Tag Archives: seo writing

Tackle the Coronavirus outbreak with strategic SEO

Work on your SEO during the coronavirus outbreak

Work on your SEO during the coronavirus outbreak

At the cost of sounding opportunistic, I’m getting multiple updates in my email and all over the web that digital marketing may get a boost during the coronavirus/covid-19 outbreak.

I know, marketing budgets are being slashed. Businesses are still recovering after the initial shock.

Everybody is adapting to the new reality that is going to manifest for a long time.

Social distancing has magnified the importance of the digital environment.

Although, no longer a novelty, the world had resisted fully adopting the digital and had been existing in an avoidably physical environment with people needlessly rushing to their offices and contributing to vehicular pollution.

No matter how worse the situation gets, people will need to get on their feet, even if mostly digitally.

This is going to throw up a new marketing opportunity.

The way people search is changing fast. People are looking for new ways of earning a livelihood and even carrying on their lives.

SEO can play an important role in this. This blog post titled Marketers find SEO vital to facing coronavirus challenges refers to an SEO research that has thrown up the following highlights:

  • 64% respondents say that there are going to be drastic cuts in the marketing budgets.
  • 86% say that meeting annual goals due to the coronavirus outbreak seem like a distant dream.
  • 63% say that search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever.

The last point is important from the perspective of what I am writing.

Why SEO is very important in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak?

One, everyone is scrambling for whatever is left of the business opportunities.

Two, it is often very difficult for bigger organizations to adapt and adopt. This is an opportunity for smaller businesses.

Also, bigger businesses are less courageous and agile than smaller entrepreneurs.

Bigger businesses are cutting short their marketing budgets and this is also having an adverse effect on their search engine rankings.

You can use this opportunity to work on your SEO and improve your search engine rankings vis-à-vis other big and small businesses.

You can also write and publish content according to change in the paradigms.

Find out what people are looking for in the altered reality and then write and publish content accordingly.

The above-linked blog post rightly says:

Most media investments are fleeting. You buy an impression, you get an impression. You buy a click, you get a click. Your content and SEO are like bonds. You invest today. You begin to get yield today, and if you execute well, you continue to drive value for many years – without making any more investments. This is like a high-yield bond fund, not a lot of risk, and it just grows and grows and grows.

SEO, underpinned by targeted content writing, is a long-term investment that, once it starts paying, pays for a very long time.

You may like to read 10 SEO content writing tips for your small business.

I will share my own observation of the recent coronavirus-ridden times.

My traffic hasn’t reduced. In fact, there have been very small spikes.

It means, people are either exploring content writing and content marketing opportunities for themselves, or they are aware of publishing high-quality content for SEO.

Going by the effort that I put in, I would also like to go to the extent of saying that even the number of queries hasn’t gone down although, the conversion rate isn’t as good as it used to be.

It means people are realizing the importance of quality content writing vis-à-vis SEO, but they are finding it hard to make financial decisions. Which is understandable.

Anyway, this is a good time for you to work on your SEO. Multiple factors are in your favor:

  • Bigger businesses are spending less on marketing and SEO.
  • Many small businesses are still coming to terms with the new reality.
  • Many businesses think that the situation is going to pass quickly (which is not the case) and by the time the reality dawns upon them, you can get a head start.

These are difficult times. Many businesses are being closed down. Many have already closed. People have lost their livelihoods. Lap-up every opportunity you get.

What does voice search optimization mean and how to write for it

Optimizing content writing for voice search

Optimizing content writing for voice search

Voice search optimization means writing your content in a language that people use when speaking.

You write shorter sentences. You avoid using complicated words. You write in the form of questions and answers.

30% of all search is voice search these days. More than 60% of Amazon Echo and Google Home users don’t plan to go back to using keyboard for looking up for information.

2019 voice search statistics

2019 voice search statistics

Voice-enabled interfaces are increasingly being used, including Siri, Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant.

As the number and sophistication of voice-controlled and voice-enabled devices increase, it is becoming more important to take voice search optimization seriously.

What is voice search optimization?

Optimization for search engines still includes using the right language and the right keywords. Keyword optimization isn’t going anywhere.

Voice search means writing your content the way people talk, the way people use their voice to interact with their devices.

You must know that the way we talk and the way we write are different.

Normally, the words and phrases that you use when you’re writing, are quite different from the words and phrases that you use when speaking.

Write like people converse

Write like people converse

When you speak, you use more day-to-day words. You speak smaller sentences. You don’t use lots of conjunctions.

When you use voice search, you don’t use very stiff language. You use conversational queries. You talk as if someone is sitting in front of you.

Another very important thing is that you don’t use monosyllables or mere keywords to search. You use complete sentences or complete questions.

Remember longtail?

Suppose you have a mobile app development business and you are looking for a content writer for your website. When using voice search, you may say, “who is the best content writer for my web design business?” Or “find me the best content writing service for my web design website”.

Since it is easier and convenient to say instead of write, people tend to use very precise queries.

Hence, when you are optimizing your content for voice search, you keep two things in mind:

  1. You optimize for longer expressions, sometimes complete sentences.
  2. You use very simple language, and to the point, shorter sentences.

Include the most important information in the beginning itself because when people use voice search, their devices talk back to them based on the information they find on your web page or blog post.

Another big reason why the language that you use must be very simple and straightforward is because when people speak into their devices, they hear back from their devices.

So, for example, if someone uses the Google Assistant to search for information, and if Google finds your link, it is going to read the first paragraph to the searcher.

It will be easier for the searcher to understand what is being said if the sentences are shorter and straightforward and the words are easier to pronounce.

People use voice search because it is faster. Of course it helps that it is also becoming easier and more accurate. Even back in 2017 the Google Assistant was almost as efficient as humans when it comes to understanding and processing language.

Sometimes you don’t even have to pick up your phone. You can just trigger the voice enabled interface (“Hey Google”, for example) and search for information. Then through the speaker you will hear the result. You can go on doing whatever you are doing without having to physically interact with your device.

Devices are becoming more efficient in listening to what is being said and then finding the information accordingly. Which means, many people use voice search and voice commands just by default, without even realizing how the technology has advanced over the years.

Why optimize for voice search?

Because optimizing for voice search helps you whether people are using voice to search for you or typing using the keyboard. Voice optimization also helps you optimize your content organically.

Search engines like Google are preferring voice-optimized content over traditional content.

How to optimize for voice search when writing content

Many people fear that if they right very simple content it doesn’t sound professional.

This is not the case. You can see it on my website or blog. I don’t use very complicated or highfalutin words.

Nonetheless, you won’t say that my writing is unprofessional.

Simple writing doesn’t mean writing unprofessionally. If you have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes, then your writing is unprofessional.

If you have a very pedantic style of writing, even then you seem unprofessional because unnecessarily complicated writing means you lack confidence.

Here are some things you can do to optimize your content for voice search:

Write in the form of question and answer

Write if you are providing an answer to a question.

For example, do I provide content writing services to help you improve your search rankings for voice?


And then I explain how I achieve that for you.

Optimizing for search, or for that matter, even in the conventional sense, isn’t a matter of hurry.

Develop an understanding of how people talk, what words they use, when they talk about your business or the product or service you sell.

Then use that language to write your content.

Provide the answer in the beginning itself

It is understandable that you want to provide as much information as possible on your web page or blog post.

It is often advised that you should create very long blog posts – 3000+ words – for better search engine rankings. So, you must wonder, if you spill the beans in the beginning itself, what do you cover in the remaining copy?

In the beginning, provide the answer in a gist so that when the person hears it, he or she gets the needed answer for the question that has just been asked.

Then, in the remaining copy you can explain various steps.

Since longform content is better than “thin” content, I have observed that many writers needlessly inflate their writing with lots of information and stats. Especially in the beginning.

For example, if you want to learn how to optimize your content for voice search, is it really important for you to know how many people right now are using voice enabled devices?

You already know how important it is to optimize for voice search and this is why you’re looking for information.

Sure, stats are important. Graphs are important. Data analysis is important.

But you don’t have to cram everything in the beginning just to build a case for yourself.

Having said that, if you really want to pack lots of information, you can do that later, as an add-on.

Write simpler sentences

Again, simple language does not mean unprofessional writing. It simply means not beating around the bush.

When you are writing content, every sentence must solve a purpose. It must have a reason to exist. When you are writing a sentence, think whether it is adding value to your overall writing or not. If it is not adding any value and you are using it just to show off your writing skills, remove it.

The same goes for difficult words. When you’re writing professional content – content for a business website or blog – it is not an opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills.

You are writing so that more people convert. For that, without having to make lots of effort, they should be able to understand your copy and then decide whether they want to buy from the website or not.

Hence, be specific. Don’t try to capture multiple ideas in a single sentence. Use one sentence for one idea.

Make your content as relevant as possible

Remember that compared to conventional way of searching, voice search is very precise and at the same time, random.

In the conventional way of searching (using your fingers to type the query) you get to see multiple results in front of you. If you don’t find the first result satisfying, you can click the second or the third result or even the 10th result.

This is not the case with voice search. Google (or another voice assistant) simply starts reading what it thinks is the best result. There are no alternatives. There is only one top result. So, give your best.

Spend some time observing people. Don’t depend a lot on “keyword tools” because they create noise and stop you from thinking from the perspective of your users or visitors.

Talk to people if you can. Ask them what they would search for if they need to buy your product or service.

Maybe initially you won’t get the answers you’re looking for. Keep trying.

Make a list of keywords people actually use and then weave your content around these keywords.

Know what is the intention and then write accordingly

Billions of searches are done on Google alone with different intentions.

When optimizing your content for better rankings – whether for voice or for the usual text/typing – knowing the intention of the searcher is very important. Even small things can make a big difference.

Why do people look for the information they’re looking for?

Do they want to compared two gadgets to decide which one is the better to buy?

Do they want to educate themselves to make another, related decision?

Are they simply searching for the name of the company to find the URL and then go to the website?

Broadly, there are three types of search intents:

  1. Informational intent
  2. Navigational intent
  3. Transactional intent

In informational intent, you are simply seeking information, for example, “why were the pyramids of Giza built?”

or “which is the best historical tourist destination in South India?”

or “how to optimize my writing for voice search?”

These are instances of searching for information. You don’t intend to buy something, at least not right now.

Optimizing for informational intent brings you exposure even if does not bring you customers and clients with a desire to buy something immediately. It is good for branding and visibility.

In navigational intent, people simply want to go to the website but either don’t want to type the URL or don’t know what’s the URL.

You may search for “credible content” to go to credible-content.com.

You may search for “Twitter advanced search” to find the section on Twitter that allows you to do advanced search.

“Knitters club website in Wisconsin” to find a website of some knitters club.

Transactional intent is for buying. It may not be immediate buying, but the person carrying out a transactional search is about to buy. He or she is just looking for the right thing or the right information. For example “MacBook Pro rates in Washington”.

Hence, for voice search optimization, you may first decide which searcher’s intent you want to target and then write content accordingly.

You can target any intent because they all have their uses.


Finally, all boils down to relevance and ease of use. This is something that cannot be stressed enough.

Be highly useful so that your content comes up in search results for voice. And explain your point as clearly as possible so that people can understand it when the device is narrating your information.

How to get relevant traffic with SEO copywriting

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant search engine traffic

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant search engine traffic

Anybody can get traffic from search engines. Very few can get relevant traffic.

Well thought of SEO copywriting can help you get more relevant traffic from search engines, as rightly suggested by this Copyblogger blog post.

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting means writing content on your website or blog with the intention of improving your search engine rankings but at the same time, maintaining the quality and the engagement level of your writing.

Read: 15 SEO copywriting tips that will certainly improve your search engine rankings

Copywriting is all about convincing your visitors into performing the action that you want them to perform once they are on your website or blog.

Although, you are mostly writing content for your website or blog, many people prefer to call this form of writing as copywriting because you are constantly selling something whether it is the idea of downloading your e-book or further exploring your web pages or submitting your contact form or subscribing to your email updates.

When you also add the aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) it means using words, phrases and expressions that give Google and other search engines the exact idea of what you are communicating or what information you are providing to your visitors when they visit that particular link.

Read: Importance of keyword research before writing content

It then helps the search engines rank your content for those particular words and expressions (what you call keywords).

Using SEO copywriting to get relevant traffic

As mentioned above, relevant traffic means getting traffic that converts. Relevant traffic should increase your sales.

There are many ways you can use SEO copywriting to get relevant traffic to your website or blog.

Use highly focused content for better SEO

The above Copyblogger post suggests that you aim for a “minimum viable audience”. This immediately rings a bell.

Just today I was explaining to a client (mobile app development) that one single blog post shouldn’t try to contain all possible keywords and search terms for better SEO copywriting.

Instead, focus on solving one single problem and then provide a solution.

I know, in the times of longform content it is often suggested that comprehensive blog posts must be created that cover every possible topic related to the main, big topic.

Though, there is nothing wrong in doing that, but as much as possible, don’t dilute your content.

According to recent Google updates, it is not the length of your content that improves your SEO, but the relevance, the value that you provide.

Also, it is not possible for everyone to create 3000+ word blog posts with regularity.

Instead, focus on as narrow a niche as possible.

Don’t overlook location-based SEO copywriting

Suppose you provide accounting services in London. It’s no use optimizing your copywriting for keywords like “accounting services”, “bookkeeping services” and “accountant services” because these are highly competitive terms.

You have a better chance of ranking well if you concentrate on writing content for terms like “accounting services in London” and “bookkeeping services in London”.

Want to narrow down more?

Suppose you mostly serve clients in Notting Hill. Then why not focus on “accounting services in Notting Hill”?

If you can create lots of web pages and blog posts on how well received your accounting services are in Notting Hill, you will surely get relevant traffic and generate more local business.

Aim for less competitive keywords

A bit old advice, but still relevant.

High-competition keywords can take you ages especially when scores of websites and blogs are already ranking well for them. They must have toiled for months and even years to reach that position and you will need to do the same (or wait for a stroke of luck).

On the other hand, make a list of less competitive keywords, what they call “low hanging fruits”.

You may think that you will get less traffic for those less competitive keywords, but at least there will be some traffic in the foreseeable future. It is better than having no traffic.

Follow time-tested SEO conventions during copywriting

An increasing number of Google updates focus less on the language that you use and more on the intent with which you write and publish content. Nonetheless, the words that you use still matter.

Hence, use your main keyword within the first 100 words of your write-up. The logic is that sometimes the search engine crawler leaves your website without reading further. This is why, it is very important to hit upon the main topic as early as possible so that the crawler doesn’t miss the main point.

Aside from this, use your main keyword in the title of your web page or blog post and if possible, let your keyword appear in your URL.

It is understandable that you get a high when Google Analytics shows a rising graph of your search engine traffic. But unless that traffic increases your business, it is of no use.

This is why, when SEO copywriting, don’t focus on generating traffic, focus on getting relevant traffic.

How to hire the best SEO content writer to improve your rankings

How to hire an SEO content writer to improve your rankings

How to hire an SEO content writer to improve your rankings

Here is an interesting and informative post on Moz.com titled “How to screen and recruit the best SEO content writers“.

As someone who provides professional content writing services, SEO content writing and online copywriting, on daily basis I am dealing with clients who are looking for a writer for their website or for their blog.

I’m sure you may say that I’m targeting the wrong audience and hence I’m attracting wrong clients, but most of the clients first want to know how much my SEO content writing services are going to cost.

Hence, cost is a major worry for them.

Do they want quality?

They claim that they do, but I can understand by the way they talk they think that writers are available “a dime a dozen”, and I don’t blame them.

Nonetheless, when you are hiring a content writer seriously, and by seriously, I mean that you know that you will have to pay money to a good SEO content writer, the suggestions listed in the above link are good.

I am rehashing some of them below.

Why do you need an SEO content writer?

SEO-friendly content writing

SEO-friendly content writing

Personally, I believe you need a good content writer or a good writer who understands your topic and understands what your readers are looking for.

If your writer can take care of these two aspects, he or she is a good SEO content writer.

Anyway, you need an experienced writer to improve your search engine rankings because ranking these days is not as easy as it used to be.

There are many reasons.

Millions of pieces of content are being added to the web on daily basis.

In the beginning of the Internet there weren’t many people vying for the top positions.

To add to the difficulty, Google is also constantly improving its ranking algorithm.

In the past decade, three major algorithm updates done by Google are Panda, RankBrain and “Fred”.

There was also a Penguin update which the article hasn’t mentioned.

A long time back I wrote a blog post on it for Content Marketing Institute, titled, “How to survive the Google Penguin update with effective content writing“.

Panda was a major reshuffle in the early parts of the previous decade and it annihilated the rankings of many websites.

RankBrain uses searchers’ intent to decide your rankings.

A related blog post: Do you know how Google actually ranks your content? ()

Fred weeds out content pieces that don’t add any value.

So, basically, Google is trying its best to keep your content away from top rankings if your content is not of good quality and doesn’t provide any value.

This is why you need an SEO content writer.

An SEO content writer can take care of three things simultaneously:

  1. Write high-quality content.
  2. Write content according to your keywords and key phrases.
  3. Write content that is relevant to your readers.

What to look for in an SEO content writer when you are hiring one?

This is, what is explained in the above Moz.com link.

Here are a few things to consider when hiring an SEO content writer:

Knowledge of on-page SEO and writing optimized content

Although I have written above that it basically takes a good writer to help you improve your rankings, certain on-page SEO factors are important when writing content.

Can your SEO content writer

  • Write content based on your keywords and key phrases?
  • Come up with optimized titles knowing that your title plays a crucial role in deciding your rankings?
  • Utilise internal linking?
  • Write longform content of 2000+ words, if need be?
  • Write web friendly and mobile friendly content?
  • Show a good track record of ranking content for important keywords?

On my website you can find all this information even before having to contact me.

There is a great chance that you have come on this blog post through Google or another search engine.

You can also see plenty of interlinks on my blog and on my website.

All my blog post and web page titles are completely optimized.

Although I use important keywords to write my content, I don’t needlessly stuff them.

Knowledge of user experience and authoritative content

Your SEO content writer must know the importance of writing and publishing authoritative content.

Authoritative content is very crucial for your search engine rankings because it tells Google that your content can be trusted and valued.

Also, the SEO content writer that you hire must be able to write search friendly content.

It means, the content must be arranged under appropriate headings, subheadings, bullet points, and sentences and paragraphs.

Learn to value a good and experienced SEO content writer

Improving your SEO is a two-pronged process: just as an SEO content writer is supposed to understand your needs and the needs of your customers and clients, you must also understand the value of a good and experienced SEO content writer.

It’s true, you can find content writers a dime a dozen, but it is very difficult to find SEO content writers who can really deliver.

The fault lies on both the ends of the spectrum: content writers started offering their services dirt cheap and now most of the clients expect them to deliver their services dirt cheap, heavily compromising the quality in the process.

Hence, the first step towards hiring a capable SEO content writer is recognizing the fact that just like any other service, you will have to pay for high-quality content.

Using Google Analytics for SEO content writing

Using Google Analytics for SEO content writing

Using Google Analytics for SEO content writing

Google Analytics is mostly a free tool. It has various premium tools, but you can make the most of it even in the free version.

You can use the insights given in Google Analytics for SEO content writing.

All you have to do is, add your website link to your Google Analytics account as a “property” and then copy/paste the analytics tracking JavaScript in the header or footer of your website template. Google Analytics is free. If you have a Google account (which pretty much everyone does), then you can access Google Analytics.

Before you proceed, whether you want to write SEO content or not, implement the Google Analytics code on your website so that the service can start tracking and compiling your data and you have some usable insights in a few weeks/months.

You may also like to read 10 tips on how to write SEO content for your website.

Finished? Let’s proceed now.

One of the most compelling reasons that you should use Google Analytics to track your traffic patterns is the fact that it is by Google, the very search engine you would like to improve your search engine rankings for. Hence, it has designed and developed the tool so that you can use it to write, publish and provide better content to the search engine.

Google Analytics section that help in SEO content writing

Google Analytics section that help in SEO content writing

Using your bounce rate insights to write SEO content

When you start tracking your website traffic, you will notice that you are not writing your SEO content in complete darkness, just based on guesswork. Google Analytics gives you a solid data on how people are consuming your content and how they are reacting to it, which is very important.

You may also like to read How to improve your bounce rate with quality content writing.

For example, Google Analytics gives you the bounce rate of not just your entire website, but also of individual links and blog posts. If you go through these stats, you will know on which page people leave (bounce off) your website the most and then you can make changes on that page in an effort to bring your bounce rate down.

Your bounce rate is the number of people who leave your website immediately after arriving on a particular link divided by the total number of people coming to your website multiplied by 100.

If there are multiple webpages and blog posts with high bounce rate, it means you are not writing and publishing content people are looking for.

There are primarily 2 reasons why people might be leaving your website so fast:

  1. You cannot hook your readers into your writing and hence, you need to improve on that front.
  2. You are not publishing content people are looking for and hence, when they found irrelevant content, they immediately leave.

Whatever is the case, you can audit your content, make appropriate changes and then resubmit your link to Google and wait for a couple of weeks. The new data insights will tell you whether your bounce rate has come down, remained the same, or has worsened.

What changes can you make to your content (through writing) to decrease your bounce rate?

  • Make sure you deliver what you promise.
  • Write your content exactly according to the title of your web page or blog post (the promise that you make in your search engine appearance).
  • Make your writing easier to read.
  • Learn to inform and entice.
  • Write short paragraph, preferably, a single thought in a single paragraph.
  • Organize your thoughts in bullet points wherever possible.
  • Write in a conversational manner.
  • Avoid using words your target audience may not understand.
  • Link to other important pages and blog posts on your website and encourage visitors to click them.

You may also like to read 10 fundamental qualities of effective SEO content writing.

Using the search console data to streamline your SEO content writing

The search console insights tell you which search terms and keywords people are mostly using when they find your website.

You may also like to read Importance of keyword research before content writing.

These may not be necessarily the keywords you are aiming for. These are the keywords and search terms your website is ACTUALLY getting traffic for.

Unless you’re using a specialized SEO content writing tool it may be difficult for you to write content exactly the way your audience searches. Through the search console data, you can find out

  • If you’re attracting traffic for wrong keywords and search terms.
  • If you’re attracting traffic for related keywords and search terms and thus, you can ride on the popularity of these mistaken keywords and search terms to improve search engine rankings for your desired keywords.

Average time spent on individual pages

This section of Google Analytics tells you how much time people spend on your pages and blog posts. If they’re spending very little time – just a few seconds – then you know that they’re not reading your content. They are just skipping it.

Go through those links and try to find out why people are not reading it. Are your title and content mismatched? Do you have lots of distractions? Is your writing unreadable? Is it totally uninspiring?

Try to improve your writing. If your paragraphs are very long, divide them into shorter paragraphs.

Remove the fluff because most of your readers will be put off or get bored.

Try to explain some of the intricate concepts using images, if possible. Remember that the important thing is that people stay on the web page or blog post they have arrived on.

The “Average time” metrics tell you on which page you should spend more effort. For example, there is no use putting your energies into improving webpages on which people spend ample amount of time.

On the other hand, if you notice that there are some very important webpages where people must spend more time but are not, try improving them. Try various combinations.

This may take some time, but don’t worry. SEO takes time and effort.

Using the Referrals section data to improve your SEO

In Google Analytics, on the left-hand sidebar, there is a section called “Acquisition”. If you click on “All Traffic” and then on “Channels” you can find various websites that refer traffic to your website.

You may observe social media channels and independent websites linking to your various webpages and blog posts. Are very few people linking to you? If this is the case, you can start making changes to your existing content to make sure that it is link worthy.

Why do people link to your content? It’s because you offer something valuable, something that their own visitors may find useful.

For example, if you have written well about a subject or topic, instead of rewriting it, if other Webmasters find your writing useful, they would rather link to you. But you have to find whether the content that you have written is link worthy or not. Be ruthless and objective when evaluating your content for this purpose, just the way other publishers would be.


The basic idea behind using Google Analytics for better SEO content writing is to find out what you’re doing and what impact your SEO writing is having on the nature of traffic you are getting.

If you’re trying to target our region, Google Analytics can tell you whether you are drawing traffic from that region or not and if not, you can make changes to your content.

If you are targeting certain keywords, Google Analytics can tell you if you are drawing traffic for those keywords or not. Otherwise, even if you’re getting lots of traffic but the traffic does not originate for the desired keywords, it is not useful.

To be able to use Google Analytics, as described above, you will first need to install the script to your website and even after that, you will need to give it a couple of months before it can gather enough data to present it in the form of usable insight that you can further use for better SEO content writing.