Category Archives: Web Content

Choosing the right keywords for content marketing

What is content marketing? It is claimed that content drives the Internet. Does it then make content marketing too this powerful? Are right keywords all that essential to successful content marketing? And how can we choose the right keywords for content marketing? So many questions! Come, let us find a few answers.

How different Content Marketing is and the principles of content marketing

As opposed to traditional marketing, content marketing is all about sharing quality information that is relevant and current, with your prospective customers and clients. Whereas the traditional marketing uses interruption techniques, content marketing will gently but firmly hold the consumers’ attention and build brand loyalty. This is done more by educating the customer and letting him/her recognize the advantages of the product/service and go for it with the conviction of right choice. Knowing more about the product/service, trusting and starting to like it will be the way content marketing works.

The idea of creating and sharing content is aimed at rather gentle persuasion, targeting an intelligent and informed audience to let them accept the brand as a thought leader and industry expert. This shared content will grab a potential customer’s attention, make him read it, think about it and decide after learning all about it. Most of the content will aim at solving their problem along with entertaining them and make them feel good all over.

Some of the different forms of content marketing are

  • Custom publishing – Custom media
  • Branded entertainment – Branded content
  • Database marketing
  • Corporate media – Corporate publishing
  • Corporate journalism

What is the importance of keywords in content marketing?

Online information that is concisely and succinctly expressed and worded elegantly and interestingly will be the way content is going to be presented. But how to get the customer know about the content? What will make him/her visit your site? Videos, blogging or PDFs are all great platforms but the most essential will be the right keywords that will drive the traffic towards your content. The keywords should be such that the search engines are able to index and rank your website according to the relevant search terms being used by their users; your website is then rated high in SEO.

Choosing the right keywords for content marketing

Right keywords are those:

  • Words that fit as header tags (HI, H2, H3 etc) to facilitate the search engines to pick them up; especially the H1 tag carries a lot of weight.
  • Words that fit individually as page tags depending on what is on that page.
  • Words that can flow naturally and meaningfully with the content but yet can be repeated for the required density without an obvious put-on effect.
  • Words that can be bolded and italicised where needed fitting with meaningful flowing text.
  • The operative principle is that written text and chosen keywords present a meaningful and naturally flowing text.

Well, it may not be an exaggeration if tomorrow more than 80% of marketing strategy will be via content marketing. Content marketing creates so much credibility and trust with such persuasive authority that there will be no sales resistance left against it.

Keep your SEO goals in mind while creating your content writing strategy

It doesn’t help if you already have lots of content and then you realize that you are not targeting the right keywords. Although no situation is hopeless you can save yourself lots of time, and money, if you define your SEO goals properly. Make a list of keywords and keyword phrases you’d like to incorporate and then start generating your content around them.

There is also a business benefit of clearly defining your SEO goals — it keeps you focused. You know what sort of content you require for your website and blog and what you should avoid; yes, misplaced content is bad for SEO.

How do you keep your content SEO-focused?

  • Create titles with your keywords. Your page titles are very important. They appear in the search engine result pages as hyperlinks when people search for the relevant terms. People click more on the links that carry the search terms they’ve just used. Even when people promote your content on social networking websites or link your your pages and blog posts they normally copy/paste your title — this associates these keywords with your brand.
  • Use your keywords and key phrases when communicating your ideas. This tells the search engines that you have lots of content associated with the search term being currently used. If you provide content writing services then you should be talking about this subject a lot on your blog or website. But do it naturally; there is no need to use your relevant keywords excessively — this gets you penalized by almost all search engines.
  • Link to your other pages not just the home page. Your different pages contain different bits of information and whenever you feel a particular phrase can be linked to a page giving more information about that phrase, create a link. It makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to reach other pages and it also creases the relevancy of your less prominent pages.

The basic idea of creating SEO-focused content strategy is keeping you focused and help you focus on the right search terms.

Why your website or blog needs unique content

Why your blog or website needs unique content

Why your blog or website needs unique content?

What is unique content when it comes to your website or blog?

Here are a few definitions of unique content:

  1. It is valuable and informative content that is original, and is difficult to find on other websites and blogs.
  2. Unique content is your website and blog content that is completely different than its other versions that may exist elsewhere.
  3. In terms of SEO, unique content is original. It is not duplicate. It offers useful insights in such a manner that these insights are difficult to find on other websites and blogs.

There are basically two reasons why your website or blog needs unique, fresh content:

  1. The search engines prefer unique content compared to commonly and easily found content.
  2. People who are active on various social media and networking websites prefer to promote something unique, something highly useful and something that attracts immediate attention.

Search engines looking for unique content

Search engines are looking for unique content

Search engines are looking for unique content.

Original content improves your search engine rankings because search algorithms, especially in Google, rate original content highly.

Websites that routinely publish duplicate content are penalised.

What is duplicate content?

It is identical content that already exists either on your own website, or another website.

Why would you publish duplicate content from your own website?

Let’s suppose I want to optimize two pages: one for online copywriting and one for content writing.

Although there are some broad differences between online copywriting and content writing, maybe (hypothetically) I feel the services are more or less the same and hence, I end up assuming that the content too is more or less the same.

What do I do?

I create one original page for content writing.

Then I create a duplicate page where everything else remains the same, but content writing is replaced by online copywriting.

I feel I’m smart. I think I have outsmarted Google.

The Google AI analyzer can process billions of parameters per second.

It can analyze millions of permutations and combinations of your words and phrases to know if you have written and published duplicate content.

It can read between the lines. It can read between the words. It can correlate millions of words, expressions, phrases and sentences before you can read the sentence.

Publish fewer pages and blog posts, but publish unique content.

It is do or die for the search engines when it comes to finding unique content

Various search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! are constantly competing with each other.

Just because they get millions of visitors daily don’t assume they have it easy.

Even a small fluctuation means millions of ad dollars lost.

So they are constantly trying to improve their ranking algorithms and trying to find and index content that is unique.

The uniqueness and the usefulness of the content they find for their users keep those users from switching over to another search engine.

Why would the users use a search engine that finds the same stuff that can be found on scores of other websites?

Hence, in order to get higher rankings you have to make sure that the content published on your website or blog is unique as well as highly relevant.

Social media users want to promote unique content

Social media users are looking for unique content

Social media users are looking for unique content.

Nobody likes to promote content that is being promoted by 500 other users.

Social media websites can bring you tons of traffic if you can lure their users to your website by providing highly interesting, topical and relevant content that they cannot find anywhere else.

But do they promote your links just for altruistic reasons? Not at all.

Take for instance Twitter and Facebook.

Why do people keep posting interesting links on these websites?

They want to show that they can locate and share interesting stuff.

They want to be useful to their followers and fans.

This way, if they are posting 10 useful links from other websites and blogs, they can also post a few from their own website without looking spammy.

Besides, on Twitter, interesting tweets get retweeted and this is beneficial both to the owner of the link and the one who tweets it because both gain exposure.

Then there is conventional logic too.

When you publish useful content on your website it tells your visitors that you take pains to keep them informed.

If you share important information with them you establish yourself as an authority, and in more than 99% cases authority brings respect and trust, and respect and trust leads to loyal customers and clients.

20 benefits of writing and publishing unique content on your website or blog

Benefits of writing and publishing unique content

Benefits of writing and publishing unique content.

  1. Writing unique content enhances your website’s visibility in search engine results.
  2. Publishing unique content attracts organic traffic and increases website engagement.
  3. It sets your website apart from competitors, establishing your brand’s authority.
  4. You build trust with your audience, establishing you as a reliable source of information.
  5. Your target specific keywords and improve your website’s SEO ranking.
  6. More people share your content on social media which further expands your reach and increases brand awareness.
  7. Unique content boosts your website’s credibility and encourages repeat visitors.
  8. You get an opportunity to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an industry leader.
  9. You generate loyal following and build a community around your brand.
  10. More targeted traffic and better conversion rate.
  11. Writing unique content encourages backlinking, improving your website’s authority.
  12. You can tailor your messages to your target audience better, increasing relevancy and engagement.
  13. Publishing unique content fosters a positive user experience, keeping visitors on your website longer.
  14. You educate and inform your audience and build brand loyalty.
  15. Unique content provides fresh perspectives, attracting new visitors and encouraging return visits.
  16. You can adapt your content to the evolving needs and interests of your audience.
  17. More opportunities for guest posting and collaboration with other industry influencers.
  18. You generate more leads and sales, positively impacting your bottom line.
  19. You establish a strong online presence and expand your digital footprint.
  20. You create a valuable resource that can be repurposed across different platforms, maximizing your content marketing efforts.

How do you write unique and relevant content?

Writing unique content

Writing unique content.

  • Conduct thorough research to identify trending topics and keywords before writing unique content.
  • Write unique content by providing fresh insights and perspectives on industry-related subjects.
  • Incorporate unique personal experiences and anecdotes into your writing to make it more engaging and relatable.
  • Develop a distinctive writing style that sets your content apart from others in your niche.
  • Utilize storytelling techniques to captivate your audience and make your content memorable.
  • Incorporate data, statistics, and research findings to add credibility and relevance to your writing.
  • Present alternative viewpoints and challenge conventional wisdom.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry news and trends to ensure your content remains relevant and timely.
  • Conduct audience research to understand the needs, interests, and pain points of your target audience.
  • Tailor your writing to address specific problems or provide solutions that your audience is seeking.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your content to optimize it for search engines.
  • Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to structure your content, making it more readable and scannable.
  • Include relevant visuals such as images, infographics, or videos to enhance the value and appeal of your content.
  • Write relevant content by addressing frequently asked questions or common concerns in your industry.
  • Use case studies or real-life examples to demonstrate how your content is applicable to real-world situations.
  • Craft compelling headlines that accurately convey the unique and relevant aspects of your content.
  • Optimize your meta tags, meta descriptions, and URLs with relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility.
  • Interlink your content with other relevant articles on your website for better indexing, to avoid writing duplicate content and to provide a better experience to your readers.
  • Engage with your audience through comments and social media to understand their feedback and refine your content.
  • Analyze your content performance regularly and make the needed adjustments to ensure it remains highly unique and relevant.

How to regularly come up with unique content writing ideas?

How to regularly write unique content

How to regularly write unique content?

  • Follow industry news and trends to stay informed and generate fresh content ideas.
  • Conduct keyword research to identify popular topics and create unique content around them.
  • Engage with your audience through surveys, polls, and comments to understand their interests and needs.
  • Utilize social media platforms to discover trending discussions and adapt them into unique content.
  • Attend industry conferences, webinars, and workshops to gather insights and inspiration for your content.
  • Keep a running list of ideas by jotting down thoughts and observations as they come to you.
  • Brainstorm with colleagues or other professionals in your field to generate new content ideas collectively.
  • Analyze your existing content to identify gaps or areas that require further exploration or elaboration.
  • Draw inspiration from everyday experiences, personal stories, or challenges you’ve overcome.
  • Explore different content formats such as videos, infographics, podcasts, or interactive content to provide unique perspectives and engage your audience.

Engaging your readers with interactive content

Interactive content doesn’t always have to be animation or video; even your text content can be interactive.

On the Internet, especially these days, we are always in conversations, whether on Twitter, or FaceBook, or on different blogs. Content on social media websites is engaging. We read, we provide feedback, we react, we respond, we present a counter-argument; we like it when people talk to us instead of talking at us. We no longer live on solitary islands of the World Wide Web. We want to feel a part of whatever is going on. Even when we’re simply lurking, we immediately feel like responding when someone talks to us or talks about something we feel passionate about.

Unconsciously, we are looking for an identical experience of interactivity wherever we go. We like it when we are expected to react, and that’s why blogs became such a hit. They became a network of conversations. Reacting to an opinion or a news became as easy as firing up your favorite blogging software and publishing your thoughts, and if not, at least leaving your comments on the blog or the news page.

But how do you make your content engaging when you’re writing a company’s corporate page? Given the preferred turgid style followed by various corporate copywriters and content writers, I know it’s not easy to convince people, but this is something you have to do. Even when you’re writing for a company website, talk to your readers. Write as if you are addressing to them, as if you know what bothers them. Present them with a solution rather than a product or service.

Increase your sales and conversion rate by writing useful content

Content doesn’t just mean text full of numbers and hypothetical statements. It needs to solve a purpose, your visitors and prospects must find it useful. After all people don’t visit your website or blog out of some altruistic reason — they are always looking for something, whether it is information or entertainment. If they don’t find your content useful, if it doesn’t appeal to them, they are going to leave your website quickly without doing business with you, and they are never going to come back if they remember you or your website. Whenever somebody visit’s your website, he or she is thinking, "What’s in there for me?"

But how do you make your content useful; how do you make it cater to a particular need? It’s very simple — by putting your visitors’ interest first. This may seem like a cliché beaten to pulp by various "copywriting experts" but you know what, consider it a miracle, but it really works. Whenever you are creating content for your website, or whenever you are getting it written, keep in mind what you can offer in the best manner and how it can help your visitors. A few days ago I wrote about instilling confidence and trust with your copy. If your visitors can trust you and have confidence in what you have to say they are not apprehensive when they have to purchase a product or service from you. This trustworthiness can be established by encouraging your visitors to come to your website again and again, and this can only be achieved by providing something extremely useful and informative, and on a regular basis. Once trust is established they buy from you even if you don’t ask them to and simply mention that you offer a particular product or service.

Every product or service has a niche market and people are constantly looking for useful information.  Let us assume that you sell an accounting software. Instead of mentioning on every second page of your website or blog how great an account package you’ve got, you can publish interesting trivia about your product. Recognize your market and generate content accordingly.  If you are targeting small businesses with not much knowledge about accounting and bookkeeping you can publish lots of tips and tutorials on how to easily maintain books with your accounting software.  You can also talk about various accounting procedures and how your software tackles them. You can publish objective reviews of other accounting software products so that people can compare and make educated decisions. You can also publish cheatsheets that make it easier to use your software. Sky is the limit when it comes to creating useful content around your product.

The same goes for a service that you provide. Take for example my online content writing service. You may think what is the use of publishing content that helps others become better content writers and online copywriters? When  I am sharing my knowledge and experience I am establishing my authority. I agree…90% of my visitors must just be coming to learn content writing and copywriting, and I’m really glad, and humbled, that I can teach them something, but the remaining 10% can see how much I know about content writing. By going through various pages and blog posts  they can make out that I can improve their conversion rate as well as search engine rankings by my writing experience.  I may not be one of the best writers on the Internet but I definitely know what I’m doing and I abundantly share that on my website.

By constantly generating highly useful content I also increase my chances of getting linked to by other Webmasters and bloggers and consequently, increase traffic and search engine rankings.

Creating useful and valuable content may seem like an uphill task in the beginning but you will find in the end that it is genuinely rewarding. You increase your goodwill, you strengthen your brand, and you encourage people to pay close attention to what you’re saying and offering.