Tag Archives: Content Marketing

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes?

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes

Are you committing these 5 content marketing mistakes

Content marketing allows you to promote your business without aggressively promoting it.

You offer useful, entertaining, or engaging information to your audience in the form of blog posts, web pages, videos and social media posts.

Through your content you become a day-to-day part of their lives.

They begin to associate you with positivity and value.

Finally, when it comes to doing business, they choose you over your competitors who is not regularly engaging them.

In content marketing, instead of constantly pitching your products and services, you publish relevant and useful content that helps people solve their problems, or in some manner, makes them happy and feel good about themselves.

Why is content marketing called “marketing” when all you seem to be doing is publishing useful content?

Just like any other marketing campaign, content marketing requires strategy.

You need to promote your content using free and paid channels.

You need to aggressively put your content in front of your target audience.

You need to analyze the performance of individual pieces of content.

Based on their performance, you either revise your existing content, or make changes to your future pieces of content.

How is content marketing different from conventional marketing?

Many businesses use conventional marketing, and it works for them.

Unlike many content marketers, I don’t downplay the importance of conventional marketing.

As long as there are conventional channels like TV and print media, conventional marketing is going to exist.

A big problem with conventional marketing is that it is one way.

You are constantly telling your target customers and clients to buy your product without establishing a lasting relationship with them.

Content marketing doesn’t focus on direct selling – although in some cases businesses do aggressively promote their products and services.

Content marketing goes through different customer journey stages, such as

Awareness stage in content marketing

This is one of the first stages of the customer journey when the customer becomes aware of your existence.

Content at the awareness stage must be educational and helpful.

Selling comes at a later stage.

At the awareness stage you can publish blog posts, videos, e-books and newsletters.

Here are some examples:

  • An amusing video by a restaurant on how to choose the right dress for a dinner outing.
  • A blog post on what all to pack on a bike trip by a biking tour company.
  • An e-book by kitchen chimney installation company advising people how to buy the best kitchen chimney and how to take care of it (I recently revised an e-book on the same topic).

During the awareness stage people become aware of the existence of your business and off your expertise and knowledge.

They are repeatedly exposed to useful information in the form of social media updates, videos and blog posts from you.

For example, there are many people who don’t even know that they need kitchen chimneys.

The book helps them become aware of the need.

It not only helps them become aware, it also helps them to choose the right kitchen chimney for different kitchens and after that, how to maintain them so that they can use the piece for a long time.

Through the awareness-related content marketing material, your prospective customers and clients not only become proactively aware of the benefits of using your product or service, they also have a choice when finally they are ready.

Consideration stage in content marketing

In this stage your prospective customers and clients are ready to buy your product or service.

You just need to provide them more information.

This information can be a mix of awareness and technical specifications about your product or service.

Some examples would be:

  • You explain your content writing and copywriting process through a detailed blog post or web page, or an infographic.
  • A case study describing how your SEO copywriting services helped a company improve its search engine rankings in just 6 months.
  • A legal consulting service publishing testimonials from its clients where they describe how the consulting service helped them solve complicated legal problems and saved them a ton of money.

Closing stage in content marketing

The closing stage is quite critical.

Do you know that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is almost 69.57% (source)?

You put so much hard work and money into bringing people to your e-commerce website, and when you see almost 69 people out of 100 abandoning the shopping cart, it can be quite heartbreaking and crushing.

People may decide to not to do business with you just in the nick of time.

Your content marketing effort in this stage can help you remain with your prospective customers and clients till the last step – making the payment.

People abandon the last step due to many reasons including:

  • Getting distracted
  • Developing doubts at the last moment
  • Getting confused
  • Not being able to follow exactly how to do business with you
  • Postponing so that they can spend some more time taking the right decision (right decision according to them)

You can use the following content marketing material to remain with your prospective customers and clients during the closing stage:

  • As an architecture firm, you can produce a quality video showcasing a portfolio of work you have done so far.
  • As a virtual reality company, you can show a high-profile virtual reality environment people can roam around.
  • A research report by your consulting company explaining people how your strategic approach has helped many businesses grow in leaps and bounds.

Although content marketing has arrived late in the game (compared to other forms of marketing) there are many companies like Coca-Cola who have completely eliminated their conventional marketing budgets and are now focusing entirely on content marketing.

Content marketing is effective compared to traditional marketing, but some mistakes can be costly in terms of money and time.

In case you are committing these 5 content marketing mistakes, I hope after reading this blog post you will be able to take corrective measures and enjoy the full benefit of content marketing.

Here they are

Not being regular with content publishing

This is the first mistake I have observed my content writing and copywriting clients committing when they implement their content marketing strategy.

They think that publishing 5 blog posts that they can then display in the footer is enough.

Content marketing is an ongoing process because you need to remain in front of your target audience.

There are multiple reasons for that.

There is too much information on the Internet.

If you are not consistent with your content marketing (in the form of consistently publishing content) your competitors definitely are.

You see, content marketing is not the magical wand.

You can’t publish a few blog posts and case studies whenever you have budget or inclination and then expect content marketing to work for you.

Even highly successful businesses who choose to depend on content marketing, publish high-quality blog posts, podcasts, and infographics on regular basis.

You need to remain in front of your audience constantly.

Even if you are absent for a few days, they lose track.

You must have seen advertisements from famous brands on TV.

Why do they need to promote themselves when their brands are already well-known?

Because the competition is constantly round the corner.

People’s memories are short.

They easily get swayed.

Someone can always out-inform you.

When you are implementing your content marketing strategy, consider the expense of publishing and promoting content as an essential business expense.

Not focusing on the target audience for content marketing

If you’re not focusing on the target audience, you are not going to generate target response.

Whom are you planning to attract to your business?

Of course, your customers and clients – a simple answer would be.

But what happens with your content might be completely different than what you want it to do.

This is especially true if you want to attract search engine traffic to your content.

Remember that how well your content is received doesn’t depend on your desire – it depends on how useful your audience finds your content.

Therefore, choose your topics carefully.

All your topics might be able to deliver value to your readers, viewers, and prospective customers and clients.

By mistake, sometimes you may also end up targeting people who are just looking for free content and they will never turn paying customers and clients.

For this, you need to publish content for all stages of customer journey, as mentioned above.

These days I’m publishing content that attracts traffic from people who are looking for

  • Useful information to spruce up their content strategy.
  • Useful blog posts to link to (consequently, improving my SEO).
  • A blog where they can pitch their own guest posts.
  • Businesses looking for platforms to publish sponsored content.

What about work-related content?

I have already published enough content that tells people how I can help them with their content writing and content strategy.

Through this blog, I’m also helping my main website content improve its search engine rankings.

Not promoting the content you are publishing

There is a reason it is called content marketing.

You don’t just publish content, you also need to market it to make sure it reaches the right audience.

Where is your audience?

Your audience may be on Google.

Your audience may be on social media websites like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Your audience may prefer receiving email updates.

But it isn’t as simple as it is often made out to be by digital marketing experts.

Even if you want to use these platforms to promote your content, you first need to build an audience on these platform by constantly engaging people over there.

The same holds true for Google.

You need to improve your search engine rankings and help your content appear in search results before people can find you for relevant content queries.

For creating a presence on various platforms, you need a consistent effort.

Simply posting your links on LinkedIn, for example, doesn’t help you much, if not many people click the link.

If you don’t have a mailing list, how can you publish your email updates?

Hence, you need to follow a multipronged approach.

That is, not just, regularly, publish high-quality content, but also build different platforms where you can promote your content.

I know, it seems overwhelming, but most of the businesses who want to leverage content marketing, follow this multipronged approach.

Not repurposing existing content

There is massive potential in content repurposing.

You may like to read: Should you delete or re-purpose your existing content?

What does content repurposing mean?

It means either creating multiple blog posts from a single blog post that you have already published, or creating social media feeds, videos, content mashups and infographics from already published content.

I regularly go through my existing blog posts to get new blog post ideas.

Sometimes, from a single heading or subheading, I can create a completely new blog post.

You can also extract sentences and paragraphs from your existing posts and publish them as updates on social media websites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

You can create small email marketing campaigns by taking content from your existing posts and web pages.

If you have published videos, you can create small clippings that can be viewed on their own and then publish them on social networking websites.

Benefits of content repurposing include

  • Saving time and money because you already have the content you need.
  • Getting diversified audience for the same piece of content.
  • Making your content available to people who prefer to receive it in another format.
  • Getting more exposure to less successful content.
  • Reaching your audience.
  • Expanding your reach to a diversified audience.
  • Improving your discoverability by making it easier for people to find your content.

Having a short-term content marketing goal

Content marketing pays big time, but it takes time.

It is not something that will suddenly improve your search engine rankings in 2-3 months or build you a loyal audience in a few months.

People who benefit from content marketing have been using it for years.

It is a rewarding, but a slow process.

Even for small traces of success, give it around six months to one year.

One of the biggest reasons why content marketing fails is that people have very short-term goals for it.

Content marketing has to work against many odds before it can give you some results.

You need to create your own presence.

You need to develop channels so that you can promote your content.

You need to be regularly in front of people you want to influence.

Search engine rankings in themselves take a lot of time because search engine crawlers are crawling and indexing millions of pieces of content practically every hour.

You need to have faith – only if you have faith, you can spend an appropriate amount of time.


5 ways quality content affects your content marketing

5 ways quality content affects your content marketing

5 ways quality content affects your content marketing

There is no denying the fact that quality content is the core building block of a well-established digital marketing strategy.

A compelling and well-structured content shares your brand story and ultimately helps in viewer conversion.

Besides imparting the necessary information, quality content is engaging that helps to grasp and retain the viewer’s attention.

It also triggers their inquisitiveness which makes them want to learn more about the topic.

Every digital marketer, as well as business experts, know the value of high-quality content.

Simply speaking, if you don’t put enough emphasis on generating quality content, no marketing strategies, no matter how good they are, will work.

What is high quality content?

Before divulging further into the ways quality content affects marketing, let us first understand what it exactly is.

Its common characteristics include informative, and helpful.

Quality content also helps to answer all the probable questions regarding the topic.

Moreover, it is unique and original and targets human readers and not search engines.

However, sometimes even the most talented writers commit errors that degrade the content quality.

For example, they make it complicated and therefore hard to understand.

Poor content is also unoriginal, irrelevant, monotonous and tries to manipulate the readers by sharing false information.

Thus, these need to be avoided at all costs.

5 ways quality content impacts marketing

Better conversions

The content you post on your page is one of the primary factors that influence conversions.

The information educates the reader about your brand and its services, a crucial step that determines their purchasing decision.

Besides this, the content also helps to establish a connection between the customer and the company.

This is especially important in the case of blogs as they have immense potential to attract traffic.

I recommend you use original graphics instead of stock photos in your content as the former is more effective due to its uniqueness.

Moreover, please make sure to guide readers on the next step they should take and always include a Call To Action (CTA) button.

Earn customer trust

As already stated above, one of the most common characteristics of quality content is its value and helpfulness.

If readers derive both of these things from your content, they are more likely to put their trust in your brand.

In recent times, buyers have become more cautious, and they do not like to read pretentious content that tries to oversell.

They want to make their own decisions.

Informational and quality content allows them to take their own time to make educated decisions and purchase your company’s services or products.

There is no point in trying to bamboozle or manipulate a modern customer.

They would want to stay loyal to a brand that is successful in delivering all the promises that had been mentioned in the content.

Stand out in the market

High-quality content enables you to stand out from the rest of your competitors in the industry.

Simply speaking, it puts you in a position of authority.

If your website content is credible and informational, there is a good chance of gaining a higher search engine rank, which in turn attracts a higher number of customers.

Quality content also showcases your expertise in the particular field and answers the readers’ inquiries.

Thus, you appear as an industry expert which increases your brand’s trustworthiness.

New business opportunities

Besides gaining more customers, quality content might also attract new investors and business partners.

There is no need to hard sell your business products and services when high-quality content already exists on your website.

If your blog post or some other content featuring yourself or your company succeeds in creating a favorable impression, several profitable investment or partnership opportunities might arise which will help in your business growth.

Save money

There is no denying the fact that marketing is a costly process.

Besides, the money charged by freelancers or in-office full-time writers, you might have to spend way more money on digital marketing strategies such as paid searches if the content is not up to mark.

If you compare marketing methods such as traditional marketing, display advertising and content marketing, there is no better process than content marketing if you wish to garner a greater audience on a limited budget.

How to write quality content?

Now that we have a brief idea of what quality content is and the role it plays in marketing, it is important to know how to write it.

Please remember that you are writing content for the audience and not for yourself or the search engines.

You must consider what your audience would like to read about and make sure to answer and solve all their probable questions and problems regarding the topic.

Research is extremely important.

You need to devote ample amounts of time to proper research.

This not only helps in making the content informational and accurate but also builds language proficiency.

Please make sure that your content is not just informational in a bland way.

People would not prefer reading the entire article if it’s not engaging and captivating enough.

The content structure is also included in this.

There need to be proper headings and subheadings and original images.

Readability also plays a significant role.

People would not like to spend their time deciphering or decoding hard words and complicated sentences.

Moreover, quality content is credible and trustworthy.

As already mentioned before, modern buyers do not prefer hard sales that do not live up to their expectations.

Wrapping up

Thus, we can conclude that high-quality content is a principal factor that determines the success of a digital marketing campaign to a large extent.

It establishes a level of trustworthiness with your target audience and provides them with interesting and valuable information that cannot be found elsewhere.

Track the traffic and leads generated by specific content such as a blog post to ensure if it is doing well.

Lastly, please remember that in the long run, content quality overtakes quantity.

Should you delete or re-purpose your existing content?

Should you delete old content or re-purpose it?

Should you delete old content or re-purpose it?

You have been publishing content for years, right? By now you must have a couple of thousand blog posts and web pages. Some of the web pages and blog posts on my blog are from 2008-2010. Some of the information is evergreen. For example, some writing tips that I have shared can be used even now. I have little time sensitive content.

Read: The difference between content repurposing and content spinning

Should you delete or re-purpose your old content, is the question asked by this CMSWire blog post.

If you are not a professional content writer yourself and you also don’t write by yourself, you must have spent money on your content. Your existing content is the asset you have invested in.

Right now, the five-year-old content may look outdated and stale but when you published it you paid good money for it and it was quite up-to-date. You were proud of it.

Of course, if your business direction has changed than the old content solves no purpose if it was written for your old direction. It is irrelevant content. Its time has passed. Even if it is drawing traffic, it isn’t benefiting you. If you want, you can remove the content from your website. You can even request Google to remove it.

Other than that, I always advise my clients to re-purpose content. You can rewrite it. If the old information is relevant, you can update it. From a subsection you can write a completely new blog post. If you think the language of the blog post or the web page doesn’t truly represent your brand correctly now, you can update that.

Being a content writer, I am possessive about what I create. Since for the past 15 years more or less I have been providing the same services, nothing much has changed. Maybe a few sentences here and there, but other than that, with little revisions, I can easily update my old content. You should do the same if your content is not completely irrelevant.

3 tips for hiring a good content writing company for your business

These are not good visuals. Once they have been arrested what does it mean to be done like that

These are not good visuals. Once they have been arrested what does it mean to be done like that

Two things can make or break your content marketing strategy: The quality of your content and the consistency with which you publish it. You have got a good content writing company working for you if it can deliver both.

The problem is not finding the right content writing company. There are plenty. If you search on the Internet “content writing company” Google proudly displays millions of results and also tells you that it found the results in less than a second. Millions of results don’t matter. You will probably go through the top 4-5 results and send them a query.

In a couple of hours or in a couple of days you receive their responses. You set up a Google Meet with them to find out how they can deliver you the content that you need. Things begin to move.

They give you a “competitive” rate. They promise better search engine rankings. They commit to a consistent content supply. They also assure you that they are going to provide you high quality content. A dream come true.

Do such content writing companies exist? Yes, they do. You need to find them. Here are three important tips to find a good content writing company for your business.

Make sure they have a professional website

A professional website is a commitment. It ups your stakes. A professional website is costly. You often need to hire a web designer, or you need to spend time giving professional touches to the website yourself. The website shouldn’t look like a general WordPress template.

The website must have all the components of a business website such as (aside from the homepage) services page, about us page, contact us page, and even a blog section (more about it later). Every page on the website must solve the purpose. I know there are some pages that are essential for search engine optimization but still, every main page of the website must make sense and should be written to communicate the core philosophy and deliverability of the website.

The content writing company must understand your need

This begins when you initiate communication. Do they understand your business? Do they know your requirement, sometimes even beyond your understanding?

I have worked with many content writers and there is a big difference between content writers who run their own business as a company and those who simply provide work as freelancers by listing their names on the various freelancing websites and social media platforms. People who run a business understand your business. You can read that between the lines.

For example, a content writer who doesn’t work in a company will simply focus on the topic without instilling a sense of personality. But a content writer who runs his own business understands how to run a business and he or she brings the same experience to you when writing your content.

The content writing company has a consistent fee structure

Content writing fee is an important issue both for the content provider and the client. There must be a reason for the content writing company to charge what it charges. The fee shouldn’t be random.

When I tell my clients how much I charge they know why I’m charging that much. After that I don’t negotiate because I know that to be able to deliver quality and consistency there is a certain amount of money that I must make. There are many content writing companies who will negotiate to insane lengths and then compromise with quality, originality and deliverability.

Finding whether you are paying the right fee or not can be a tricky question if you don’t understand how important content is for your business. As the famous saying goes, “if you offer peanuts, you get monkeys”.

Hence, look for a content writing company that has a consistent and logically defined fee structure.

As I have written in the beginning, content is a crucial part of your content marketing effort. It is the backbone. You consistently need high quality content. If you are constantly changing your content writing company, it hinders your content writing efforts. Don’t be in a hurry when looking for the right content writing company. Take your time finding one.

Content writing and Blue Ocean SEO strategy

Content writing and Blue Ocean SEO strategy

Content writing and Blue Ocean SEO strategy

The concept of Blue Ocean SEO strategy has its roots in a book titled Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant.

What it means is, when implementing your marketing strategy, focus on your own, individual strengths and abilities and forget your competition. Additionally, survey a marketing segment that is not served by your competition. The opposite is Red Ocean strategy that heavily relies on what your competition is doing.

According to the book, the Blue Ocean Strategy doesn’t concern itself with the competition. This is because the existing markets are already oversaturated. If you decide to compete with your competitors, even in terms of content writing and content publishing, scores of competitors are already vying to out do you. Unless you are a mega million company, in terms of publishing content and increasing your visibility, it may turn out to be a losing battle. I’m not saying it always must be a losing battle, but in most of the cases, immense effort is required.

Finding your Blue Ocean means finding your market that only you can serve. This can also work in SEO content writing. How?

There are two ways:

  1. Target markets that are not being targeted by your competitors.
  2. Write on topics that are not being written by your competitors.

But then what about all those competitive keywords you want to be found for? Those are still relevant, right?

For example, if I want to be found by people looking for a professional content writer, how does it help me if I target a completely alien keyword?

This is not what it means.

You can use the same keyword, but you can use some different combination. Fewer people might be searching for that combination, but at least, you will rank well, and you will receive quality traffic for that uncommonly used keyword.

Here is a small example:

Popular title: How to find the best content writer for your business?

Less popular title: How to avoid finding the worst content writer for your business

Another less popular title: The nightmares to avoid when hiring a content writer for your business

Another way of looking at it is that most of your competitors are focusing on generating content that drives people to their sales pipelines. Most content is being created for the purpose of driving sales. Nothing wrong in that.

But they forget the primary purpose of content writing and publishing: providing purposeful content that improves lives.

Content writing for your website is all about improving experiences for people. They are less bothered about your business and more worried about solving their problems. If you solve their problems, they become interested in working with you.

So, what is Blue Ocean for you here in terms of content writing?

Shifting your focus from “give me work, give me work!” to “this is how I add value, this is how I help you, this is how you solve your problem.”