Tag Archives: Blog Publishing

How regular blogging helps your customers and clients

Regular business blogging isn’t just about improving your SEO and it also isn’t always about strengthening your brand identity, it also helps your customers and clients take better decisions. When you keep your customers informed of all the new developments taking place in your business (strategic alliances, product launches, new services, change in existing services and product features, etc.) they feel a part of your business process and consequently, are more eager to do business with you whenever they need to.

Blogging to help your customers and clients

The greatest hurdle on the Internet is the lack of information. Before you have bought, almost nothing is tangible, unlike in the real world where you can actually extend your hand and types the object you are planning to purchase. At the most on your website they can get a three-dimensional view of your product and use some sort of simulation. So how do you convince them? By providing as much information as possible.

You need to keep in mind that when you are providing information to them it doesn’t mean you’re trying to manipulate them. The information in every blog post needs to be very objective and, you’re right, informative. The primary objective of your blog posts is not making sales (although the end result is always this); the primary objective is to keep them informed and interested in your regular communication. Primary objective is to engage them on an ongoing basis and to encourage them to share their concerns with you, whether they want to do it through the commenting section of your blog, or through your social media profile (Twitter or Facebook).

You can also help your customers and clients by amply sharing your wisdom and experience. It doesn’t have to be always business-related. You can share with them how you make business decisions and what factors impact your decision making whether you’re deciding alone or with your management.

You can also help your customers and clients by sharing your social as well as political viewpoints through your business blog, although this is not always recommended. The primary focus of your blog obviously has to be your business or related to the product or services you are offering, but the world doesn’t just consist of the products and services you offer. Our businesses don’t fund shall in isolation: regional politics, economics, social conditions, weather, and many other factors affect the way we do business. So it’s not inappropriate to share your non-business thoughts with your customers and clients. Although you need to share your thoughts of such nature as a person and not as “we believe in this”, or “we would do that”.

Provide valuable content to your customers and clients on a regular basis

What is valuable content? Something they can use to solve their pressing problems. Of course you cannot solve everybody’s problems, but there must be some individuals whose problems you can solve through regular blogging. So whenever you are about to publish a blog post think it carefully, is it providing some solution? If it is simply blowing your company’s horn, immediately delete it, nobody is interested in knowing how great your company is doing unless it is of some use to those people. But then again, it doesn’t harm if you write about your benchmarks and achievements on your blog once you have established an amiable relationship with your readers.

What all must you consider in order to have a successful business blog

Do you want to create a successful business blog? Any sort of blog that is published while keeping a sense of success in mind needs effort and dedication. As rightly mentioned on this thought-provoking Successful Blog post, a successful business blog takes

Successful Business Blog

  • Time
  • High-quality content
  • Clearly defined purpose
  • Identifiable personality
  • Unique individuality

I would also like to add strategy and marketing, and of course, perseverance, if you want to create and maintain a successful business blog. Many people think that marketing a blog means that you are trying to promote your blog just to increase traffic so that you can either sell affiliate products or ad clicks. Even when you are publishing a business blog you need to market it with ongoing effort so that it gets the exposure it deserves. After all you publish a successful business blog to attract people to your main business.

That is why it is prudent to get help in order to publish a successful business blog. It is better to outsource rather than trying to do it in-house. Of course you can hire a full-time writer/researcher in order to produce regular business blog content but he or she won’t come with an entire package the way a professional content writer who works independently does. Anyway, this decision depends on your overall business approach. The basic objective is running a successful business blog.

Starting a blog and then not managing it properly (for instance, having a bad design, or publishing blog posts irregularly and intermittently) can be counter-productive because it can sully your brand – in fact it is better having no blog at all. On the other hand a well-managed blog can bring you unprecedented business dividends. So you have to chalk out a strategy before starting a blog.

As mentioned above you must realize that once you start publishing a business blog you will need to dedicate some time to it in order to make it a success. You cannot simply generate a post in just 15 minutes and that too on an ongoing basis unless you are a prodigy. Individual posts may take up anywhere between 1-2 hours.

The most important ingredient of your successful business blog is going to be the content that you publish. Blogs are known by the sort of content they have. It should be relevant, well-written and engaging. People should find it useful and relevant. This also covers the purpose of your blog: you have to figure out why you want to publish a business blog in the first place.

  • You want to communicate to your visitors regularly?
  • You want to update them about your latest offerings?
  • You want to keep the buzz alive around your business?
  • You want to educate your prospective customers and clients?
  • You want to solidify your social media presence?
  • You want to improve your search engine rankings?

In fact all the points mentioned above are important and they give a purpose to your business blog.

Personality and individuality always help. People rather prefer to interact with people and not unknown business representatives. Talk to your visitors as a person.

Finally, whenever you plan to start a business blog just start it, don’t think of success or failure for at least 5-6 months. Many business representatives find sharing their thoughts on their business blogs intimidating but it is actually quite fun. You get to know some great people, you make new friends and you create new business opportunities for your visitors as well as yourself. Let it evolve gradually. Every day you will learn something new even if you hire a content writer for your blog.

A successful business blog also requires a sustained effort. Even if you cannot produce quality content always, it is your persistence that eventually pays. In fact your blog readers don’t expect you to produce exceptional blog posts all the time. They just want you to be there in one form or another. Sometimes you can create blog posts of more than 1000 words. Sometimes you have just 100 words to say. Sometimes you just want to post a photograph or share a video. In order to create a successful business blog, there should always be something happening over there.

10 ways to get regular content for your website or blog

Continuous writing

To be successful on the Internet you constantly need to communicate with written words. Written words – the content on your website or blog – constantly convey your thoughts to your visitors. They attract new visitors and keep the old visitors hooked to your writing. But this also involves writing regularly. The more regular you are, the greater is the level of interaction and communication. Agreed, networking and interacting on other blogs and online forums do play a vital part, eventually it is your content that wins you the day.

Unless you have ideas of encyclopedic dimensions it is very difficult to come up with new ideas and new matter on a daily basis. You can do this without external help if this is the only thing you do: thinking about and generating content for your blog or website. But if you have only got, say between half-an-hour to one hour, to think about what to write, collect your thoughts and plan them and then write them down, it becomes an uphill task and often gets assigned to the back burner. Here are a few things that can help you get regular content for your website or blog:

  1. Hire a content writer or a team of writers: You can hire writing services according to your budget but this is the best option if you have no time to research and write content for your blog or website. The person that you hire most probably has experience researching online and coming up with fresh and relevant content. This doesn’t mean that you assign the entire responsibility of creating content for your blog a website to your content writer, you will need to constantly keep a vigil and make sure that the content tallies with the fundamental philosophy of your blog or website.
  2. Subscribe to RSS feeds: There can be an information overload when you are subscribed to too many RSS feeds but your RSS feeds subscriptions can prove to be the best resource to get fresh writing ideas. You just need to stick to the most important blogs and content websites while tracking your RSS feeds. Don’t rush while subscribing because this will eventually lead you to around 1000+ subscriptions and the mere number will dissuade you from even opening your RSS reader. Subscribe to RSS feeds judiciously and follow them closely in order to get fresh updates.
  3. Use blog search: Many search engines, including the good old Google let you conduct searches on various blogs. You can use your favorite search term to check what all people are writing on it and then come up with your own content accordingly.
  4. Read about your topic: Reading gives you lots of writing ideas as it fills your mind with your thoughts and wisdom. Whether you agree with what you are reading or not you have something to say, either pro or against. Reading also expands your knowledge-base and the more you know the more comfortable you get writing on your topic. Read books relevant to your field, read blogs and websites that talk about your topic, and interact on online forums. Of course you will need to keep a tab on your time in case you don’t have much time to spare.
  5. Visit content aggregation websites: Content aggregation websites such as popurl.com, alltop.com, digg.com, etc. publish lots of highly relevant and contextual links with great regularity. Make it a point to visit these content and aggregation websites routinely. It is better if you can go to them at least once a day but you can decide your schedule according to your work schedule.
  6. Interact as much as you can: Regular interaction exposes you to newer opinions and varying ideas. Interact with people who are already doing great things in your field. For instance if you want to write about blogging then you should try to regularly interact with people who are successful bloggers. You can use social media networking websites like Twitter and FaceBook to keep track of the ongoing conversations. For these social media networking websites there are many online tools that help you track conversations according to topics and keywords. Actively participate in these forums. But be sure of what you are communicating.
  7. Use your existing content for new ideas: Many of your existing blog posts and articles may carry further topics and subtopics. Sometimes an entire article can be created out of one subheading. For instance, if you wrote a blog post on the benefits of regular blogging you might have written about using blogging as a great blogging tool and you might have written just one paragraph on the topic. Why not write a complete blog post or an article on that?
  8. Invite your visitors to give you ideas: Lots of bloggers ask their visitors what they would like to read on the blog. I think this is a great way of getting new writing ideas because after all the most difficult part of writing regularly is getting writing ideas. Once you have a topic it is much easier to come up with the content. You can ask your visitors to give ideas regarding what they would like to read on your blog or website through the comments section.
  9. Maintain an ideas file: Ideas are like the sparkling fireflies; they happen randomly and unless you have reached Nirvana, you can hardly control them. It is always better to devise a mechanism to preserve them whenever they grace you. You should maintain an ideas file and keep storing ideas whenever they occur so that you can refer to it whenever you need to get some new writing ideas.
  10. Be passionate about your topic: Your mind brims with new and exciting ideas when you are passionate about the theme of your blog or website. Your passion helps you focus and work harder towards collecting your thoughts and expressing them; people can feel the passion in your words and expressions. But can you be passionate about something you are not comfortable with? This dilemma is often faced by professional writers because they have to write on myriad topics with unwavering interest. How do they keep the flame of passion burning all the time? They derive their passion from the fact that they have to write well no matter on what they are writing. In a similar manner you can seek passion in your topic too.

Aside from these activities you can also syndicate content from various organizations that provide regular content to blogs, online magazines, online newspapers and websites.

When you regularly update your website or blog it shows that you are serious about talking to your visitors. It doesn’t always have to be prim and proper and you can be especially yourself on your blog provided you are not discussing your pyjama parties and doggy excursions all the time on your Internet marketing blog; the content should always be relevant to your theme and must always have a target audience.

Content marketing doesn’t stop with n number of webpages or blog posts

Whenever I tell this to my clients they think I’m trying to get more business from them, which is true, in a sense, because if I’m telling you to get more content from me, and that too on an ongoing basis, I cannot afford to provide it for free. It’s like, getting solar panels installed on your roof is a good step because once you have covered the cost of installation the power you get is practically free (and you save your environment from getting more polluted).

So, it doesn’t make sense to grow cynical if a solar energy company asks you to buy solar panels from it simply because it would mean it is trying to do business. Anyway, the point of this post is not that. I think generating content on an ongoing basis must be a conscious choice and being a savvy business person you should be able to decide for yourself.

Having said that, if you’re getting 20 articles or blog posts written and after that you think that your content marketing campaign is over you need to rethink. Millions web pages are being generated on a daily basis. At least 500-1000 among them are lapped up by search engines, bloggers, website publishers and social media/networking users to promote and spread. These are the top ones that attract the majority of the traffic of that particular day.

For how long can you sit on the laurels of those 20 articles or blog posts? The reality of the current state of the Internet is that you constantly need to publish new content in order to stay in the game.

You want people to keep coming back to your blog or website. You also want social media/networking users to continuously promote your content. You want the search engines to keep on crawling your website/blog so that whenever you are making new offers or updating your content it is indexed and reflected in search results very fast. You want to cover as many keywords as possible in order to increase your targeted search engine traffic. You also want to build a community around your product or service so that people not only buy from you they also promote your business through word-of-mouth marketing.

This requires ongoing content publishing.

Both people and search engines are constantly looking for fresh, topical content to learn from and to promote. They are not going to highlight or promote the same content again and again.

You need to provide them fresh content.

Publishing new content on an ongoing basis doesn’t mean that you do it every day (although this is preferred because you accumulate more content faster). There are many clients who prefer just one blog post every week. Some go for three blog posts. It depends on their budget and the requirement. There are many types of audience and some audience do not appreciate receiving fresh content everyday.

So quantity is not an issue here. The issue is continuity. Publish less content, but keep it going. It is like business marketing. Do you stop after a single campaign? No you don’t. Companies keep coming up with new campaigns in order to draw new customers and clients. Content marketing is also a part of that process.

With what frequency should you publish your blog

People often wonder how many times they should post on their blogs in order to create a successful presence. There is no set rule. It depends on what you are actually trying to achieve through your blog. If your blog is new it is better to publish daily and sometimes (again, it depends on what you’re trying to achieve) even multiple times in a day because this may get your blog indexed by various search engines quickly. Once I published on a particular blog 4 blog posts every day and sometimes even 10 and its links started appearing on the first page within two weeks.

Quick publication can be counterproductive too if you write only on a particular topic because your readers may not have enough time to go through so many blog posts on a daily basis unless they’re solving some purpose. In such cases, you are fine with just one blog post every day.

Although publishing everyday may not be very crucial for your website/blog it can help you build your content fast and attain visibility, and consequently, recognition for publishing high-value content on a regular basis. People remember you better when they see or read something from you every day.

If you are simply gathering content under your website/blog you can post on alternative days or with whatever frequency that suits you (or your budget if you’re getting your blog posts written by a content writer). Some of my clients go with just one blog post every week and recently I started writing for a client who wants one blog post every second week.

Benefits of publishing regularly

There are many benefits of publishing blog posts regularly:

You build keyword-rich content faster

The more you write the more keywords and key phrases you cover with your content. As you keep on adding new blog posts to your blog the search engines gather and organize your links and then rank them according to their keyword relevance. Blogging everyday is the fastest way of getting good search engine rankings.

Better social media and networking exposure

Social media and networking is about rampant activity. Something is always going on and everybody is vying for attention, whether organizations or individuals. Hence it is very easy to forget names and brands. If you post every day it gives new fodder to your followers and friends. You encourage them to reach out to you and share their opinion. You constantly engage them and give them a reason to visit your blog daily.

It establishes you as an expert and an authority

I don’t mean to say that if you publish everyday and even if you’re publishing trash you become an authority in your field — no it doesn’t work this way. But it helps if you’re content is of high-value and frequent. Visit Seth Godin’s blog and you will notice that he gives remarkable advise without missing even a single day. Although I haven’t personally checked it people say that he posts even on Christmas. He is known for his great advice and he is also known in the blogging world for not missing even a single day of posting. Besides, sharing knowledge makes you more knowledgeable too as each time you publish something related to your profession you need to study and come up with valuable, usable information.

Aside from these benefits, again, it depends on what you are trying to gain through your blog. More than frequency what matters is quality. Even if you publish one blog post every month make sure that it is high-quality because eventually that is what gets you recognition from people as well as search engines.