How to come up with great content writing ideas every day

How to get great content writing ideas every day

How to get great content writing ideas every day

Content writing is an everyday activity.

No matter what is your content publishing schedule, if you continuously want to engage visitors on your website or blog and you also want to improve and maintain your search engine rankings, regular content writing and content publishing are some activities that you cannot avoid or brushed under the carpet.

The biggest problem faced by people who want to use quality content to improve their presence on the web is a lack of great content writing ideas.

What to write?

To understand this, you first must understand why quality content matters.

What do you want to publish content?

Of course, instinctively, you’re going to say, to improve your SEO.

This is understandable, and easy to relate to, but if you simply focus on SEO, or even simply on your business, you are not going to get anywhere.

You want to publish content to help people.

You want to write content because you want to offer something valuable, something people are looking for, and can use to solve problems and enrich themselves.

Even if you don’t want to make this world a better place through your writing, trying to help people is a self-serving activity, especially on the Internet.

The thing is, both your SEO and conversion rate depend on how people react to your content.

Both your SEO and conversion rate depend on how people interact with your content, how much time they spend going through it, how they share it, and how they engage with it.

Hence, if your content is not appealing, nobody is going to care.

You may say, who cares, as long as my SEO improves?

Well, Google cares.

If people don’t find your content valuable, Google is spending millions of dollars in research precisely to find whether people find your content valuable or not and if not, how to make sure that less people are able to find your content on the search engine.

They are a search company.

The most important thing Google wants to achieve is, find the information for its users that is valuable and useful.

So, yes, write and publish lousy content and bid goodbye to your hopes of improving your SEO.

Here is another interesting bit of information I found while researching for this blog post: the amount of data produced in the year 2017 was more than the data produced by the whole of humanity in the past 5000 years.

According to this Neil Patel blog post, only Huffington Post, in 2013, was publishing 16,000-2000 articles per day.

Just imagine how much content it must be posting now.

You can very well imagine how much data Google is processing on daily basis.

Amidst this deluge, you need to make your own presence felt.

I’m not telling you this to scare. Despite this humongous amount of data, businesses that publish quality content on an ongoing basis do manage to create a presence for themselves and increase their visibility on search engines.

Why getting good content writing ideas on regular basis is important?

Publish content regularly

Publish content regularly

Do you know Google has a “Query Deserves Freshness” algorithm?

According to this algorithm, publishing fresh content can improve your search engine rankings.

When a user conducts a query, when finding information based on the query, aside from quality and relevance, the Google algorithm also considers the freshness of your content.

This doesn’t mean freshness takes precedence over quality and relevance, it’s just that, if there are two blog posts of similar quality, the fresh blog post will be ranked higher than the older blog post.

As mentioned above, every time you publish something, you need to make sure that it is valuable.

Hence, you constantly need to come up with great content writing ideas that people will find useful.

Actually, when I say “regular basis” I don’t exactly mean every day.

Even if you don’t publish every day, this is fine.

But at least publish 10-15 times in a month.

How frequently you should publish depends on your competition.

It also depends on the status of your current rankings.

My advice to my clients is, in the beginning when your search engine presence is meager, publish as frequently as you can.

There are multiple reasons for that:

  • You cover all possible topics in your realm.
  • You write and publish authoritative content, increasing your authority in the process.
  • You send signals to Google that you have got quality content that can be crawled, indexed and ranked.
  • The greater is the frequency, the more Google bot visits your website or blog and consequently, your newer content will be crawled, indexed and ranked faster.

Once you have improved your search visibility, maybe you can focus on fewer, high-quality blog posts and articles.

But until that happens, you need to have some great content writing ideas.

Here is what you can do…

Use Google Alerts to monitor new content being published in your field

Google Alerts is a great tool.

Google is constantly crawling every possible piece of content and adding it to its database.

No tool can inform you of the latest content in your field faster than Google.

You can set Google Alerts to send you an email the moment someone publishes a blog post or an article or a web page on a topic concerning your business.

Google will send your way news alerts, blog post alerts, user forum updates alerts and sometimes even social media alerts.

Use Twitter hashtags to monitor conversations

Twitter hashtags are a great way of monitoring subject-specific conversations.

Suppose I want to know what people are talking about in the field of content marketing.

I can monitor the hashtag #contentmarketing.

Even if you’re not crazy about hashtags, you can simply search on Twitter about your field and the website will throw up lots of useful conversations.

Join LinkedIn Groups

The professional networking platform has many niche groups where professionals and experts are constantly exchanging useful information and insights with each other.

People ask questions and either moderators or other group members provide answers.

You can get many content writing ideas simply by going through the questions.

Use Quora to find useful topics

Quora is another great place where you will find great content writing ideas in the form of questions and answers.

In fact, Google prefers content in the form of questions and answers because most of the search engine users post questions.

Monitor content syndication and curation services

I regularly use Flipboard.

Sometimes I also use Feedly.

Then of course, I save lots of good ideas in my Getpocket account.

Even on Medium you can find very good content writing ideas.

Develop a system to maintain content writing ideas

No amount of research, hashtag tracking and communicating on various online forums is going to help you unless you have a system of preserving your content writing ideas.

I bounce from one app to another, or one system to another.

For a few years I used Evernote.

The Evernote plug-in allows you to save blog posts and articles from the browser itself.

Even if you don’t want to save complete blog posts, you can simply save the URLs. Or the text versions.

Then for a year I used OneNote but it proved to be a bit clunky and bulky.

I used Google Keep notes. I still use them.

These days I use Trello.

Use whatever works for you.

The more you think about a topic, the more content writing ideas you get.

How do I get regular content writing ideas for my clients?

Many of my clients like to do the job of finding new content writing ideas on their own because assigning me the task costs more.

Regularly coming up with great content writing ideas is sometimes difficult than writing complete blog posts on these ideas.

Nonetheless, when my clients want me to come up with great writing topics, aside from the methods mentioned above, I also study the client and customer persona and make a list of what all questions and queries they may have.

My entire focus is on giving them reasons to visit my client’s website or blog as regularly as possible.

For that, I try to come up with relevant and high quality blog post and web page ideas.

15 SEO copywriting tips that will certainly improve your search engine rankings

15 SEO copywriting tips

15 SEO copywriting tips

Table of contents for 15 SEO copywriting tips.

Constantly improving and maintaining your search engine ranking is an integral part of doing business online, especially if getting targeted search engine traffic matters to your business.

What does your SEO depend on? Among many things, copywriting (what you write on your website or blog) is the single most important aspect of your SEO strategy.

Traditionally, copywriting has mostly been used in advertising.

If you wrote ads, if you wrote sales letters, you were a copywriter (you still are).

But, on the web, the lines between a web content writer and a copywriter are constantly being blurred.

Hence, an average content writer is also a copywriter.

Difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writingAlthough, as a writer I can differentiate between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting, most of the people don’t, and hence, there is a great chance that if your writing web copy, you’re doing copywriting.

Some wise person on the Internet has said copywriting means “writing to persuade, convert and sell”, which makes complete sense.

Effective copywriting gets you attention (which is much needed on the web), clicks from other websites, social networking websites and email, and of course, conversion.

What is SEO copywriting and why is it important?

Writing for a website or a blog to improve search engine rankings is called SEO copywriting.

The reason it is called “copywriting” is because when you’re writing for the main website, aside from writing general content which is there to inform the visitors, selling the product or the service being represented through that website, is also often the job of your writing, and hence, whether you know it or not, any writing on the main website is also sales copy.

But selling isn’t the only thing you need to achieve as a professional web writer; your writing must also be able to improve the search engine rankings of the website or the blog you are writing for.

Hence, SEO copywriting.

You may like to read Why is SEO copywriting important?

SEO copywriting brings search engine traffic, makes people buy from you

SEO copywriting brings search engine traffic, makes people buy from you

SEO copywriting is important because it boosts your rankings for the right keywords and search terms and at the same time, when people are at your website, it prompts them to take an appropriate action (buy your product or download your e-book).

SEO copywriting is also important because it can help you bring down your search marketing cost.

If your rankings improve organically (on the strength of your content), you don’t have to spend money on programs like Google AdWords.

When you advertise on Google AdWords, you pay for every click.

Which means, if you are getting 1000 clicks from Google, you are paying for those 1000 clicks.

On the other hand, if you improve your SEO through copywriting, once you have attained good search engine ranking, whether you get 1000 clicks or 1 million clicks, the only money you have spent is on getting the SEO copy written.

You must know how to write search engine friendly copy.

For that, you must know how search engine crawlers crawl your content, how they access the information on your website and then how that information is processed.

You already know it isn’t just the copy on your website that decides your search engine rankings although, it is the most important aspect because how your website must rank depends on the relevance of the information that exists on your website.

Unless your copy is search engine optimized, nothing much is going to happen that can improve your search engine rankings.

Listed below are 15 SEO copywriting tips that can help you improve your search engine rankings. —-

1. Understand that every piece of writing has an objective

Every piece of writing must have an objective

Every piece of writing must have an objective

Take it this way: when people are searching for information on Google, in most of the cases they are asking questions.

More so when an increasing number of people are using voice search.

Read Copywriting services for voice search

When someone is searching for an SEO copywriter, for example, she is going to use an expression such as, “looking for an SEO copywriter for my ad agency”, or “need an SEO copywriter for my tech start-up”, or something like “find and SEO copywriter for my accounting business website”.

These are very precise searches and people have gained enough experience to not to throw random terms into the search engine.

Everybody knows that simply searching for “SEO copywriter” or “SEO copywriting” is going to bring up millions of unnecessary results.

Hence, if I want to offer my SEO copywriting services to and accounting business, I must create a dedicated web page to attract those visitors.

Similarly, if I want an ad agency that is looking for an SEO copywriting service, I should mention that too in my copy.

The point is, you must know, you must understand what the web page or the blog post you are currently writing aims to achieve, and then aim every word, every sentence, at achieving that objective.

2. Use the title to express precisely what you are offering

The importance of web page title in SEO copywriting

The importance of web page title in SEO copywriting.

Take for example this blog post. It offers you 15 SEO copywriting tips that can help you improve your search engine rankings.

Whether you come across this title on search results or on one of the social media websites, you will immediately know what to expect.

Your title also tells Google and other search engines what your piece of content to be ranked for.

If the Google ranking algorithm decides to rank this blog post higher, it knows that it offers SEO copywriting tips that can help search engine users improve your search engine rankings. …

3. Use your main keywords in the title

Main keywords in the title

Main keywords in the title

Here, the three main keywords for me are “SEO copywriting”, “tips” and “search engine rankings”.

You don’t necessarily have to include all your keywords but it can certainly help you improve your SEO if you can incorporate all your major keywords within the title.

Your web page or blog post title has a big impact on the rankings of that particular link.

Spend lots of time making sure that

  1. The title captures the central theme or the main offering of your web page or blog post.
  2. It contains your domain or primary keywords or search phrase.


4. Aim towards creating a holistic experience

Convey that you understand the users problem

Convey that you understand the user’s problem

Yes, focusing on your primary, secondary and longtail keywords is important, but use them as tools, not as a central points.

The central point is the value that you provide.

Write with passion.

Write with sincerity.

Write for humans while focusing on machines.

Give the readers what you have promised in the title or the headline.

Remember that how people react to your copy is as important as the SEO aspect of your writing.

If people find your writing useful, they’re going to spend more time on your web page or blog post.

When they spend more time it tells Google that they find your content useful and hence, it deserves to be ranked even higher.

If your web copy holds no value, people leave immediately, and when they leave immediately, Google assumes that it does not have the information people are looking for and hence, lowers its rankings.

Hence, focus on value and relevance first, and then think of how you can present the value and the relevance through your primary, secondary and longtail keywords.

5. Make a list of all the keywords and search phrases you want to cover through the current web page or blog post

Since we are writing about SEO copywriting and we acknowledge that keywords are important for improving your search engine rankings, we should definitely have a list of keywords we want to focus on.

Making a list of keywords and search phrases isn’t just good for SEO, it is also good for keeping you on your path.

What are keywords after all?

Keywords are the words and expressions used by your target audience to look up information on Google.

They are the leitmotif of your entire message.

Your keywords are the focal points.

When you jot down all the keywords you want to concentrate on, you know what to write about and what to ignore.

6. Write an attention grabbing headline

Write attention-grabbing headlines

Write attention-grabbing headlines

Headline can turn “eh, whatever” into “wow, this is awesome!”

Although, many a time, the title of your web page or blog post is same as your headline, you can have a different title and a different headline.

The title comes under the title HTML tag, something like <title>This is my title</title>

The main headline, in your source code, looks like this: <h1>Main headline</h1>.

Compared to the rest of the body on your web page or blog post, the font type of the headline is bigger and more prominent.

Anyway, if the purpose of your title is to bring people to your website from search engines and social media websites, the purpose of your headline is to hook the reader into reading the rest of your copy.

If your headline is not attention grabbing, people are going to leave faster.

This is what David Ogilvy said about the importance of your headline:

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent $ 0.80 out of your dollar.

I mostly keep the title and the headline more or less the same but sometimes if the entire essence of my web page or blog post cannot be captured within the title (the title shouldn’t be beyond 60 characters, including spaces), I use a different headline so that I’m not constrained.

Different copywriters suggest different ways of creating compelling headlines.

Some suggest that you use emotional triggers.

Every buying decision after all, is emotional.

Why do you want to improve your SEO?

You want your business to succeed.

Why do you want your business to succeed?

You want to make more money (let’s assume this reason for the time being).

Why do you want to make more money?

It’s the answer to this question for which you want to improve your SEO.

This, is emotional.

Your headline can trigger emotions, curiosity, fear, inspiration, a sense of controversy, a sense of kinship, a sense of reaching out to something forbidden, or something like that.

7. Keep your writing scannable

Scannable writing for better SEO copywriting

Scannable writing for better SEO copywriting

Scannable writing is convenient both for your human readers and search engine ranking algorithms.

What does scannable writing mean in the context of writing for the web?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Write smaller sentences.
  2. Keep your paragraphs short (normally, not more than one sentence).
  3. Avoid using very complicated words unless they are essential to your copy.
  4. Maintain a conversational style.
  5. Express a single idea in a sentence and hence, don’t use many “and”, “or”, or “but” unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Organize different topics under headings and subheadings (make ample use of <h2> and <h3> tags.
  7. Use bullet points.
  8. Highlight your main keywords with bold and italics types, but don’t overdo.

The main idea is, make it easier for people to quickly browse through your copy and get your message without having to read every sentence and every paragraph.

8. Use interlinking during SEO copywriting

Interlinking helps SEO copywriting

Interlinking helps SEO copywriting

A good thing about writing for a website or a blog is it’s easier to link to other sections.

This helps you avoid creating lots of duplicate content.

If a bit of information already exists somewhere on your website or blog, why not link to it instead of rewriting it?

It also makes it easier for search engine crawlers to access content that hasn’t yet been crawled.

Google is constantly crawling websites from one link to another.

The crawler may come to your website through any link and then it tries to crawl every link present on that link and all other links that are present on those links.

When crawling, it also works out the relationship between your various web pages and blog posts and decides overall what your website represents.

For example, no matter through which link or blog post the Google bot enters my website, I want it to understand that I provide content writing and copywriting services and everything else surrounding these two services, including SEO content writing and SEO copywriting.

Make sure when you are linking to other sections of your website or blog, use your keyword in the hypertext.

9. Write a compelling intro

Your main headline is the intro that hooks the reader.

After that it is your first paragraph.

The reaction to your first paragraph decides whether someone is going to read your rest of the copy or not.

You can write the first paragraph to achieve any of the two things:

  1. Make the readers agree with what you’re saying – we usually like to read things we are agree with.
  2. Pique the interest by asking relevant questions or writing some hard-hitting sentences that force the reader to read further.

The point is, use every trick in the toolkit to make the reader read the first paragraph, without misleading.

10. Use the inverted pyramid approach

The inverted pyramid approach in copywriting

The inverted pyramid approach in copywriting

In the traditional copy, you often build the suspense and then reveal what you have to offer in the end.

Nobody has that much patience on the web.

Spill the beans in the beginning.

Tell your readers whatever you have to offer in the beginning itself.

Remember the purpose of your copy, ultimately, is not to make the reader read the whole thing, but to act, to convert.

If I want to tell you how I can help you improve your search engine rankings it’s better that I tell you in the beginning itself because you are desperate to improve your search engine rankings and if I dillydally, you may go somewhere you can quickly find the solution you’re looking for.

Does it mean your copy must be around 100-200 words?

What about search engine rankings then?

What about all those SEO experts and content marketing experts who are constantly telling you that longform content is better for your search engine rankings and thin content is of no value?

My suggestion is, it depends.

You can keep your entire web page or blog post interesting so that people read it through and through.

You can tell the important stuff in the beginning and then deal with nitty-gritty that helps you write more afterwards.

The thing is, don’t keep people waiting.

They will get bored.

Even if they don’t get bored, something else will distract them and they will leave your website or blog without reading the important stuff.

11. Use your keywords within the first 100 words of your copy

You don’t have to force-use them, but if it is possible, use your keywords and main phrases within the first 100 words of what you’re writing.

This is easier to achieve if you cut to the chase and start talking about the important stuff from the very beginning.

As long as people are using search terms and keywords to look for information, they are important.

Now that I think of it, people no longer use keywords, they use search phrases, but we still call them keywords.

Anyway, sometimes, something or the other happens and the search engine crawler leaves your web page or your blog post without going through the whole content.

When this happens, though, it has crawled your web page or blog post, it hasn’t understood what it represents.

This is why, whatever words and expressions it encounters in the beginning, it makes sense of your web page or blog post accordingly.

Hence it is better that

  1. You cover your main topic in the beginning.
  2. You use your keywords and search expressions in the beginning.

This way, even if the crawler does not completely go through your web page or blog post, it will have at least some idea of what you’re trying to say.

12. Understand the intent of your search engine users

Pay attention to search intent when writing copy

Pay attention to search intent when writing copy

This is something that I have already touched upon above, but now I am describing it in detail.

Primarily, 4 intentions have been recognized when people use a search engine, namely

  1. Informational intent – Looking for information to learn something, to know something or to reconfirm something.
  2. Navigational intent – Instead of typing the exact URL you want to go to, you search for the name of the website (especially when you don’t know the URL).
  3. Transactional intent – You want to buy something.
  4. Commercial intent – You want to buy something but before that you want to read reviews or you want to compare different products or services.

Targeted content can be created for all the intents.

When writing copy for a website or for a blog, if you know people of what intent you are targeting, you can write better copy and you will also get better results.

Is one intent more important than the other?

It depends.

You need brand presence, you want people to come to your website even when right now they don’t intend to purchase from you.

When people know about your business, when they have the need, they will come to you.

For example, you’re reading these tips on SEO copywriting; you may not be looking for a professional SEO copywriter, but when you need one, you may remember my website and then contact me if you like what I have written.

13. Make it as comprehensive as possible

This is longform content.

Longform content may not be user-friendly (try going through 3000+ words on a mobile phone) but search engines like Google certainly like it.

One reason why Google likes longform, comprehensive content is that it covers pretty much everything that a search engine user is looking for.

For example, if you are looking for SEO copywriting tips, it’s good if you get all the information you need to improve your search engine rankings in one single blog post rather than having to visit different links and then compile the information to make it into something worth using.

The ranking algorithm also favors longform content.

When you create a comprehensive web page or blog post, it makes people – as long as your content is interesting and useful – spend more time on your link.

When they spend more time on your link, Google assumes that it has useful information and hence, it deserves to be ranked higher for the search term being used.

Also, people share longform content more than they share short web pages or blog posts.

This again helps your SEO because you get more incoming links from social media websites as well as other websites and blogs.

14. Better SEO copywriting means writing in the language of your readers

Write in the language of your readers

Write in the language of your readers

Writing in the language of your readers has many benefits.

One of the biggest benefits is you will be using keywords and search terms that people actually use rather than making your own guesses and floundering in the process.

This also increases your conversion rate because people can relate to what you are writing.

Writing in the language of your readers doesn’t mean dumbifying your writing.

If I’m writing for a programming company targeting tech start-ups then I will be using lots of jargon that is commonplace in the industry not because I want to show off, but because people are comfortable with that language.

If I write for a boutique shop, I will use language that is used by an average customer of that boutique shop.

15. Use data backed up by sources

People love data, especially in the B2B sector.

Hence, if I say this tip improves your SEO by 20% rather than simply “improves your SEO”, you will feel more reassured, especially if I can link to an authoritative blog post or an article that makes this claim along with a real-world example.

Data is convincing.

It makes you learned.

Ideally, data should come from your organization (something like, “our research shows that “41% respondents reported an improvement after applying our SEO tips”), but even if you’re not in a position to use your own data, it is all right to use data from other trusted sources.


You cannot rush your way into SEO.

There is a reason businesses have an “SEO strategy”.

You have to work at many aspects including

  1. SEO copywriting
  2. Increasing content density
  3. Publishing lots of authoritative content
  4. Interlinking
  5. Getting quality back links
  6. Generating engagement

But everything boils down to having quality content.

SEO copywriting is all about quality content

SEO copywriting is all about quality content

It is your content, after all, your copywriting, that people share with each other, recommend, engage with, find on Google and other search engines, and generally, talk about.

If there is no quality content, nobody has anything to talk about your business.

Hence, one of the most important SEO copywriting tips, give the copy of your web pages and blog posts the respect and importance it deserves.

You will automatically start improving your search engine rankings once you acknowledge the importance of good quality content.

Content Writing Update – January 15, 2020

I just noticed that the last content writing update that I posted was on December 28, 2019.

Been busy with work.

In one of my updates I had mentioned that I’m writing content for a university website.

Lots of pages need to be added to the university website, so it is going to take a while.

A couple of clients vanished after initial interaction about their content writing requirement.

Precisely this is the reason I take an advance: then there is a commitment from both sides and I also know that the other person is serious about getting the work done.

Otherwise, I needlessly end up wasting my time.

An interesting project I’m doing is for a Dutch website.

In fact, it gave me an all new idea to offer my website rewriting and translation services in English.

Rewriting and translating existing text is actually fun and also easier compared to writing completely original content.

Although Google Translate is a good tool, it doesn’t exactly convey the needed emotion.

So, no matter in which language the content is written on the website, first I use Google Translate to understand what it is conveying, and then I rewrite it in my own style and my own language.

Also embarking upon a project of rewriting an e-book.

It’s already written in English. I need to make it sound better. Fun.

I have also started publishing my newsletter with some regularity.

If you have subscribed, you must have noticed you are getting more updates these days.

That’s it for today.

Why it is fine to outsource your content writing job for SEO

Should you outsource SEO content writing

Should you outsource SEO content writing?

I was just reading this blog post on why not to outsource certain SEO services, including content writing.

Although I’m not sure about other SEO services such as link building and on page optimization, I believe there is no hard-and-fast rule (as is mentioned in the post) that works for everyone.

But I know why for many, outsourcing content writing for SEO doesn’t work, or hasn’t work.

People don’t hire good content writers because then they need to pay them more.

All the money that can be saved, businesses want to save on content writers. Yes, it is becoming my pet peeve.

I complain about this because so much can be achieved and then not achieved simply because professional content writers are undervalued and consequently, underpaid.

I even have an image to explain what befalls upon you if you base your SEO strategy on cheap content.

Cheap content harms your business

Recently I wrote in one of my blog posts that high-quality content is the pillar upon which your entire content marketing and digital marketing strategy rests.

What sort of experience you have with the service depends on lots of factors.

Whether it is web design, programming, content writing and copywriting or SEO, it is a matter of chance how well everything is going to turn up.

How to hire the best SEO content writer to improve your rankings.

This is also true for your employees – people that you hire in-house.

You never know how they are going to deliver, no matter how great the interview goes.

It isn’t necessary that the content writer that you hire in-house is going to perform better than the content writer to whom you may have outsourced your SEO content writing requirement.

I have personally worked with many clients who had a very bad experience with the content writer they had hired initially.

After burning their fingers, they contacted me.

In most of the cases, I have observed over the years that when businesses and entrepreneurs get lousy writing, this is mostly because they have hired a cheap content writer to save money.

They have this well-entrenched perception that writing is cheap.

It is not. Good writing definitely not.

Hence, find a good SEO content writer, acknowledge the fact that you’re going to have to pay him or her just the way you pay for any other service, and you will get good, quality content to improve your rankings.