Tag Archives: Search Engine Optimization

Is your content writing sabotaging your SEO?

Is your content writing sabotaging your SEO

Is your content writing sabotaging your SEO

Content writing isn’t all SEO.

Although 99% of my clients approach me to write content for them so that they can improve their SEO, sometimes, search engine optimization is their least concern.

In fact, they even feel awkward about talking about writing content for improving their rankings. Recently I worked on a landing page copy that explains visitors why it is important to focus on keywords. But that’s a different issue.

The connection between content writing and SEO

To understand how your content writing has a direct impact on your search engine rankings, you must think from the perspective of search engine algorithms.

What is the purpose of a search engine algorithm?

It wants to find the best possible information for the user.

Now, a typical user isn’t concerned about how a search engine like Google manages that.

If she doesn’t find the right information, she is going to assume that Google isn’t good at it, even if she herself is not using the right search terms.

For example, there is a big difference between searching for “content writer” and “I need a content writer”.

When you search for “content writer” what do you mean?

Do you want to become a content writer?

Do you want to know how a content writer works?

Do you want to know what the term means?

How does Google know what you want?

Although it shows you the results, these results are not going to be precise because the search term may carry different meanings for different people (intention).

On the other hand, if you search for “I need a content writer” or “looking for a content writer for my business”, or “SEO content writer for real estate website”, Google knows what you’re looking for and accordingly, shows you the results.

Hence, as a professional service providing content writing, although “content writer” is a search term that represents what I do, it doesn’t exactly help my clients find me when they need me.

What I write and publish on my website, consequently, has a direct bearing on my SEO.

How your content writing may be sabotaging your SEO

You harm your SEO when you are constantly writing and publishing content your customers and clients are not trying to find.

As explained above, for my own website, I’m not interested in optimizing for “content writer” because one never knows what the searcher is searching for.

I’m not saying that people searching for “content writer” are definitely not looking for a content writer for their business, but it is such a high-competition keyword that it is not worth my time.

One of the biggest mistakes people commit is that they don’t do the needed research when preparing a list of their keywords.

The bulk of your traffic doesn’t come from your primary keywords such as “content writer” or “web designing” or “mobile app development” or “running shoes”.

I’m not saying these terms are not good. It would be excellent if you could rank on the first page for these terms.

But bigger companies, or individuals and organizations who have already built a considerable quantity of high-quality content around these keywords, are way ahead of you.

Even if you try to catch up with them, since they have already had a head start, you will be spending all your resources on these keywords, with little success.

This is one reason: focusing on primary keywords.

The other reason is, assuming that your target customers and clients are going to find you anyway, no matter what you publish.

Remember that search engine algorithms don’t have feelings.

They depend on artificial intelligence. They depend on machine learning. They analyze your words. Hence, if you don’t use the right words, they’re not going to pay attention to you.

So, even if your messaging is correct, if you are not using the right keywords, you are going to sabotage your SEO.

When does content writing improve your SEO?

When you are writing content for your website, you must focus only on those keywords and search terms that are going to fetch business for you, directly or indirectly.

I have used the caveat “directly or indirectly” because you also need content for brand building.

Not all traffic converts.

For example, if more people know about the fact that I’m a content writer, it is better for me.

When they need a content writer, they will know how to find me.

If they like what I constantly publish, when someone they know needs a professional content writer, they may recommend my website.

Hence, when you are writing content for your website, focus on two possibilities:

  1. Content writing for brand awareness.
  2. Content writing to get customers and clients.

Make a list of topics that will help you raise brand awareness. Then write content on those topics.

Make a list of topics that can fetch you customers and clients. Then write content on those topics.

Easier said than done, I know.

This is where you will need to spend time on research.

You cannot simply assume that people are going to use certain keywords and search terms because you feel that they should be using those keywords and search terms.

Pay close attention to Google suggestions.

Use Google Analytics to know what keywords and search terms convert better compared to the others.

Use your own logic.

What is the intention of people searching for content on your website?

Although you are writing and publishing content to improve your SEO, you also want to inform people, to educate them, so that they can make a better decision.

Hence, if I create a web page or a blog post on a topic like “looking for an SEO content writer”, I may be writing something like How to hire the best SEO content writer to improve your rankings, but my purpose is not to educate you and then send you somewhere else.

No, I tell you how to hire the best SEO content writer and then also tell you why I am your best SEO content writer.

This is brand awareness as well as selling your business.

Focus on precise keywords as much as possible. It may mean generating more content, but it also means reducing advertising costs. And of course, improving your conversion rate.

5 SEO improvements you can make through content writing

5 SEO improvements with content writing

5 SEO improvements with content writing

Over the years I have developed some insights into the workings of SEO. I’m not an SEO expert but when people contact me for my content writing services, they mostly want to improve their search engine rankings.

Since I’m constantly trying to improve my rankings, whenever I have to implement non-content writing SEO features into my website, I do some reading, I develop an understanding, and then I implement the changes.

Nonetheless, on this blog, whenever I talk about SEO improvements and search engine optimization in general, I talk in terms of content writing – how to write and publish your content in such a manner that it improves your search engine rankings.

It gets you targeted traffic.

Why targeted traffic from search engines is very important

Targeted content writing

Targeted content writing

You don’t want traffic from search engines. You want targeted traffic. Traffic that converts.

I have seen entrepreneurs and individual businesspersons trying to generate traffic no matter what. This doesn’t help.

I often like to cite my own example.

I had a web design business website in the early 2000’s. I built most of its traffic through content writing for my own website and for other websites (which then linked back to my website).

The problem was that I filled my website with “tutorials”. Instead of attracting businesses who wanted someone to design their websites, I was attracting aspiring web designers who were looking for some good tutorials.

I was good at writing tutorials. They were educational and funny at the same time. People enjoyed my tutorials. But they didn’t give me work.

Initially I was happy that I was getting lots of traffic. But then, with every passing month, the number of assignments kept coming down.

Personally, for me, it was a blessing in disguise. Although web design, both design and programming, came easy to me, my soul was into writing. That was the reason why people enjoyed reading my tutorials.

Hence, in 2004, I wrapped up my web design business and started providing professional content writing and online copywriting services.

This time I didn’t commit the same mistake. Although I routinely published content on my website and blog, I focused on getting clients, B2B clients, rather than people who wanted to learn content writing and copywriting.

This entails knowing what your customers and clients are looking for and then writing and publishing content based on your findings.

With this out of the way, below I list 5 SEO improvements that you can implement through your content.

1. Write content catering to the searcher’s intent

Write content for searcher intent

Write content for searcher intent

I have written about searchers intent multiple times on my blog.

Whenever you use Google, whenever you search for something, we always have an intention. You don’t search for time pass.

When something is wrong with your mobile phone, you try to find out if someone else faced the similar problem, talked about it and found a solution, so that you can solve your problem.

When you’re working on a school assignment, you want to research about your topic. You are looking for information.

When you want to buy an appliance, you want to know which model or which brand is the best choice for you.

In the times of the Coronavirus outbreak, you want to know how fast it is spreading, where it has slowed down, what are the latest dos and don’ts during social distancing, and how to make sure that you and your loved ones don’t get infected. You search accordingly.

When you need quality content for your website or blog, you search for something like “content writer for my business” or “content writing service for my business”, or something similar.

Hence, there is always an intent.

Intent can be of the following nature:

  • Navigational intent: Someone searching for “credible content” to find the URL of the website.
  • Commercial intent: Something like “need a content writer for SEO”.
  • Informational intent: Something like “can I improve my rankings with SEO content writing?”.
  • Transactional intent: Something like “how much does quality content writing cost?”

You can write and publish content based on different intents.

Searcher’s intent for your industry may be different.

Do you need to target every intent? It depends.

Even if people are not buying from you right now, you need to increase your brand visibility. So, it is always better to target all intents: navigational, commercial, informational and transactional.

But, maintain a balance.

As I have explained above, when I was promoting my web design services, I was mostly targeting people – unintentionally – who themselves wanted to become web designers.

There is nothing wrong in targeting those people, but I shouldn’t have focused mainly on those people.

2. Compile a list of keywords for creating content writing titles

Importance of keywords in SEO content writing

Importance of keywords in SEO content writing

Keywords are very important.

You may like to read Importance of keyword research before writing content.

Although there are many SEO experts who discount the role of keywords in your search engine rankings, I’m pretty sure even they secretly use keywords when producing content for their clients.

In terms of writing content, keywords are the search terms, or the search phrases people use trying to find information about your business.

There is no use targeting keywords with high competition. For example, if I want to optimize my website for “SEO content writer” it may be difficult because there are thousands of other people and businesses who are aiming for the same search term.

Instead, I may try to optimize for “SEO content writer for my web design agency” or “SEO content writing service for my dental implants clinic”, and such.

These are also called long-tail keywords. They are very precise. They may generate less traffic and they may be less competitive, but the traffic that they generate is more targeted and converts better.

Create a list of such keywords and come up with interesting and engaging (also informative) content topics.

You can use a service like Ubersuggest and Answer the Public to find the search terms you should be targeting through your content writing. For a very long time I have also used services like Serpstat and LongtailPro.

A good thing about a service like Ubersuggest is that it also shows you what topics the other websites are covering using the same keywords as yours.

Whatever service you use, the basic idea is to compile a list of topics based on your targeted traffic and then routinely start writing web pages and blog posts centered around those topics.

3. Use headings, subheadings and bulleted lists at every opportunity

Use headings and subheadings when writing content

Use headings and subheadings when writing content

On web pages, headings and subheadings means using HTML tags such as <h1>, <h2>… and so on. When you use your primary keywords within these tags, Google takes them very seriously. It assumes that since you have used your keywords or search terms within heading tags, they must be very important to you and for your content.

Just because Google takes text within these headings very seriously, it doesn’t mean you should overuse them.

On a web page or on a blog post, the <h1> tag should only be used once, preferably as the page header. If you use it multiple times, its importance begins to diminish.

What about the <h2> tag? Although you can use this tag multiple times on a web page, if you repeatedly use your keywords within this tag, even then it can send wrong signals to Google.

Remember that headline tags are for organizing your content under appropriate sections so that your content becomes scannable.

When working in MS Word you must have observed that you can expand and contract your sections under headings. This is so that it becomes easier for you to read long documents.

The same logic is applied when organizing content on long web pages and blog posts. The heading tags are for organizing ideas. If they happen to use your keywords, it’s icing on the cake, but don’t use them just for the sake of using them.

Bullet lists is another great place where you can use your keywords. When trying to make sense of your content, aside from the title and the headings, the Google algorithm also looks for important pieces of information in your bullets list section.

4. Don’t just use your primary keywords when writing content for your website or your blog

Use a diversity of keywords when writing content

Use a diversity of keywords when writing content

When you are writing content for your website or your blog, whom are you writing the content for? You are writing for people.

Hence, you should focus on delivering value.

It is understandable that to improve your search engine rankings you want to use your keywords and search terms, but if you are creating content just to use your keywords, it doesn’t solve purpose.

The artificial intelligence used by Google’s ranking algorithms takes into account the way people interact with your content while deciding your rankings.

If people don’t positively interact with your content, your rankings begin to deteriorate.

Google takes notes of how much time people spend on your website (inferior quality content doesn’t hook people).

If people carry on the same search for which they found your link it means they didn’t find the information they were looking for on your web page or blog post and hence, your link shouldn’t have the rankings it currently has.

Therefore, it is very important that your focus remains on providing value and then within that focus, you adjust your primary, secondary and long-tail keywords.

5. Write content in mobile friendly format

Write mobile friendly content

Write mobile friendly content

By 2019, 42% people in the world used voice search in one way or another. By 2025 72.6% people will be accessing the Internet just on the mobile phone.

This means most of your customers and clients will be accessing your website from their mobile phones. They should be able to consume your content easily on their mobile phones.

What does writing content in mobile friendly format mean?

  • Write shorter sentences.
  • Use simple yet professional language.
  • Avoid using multiple sentences in a single paragraph.
  • Avoid using compound sentences.
  • Make your content as scannable as possible.

Basically, people should be able to easily read your web pages and blog posts on their mobile phones.

Google has developed a technology to find whether your web pages and blog posts are mobile friendly or not and if they are not, it negatively impacts your search engine rankings.

SEO has majorly shifted towards your content these days. How you format your content and what value you deliver leave a big impact on your search engine rankings.

In fact, once you have taken the basic steps to optimize the structure of your website including, including correct information in the meta tags, all you have to do is, make sure that your content solves its true purpose.

When writing and publishing content, follow these guidelines and watch improving your search engine rankings right in front of your eyes.

How to hire the best SEO content writer to improve your rankings

How to hire an SEO content writer to improve your rankings

How to hire an SEO content writer to improve your rankings

Here is an interesting and informative post on Moz.com titled “How to screen and recruit the best SEO content writers“.

As someone who provides professional content writing services, SEO content writing and online copywriting, on daily basis I am dealing with clients who are looking for a writer for their website or for their blog.

I’m sure you may say that I’m targeting the wrong audience and hence I’m attracting wrong clients, but most of the clients first want to know how much my SEO content writing services are going to cost.

Hence, cost is a major worry for them.

Do they want quality?

They claim that they do, but I can understand by the way they talk they think that writers are available “a dime a dozen”, and I don’t blame them.

Nonetheless, when you are hiring a content writer seriously, and by seriously, I mean that you know that you will have to pay money to a good SEO content writer, the suggestions listed in the above link are good.

I am rehashing some of them below.

Why do you need an SEO content writer?

SEO-friendly content writing

SEO-friendly content writing

Personally, I believe you need a good content writer or a good writer who understands your topic and understands what your readers are looking for.

If your writer can take care of these two aspects, he or she is a good SEO content writer.

Anyway, you need an experienced writer to improve your search engine rankings because ranking these days is not as easy as it used to be.

There are many reasons.

Millions of pieces of content are being added to the web on daily basis.

In the beginning of the Internet there weren’t many people vying for the top positions.

To add to the difficulty, Google is also constantly improving its ranking algorithm.

In the past decade, three major algorithm updates done by Google are Panda, RankBrain and “Fred”.

There was also a Penguin update which the article hasn’t mentioned.

A long time back I wrote a blog post on it for Content Marketing Institute, titled, “How to survive the Google Penguin update with effective content writing“.

Panda was a major reshuffle in the early parts of the previous decade and it annihilated the rankings of many websites.

RankBrain uses searchers’ intent to decide your rankings.

A related blog post: Do you know how Google actually ranks your content? ()

Fred weeds out content pieces that don’t add any value.

So, basically, Google is trying its best to keep your content away from top rankings if your content is not of good quality and doesn’t provide any value.

This is why you need an SEO content writer.

An SEO content writer can take care of three things simultaneously:

  1. Write high-quality content.
  2. Write content according to your keywords and key phrases.
  3. Write content that is relevant to your readers.

What to look for in an SEO content writer when you are hiring one?

This is, what is explained in the above Moz.com link.

Here are a few things to consider when hiring an SEO content writer:

Knowledge of on-page SEO and writing optimized content

Although I have written above that it basically takes a good writer to help you improve your rankings, certain on-page SEO factors are important when writing content.

Can your SEO content writer

  • Write content based on your keywords and key phrases?
  • Come up with optimized titles knowing that your title plays a crucial role in deciding your rankings?
  • Utilise internal linking?
  • Write longform content of 2000+ words, if need be?
  • Write web friendly and mobile friendly content?
  • Show a good track record of ranking content for important keywords?

On my website you can find all this information even before having to contact me.

There is a great chance that you have come on this blog post through Google or another search engine.

You can also see plenty of interlinks on my blog and on my website.

All my blog post and web page titles are completely optimized.

Although I use important keywords to write my content, I don’t needlessly stuff them.

Knowledge of user experience and authoritative content

Your SEO content writer must know the importance of writing and publishing authoritative content.

Authoritative content is very crucial for your search engine rankings because it tells Google that your content can be trusted and valued.

Also, the SEO content writer that you hire must be able to write search friendly content.

It means, the content must be arranged under appropriate headings, subheadings, bullet points, and sentences and paragraphs.

Learn to value a good and experienced SEO content writer

Improving your SEO is a two-pronged process: just as an SEO content writer is supposed to understand your needs and the needs of your customers and clients, you must also understand the value of a good and experienced SEO content writer.

It’s true, you can find content writers a dime a dozen, but it is very difficult to find SEO content writers who can really deliver.

The fault lies on both the ends of the spectrum: content writers started offering their services dirt cheap and now most of the clients expect them to deliver their services dirt cheap, heavily compromising the quality in the process.

Hence, the first step towards hiring a capable SEO content writer is recognizing the fact that just like any other service, you will have to pay for high-quality content.

Content writing for humans means better SEO

The image urges you to write content for humans not for machines

Write content for humans not for machines

There is lots of talk about content marketing and content writing for humans. What does this mean? Aren’t we always writing for human beings? We’re not writing for cats and dogs, are we?

There is a reason why content writers and content marketers, and even SEO experts, advise you to focus on humans when writing content: most of the people seem to be writing for search engines because they believe that the most important thing to do is draw traffic from search engines.

Search engine traffic is important. If you don’t get targeted traffic, unless there is another channel that sends tons of traffic to your website, you are not going to get customers and clients. So, it goes without saying that focusing on your SEO is one of the most important marketing responsibilities you have while promoting your business online.

The problem is, improving SEO with content writing can turn into an obsession or an addiction because it gives you a high that in many cases, can be instant – it’s instant gratification. You have just published a blog post or an article and there you have it, it is already showing on the first page of search results. How thrilling.

Search engine ranking algorithms are past that stage when you could trick them into giving you better rankings. “Tricking”, though, doesn’t work these days and most of your content is ranked according to its quality and relevance, a majority of people still believe that SEO can be improved merely by including keywords without paying attention to the quality and relevance of the content being written.

Hence, the need to write content for humans and not for the ranking algorithms.

What is the difference between content writing for humans and for machines?

Again, I’m not saying everyone does that (because there is a higher level of awareness regarding this now) but while trying to improve search engine rankings, people often forget why they are writing. All they are bothered about is, improving their search engine rankings for their preferred keywords and search terms.

This image gives you an example of how people try to “optimize” their content for better SEO

The image demonstrates text in which someone goes overboard with optimization

Going overboard with optimization


What does content writing for machines mean?

Content writing for machines means writing simply to improve your SEO. It may or may not work, but here, your primary focus is to weave your text in such a manner that the search engine algorithm finds your text appealing and consequently, ranks it well.

It involves repeating your keywords a couple of times in the title of the web page for the blog post and then copiously using various keywords as simple text as well as hypertext, mostly indiscriminately throughout the body text.

Does it work?

Personally, I’m not sure. Sometimes in the search results, I’ve seen this working, but personally, I have never been able to benefit from it. My content ranks well only when I write well.

It isn’t advisable and it is strongly discouraged by reputed search engine experts, but still, you may find many search results that are of no value but are full of keywords and ranking well.

Why isn’t content writing for machines advisable?

Why do you want search engine traffic? You want people to come to your website or blog. Why do you want that? You want them to do business with you.

Do you think they are going to do business with you just because they are on your website or do you think they need to be convinced?

Have you ever spent money on a website where you cannot make sense of what is written over there or somewhere you don’t feel convinced?

I don’t think so.

Similarly, if you are merely focusing on improving your SEO and in the process, neglecting the quality and the relevance of your content, although you may get traffic from search engines, this traffic is not going to convert.

This is where content writing for humans plays an important part.

What does content writing for humans mean?

When you write content for humans, you focus on the message, you focus on the quality and the relevance of what you are writing rather than obsessing over SEO.

When you are writing for humans, you don’t completely ignore the SEO part, but your primary concern is to make your content engaging and meaningful. You want to provide useful information to your visitors so that they can make up their mind about doing business with you.

You spend your effort on quality. You do lots of research. You pack as much useful information as possible.

Then what about SEO?

If you simply focus on the subject at hand, your search engine rankings are automatically improved.

People are constantly asking questions to search engines (something like, “looking for the best content writer for my business”) and the job of the search engines is to provide the best answers to people.

Search engine ranking algorithms are constantly being improved to achieve that. The mathematicians and computer scientists working on these algorithms don’t want to be tricked into believing that something is good when it is not.

But at the same time, they want their algorithm to be able to recognise text patterns and calculate how important that piece of content is for a keyword.

Balancing between writing content for humans and machines

This can be achieved by writing your content primarily for humans, but at the same time using the language that they use with search engines.

For example, if you are looking for a professional content writer and if I want you to be able to find my link on Google and then come to my link and after reading what I have published, you should consider doing business with me, I should focus on talking about my abilities as a content writer rather than advising you on how to become an author like Shakespeare.

Although, maybe I’m trying to convince you that I’m as good as Shakespeare and hence, you should hire me as your content writer, and there is nothing wrong in presenting my services from that angle, your primary focus is not someone who writes like Shakespeare, but someone who can write professional content for you that can help you grow your business.

The point is, if I want to generate traffic from people who are looking for a content writer, then obviously I should have lots of content talking about content writing, content writer, SEO writer, SEO content, content marketing, and such, because this is how Google figures out that I have lots of content for these terms.

But I shouldn’t obsess over these terms just for the heck of it. I should carefully choose topics that talk about these search terms in a manner that they convince you that I’m a better content writer than someone else.

Why there is a need to constantly write and publish such topics?


Personally, I feel I have covered whatever I needed to help people decide whether they want to hire me as their content writer or not.

As new content emerges, old content is pushed down. If new content is not published on the website, it begins to lose its search engine rankings no matter how exceptional the content is. Search engines like Google prefer fresh content, and fresh content on an ongoing basis.

Hence, I try to publish new content every week. But, though, I need to publish content regularly, it doesn’t mean I do it with total disinterest just as a chore. I take full interest. I pay special attention to the fact that if you are reading this, you are learning something, you are benefiting from it and you are able to implement my advice on your own content writing if you want.

This is how I maintain a balance between writing content for humans and the machines.

Useful Instagram Marketing Tactics That Also Have Positive Impact on SEO

Useful Instagram tactics to improve your SEO

Useful Instagram tactics to improve your SEO

Social media is nowadays used as serious business branding and marketing platform rather than a place for chitchatting. This is a known thing to every business owner.

From small to large scale businesses, everyone wants to make their online presence more commendable as well as successful with social media. Various social media websites are there. People genially use Facebook and Twitter for business marketing.

Apart from them, many other social media platforms are there, offering excellent business marketing opportunities. But, webmasters lack skills and technical expertise for business marketing through social platforms.

For example, when it comes to business marketing with Instagram, we generally get stuck with some conventional ideas.

Sharing some product or service-related photos, making some interesting posts and using hashtags meticulously is not just enough. These are important, but they are not just good enough to fetch effective business marketing results with Instagram.

You need to find bloggers or brand influencers on this social media platform.

Getting linked with them will help your business gain more exposure. Such technique of collaboration for business marketing is well known but limitedly practiced by small-scale businesses, especially new businesses.

So, you need to explore this option as a small business owner.

How do you collaborate with bloggers and brand influencers? Well, you can get linked up with them in a few simple steps. Those steps have been discussed in the following section of this article.

Finding Bloggers and Brand Influencers

Finding bloggers for getting collaborated is not a difficult thing, though many business owners do not know this process. As they are ignorant of this process, they perceive it as complicated.

It is a common human trait to consider something as complicated when we lack enough knowledge of it. To omit complications, you should know the process well.

Now, the question is how to find these bloggers or brand influencers? Well, in this world of internet-based communication, do we need to face a hard time finding something? Anything you want to search, you can ask it to Google or search it on the internet.

All you need to do is to search some blogs on your business niche or domain.

For example, if you run a restaurant or home delivery canteen business, you need to search for blogs that are run by foodies. You need to find the blogs that feature information on various home delivery services in a specific area.

Once you have found such blogs, you need to create a list of them. You need to check the popularity of such blogs. The best way of judging their popularity is to check their Google search page ranking.

To learn more, you can check Gramblast.

Now, you need to check the person or group of persons who run these blogs.

You can easily find them, and their Instagram profiles as everyone links blogs with their social media website profiles so that they can get Instagram followers.

Once you have found their profiles, you need to talk to them and give them the idea of collaboration. It would be a mutual business contract. Both would be benefitted with such contracts.

Setting Up Contract Terms and Conditions

To create a professional business contract, you need to create a list of terms and conditions.

You need to make sure that the terms and conditions will protect the interest of your business.

But, at the same time, it should have something beneficial for the blogger as well. The idea is to getting benefitted mutually.

The blogger or brand influencer would have his or her own set of terms and conditions. He may have his own unique pricing policies. You should go for negotiations for terms if required. This is the most crucial step for collaboration.

Taking a rigid stand in such a scenario would not help your business to grow. You need to compromise with certain policies and you have to invest a good amount to get a valuable return. No good thing comes for free.

Running Business Slogan Contests

Running contests or special business events would attract many budding bloggers and brand influencers.

For example, you can run a caption contest on your Instagram profile. Using this contest will help your business to grow.

You shall find that budding, as well as experienced bloggers, will participate in the contest, provided that you have lucrative prizes in offering for winners.

It is not just a caption or slogan for your business; you shall get in touch with many professional bloggers who may show interest in business collaboration.

So, you should never miss out such an opportunity for business collaboration. A lot of other innovative methods are there, and business owners should try them out to get easy collaboration on Instagram.

Involving the Followers through Quizzes

Just like slogan contests, quiz content is also a good idea to find more involvement of the followers on the Instagram business page.

It is to be reminded that these contests should be aimed to spread fun as well as happiness. So, quiz questions are needed to be selected in that manner. Not just that, you also need to appreciate the fans who post the right answers to these quizzes.

A quiz brings an important aspect too. It helps to conduct a survey in a casual way. Through the quiz, a business can get feedback from the followers on its products or services. Overall, customer satisfaction can be judged through these surveys.

Nevertheless, the quiz contests help the followers to enhance social engagement. It leads to spreading awareness on various business aspects. As a result, people get more familiar with the products or services.

Improve your SEO with Instagram marketing

Improve your SEO with Instagram marketing

The SEO campaign of your business will get a significant boost with a tactical use of Instagram.

Today, social media is inseparable from business marketing strategies. Every business wants to enhance online presence so that more people can recognize the business. In this process, the SEO campaign of business can get a significant boost. Overall, it helps the businesses to do well on the aspect of gaining brand value or brand exposure.