Today I was looking for an accountant with disability and it suddenly dawned on me, just like I’m looking for a disabled accountant, there might be people looking for a disabled content writer.
Now, I have never revealed my disability to any of my clients. I have not mentioned my disability on my content writing website or blog. There is no need. I get work from my clients because I write, and many of my clients think I write well. There is no logical reason for bringing up my disability, cerebral palsy. I’m more than 80% physically disabled. I can speak so I can dictate and when I couldn’t dictate, I used one finger of my both hands to type. But the thing is, I could type using a computer or a laptop so again, there was no need to talk about my disability.
It isn’t like I feel awkward about talking about my disability with my clients. It’s just that, there was no reason to talk about it. They need a content writer and if I can complete the assignments it doesn’t matter to them whether I’m disabled or not or whether I have some sort of disability or not.
So why bring it up now, after so many years?
Two reasons:
- I’m aggressively trying to grow my content writing business these days and if there is an opportunity, I want to grab it.
- It just came to my mind, just as I’m looking for an accountant with a disability, there might be someone out there looking for a content writer or simply a writer with a disability
So, due to whatever reasons, if someone is actually looking for such a writer, why not make it easier for him or her to find one?
Why hire me as your content writer with a disability?
At this juncture, I’m not writing this to convince you that since I have a disability you should hire me as a writer. You should hire me because you are looking for a capable writer, either for your website or your blog, or for any other reason. My disability doesn’t define me as a person or as a writer (I’m not denying it does not have a big impact on my life, but that’s another issue). I want you to hire me because I can deliver. Me being disabled and you being looking for a disabled content writer is just a coincidence.
Me being disabled doesn’t automatically mean that I am sensitive towards various issues concerning persons with disabilities, but I’m actually well-connected with the burning issues. So, if you are looking for someone who can write about disability issues as an insider, then I’m your writer. I have had my share of experiences with lack of accessibility, both infrastructural as well as attitudinal. Discrimination in a third-world country isn’t exclusive to persons with disabilities, but yes, it is taken for granted that if they are being discriminated against, it’s their own fault. So, yes, I have also faced and spoken against various forms of discrimination. I have journalistic experience.
Though, I must admit that many organizations in India working for the disabled haven’t hired me as a content writer, not because they don’t want to hire me, but because I have never really promoted my content writing services amidst the disability sector, which, I’m going to do now.
So, do get in touch if you’re looking for a writer with a disability. We may or may not work together, but let’s connect and see what happens.