I provide content writing services to businesses from all over the world, so why create this web page dedicated to the “India-based content writing service phrase”? Do I want to attract people who are looking for a content writing service from India, or Indian clients who would like to prefer to work with an Indian content writing service?
No, there is no particular agenda, at least on my side.
These days I am trying to cover all the phrases pertaining to my business and if you have found this link on Google then welcome! This exercise has borne fruit.
When it comes to providing my content writing services I’m not at all regional. You can be from anywhere. If you want well-written content (in English) and if you have got the money to pay for my content writing service, then I’m all yours. In fact, 90% of my work comes from United States, Australia, England and a couple of other European countries.
Why you might be looking for an India-based content writing service?
Well, people search for stuff for all sorts of reasons. A few weeks ago, I created a page titled “Looking for a content writer with a disability?” and lo and behold! I have already gotten two clients who are actually looking for a content writer with a disability and they found my link on Google. So, this gave me an idea, why not create some dedicated pages for people looking for content writers with certain attributes? This is my reason. What could be your reason?
Maybe you’re looking for some cheap content writing service and you think India would be a better place to find one? Sure, the cost of living in India is not as high as, let’s say, the United States, so an average content writer can afford to charge less than his or her counterpart in the US, but it doesn’t mean cheapness is the only factor you should be looking for.
In fact, if this is your criteria then I’m sorry, I’m not your ideal content writer. I’m not saying my charges are very high, but they aren’t even so low that you would hire me because I provide cheap content. I provide quality content and I charge a rate I feel comfortable with. You may find it cheap or not, depends on how much you value your content.
If you are in India and you’re looking for an India-based content writing service, the reason could be that you feel it will be easier to communicate and again, maybe the charges will be less. Again, I don’t compete in terms of providing cheap content writing services, I compete in terms of providing quality and result-oriented content writing services.
Whether you are in India or abroad, I provide the following content writing services:
- Website content writing services
- Blog content writing services
- SEO content writing services
- Email content writing services
- Social media content marketing services
- Marketing copywriting services
- Content marketing and consulting services
Want well-written and convincing content for your blog, website or email marketing campaign? Contact me and I will provide you all the needed information.