words people are going to use, but they must relate to each other and they must make a sense according to the query being made or the question being asked. Remember that your keywords, your language should satisfy the context. According to the new algorithm, quality really matters along with the context.
  • Be more specific with the title: Titles of your blog posts and webpages are still important. It hasn’t been proven what impact they will have according to the new algorithm, but it’s better to create them according to the expressions you expect people to use in order to find information that you are trying to impart.
  • Develop your authorship influence: This has direct relationship with the quality of content that you publish on your own website, on social networking websites and on other forums. As an authority on your subject people respect you, watch for your content and share your content among their peers. This increases your influence and makes your content more trustworthy.

Again, creating content around probable questions and queries doesn’t mean you resort to creating content that doesn’t really have a meaning but repeats these queries and questions again and again. Focus on meaningfulness and provide real value. Google’s Hummingbird algorithm works on understanding the entire meaning of your page rather than individual keywords and search terms.

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