Totally tailored speech writing services in English and Hindi.
Do you want to hire someone to write a speech?
Are you looking for a speech writer who can write a convincing and engaging speech?
Want to make an impact with your speech?
Then it matters how your speech is written.
Revolutions have been triggered with speeches.

But not every speech needs to trigger a revolution.
You may need a speech just to boost sales in your region or to motivate your audience to become your paid subscribers, or win a school or college competition.
Do you need to make a great impact on your audience with moving words and power-packed expressions?
If you have been searching for a speech writer online, you have come to the right place.

I offer Hindi and English speech writing services to individuals who really want to make an impact when they speak in front of an audience.
As your speech writer, I can offer you the following speeches:
- Motivational speechwriting
- Keynotes
- Retirement speechwriting
- CEO speechwriting
- Graduation speech writing
- Writing for speech competition
- Sales speeches
- Political speech writing
- Corporate speeches
- Public speeches
- Toast for a wedding
- Party speech
- Farewell speech
My speech writing process
My speech writing process is very simple. You give me the pointers, and I write you the speech. This is one way.
The other way is, you give me the main theme and then let me prepare my own stuff with research and experience.
Recently someone approached me who needed a motivational speech that was to be delivered in front of first-year college students. It was on the importance of having clearly-defined goals in one’s life. Nothing else.
There is a ton of information available on this topic but it is difficult to compile it into an engaging speech that you can give in front of a young audience that might be distracted.
No pointers were given. In fact, the person told me he had no idea what to say, but he needed a powerful speech.
Anyway, his speech was a hit.
Another story about my speechwriting service
Rohit was gearing up for his college reunion.
Eager to make it unforgettable for himself and his classmates, he decided to deliver a speech that would capture the essence of their shared memories.
That’s when he found my speechwriting service on the Internet. He read how I’m a speechwriter who goes beyond just words.
Rohit opened up about his college days, sharing tales of late-night studies, road trips, and the fun that defined that era.
Instead of just nodding along, I took a different approach.
I asked detailed questions, wanting to delve into the heart of his experiences.
I wasn’t just interested in the stories; I wanted to understand the person telling them.
With these rich insights, I embarked on my speechwriting process.
Speechwriting service.
Carefully selecting words, I transformed Rohit’s memories into a unique narrative.
The goal wasn’t just a well-constructed speech; it was to create a piece that felt like it emanated from Rohit’s own heart and soul.
The night of the reunion arrived, and Rohit, dressed in anticipation, took the stage.
As he spoke, the room hushed, and a wave of nostalgia washed over everyone.
The carefully chosen words, inspired by our detailed conversations, worked their magic.
It wasn’t just about the stories; it was about how Rohit said them.
The language adopted was his – his tone, his style, his essence.
The speech wasn’t just a string of words; it was a journey back in time.
The room erupted in applause by the end.
Rohit’s speech had not only talked about college; it had made everyone relive those young, dream-big days.
Afterwards, the reunion turned into a lively celebration, with everyone reminiscing about the good times.
Rohit hadn’t just given a speech; he had brought back memories, added a personal touch, and made the night truly special.
This tale holds a lesson – a good speech is not just about words but about making people feel something.
The carefully chosen words, combined with Rohit’s genuine delivery and the adoption of his language, made the night extraordinary.
It’s about turning memories into words that resonate and adopting the speaker’s language to make it uniquely theirs.
That’s the secret behind a memorable speech – a blend of personal connection, genuine emotion, and the art of storytelling.
Here is my speech writing process, once you decide to hire my speech writing services:
- You give me the topic.
- You give me the gist of the speech if you have it.
- You send me your main pointers preferably as bullet points.
- If you have some research material or data you send me that, or I can find it on my own (obviously, it will cost you more).
- I write the initial draft for your approval.
- I finalize the draft after your approval.

Custom speech writing service, as if you are your own speech writer
I provide completely customized speech writing services.
Once I am through with your speech – after getting your input – it will be as if you yourself have written the speech.
The speech will be a complete reflection of your own thoughts and emotions.
It will be totally around your personality.
Humorous, serious, sarcastic, professional, metaphorical, I can write you a speech in every manner of speaking.
What’s the difference between speech writing, content writing and copywriting?
You must be wondering how a person who normally writes content for websites and blogs and copy for landing pages, can also write a convincing speech?
I am communicating all the time. Convincing people is my job. I earn my living off it.
To be able to write a good speech one needs the following qualities:
- Write very well
- Use a conversational, engaging tone
- Deliver a powerful message
I deliver these qualities when I’m writing content and copy for my clients, on a daily basis. The same I can deliver for your speech.
What exactly is a speech?
You can say speech is a monologue. It’s a one-way communication (provided you’re not constantly interrupted). It is to communicate an idea forcefully.
A speech can be interesting or boring, depending on the idea you are communicating, the relevance of the idea, and the manner in which you’re delivering the speech.
The most important attributes of an effective speech are:
It informs:
Giving factual information always draws attention from people.
You can use data.
You can reveal something.
You can take references from history.
You can predict future.
The moot point is, you are telling something to people that they don’t know and which should be very interesting and relevant. People should be able to relate to the information. They should be able to find the information useful.
It persuades:
Political speeches, for example, need to be persuasive.
You need to persuade people to support your political party or your candidate, or yourself.
The speeches that you make in front of your prospective customers and clients should persuade them into doing business with you. You should be able to convince people into believing you in taking the action that you want them to take. Persuasive speeches are factual and logical.
To invoke memories and leave a lasting impression:
You make such a speech during farewell speeches or speeches based on special occasions like weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.
It motivates:
Basically, every speech needs to be motivational.
Your audience should be motivated to do something.
The difference between persuading people and motivating people is that you may persuade people by giving them hard facts and some logical argument, but you can motivate people with emotive expressions by reaching out to their conscience or morality.
These are writing parts.
Another attribute of a successful speech is, delivery.
Ultimately, it is your delivery that makes or breaks your speech.
No matter how great a speech is, unless every word comes from within, unless you really mean to say what you are saying, unless you are passionate about what you are saying, it is not going to make the right impact.
But, combine all these attributes (listed above) and you have got a power-packed speech with you.
Why hire speech writing services?
You may need to hire a speech writing service for many reasons including
- You need a professionally-worded speech with excellent English or Hindi.
- You want a speech prepared with conviction and hard facts that can impress your audience.
- You are not comfortable with the language – English, Hindi, or both – and you want someone proficient to write your speech that you can simply deliver.
- Although you can write a great speech for yourself you need another’s perspective.
- Although you can write a great speech for yourself, you don’t have the time.
Should you be hiring a speech writer for yourself?
Don’t worry, everybody does.
All politicians do.
Top executives and managers do.
CEOs do.
Motivational speakers do.
Teachers and academicians do.
Sometimes even writers do.
Other than these, the following types of individuals may need the services of a speech writer now and then:
- Celebrities
- Event chairpersons
- Award recipients
- Keynote speakers
- Corporate executives
- Maids of honour
- Best men at weddings
- Commencement speakers
- Speakers at the graduation ceremony

What is the biggest benefit of hiring a speech writer or a speech writing service?
The biggest benefit of hiring speech writing services is that once you have given the specs, you can focus on other things while a highly impactful speech is prepared for you. You don’t have to sit on your desk and rack your own brains.
If you are a rustic Indian politician, what sort of words you use may not matter much, but if you are a professional, if you are an educated speaker, if you are a teacher, if you are a motivational speaker, words matter.
Everybody can write. We learn writing in school, and even in college. In fact, we are writing all the time.
Then, why should you hire a speech writer?
Again, words matter.
If you are a professional writer, or if you have a knack for writing, congratulations!
Not everybody is a writer though. People can write, but they are not writers, just as people can hum a song, but not everybody is a singer.
You can be a walker and a jogger, but these don’t make you an athlete.
Because words matter.
All the great leaders of the world are known for their erudition.
To know why you should hire a speech writing service, you first need to know why you need to give a speech?
If you want an answer to this question, first of all you have to answer what you want to give a speech for?
There might be many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons why you want to give a speech is that you want to make an impact.
You want to leave an imprint.
You want to change people’s belief.
You want to convincingly communicate an idea.
You want to captivate people sitting or standing in front of you with every word and every sentence you speak.
Are you ready to change the world?
Then you need my speech writing services.

FAQs about my speech writing services in English and Hindi

Do I write speech equally well in English as in Hindi, and vice versa?
I’m well-versed in both the languages. Though, I mostly provide content writing and copywriting services in English so far, my speech writing assignments have been in Hindi, 80% of the time.
In whichever language I’ve written the speeches, my clients have been happy and satisfied. So yes, whether you want me to write your speech in English or Hindi, I will be able to do a good job.
Ultimately, it depends on your expectation. From the writing point of view, I will leave no stone unturned.
Am I also a professional toast writer?
Yes, I have written toasts for wedding ceremonies in Australia, UK and the US. I also provide a wedding speech and wedding toast writing services.
How much input do I need from your side while writing your speech?
It depends on the complexity of the speech. You will need to give me a basic idea of what you want to say.
Today I worked on a speech writing assignment and the client asked me to come up with “something nice” after doing some research on the Internet, without giving me any input. He just told me what should be the speech about.
If you want to inject a sense of personality into your speech, it is better that you give me some outline. If you have got some punch line with you, you should give that also. If you want to use some data, it is nice if you can provide me that data or at least the sources from where I can get it.
The more information you give me, the better speech I will be able to write.
Is it better to work with speechwriting firms or with a freelance speechwriter?
Depends on your choice. See where you are more comfortable, how much your budget is and what degree of personalized service you require.
Most of my clients contact me because they like what I have written on my website. They like the style and they want that particular style in their writing.
The problem with working with agencies is that you never know which writer is going to work for your speech. But, when you contact me, you will know exactly what you will be getting and who will be working for you.
Is there something called a free speech generator?
No idea, but I have come across this term on the Internet. Again, I will not try to convince you for or against something. You are the best judge of what you need, so, act accordingly.
Why don’t I offer a fixed rate for my English and Hindi speechwriting services?
I don’t offer a fixed rate even for my content writing and copywriting services. Every project is unique and writing is not a commodity that can be sold for a fixed price.
You may want to give a speech for five minutes. You may want to talk for 20 minutes or even an hour. Accordingly, less or more effort will be needed and hence, my rates are flexible.
Do you need a native English speaker to write an English speech?
One of the biggest Sanskrit scholars (whether you agree with his views or not is another matter) comes from America. Not a native Sanskrit speaker.
Salman Rushdie has won multiple Booker Prizes. Not a native English speaker.
But, as I have already written above, the choice rests on you.
You must have gone through my website. You must have read this page.
If, after going through my website and after reading this page you think that you need an English-speaking speech writer to write a speech in English, then sure, you need one.
Writing is an ability. Writing is not about language. If people could become writers mainly by knowing the language, everyone who knows a language could be a writer in that language. Writing is a skill.
Yes, there might be some native and local nuances, some shibboleths I may not be aware of but it is not a guarantee that someone who is aware of these local nuances and shibboleths will be a good writer and a good communicator too.
This is why, your role is important. I will write convincingly, and you will be giving the information to fill the gaps.