Author Archives: Amrit Hallan

About Amrit Hallan

Amrit Hallan is a professional content writer who helps businesses improve their conversion rate through credible and compelling content writing. His main strength lies in writing search engine optimized content without compromizing quality and meaningfulness.

Finding the right content writer is key to your success

Finding the right content writer is critical to your online success

Finding the right content writer is critical to your online success.

I have previously written on how to find the right content writer for your content writing needs.

In fact, multiple times. This topic is close to my heart. After all, if you are looking for a content writer, you should be able to find me on the web whether it is Google, LinkedIn or any other place.

I was going through my content writing and content marketing aggregation feed and I came across a blog post on another blog on the topic of what to look for when you are looking for a content writer for your business. I was about to start working on a client’s project but then I thought I will quickly post this small update.

Why do I say that finding the right content writer is key to your success?

One, I personally believe in that, and two, many clients who have been working with me for years, believe that without high quality content, they cannot possibly do business on the web.

Whether people find you through Google or they are already on your website, it is the writing that talks to them.

You have higher search engine rankings because of your content – both quality and quantity. You need to be publishing every second day to remain in the SEO reckoning.

You must have high quality content because without high quality content, at least now, after zillions of algorithm updates, you cannot hope to improve your search engine rankings or SEO.

A decade and a half ago you could get away with randomly using keywords and search terms and even use one of those article spinning services to enjoy higher search engine rankings, but not anymore.

Why finding the right content writer is critical?

You need regularity and you need quality. For this you need a dependable, experienced, and of course, proficient content writer.

Hence, a need to find such a writer.

The above-linked blog post makes some suggestions regarding how to find the right content writer. I have already written about the topic multiple times.

My experience with my clients tells me that using freelancing services rarely works. They have burned their fingertips. They have burned their hands. Some have also burned their businesses.

Even doing some research, my experience tells me, helps you little. In fact, there is no foolproof way of finding the right content writer for your needs. It is sheer luck. Yes.

The thing is, lots of factors collectively play a part in deciding who is right and who is wrong. It is not only about being able to write well. You can get thousands of writers who have an awesome writing style.

Professional content writing is about

  1. Understanding your needs.
  2. Understanding the needs of your target audience and writing accordingly.
  3. Being well versed with the technologies involved.
  4. Writing high quality content.
  5. Writing high quality content consistently – if you need to publish 15 blog posts every month, then you MUST publish 15 blog posts every month.
  6. Writing search engine optimized content that is acceptable both to search engines and humans.

This combination is difficult to find. Especially, dependability.

I may be biased towards my disposition, irrespective of whether you work with me or with someone else, instead of working with a content writer through a freelancing website, collaborate with a writer who either has his or her own content writing business (like yours truly) or is employed at a content writing service.

This is because a person who is employed or who runs his or her own business, has higher stakes. He or she has a system because his or her business depends on your level of satisfaction.

Sure, even on freelancing websites there is a rating system and content writers need to gather reviews and feedback from the clients they have worked for, the stakes are much lower when someone solely gets work from freelancing websites.

On the other hand, if someone works on his or her own website and runs the entire business through the website, he or she has a greater stake in maintaining quality, regularity and accountability. Professionalism.

The importance of content writing and copywriting in the times of Covid-19

Importance of content writing and copywriting in the times of Covid-19 outbreak

Importance of content writing and copywriting in the times of Covid-19 outbreak.

The world is gradually settling down to the reality of living amidst the Covid-19 outbreak. How can content writing and copywriting help you get through these difficult times?

The lockdowns came and economies all over the world are opening up with great caution. There have been heated debates on what is more important – preventing oneself from getting infected or restarting the wheels of the economy.

Millions of jobs have been lost. Thousands of businesses have been closed and many are on the verge of bankruptcy.

In the meantime, Jeff Bezos is almost worth $ 200 billion. A lot of credit goes to the spike in the online retail market because people don’t want to go out and shop.

As someone who provides professional content writing and copywriting services, I see an increased demand from my clients in the online retail sector. Many on-demand mobile apps are coming up that allow people to buy products from home.

Cloud services is another sector that has experienced phenomenal growth during the Covid-19 outbreak, as a greater number of companies prefer their employees to work from home.

Even Google and Microsoft declared recently that they are encouraging their employees to work from home at least for a year.

Companies like Intel are changing their work culture on a permanent basis so that more of their employees can take care of their responsibilities from home using cloud services.

How can efficient content writing and copywriting help you during the Covid-19 outbreak?

Coming to the main topic of the post…

Whenever a calamity hits, some businesses are affected more, and some businesses are affected less.

There are many businesses, due to their positioning and targeting, who even profit.

Businesses providing digital services are profiting during the times of Covid-19.

Netflix is profiting. Of course, Amazon. Microsoft and Google. Gaming companies. Online video conferencing companies. On-demand food, groceries and commodity delivering services.

Hence, if you are providing services that can be delivered online, you need to enhance your presence.

I’m not saying that suddenly you’re going to give Amazon and Google a run for their money, there are thousands of small businesses that are doing great during the outbreak.

This also means that you need to maintain your visibility.

Almost everyone searches online these days whenever one is looking for a service or are product to buy.

The first thing they do is, go to Google or launch the Google app on their mobile phone, and search for the thing they need.

It’s very important that they are able to find you if you want to sell to them.

No matter how great your product or service is, if they are not able to find you, how are they going to become your paying customers and clients?

You need to improve your search engine rankings. You need to improve your conversion rate.

Targeted content writing helps you increase your organic search engine rankings.

Efficient copywriting helps you improve the conversion rate on your website or landing page.

During uncertain times, you may feel that you can ill-afford to spend money on professional content writing and copywriting.

This is understandable.

But, if you are spending money on advertising (something like PPC campaigns), then SEO content writing is, though, I don’t like using this expression, way cheaper compared to advertising.

When you run PPC campaigns, you pay for every click. And this every click is for every keyword. If you get 10 clicks, you pay for them. If you get 100 clicks, you pay for them.

But when you invest in quality content, your search engine rankings improve organically.

So, whether you get 10 clicks, 100 clicks, 1000 clicks, or even 1 million clicks, the only money that you spend is on the quality content that you are getting from a professional content writer.

The same goes with professional copywriting. Even if you don’t want to improve your SEO and you would rather spend money on a PPC campaign, how much of that paid traffic is actually converting?

If your PPC campaign sends all the traffic to your homepage, let me be frank with you: you are wasting money.

Traffic from a PPC campaign must always go to a landing page that has been specifically created for a set of keywords. Landing pages are specifically used for PPC campaigns.

A landing page needs professional copywriting.

Once people come to your landing page through your PPC campaign, they need to be convinced by your copy.

Every headline, every sentence and every bulleted list point contribute towards your overall conversion rate.

Hence, if you ever thought of making strategic investments in content writing and copywriting for your website, now is the best time.

You need all the visibility you can get during the Covid-19 outbreak which, the WHO has predicted, is going to last for a couple of years, at least.

How effective content writing and searcher intent are interrelated

Connection between effective content writing and searcher intent

Connection between effective content writing and searcher intent.

There is a direct connection between effective content writing and searcher intent whether you factor in search engine traffic or not.

Normally, searcher intent is always talked about when you want to improve your search engine rankings meaningfully.

Whenever someone searches for your content (whether that person is aware of your website or not) she has an intention. It is very important to know what that intention is because even slight differences in the search queries change the intention. I explain below.

Suppose, you go to Google and search for content writer. There might be different intentions or reasons for looking for a content writer:

  • You want to know what a content writer does.
  • You are looking for a content writer job.
  • You want to read some content writing tips because you yourself are writing content for websites.
  • You are working on a blog post or an article and you want to know what the others have written about the query “content writer”.
  • You want to hire a content writer.

Now, the example that I have taken above, though, is not an appropriate example because it is a vague term, many people may use this search term while having different intentions.

The problem is, Google knows that even if people use a wrong query, if they don’t find the right information they are looking for, they are going to blame Google and may end up trying out another search engine.

Hence, Google is constantly working at knowing, in best possible manner, what is the searcher intent. What is the intention of the searcher when she is googling something?

Even when a searcher is using a vague query, Google considers the other search terms used by the user.

For example, she first searches for how to improve my SEO. While reading a blog post on “How to improve your SEO”, she finds out that she needs a content writer or a content writing service to improve her search engine rankings.

Then, she looks up the term content writer. Now, Google knows that she is looking for a content writer who can help her improve her SEO, and shows her the results accordingly.

This is her searcher intent: she is looking for a content writer to improve her SEO.

A blog post or a web page titled SEO content writer or Content writer to improve your SEO, will be written targeting that user, or that searcher intent.

The searcher intent can be categorized in the following manner:

Informational search intent

When someone has informational search intent when googling, the person is simply looking for information. Examples:

  • Where can I bump into Bigfoot?
  • How can I grow my muscles fast?
  • What is a Java SDK?
  • Is it safe to invest in cryptocurrency?

As you can see, in these queries, the person is just looking for information. At least of now, she has no intention of buying something.

Navigational search intent

You do navigational search when you don’t know the exact URL. You know the name of the company or you know the name of the service, but you don’t want to either type the long URL or you don’t know it. Examples:

  • Credible Content Writing Services
  • Google Analytics
  • Huffington Post
  • The SETI project

You search for the company name and among the search results, you find the URL and you click it.

Commercial search intent

In this type of searcher intent, although the user wants to buy, she is comparing between different products and services. Examples:

  • Best content writing service
  • Handy Cam reviews
  • Top-rated sitcoms on Netflix
  • Top luxury resorts in Punjab

Anyway, in these type of search intents, you can see that the person wants to compare various products and services so that she can make a better buying decision.

Transactional search intent

This is where the real business happens. Examples:

  • Hire an efficient content writing service
  • Buy OnePlus 50t (just in case)
  • MailChimp prices
  • Grammarly cheapest package
Identifying searcher intent

Identifying searcher intent.

How does efficient content writing help you target searcher intent better?

I have briefly written above that through efficient content writing you target searcher intent not just for better search engine rankings, but also to improve your overall conversion rate.

In terms of writing content, on what does your conversion rate depend?

Primarily, on what you have written on your website.

That very first headline.

That very first sentence.

The very first paragraph.

The way your writing transitions from one sentence to another and one paragraph to another.

The way you use headlines to highlight the most compelling portions of your message.

The way you organize your information flow.

Your writing style.

The emotional connection that your writing makes with the visitors/readers.

All these things, and some, combined, contribute towards your conversion rate.

Writing content for searcher intent makes effective content writing

People are becoming savvy when it comes to using Google (or any other search engine). They know that vague terms don’t bring up the right results.

Almost 50% searches are voice searches: this means, people speak into their devices when they are looking for information.

One thing about voice search is, people don’t speak like robots when they are searching.

So, when someone is searching for a content writer to improve SEO, she is unlikely to speak into her mobile phone something like, “Hey Google, content writer”.

She is more likely to say, “Hey Google, find me the best content writer for my business,”, or something like, “Hey Google, who is the best content writer for my business consulting services?”

Voice search example-find me the best content writer for my business

Voice search example-find me the best content writer for my business.

When people are searching using voice, they speak longer sentences because they are talking like human beings and not like robots. In most of the cases, they use conversational expressions and they use lots of extra information which they avoid when they are typing.

Another interesting and worth observing aspect about voice search is that people are mostly asking questions when searching.

They avoid monosyllables. And since they are finding information, they find information in the form of asking questions.

Hence, most of the search queries begin with “what”, “where”, “how”, “when” and “who”. They also use “find” or “which” a lot.

Knowing these terms can help you a lot in deciding what sort of content you must write for efficient content writing.

For example, “what is a content writer” simply means that a person wants to know what a content writer does, but, if someone searches for “where can I find a good content writer” or “which is the best content writing service”, the person means business.

Effective content writing involves knowing searcher intent and then writing content for it.

Content writing for searcher intent is good for humans as well as SEO

Efficient content writing based on searcher intent saves you from publishing lots of unnecessary content.

You want to educate people, undoubtedly. Hence, I’m writing this blog post that explains how efficient content writing and knowing searcher intent are interrelated. This is mostly educational post. I’m not exhorting you to hire my content writing services.

A big part of my traffic comes from my blog posts that inform and educate. This helps me in brand building. When search engine rankings of these blog posts improve, since they are also linking to my main website, the rankings of my business pages also get a boost.

But, if I get traffic just for informational and educational purposes, I won’t get clients. I get clients when they search for a professional content writer who can write for their websites, blogs and email marketing campaigns. They land on my relevant business pages through search engines.

Having said that, you need to carefully draw a line between creating content that gets you business and creating content that simply informs and educates your visitors.

Above, in the section where I have explained various searcher intents you read that the searcher intents can be of the following types:

  1. Informational
  2. Navigational
  3. Commercial
  4. Transactional

You need to decide what type of audience your content must draw to your website. The differences can be subtle and big depending upon the approach you take.

For a business website, two categories of searcher intent are important: commercial intent and transactional intent.

For brand awareness, you can also write content about informational intent but maintain a balance.

On my website, I maintain a balance of 60:40 – 60% informational content and 40% commercial & transactional content.

There is a reason why I publish more informational content.

It is easier to rank well for informational content providing answers to questions. Google gives preference to those blog posts and webpages that provide answers to queries beginning with “how”, “why”, “what”, and such.

Informational content encourages people to link to my website.

It also acts as a showcase because my target clients are interested in such type of content for their own website.

When they see that I publish lots of informational content on my own blog, they feel reassured that I am experienced in writing informational content.

Informational content is also important for people providing technical services such as programming, online education, and mobile app development. They want to convince their clients that they are knowledgeable.

They also help consulting services.

Above I wrote that writing efficient content according to the right searcher intent isn’t just good for your search engine rankings, but also from the perspective of usability and readability.

When you focus your content writing on searcher intent, you provide content that is needed by your human visitors. They get the right information because you’re not wasting your time and their time, and publishing content that your target audience is looking for.

Hence, a big part of efficient content writing involves knowing which searcher intent to target, how to strike the perfect balance between different searcher intent types, and then write compelling content.

Should you put all your SEO eggs in the Google basket when writing content?

When content writing to not put all your SEO eggs in the Google basket

When content writing to not put all your SEO eggs in the Google basket.

After very long time I have read this highly intriguing blog post on what direction Google is taking and how content marketing (in my case, content writing) must take a proactive stand.

Right now, when you write content, there is a more than 99% chance that you want to improve your search engine rankings on Google. The search engine has a 92.17% global market share, after all. The search engine that comes second is Bing at a measly 2.78%.

So, understandably, when you are investing in SEO, you would rather focus on 92.17% than 2.78%.

Google is unpredictable, though. Years of investments in terms of man-hours/woman-hours and money go down the drain with a single update.

Google is a private enterprise. It is capitalism machine. It is not a social service. It wants maximum number of people using its search engine so that it can monetize them.

Eventually, in near future, Google wants to give you information even before you realize that you need to look it up.

People use Google because they find useful information, fast and conveniently. “Useful information” is the keyword here.

Search engineers and hundreds of PhD’s in mathematics are working round-the-clock to make sure that the users get the most relevant information they need.

To achieve that, sometimes they need to change their algorithm according to new observations.

The point is, they are going to change their algorithm at their convenience, whether the new change wipes off all your listings from the search engine or suddenly catapults you to the top position for you every keyword.

SEO content writing while not getting influenced by Google’s whims

Frankly, there is no foolproof solution. The above Content Marketing Institute blog post concludes with

SEO becomes a long-term experiential development strategy, not a game of matching semantics. As content marketers we are ultimately NOT trying to simply understand how people search for content – and are served it via Google – but rather how people are finding and experiencing the solutions to challenges they may not even know they have.

What does it mean?

Provide value instead of writing content according to Google guidelines. Focus on people instead of SEO. Make it easier for people to access your content and it will be automatically accessed by Google and other search engines.

Remember that content is all about experience. You already know that every instance of purchase is an emotional decision. Hence, your content, whether you write that content or publish a video or audio recording, must invoke an emotional response.

Your content must be a part of a journey. A bigger customer journey that does not begin and stop at your search engine rankings.

Rankings matter, yes. Keywords also matter.

But, your content is more than that. Keywords are just a guideline. For example, when you read a book, let’s say “Jude the Obscure” by Thomas Hardy, you know that the theme centers around a character called “Jude” who is always making “obscure” decisions about his life and people around him.

So, when I create a web page about “best content writing services”, instead of repeating the phrase multiple times in my content, I must focus on explaining to you why my content writing services may be the best for your need.

Create the context. Weave a narrative. Deliver value. Touch people emotionally. Then you don’t need to constantly worry about your Google rankings. You content attracts people due to its own, inherent quality.

Content quality versus content quantity – the debate still goes on

Content writing-quality versus quantity

Content writing-quality versus quantity.

Frankly, I don’t believe there should even be a debate. When it comes to content writing and content publishing (for content marketing) quality always triumphs over quantity.

Ideally, if you have the money, and if you want to improve your organic search engine rankings quickly, quantity and quality go hand-in-hand. When I talk about quantity, I don’t mean blog posts having 4000-5000 words. I mean you publish multiple blog posts in a day, to the tune of 90 blog posts every month.

Publish three blog posts every day and within a couple of months Google begins to crawl and index your website multiple times a day. Your content begins to appear on the SERPs within a few hours, and sometimes, within a few minutes. I have seen this happening on one of my blogs.

The ideal number is, according to a HubSpot study, 11 blog posts every month. B2B and B2C companies that publish good quality blog posts 11 times every month, experience a spike in their targeted traffic.

Relationship between the number of blog posts and search engine traffic

Relationship between the number of blog posts and search engine traffic.

Also, publishing multiple blog posts daily shouldn’t bring your quality down. Your quality is of utmost importance.

But, if you don’t have the budget and the bandwidth, the next best option is completely focusing on quality. I would suggest one blog post every week of around 2500 words.

Make sure that you work with the quality content writer or blog writer. Don’t go for those cheap content writers because you will end up spending more money that way. You will pay them, and then you will pay them in the form of not getting any results.

Why quality and quantity both matter when writing content for your blog?

Google is hungry for new content. Its crawlers are continuously crawling the web to find new and updated content. Its ranking algorithm is designed in such a manner that it gives preference to the latest content.

Regular publishing also gets your content indexed very fast. As I have written above, when I was publishing more than three blog posts every day, my content would get indexed (another blog) multiple times in a day. Sometimes, my blog posts would appear in search results within minutes.

Just as Google is constantly looking for new content, it also expects you to publish quality content. This is because if the search engine does not find quality content for its users, the users will lose interest and may explore other search engines that are better at finding good, well-written content.

Google has developed its search algorithm in such a manner that if people don’t spend much time on your blog or website after finding your link on search results, it negatively affects your rankings.

Also, if someone uses a search query, finds your link, goes to your link and then within a few seconds comes back to Google and carries on with the same search query, Google assumes that the link that the user found does not contain the appropriate information for the related keyword and hence, again, this negatively affect your rankings.

Hence, both quality and quantity have a positive impact (or vice versa) on your search engine rankings. But, if you must make a choice between quality and quantity, always go for quality.