Tag Archives: seo copywriting

15 SEO copywriting tips that will certainly improve your search engine rankings

15 SEO copywriting tips

15 SEO copywriting tips

Table of contents for 15 SEO copywriting tips.

Constantly improving and maintaining your search engine ranking is an integral part of doing business online, especially if getting targeted search engine traffic matters to your business.

What does your SEO depend on? Among many things, copywriting (what you write on your website or blog) is the single most important aspect of your SEO strategy.

Traditionally, copywriting has mostly been used in advertising.

If you wrote ads, if you wrote sales letters, you were a copywriter (you still are).

But, on the web, the lines between a web content writer and a copywriter are constantly being blurred.

Hence, an average content writer is also a copywriter.

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writingAlthough, as a writer I can differentiate between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting, most of the people don’t, and hence, there is a great chance that if your writing web copy, you’re doing copywriting.

Some wise person on the Internet has said copywriting means “writing to persuade, convert and sell”, which makes complete sense.

Effective copywriting gets you attention (which is much needed on the web), clicks from other websites, social networking websites and email, and of course, conversion.

What is SEO copywriting and why is it important?

Writing for a website or a blog to improve search engine rankings is called SEO copywriting.

The reason it is called “copywriting” is because when you’re writing for the main website, aside from writing general content which is there to inform the visitors, selling the product or the service being represented through that website, is also often the job of your writing, and hence, whether you know it or not, any writing on the main website is also sales copy.

But selling isn’t the only thing you need to achieve as a professional web writer; your writing must also be able to improve the search engine rankings of the website or the blog you are writing for.

Hence, SEO copywriting.

You may like to read Why is SEO copywriting important?

SEO copywriting brings search engine traffic, makes people buy from you

SEO copywriting brings search engine traffic, makes people buy from you

SEO copywriting is important because it boosts your rankings for the right keywords and search terms and at the same time, when people are at your website, it prompts them to take an appropriate action (buy your product or download your e-book).

SEO copywriting is also important because it can help you bring down your search marketing cost.

If your rankings improve organically (on the strength of your content), you don’t have to spend money on programs like Google AdWords.

When you advertise on Google AdWords, you pay for every click.

Which means, if you are getting 1000 clicks from Google, you are paying for those 1000 clicks.

On the other hand, if you improve your SEO through copywriting, once you have attained good search engine ranking, whether you get 1000 clicks or 1 million clicks, the only money you have spent is on getting the SEO copy written.

You must know how to write search engine friendly copy.

For that, you must know how search engine crawlers crawl your content, how they access the information on your website and then how that information is processed.

You already know it isn’t just the copy on your website that decides your search engine rankings although, it is the most important aspect because how your website must rank depends on the relevance of the information that exists on your website.

Unless your copy is search engine optimized, nothing much is going to happen that can improve your search engine rankings.

Listed below are 15 SEO copywriting tips that can help you improve your search engine rankings. —-

1. Understand that every piece of writing has an objective

Every piece of writing must have an objective

Every piece of writing must have an objective

Take it this way: when people are searching for information on Google, in most of the cases they are asking questions.

More so when an increasing number of people are using voice search.

Read Copywriting services for voice search

When someone is searching for an SEO copywriter, for example, she is going to use an expression such as, “looking for an SEO copywriter for my ad agency”, or “need an SEO copywriter for my tech start-up”, or something like “find and SEO copywriter for my accounting business website”.

These are very precise searches and people have gained enough experience to not to throw random terms into the search engine.

Everybody knows that simply searching for “SEO copywriter” or “SEO copywriting” is going to bring up millions of unnecessary results.

Hence, if I want to offer my SEO copywriting services to and accounting business, I must create a dedicated web page to attract those visitors.

Similarly, if I want an ad agency that is looking for an SEO copywriting service, I should mention that too in my copy.

The point is, you must know, you must understand what the web page or the blog post you are currently writing aims to achieve, and then aim every word, every sentence, at achieving that objective.

2. Use the title to express precisely what you are offering

The importance of web page title in SEO copywriting

The importance of web page title in SEO copywriting.

Take for example this blog post. It offers you 15 SEO copywriting tips that can help you improve your search engine rankings.

Whether you come across this title on search results or on one of the social media websites, you will immediately know what to expect.

Your title also tells Google and other search engines what your piece of content to be ranked for.

If the Google ranking algorithm decides to rank this blog post higher, it knows that it offers SEO copywriting tips that can help search engine users improve your search engine rankings. …

3. Use your main keywords in the title

Main keywords in the title

Main keywords in the title

Here, the three main keywords for me are “SEO copywriting”, “tips” and “search engine rankings”.

You don’t necessarily have to include all your keywords but it can certainly help you improve your SEO if you can incorporate all your major keywords within the title.

Your web page or blog post title has a big impact on the rankings of that particular link.

Spend lots of time making sure that

  1. The title captures the central theme or the main offering of your web page or blog post.
  2. It contains your domain or primary keywords or search phrase.


4. Aim towards creating a holistic experience

Convey that you understand the users problem

Convey that you understand the user’s problem

Yes, focusing on your primary, secondary and longtail keywords is important, but use them as tools, not as a central points.

The central point is the value that you provide.

Write with passion.

Write with sincerity.

Write for humans while focusing on machines.

Give the readers what you have promised in the title or the headline.

Remember that how people react to your copy is as important as the SEO aspect of your writing.

If people find your writing useful, they’re going to spend more time on your web page or blog post.

When they spend more time it tells Google that they find your content useful and hence, it deserves to be ranked even higher.

If your web copy holds no value, people leave immediately, and when they leave immediately, Google assumes that it does not have the information people are looking for and hence, lowers its rankings.

Hence, focus on value and relevance first, and then think of how you can present the value and the relevance through your primary, secondary and longtail keywords.

5. Make a list of all the keywords and search phrases you want to cover through the current web page or blog post

Since we are writing about SEO copywriting and we acknowledge that keywords are important for improving your search engine rankings, we should definitely have a list of keywords we want to focus on.

Making a list of keywords and search phrases isn’t just good for SEO, it is also good for keeping you on your path.

What are keywords after all?

Keywords are the words and expressions used by your target audience to look up information on Google.

They are the leitmotif of your entire message.

Your keywords are the focal points.

When you jot down all the keywords you want to concentrate on, you know what to write about and what to ignore.

6. Write an attention grabbing headline

Write attention-grabbing headlines

Write attention-grabbing headlines

Headline can turn “eh, whatever” into “wow, this is awesome!”

Although, many a time, the title of your web page or blog post is same as your headline, you can have a different title and a different headline.

The title comes under the title HTML tag, something like <title>This is my title</title>

The main headline, in your source code, looks like this: <h1>Main headline</h1>.

Compared to the rest of the body on your web page or blog post, the font type of the headline is bigger and more prominent.

Anyway, if the purpose of your title is to bring people to your website from search engines and social media websites, the purpose of your headline is to hook the reader into reading the rest of your copy.

If your headline is not attention grabbing, people are going to leave faster.

This is what David Ogilvy said about the importance of your headline:

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent $ 0.80 out of your dollar.

I mostly keep the title and the headline more or less the same but sometimes if the entire essence of my web page or blog post cannot be captured within the title (the title shouldn’t be beyond 60 characters, including spaces), I use a different headline so that I’m not constrained.

Different copywriters suggest different ways of creating compelling headlines.

Some suggest that you use emotional triggers.

Every buying decision after all, is emotional.

Why do you want to improve your SEO?

You want your business to succeed.

Why do you want your business to succeed?

You want to make more money (let’s assume this reason for the time being).

Why do you want to make more money?

It’s the answer to this question for which you want to improve your SEO.

This, is emotional.

Your headline can trigger emotions, curiosity, fear, inspiration, a sense of controversy, a sense of kinship, a sense of reaching out to something forbidden, or something like that.

7. Keep your writing scannable

Scannable writing for better SEO copywriting

Scannable writing for better SEO copywriting

Scannable writing is convenient both for your human readers and search engine ranking algorithms.

What does scannable writing mean in the context of writing for the web?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Write smaller sentences.
  2. Keep your paragraphs short (normally, not more than one sentence).
  3. Avoid using very complicated words unless they are essential to your copy.
  4. Maintain a conversational style.
  5. Express a single idea in a sentence and hence, don’t use many “and”, “or”, or “but” unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Organize different topics under headings and subheadings (make ample use of <h2> and <h3> tags.
  7. Use bullet points.
  8. Highlight your main keywords with bold and italics types, but don’t overdo.

The main idea is, make it easier for people to quickly browse through your copy and get your message without having to read every sentence and every paragraph.

8. Use interlinking during SEO copywriting

Interlinking helps SEO copywriting

Interlinking helps SEO copywriting

A good thing about writing for a website or a blog is it’s easier to link to other sections.

This helps you avoid creating lots of duplicate content.

If a bit of information already exists somewhere on your website or blog, why not link to it instead of rewriting it?

It also makes it easier for search engine crawlers to access content that hasn’t yet been crawled.

Google is constantly crawling websites from one link to another.

The crawler may come to your website through any link and then it tries to crawl every link present on that link and all other links that are present on those links.

When crawling, it also works out the relationship between your various web pages and blog posts and decides overall what your website represents.

For example, no matter through which link or blog post the Google bot enters my website, I want it to understand that I provide content writing and copywriting services and everything else surrounding these two services, including SEO content writing and SEO copywriting.

Make sure when you are linking to other sections of your website or blog, use your keyword in the hypertext.

9. Write a compelling intro

Your main headline is the intro that hooks the reader.

After that it is your first paragraph.

The reaction to your first paragraph decides whether someone is going to read your rest of the copy or not.

You can write the first paragraph to achieve any of the two things:

  1. Make the readers agree with what you’re saying – we usually like to read things we are agree with.
  2. Pique the interest by asking relevant questions or writing some hard-hitting sentences that force the reader to read further.

The point is, use every trick in the toolkit to make the reader read the first paragraph, without misleading.

10. Use the inverted pyramid approach

The inverted pyramid approach in copywriting

The inverted pyramid approach in copywriting

In the traditional copy, you often build the suspense and then reveal what you have to offer in the end.

Nobody has that much patience on the web.

Spill the beans in the beginning.

Tell your readers whatever you have to offer in the beginning itself.

Remember the purpose of your copy, ultimately, is not to make the reader read the whole thing, but to act, to convert.

If I want to tell you how I can help you improve your search engine rankings it’s better that I tell you in the beginning itself because you are desperate to improve your search engine rankings and if I dillydally, you may go somewhere you can quickly find the solution you’re looking for.

Does it mean your copy must be around 100-200 words?

What about search engine rankings then?

What about all those SEO experts and content marketing experts who are constantly telling you that longform content is better for your search engine rankings and thin content is of no value?

My suggestion is, it depends.

You can keep your entire web page or blog post interesting so that people read it through and through.

You can tell the important stuff in the beginning and then deal with nitty-gritty that helps you write more afterwards.

The thing is, don’t keep people waiting.

They will get bored.

Even if they don’t get bored, something else will distract them and they will leave your website or blog without reading the important stuff.

11. Use your keywords within the first 100 words of your copy

You don’t have to force-use them, but if it is possible, use your keywords and main phrases within the first 100 words of what you’re writing.

This is easier to achieve if you cut to the chase and start talking about the important stuff from the very beginning.

As long as people are using search terms and keywords to look for information, they are important.

Now that I think of it, people no longer use keywords, they use search phrases, but we still call them keywords.

Anyway, sometimes, something or the other happens and the search engine crawler leaves your web page or your blog post without going through the whole content.

When this happens, though, it has crawled your web page or blog post, it hasn’t understood what it represents.

This is why, whatever words and expressions it encounters in the beginning, it makes sense of your web page or blog post accordingly.

Hence it is better that

  1. You cover your main topic in the beginning.
  2. You use your keywords and search expressions in the beginning.

This way, even if the crawler does not completely go through your web page or blog post, it will have at least some idea of what you’re trying to say.

12. Understand the intent of your search engine users

Pay attention to search intent when writing copy

Pay attention to search intent when writing copy

This is something that I have already touched upon above, but now I am describing it in detail.

Primarily, 4 intentions have been recognized when people use a search engine, namely

  1. Informational intent – Looking for information to learn something, to know something or to reconfirm something.
  2. Navigational intent – Instead of typing the exact URL you want to go to, you search for the name of the website (especially when you don’t know the URL).
  3. Transactional intent – You want to buy something.
  4. Commercial intent – You want to buy something but before that you want to read reviews or you want to compare different products or services.

Targeted content can be created for all the intents.

When writing copy for a website or for a blog, if you know people of what intent you are targeting, you can write better copy and you will also get better results.

Is one intent more important than the other?

It depends.

You need brand presence, you want people to come to your website even when right now they don’t intend to purchase from you.

When people know about your business, when they have the need, they will come to you.

For example, you’re reading these tips on SEO copywriting; you may not be looking for a professional SEO copywriter, but when you need one, you may remember my website and then contact me if you like what I have written.

13. Make it as comprehensive as possible

This is longform content.

Longform content may not be user-friendly (try going through 3000+ words on a mobile phone) but search engines like Google certainly like it.

One reason why Google likes longform, comprehensive content is that it covers pretty much everything that a search engine user is looking for.

For example, if you are looking for SEO copywriting tips, it’s good if you get all the information you need to improve your search engine rankings in one single blog post rather than having to visit different links and then compile the information to make it into something worth using.

The ranking algorithm also favors longform content.

When you create a comprehensive web page or blog post, it makes people – as long as your content is interesting and useful – spend more time on your link.

When they spend more time on your link, Google assumes that it has useful information and hence, it deserves to be ranked higher for the search term being used.

Also, people share longform content more than they share short web pages or blog posts.

This again helps your SEO because you get more incoming links from social media websites as well as other websites and blogs.

14. Better SEO copywriting means writing in the language of your readers

Write in the language of your readers

Write in the language of your readers

Writing in the language of your readers has many benefits.

One of the biggest benefits is you will be using keywords and search terms that people actually use rather than making your own guesses and floundering in the process.

This also increases your conversion rate because people can relate to what you are writing.

Writing in the language of your readers doesn’t mean dumbifying your writing.

If I’m writing for a programming company targeting tech start-ups then I will be using lots of jargon that is commonplace in the industry not because I want to show off, but because people are comfortable with that language.

If I write for a boutique shop, I will use language that is used by an average customer of that boutique shop.

15. Use data backed up by sources

People love data, especially in the B2B sector.

Hence, if I say this tip improves your SEO by 20% rather than simply “improves your SEO”, you will feel more reassured, especially if I can link to an authoritative blog post or an article that makes this claim along with a real-world example.

Data is convincing.

It makes you learned.

Ideally, data should come from your organization (something like, “our research shows that “41% respondents reported an improvement after applying our SEO tips”), but even if you’re not in a position to use your own data, it is all right to use data from other trusted sources.


You cannot rush your way into SEO.

There is a reason businesses have an “SEO strategy”.

You have to work at many aspects including

  1. SEO copywriting
  2. Increasing content density
  3. Publishing lots of authoritative content
  4. Interlinking
  5. Getting quality back links
  6. Generating engagement

But everything boils down to having quality content.

SEO copywriting is all about quality content

SEO copywriting is all about quality content

It is your content, after all, your copywriting, that people share with each other, recommend, engage with, find on Google and other search engines, and generally, talk about.

If there is no quality content, nobody has anything to talk about your business.

Hence, one of the most important SEO copywriting tips, give the copy of your web pages and blog posts the respect and importance it deserves.

You will automatically start improving your search engine rankings once you acknowledge the importance of good quality content.

SEO copywriting and SEO content writing: is there a difference?

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Should you hire an SEO copywriter or an SEO content writer? What is the difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing?

Whether there is a difference or there isn’t any difference, depends on whom you are dealing with and what sort of writing you need.

There is definitely a difference between a copywriter and a content writer.

You may like to read Difference between copywriting and content writing.

Copywriting is sales oriented. It is often used in advertising and wherever your writing needs to sell.

For example, on a landing page you require the services of a copywriter.

When you broadcast an email marketing campaign, you get it written by a copywriter.

Even the main webpages of your website including the homepage, the services page, the company profile page, all these pages are written by a copywriter, ideally, but most of the people get them written by a content writer.

Copywriter increases sales content writer increases visibility

Copywriter increases sales content writer increases visibility

You need a copywriter for your main website pages because people will be going through these webpages before deciding whether they want to buy from you or not.

This is where the difference is blurred.

A content writer writes to inform and educate, a copywriter writes to sell and generate leads. Though, in some manner, even a content writer helps you sell and generate leads.

Copywriters are age-old. They have been writing copies since time immemorial.

Content writers are a new breed. Writers who write for websites and blogs are called content writers.

What is the fundamental difference between copywriting and content writing?

The primary purpose of SEO content writing is to generate organic traffic, mostly by search engines.

You may like to read: 10 SEO content writing tips for your small business.

It is written to feed the search engines quality content so that the search engines rank your content well and consequently, send organic traffic your way.

Copywriting converts the traffic generated by content writing into leads and sales.

The language is different. In content writing the language is more laid-back. It informs, engages and entertains.

Copywriting convinces you to buy. It lays bare the greatest benefits of the product or the service the piece of copywriting is promoting in a highly convincing manner.

It generates a sense of urgency – as if you’re going to lose big time if you don’t purchase there and then.

Content writing on the other hand doesn’t generate a sense of urgency. It simply informs you.

For example, if I’m writing a review of a gadget, I’m not necessarily selling you that gadget. I’m just telling you about the features that it has and the features that it doesn’t have. Then I leave it up to you whether you want to buy that gadget or not.

In the process, I’m generating traffic for the website. People who are interested in that gadget may land on my website and in case they need to buy it, they may buy it from my website.

Copywriting tells me to buy it. Just like content writing, it also informs me about the best features, but it conveniently either ignores the bad features or portrays them as something of an advantage.

Is there a thing called “SEO copywriting”?

As I said above, whether you want to call a particular piece of writing “SEO copywriting” or “SEO content writing” depends on who is writing and how you want to view your writing.

From the perspective of an average client, it’s a bit difficult to differentiate between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing. An average client wants your writing to generate more business whether you are a copywriter or a content writer.

Some clients are aware of the difference. Recently I wanted to know how my content writing services are helping one of my clients for whom I have been writing blog posts for a few months now.

He wrote that right now he isn’t concerned about immediate gains. He understands, he said, the competition is very tough in his field and it will take a lot of time before his website experiences some major change in search engine traffic.

He doesn’t expect my writing to get him more customers. He wants my writing to improve his exposure for the related keywords on Google.

Coming back to the highlighted question: is there a thing called SEO copywriting?

There are many people who call themselves “SEO copywriters”. Many believe whenever you are writing for a website or a blog, the sole purpose of your writing is promoting a cause.

Hence, when you are promoting a cause, you are copywriting.

In that sense, even when you’re writing content, you are copywriting.

Even when you are writing for a blog, ultimately, you are canvassing for a business or an idea.

Referring to the above gadget reviews example. I’m actually writing gadget reviews for a client who sells on his website as an Amazon affiliate.

When people come to his website to read reviews, he expects them to click the links and then buy from Amazon, earning him commission in the process.

When I’m writing his reviews, I’m conscious of that. I know that people are supposed to purchase after reading the reviews.

Even when I’m writing seemingly impartial reviews, the reviews are written in such a manner that if people want to buy that gadget, the review is not going to deter them or discourage them in any manner.

When you’re writing for your business blog, aside from the fact that you are informing and educating your prospective customers and clients, you are also constantly representing your business – you are writing on behalf of your business.

For example, when I’m writing for my own Credible Content Blog, I’m also promoting my content writing and copywriting services.

This happens subtly, but it definitely happens.

Consequently, many writers, even writers of repute on the Internet, insist that every good content writer is fundamentally a copywriter.

Which brings us to the conclusion that there IS a concept called SEO copywriting.

Do people search for “SEO copywriting” and “SEO copywriter”?

Here is the Google trends graph. The blue information is SEO copywriting and the red information is SEO content writing. This data is for United States. You can see that more people search for “SEO copywriting”.

Google trends comparing SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

Google trends comparing SEO copywriting and SEO content writing

The case is slightly different for the terms “SEO copywriter” and “SEO content writer”. Slightly more people in the US search for SEO content writer compared to SEO copywriter.

Google trends comparing SEO copywriter and SEO content writer

Google trends comparing SEO copywriter and SEO content writer

As I have explained above, when it comes to writing for the web, these terms are interchanged, and this is where there is confusion.

In the traditional sense, there is no confusion as people know who a copywriter is and who is a content writer, but when it comes to writing web content, these terms are often mixed up.

What exactly are people searching for when they’re searching for “SEO copywriter”?

If people get mixed up between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing and don’t know the difference, how do you find the searcher’s intent, especially as a writer?

For example, if I want to target someone looking for an SEO copywriter, how do I know if the person is actually looking for a copywriter to write marketing material or content writer simply to improve his or her search engine rankings? Because, I know the traditional definition of copywriting.

Is the intent of the person to find

  • Someone who can write blog posts?
  • Someone who can write web page copy?
  • Someone who can write a sales pitch for a landing page?
  • Someone who can write information articles?

Since there might be thousands of people looking for an SEO copywriter, as a content writer who is constantly coming across clients who have a blurred notion of what is the difference between the two, I need to optimize my website for both the terms: “SEO copywriter” and “SEO content writer”, even if personally, I know there isn’t much difference.

When is the right time to hire an SEO copywriter or someone who can provide SEO copywriting?

Frankly, any time you want to improve your SEO. Search engine optimization is the central topic here.

Ever since Google aggressively started updating its ranking algorithm, it has been focusing on featuring high-quality content that is written to inform and educate people rather than simply to improve search engine rankings.

The process of improving SEO is longwinded. How much time it takes you to improve your organic SEO depends on your competition (other things taken care of).

The right time to hire an SEO copywriter is

  • When you need high-quality content to improve your conversion rate and engagement levels.
  • When you want to publish high-quality content regularly.
  • When you want to publish content that is search engine friendly, optimized for your keywords, but at the same time, reader friendly.
  • When you are looking for a copywriter or a content writer who can write great content based on searcher’s intent.

You can use an SEO copywriter to get written

  • SEO friendly blog posts.
  • SEO articles.
  • Services pages that are optimized for search engine rankings.
  • PPC landing pages.
  • Authoritative blog posts and articles to be published on websites like LinkedIn and Medium.

The basic idea is striking the perfect balance between good quality and SEO. Whether you hire an SEO copywriter or an SEO content writer, ultimately, it all rests on how much exposure and consequently, how much business the writing can generate.

For the time being, for an average client, there isn’t much difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing. Both are great forms of writing as long as they convince and convert.

How to do keyword research before beginning to write content

The image shows some visual of doing keyword research before writing content

Do keyword research before writing content

Although many content marketers and SEO experts advise you not to obsess about keywords when writing content, keywords matter. Ignore your keywords for a few weeks, publish content, and just see the results.

Why is keyword research important for SEO content writing?

I have written a complete blog post on the importance of keyword research before writing content.

It’s important to prepare a list of keywords because then you know what language to use when writing content for your website. The list of keywords also helps you stay focused and stick to the topic.

Take for example the current topic of this blog post. It is not about the importance of keywords, but how to do keyword research.

So, although, I have slightly touched upon the point of how important it is to research your keywords for SEO content writing, I know that my main topic is about “how to do keyword research before writing content”. This helps me decide where to focus more and where to focus less. If nothing else, this should be one of the most important reasons for you to prepare a list of keywords before beginning to write content.

Knowing the keywords also helps you use the right language – the language used by your prospective customers and clients. If you don’t speak their language, they don’t understand you, and frankly, neither do you understand them. Knowing the keywords will enable you to know how they talk about your product or service and what they are actually looking for.

How to do keyword research for effective SEO content writing

It’s been more than a decade since SEO became mainstream and people began to recognize the connection between content writing and SEO but still, when it comes to researching keywords, they go on gut feeling and what they think the keywords should be.

Although you know the main keywords, unless you use proper tools, it is very difficult to know exactly what keywords and search terms your target customers and clients are using.


The Google search engine is the most convenient and easiest keyword research tool. There are two ways you can find out what people are looking for pertaining to a subject.

Suppose you want to write something on improving life. You go to google.com and type “improving life” and don’t press enter. I get the following search hints from Google:

improving life
improving life through knowledge of science
improving lifestyle
improving life quality
improving life quotes
improving life expectancy

Then you press enter and you come across lots of links talking about improving life. At the bottom of the search results, Google also shows you searches related to “improving life”

how to improve your life quality
how to improve your lifestyle
how to improve your life in 7 days
100 ways to improve your life
how to improve yourself everyday
daily habits to improve life

… and so on.

If you want to delve further, try “improving lifestyle” and go through the same cycle of suggestions given by Google.

These suggestions are not just random suggestions. These are the search terms being used by people who are looking for information related to “improving life”.

Similarly, you can choose one of your major keywords and start typing in Google and observe what suggestions the search engine comes up with.

Remember that it is very difficult to improve your search engine rankings for single-word keywords or highly competitive keywords. But, it is easier to improve your rankings for longer keywords, less competitive keywords.

Talking about longtail keywords, you may like to read How to incorporate longtail keywords into content writing.

Google Keyword Planner

By now many people are aware of this free tool. It is basically an AdWords ad-on and personally I feel it acts more to encourage you to include maximum number of keywords while creating your AdWords campaign than to give you the most objective picture of the keywords you must be targeting. Use your own discretion. You don’t have to blindly follow all the suggestions made by the Google keyword planner.

To generate keyword suggestions, you can either supply the keyword planner with a list of initial keywords or you can simply type in your website URL and the keyword tool will tell you which keywords you should use to optimize your content.


In the above screenshot image, in the Google Keyword planner, I have used the keyword “content writing services” and the keyword planner has given me some suggestions.

I have omitted the monetary value (how much people are bidding for these keywords) of individual keywords because it doesn’t concern here, what you need to focus on is the keyword and the “competition” it has. If possible, focus on the “Low” and “Medium” competition keywords.

Again, you can also use a combination of the Google keyword planner and the simple Google search engine technique that I have mentioned above.

Google Analytics

Although Google analytics doesn’t tell you the keywords you should target before starting to write your content, it can give you a glimpse of the keywords that bring traffic to your website. This means, if you are getting traffic for all the wrong reasons, you may like to change your content orientation to target the right keywords.

Niche websites and blogs

Does your profession have niche websites and blogs publishing plenty of content on subjects related to your profession?

Prepare a list of niche websites and blogs that publish lots of content around your profession and observe what topics they are covering. Even a list of 20-30 topics will give you a fair idea of the keywords they are covering. You don’t need to cover exactly those keywords, but you can create various combinations before you start writing your own content.

Suppose you want to write workout related content and you choose the website health.com.

In your browser, in the URL bar, type “site:health.com workout” (you don’t need to use inverted commas and make sure there is no space between site: and the name of the website), and press enter.

This will give you all the search results pertaining to “workout” on the website health.com. You can get scores of keyword ideas from the content they have published.

Premium keyword analysis tools

For some time, I have been using Serpstat. Another tool I prefer is Longtail Pro. Here is a review of this tool that I wrote some time back.

Concluding remarks

Frankly, for doing keyword research before writing content, my all-time favourite tool remains google.com. It is no-nonsense. It doesn’t push keywords in front of you. It exactly tells you what search terms people are using to find similar content or related content. Whatever is your choice, little bit of keyword research before starting to write your content will give you a solid direction and keep you focused. It will also help you publish content your target audience really needs.

How to write a high-impact sales copy without sounding salesy

The image shows a greedy salesman prompting you to buy from him immediately

Avoid being salesy while writing your sales copy

When you are convincing people, you are basically selling. Whether you are promoting a political idea, or urging people to adopt a social change, or prompting them to hire your content writing and copywriting services, for example, you need to convince them, and when you convince them, you are selling. Whenever you are convincing, through writing, you are writing sales copy.

When you are writing sales copy for business, the convincing part takes a totally different level because you are not just telling people to change their behavior, you are also asking them to spend money, and spend money on you – the hardest thing to achieve.

The “hardest” part is actually a misconception, and this is why people begin to indulge in a salesy sales copy instead of actually making a point. They simply want people to buy, instead of offering them something that can transform their lives.

Selling is not difficult if you have something worth buying.

You need two things to sell:

  1. A good product or service that is of great use.
  2. Your ability to convince people that you have got a great product or service that is of great use.

Sales copy comes into the picture during the convincing part. When you overdo the convincing, it becomes salesy.

This Forbes article advises you how to avoid being salesy while promoting your business, I’m writing my post in terms of content writing and copywriting without sounding salesy. Here are a few points we can take from the article itself:

Make a connection with your sales copy instead of immediately starting to sell

Selling is no longer impersonal. We live in a social world. We have always lived in a social world, but now we can socially connect like never before. According to the latest Mary Meeker report on Internet trends, by 2018, 3.8 billion people were connected to the Internet.

Even though you may say that the amount of information available on the Internet is overwhelming and ends up confounding people instead of making them feel more aware, personal recommendations generate more business than conventional advertising and marketing.

Making a personal connection means, talking to the person as if he or she is actually sitting in front of you, through your copywriting.

For example, while writing copy to promote my content writing and copywriting services, instead of constantly harping about how great a copywriter I am, I should address your concerns such as your need to improve your conversion rate and have better search engine rankings.

You want your visitors to come across highly professional and convincing copy on your website. You don’t want to sound unprofessional. You don’t want to sound someone like who doesn’t know how to communicate through writing.

Through helpful content writing and copywriting, you also want to make your visitors aware and educate them on the benefits of doing business with you. Only after that you make a pitch for your product or service.

My preferred way of making a connection is publishing lots of helpful blog posts such as this one. Most of my clients have read my blog posts. They like what I write. By the time they contact me to hire me as their content writer or a copywriter, they are already convinced that they want me to write for them.

Constantly obtain feedback from your prospective customers and clients and update your copy accordingly

The first version of your copy doesn’t have to be your last version. Though, when you are paying for content writer or a copywriter it becomes kind of a hassle, but even if it is a hassle, it is a necessary hassle.

What are the problems faced by the people for whom you are writing your copy? What are the things that trouble them? What are their apprehensions when they want to use your product or service? What sort of language do they use when they are searching for information on your product or service?

The way they talk about your product or service constantly changes according to the rapidly changing cultural and social nuances. Even what they want from you may change over the months. Keep making changes to your copy accordingly.

Offer transformation instead of your product or service

What is the biggest benefit of doing business with you? Make that the central point of your copy instead of your product or service.

I will again take an example from my own content writing and copywriting services. I write great, but so what? You are not looking for a Donna Tartt or a Martin Amis. You are looking for a content writer who can improve your conversion rate and give you better SEO.

You want a copy that converts maximum number of people who come to your landing page. You want the maximum number of people to download your e-book. You want to engage people on social networking websites. You want to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

These are the transformative things I should offer you instead of constantly telling you how great my content writing services are and how prodigal my copy is going to be once I write for you.

Is being salesy totally bad and counter-productive?

I wouldn’t say always. It depends. If you totally ignore selling your product or service, your prospective customer or client may miss the point. He or she may end up thinking that you are simply educating and informing, and you don’t intend to sell your product or service.

So, yes, if I want you to hire me as your content writer or a copywriter, I need to convey to you that I offer these services. I also need to talk about why it makes sense to hire me instead of another content writer or copywriter or another content writing a copywriting service.

But before I can do that, I should establish a connection with you. You should appreciate my writing. You should understand what advantages I bring to the table by going through the information available on my website and blog. After that, even if I sound salesy, you will be more receptive.

What is the importance of content writing in SEO?

importance-of-content-marketing-in-SEOThe importance of content writing in SEO can never be overstated. With most of the SEO services making content writing an integral part of search engine optimization, you cannot separate content writing from SEO. Read Why you can’t ignore content marketing as an SEO expert.

Why is content writing important for SEO?

One of the biggest reasons why the importance of content writing in SEO never diminishes is that Google prefers high-quality content. Long gone are the days when your content (your links) could get good rankings on the strength of just your keywords and key phrases.

Of course, keywords and key phrases still matter and you cannot hope to get better SEO without creating content around your keywords, but they are not the sole drivers of your rankings. Read 10 tips on how to write SEO content for your website.

Your rankings don’t just depend on keywords. Your SEO depends on:

  • The value of your content
  • The quality of your content writing
  • The keywords and the key phrases that you use
  • The social media attention your content gets
  • The number of backlinks your website or blog gets from “trusted” websites
  • The frequency with which you publish content on your website or blog

Social validation and backlinks these days are as important as the quality of your content, the number of webpages and blog posts, and your keywords. In many cases, even if your content is mediocre, just because it is being linked from different external websites, it enjoys better rankings, so much is the importance of backlinks. Read Relation between content writing and SEO.

You will notice that all the points mentioned above involve content writing unless the primary content that you publish is videos and images.

Unless you write quality content you are not going to get social media attention. People are not going to share your content. People are not going to link to your content. You have to provide value. Your content needs to be well written and relevant. It should be inspiring enough to make people talk about it and link to it. They’re not going to link to your content as a social service. They won’t pay attention unless there is an overwhelming reason to pay attention.

This is where importance of content writing in SEO stems from.

Why does Google give importance to content writing for SEO?

The reason is very simple. What does Google do? It finds useful information for people. If it is not able to find useful information based on the search terms people use, people will stop using it. This is why a large team of math PhD’s at Google are working round-the-clock churning up algorithms to weed out inferior content and push forward high-quality content. Read How to write content for humans but optimize for Google and other search engines.

So, Google’s present and future depends on quality content writing, credible content writing. Without relevant content, Google cannot survive. Hence, it loves you if your content writing is good, and it ignores you, and even penalizes you, if your content writing is inferior. This is why content writing is so important for your SEO.

Brief recap of how to do content writing for SEO

Content writing for SEO isn’t as difficult as it may seem. All you have to do is write for niche topics and stay focused. Aside from this, here are a few content writing tips for better SEO

  • Do detailed keyword research before content writing: Keyword research is very important. Although over-use of keywords in your content writing can get you penalized and your rankings may suffer, writing content around your keywords, as of now, is unavoidable. Focus on long phrases. Write your content as if you are providing answers to questions. This will help you write your content around your keywords or the search terms people use to find your website or blog.
  • Write about something people care about: Create content people would like to find. Write on topics that matter to people because after all people will be searching for those topics. I provide content writing and content marketing services on my blog so it doesn’t make sense that I start publishing tutorials on how to tweak your TV settings, unless the topic is related to content writing and content marketing.
  • Take care of the length: Longer blog posts and articles seem to rank well these days, or at least people are claiming that they do. It must be Google’s another attempt to keep lazy people away. In order to write long blog posts and articles you need to work hard, you need to come up with relevant information to enable you to write longer pieces. Anyway, when you’re writing blog posts and webpages, try to write at least 600 words. In this video Matt Cutts recommends at least 400 words for better SEO but I think this is old story. If you can manage, regularly cross 1000 words and better, try to reach 2000 words. Read The difference between long form and short form content.
  • Analyze your web analytics data routinely: You should monitor your content using Google Analytics and Google’s Webmaster Tools. These will tell you if your content is attracting the right audience. They will tell you what keywords people are using to enable them to find your website so that accordingly you can create either more content around those keywords or create less content around those keywords.
  • Edit your content: Writing, especially quality writing, is a work of passion and when you are writing passionately you tend to skip a few grammar and spelling mistakes. Even established authors have editors. Use an editing tool to write. You might already be using something like Google Docs, Microsoft Word and even OpenOffice. Pay attention to their suggestions. You can also try Hemingway Editor.
  • Rewrite existing content with new perspective: Remember that quality+quantity improve your SEO. Quantity means you need to write lots of stuff. I have observed that many content marketing and content writing blogs keep on publishing the same stuff but with different titles, different words and different links, very cleverly creating new content out of existing content. You can do the same.

The importance of content writing and content marketing in SEO

Content writing, content marketing and SEO are intertwined. You write content, then you market content and this combination of content writing and content marketing yields better SEO.

Should you do content writing just for SEO?

Sure, you can do it, but to achieve what? Companies that earn revenue from advertising may like to do that, write content just for SEO, but if you want to convert your visitors into paying customers and clients, you need to write content that converts. You want to have loyal customers and clients for your business. You can have loyal customers and clients only if you create high-quality content that engages people, delivers value, educates them and makes a mark on their subconscious.

The best way to create a balance between high quality content writing and SEO is, create high-value content, and use the right keywords.