Credible Content Writing Services has been providing top notch professional content to businesses in India as well as abroad. Although occasionally I collaborate with other writers in India and elsewhere when the assignments are bigger, mostly, I personally handle writing assignments. In case you’re wondering who I am, Hello, I am Amrit Hallan, the chief writer here.
So what sort of writing need do you have? I can provide you writing services for the following job descriptions:
- Website content writing
- Email marketing content writing
- Blog content writing
- Article writing
- Rewriting and improvising existing text
- SEO content writing
- Social media content writing
- Hindi-to-English translation
- Technical content writing
- Guest post writing
- Ghost content writing
Why you should hire my content writing service from India?
If you’re looking for a specific content writing service in India I must confess there are scores of options, and I won’t hesitate to say some of the content writing services in India are doing a heck of a job. When I started providing my professional content writing services I remember there were very few such services available, especially in India because there wasn’t much awareness about the importance of content.
There was also this perception (misperception) that native writers are better and there would be all sorts of problems with hiring content writing services from a country like India where English is not a native language (since I write in English this is my main focus, although content writing can be done in any language).
Well, since 2005 (since I started writing content professionally) I have been getting assignments from countries as diverse as the US, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, France, Egypt, Pakistan, Italy and Poland. But you will be surprised to know that maximum amount of my overseas work comes from the US, the UK and Australia where native language is English.
Anyway, coming back to why you should hire my content writing services when there are so many such services easily available in India? You will notice that I don’t even rank well for most of my related search terms (my own fault).
Here are a few reasons you may like to work with me:
- I don’t run a content writing shop; I write because I can write convincingly, because I love to write and writing has been my bread and butter for more than 12 years now (at the time of writing this in 2017).
- Apart from being a professional content writer, I have business sense too. When I write content for you, more than from your point of view, I will write your content from your customers’ or clients’ point of view, because ultimately, they are your target audience. Once you have explained your business to me, I have this ability to know what sort of content will help you grow your business. So, it is given that I will be writing content for you once we start working together, but my primary aim is always to increase your business and I write content constantly keeping that in mind.
- I’m not going to win awards for writing, but I do write convincingly. My style is conversational – which is prevalent on the Internet – but it doesn’t mean I’m lax when it comes to grammar and spellings. I’m too lazy to follow a style guide but if it is mandatory, I can easily follow it. I can convince your customers and clients. I can engage them once they are on your website. I can strike up conversations with them through my writing.
- I write content that is good for your SEO (search engine optimization) without an over-use of keywords. I focus on natural language which the search engines prefer. I strategically use keywords and search terms relevant to your business. In fact, many of my clients hire my content writing services because they want to improve their search engine rankings.
- I’m consistent and dependable. I have been around for a very long time. Search “amrit hallan” on the Internet and you will find a ton of my writing. Not everything is great and there is some stuff I’m not proud of, but the thing is, I have been writing for a long time so, this gives me sort of an edge.
So, these are a few reasons why you may like to work with me. I’m sure you will be able to find many of these qualities among other content writers in India and that is fine if you want to work with them. But since you are already here, why not get in touch and see what we can do together?
No, I don’t provide cheap content writing services in India
You see, the problem with a cheap content writing service (this applies to any service) is that it is very difficult to define what is “cheap”. Cheapness depends on your ability to pay and the expectation that you have. Some people may find $15 per webpage quite cheap. A person who charges $200 per webpage may find $50 per webpage quite cheap. You may even find content writers writing webpages and blog posts for as low as $5. Even $1.
I don’t know what is your idea of cheap content is, but I don’t promote my services as “cheap content writing services” because both – businesses that are looking for cheap services and services that are providing cheap services – are primarily focusing on the “cheap” factor rather than what is needed.
If your primary criteria is a cheap content writing service from India then go ahead, you will find plenty of them in just a few seconds (literally). All the best.
I focus on value. I want to work with clients who want to grow their business not by saving money, but by investing money. They are not looking for cheap content, they’re looking for business assets. Every webpage, every blog post is a business asset because it brings business to you.
When I’m writing content for you I’m using years of experience. It is a skill you are paying for, not the content. If you just want writing, you could have done it yourself. You want good writing. You want convincing writing. You want your writing to do business for you, attract clients, improve your conversion rate. You don’t want just writing. You want writing that works, right? For that you have to pay, just like whenever you buy something, you have to pay.
Having said that, I don’t overcharge. I’m quite accommodating too. For example, I don’t worry about the number of words once I start writing. It doesn’t mean you pay for a blog post and then make me write an e-book, but you get what I’m saying. If I’m charging $25 for 300-500 words, even if the webpage or the blog post goes up to 700, 800 or even 1000 words, I don’t mind, and I don’t charge extra.
For my Indian clients, I have different rates because they pay in Rupees.
So, this is basically the webpage where I have described my content writing service in India. I provide an international service. As I have mentioned above, I get work from many countries. Recently I discovered that people also search for phrases like “quality content writing services in India” and such so I thought I should have a page dedicated to the phrase. If you were able to find this page on Google or another search engine, then this webpage has solved its purpose as far as drawing you to my website goes. But it’s true test is, whether you decide to work with me or not.